December 1941 (120 page)

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Authors: Craig Shirley

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Los Angeles Times
, “County Ordered to Save Salvage,” December 31, 1941, 6.

. John MacCormac, “Railroads Expect Aid from Tire Ban,”
New York Times
, December 31, 1941, 9.

Baltimore Sun
, “Whither Fashion in 1942,” December 31, 1941, 10.

Honolulu Advertiser
, “Ted Williams Is Voted Baseball's Man of Year,” December 31, 1941, 8.

. Joan Fontaine Female, “‘Citizen Kane' Picked as Top Movie of '41,”
, December 31, 1941, 19.

Honolulu Advertiser
, “No Messages Received Since Late Last Night,” December 31, 1941, 1.

Honolulu Advertiser
, “No Messages Received Since Late Last Night,” December 31, 1941, 1.

. Associated Press, “Indies Papers Ask Public to be Patient,”
Baltimore Sun
, December 31, 1941, 3.

. Husband E. Kimmel,
Admiral Kimmel's Story
(Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery Company, 1955), v.

. Husband E. Kimmel,
Admiral Kimmel's Story
(Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery Company, 1955), 169.

Hartford Courant
, “Short Dies at His Home in Texas,” September 5, 1949, 1.

. Associated Press, “Line South of Manila,” December 31, 1941, 1.

. Hanson W. Baldwin, “What Navy Is Doing,”
New York Times
, December 31, 1941, 4.

. Martin Caidin,
Golden Wings
(New York: Bramhall House, 1960), 108.

. Associated Press, “Hope Fades in Gotham,”
, December 31, 1941, 2.

. R. P. Cronin Jr., “Outnumbered Forces of Allies Being Pushed Back by Invader,”
, December 31, 1941, 2.

. Dewitt MacKenzie, “The War Today: Strengthening of Singapore Now Is Squarely Up to U.S.; Weakness in Air Power Is Cited,” December 31, 1941, 2.

. Associated Press, “Japanese Dive Bombers Control Roads as Tanks Smash Closer to Capital,”
Baltimore Sun
, December 31, 1941, 1.

. Associated Press, “Sailor in Hawaii Sees Grave Marked as His,”
Baltimore Sun
, December 31, 1941, 2.

. Leland Stowe, “Burma Road Scandal,”
Boston Evening Globe
, December 30, 1941, 1.

New York Times
, “Gandhi Steps Down in War Policy Rift,” December 31, 1941, 6.

, “Lynchings in 1941,” December 31, 1941, 6.

New York Times
, “The Day in Washington,” December 31, 1941, 9.

. Dewy L. Fleming, “Half of U.S. Income to Go for War Effort Under Roosevelt Plan,”
Baltimore Sun
, December 31, 1941, 1.

. Associated Press, “Washington Holds Partial Blackout,”
Baltimore Sun
, December 31, 1941, 7.

. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, “Memorandum To President Roosevelt From Rome Regarding Covert Conversation with Goering,” January 31, 1942, Hyde Park, New York.

. Pierre J. Huss, “Jap Attack Was Nazis' Secret Weapon Against U.S., Writer Discloses,”
, December 31, 1941, 1.

. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, “Memorandum for the Naval Aide to the President, Regarding Factional Strife in Germany; Possible Peace Moves,” September 26, 1941, Hyde Park, NY.

. United Press, “‘Frau Roosevelt Named by Hitler,”
Boston Evening Globe
, December 31, 1941, 2.

. Canadian Press, “Prime Minister Churchill's Address to Canadian Parliament,”
New York Times
, December 31, 1941, 6.

. Jon Meacham,
Franklin and Winston
(New York: Random House 2004), 5.

. Jon Meacham,
Franklin and Winston
(New York: Random House 2004), xvii.

. David Brinkley,
Washington Goes to War
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988), xiv.

. David Brinkley,
Washington Goes to War
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988), 27.

. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, “Memorandum to Rear Admiral Ross T. McIntire, (MC) U.S. Navy, The Surgeon General, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, Washington, D.C., from Elphege A.M. Gendreau, Captain, (MC), U.S. Navy Flight Surgeon, United States Pacific Fleet, U.S.S. Pennsylvania,” December 11, 1941, Hyde Park, NY.

. Martin Caidin,
Golden Wings
(New York: Bramhall House, 1960), 89.

. Studs Terkel,
The Good War
(New York: Pantheon Books, 1984,) 1.

Baltimore Sun
, “Special Prayers Planned for U.S., December 31, 1941, 6.

. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, “Message From President Roosevelt to the American Embassy London, Triple Priority, National Day of Prayer Message,” December 31, 1941, Hyde Park, NY.


. Fred Pulis,
The Impact and Legacy Years, 1941, 1947, 1968
(Victoria, BC: Trafford, 2000), 15.

. Carl Jung Resources, “What Is Synchronicity?,” Last Modified: 2011,

. Martin Caidin,
Golden Wings
(New York: Bramhall House, 1960), 102.

. David Brinkley,
Washington Goes to War
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988), 43.

. Walter Trojan, “Blame 2 for Pearl Harbor!”
Chicago Tribune
, January 25, 1942, 1.

Hilo Tribune Herald
, “Japan May Strike Over The Weekend,” November 30, 1941, 1.

New York Times
, “Medals Given to 9 by Admiral Nimitz,” May 28, 1942, 8.



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