Deceiving The Groom (7 page)

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Authors: Lisa Shadow

BOOK: Deceiving The Groom
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Geoff sprang up and grabbed her arms. “Keep it together, Claire.”

Claire straightened and gave Geoff a solid shove in the chest. He dropped his arms and stepped back. Her chest still heaved but she controlled it by breathing through her nose.

“You should know better than to try and argue with her. You really blew that, and you dragged me into it.”

Claire’s chin dipped and her gaze honed in on Geoff. Her jaw clenched, and her teeth grated together. Geoff’s blonde lashes fluttered, the only sign the cold bastard felt anything.

“Do you know what she said? That she was doing what’s in Penny’s best interest.” Claire aimed her finger at Geoff. “Tell me, is it in Penny’s best interest to live in a home where she’s never spoken to, never hugged, never praised, just told what a burden she is, how stupid she is, how grateful she should be!”

Geoff held up a hand “I’m not argu—”

Claire slammed her palm on her chest. “I’m the only one Geoff! I’m the only one who says they love her. She needs me, she needs to be with me.”

Geoff’s features softened a little and he nodded. “Okay, Claire. But for now, try to play by Mom’s rules. I’ll see if I can get her to let you have your phone calls.”

Claire rubbed her chest, the pounding in her ears calming. “I’m not playing by her anything. That cow lost that right when she threw me out of her home at eighteen while I was still in school.” She shook her head, refuting the thought. “I’ve been letting her continue to make the rules. I’m done.”

Claire straightened, her gaze boring into Geoff’s. She placed one hand on his shoulder. “We need to get Penny.”

Geoff’s stance shifted, and his expression took on the air of a cat slinking towards cream. “Then there’s one more thing you need to do.”


There was no way she could pull this off. It was all she could do to slap on the expected reciprocal smile and hand the woman behind the counter her driver’s license. The woman took it, the saggy skin of her underarm jiggling with the movement.

“I’ll need your marriage license too.”

The woman asked like it was a simple request, but it was like slicing off skin. She drew the envelope out of her bag. It felt like carrying a bomb around and she half expected a SWAT team to jump out of the bushes and pounce on her.

Claire’s hand hesitated at the counter. Was it too late to stop this? She could still walk away. It was Liam or Penny.

Her gaze flicked over the woman, unsure where to rest so she settled on the freckle just above her eyebrow. Was she giving herself away? She couldn’t tell. She couldn’t look at the woman straight enough to know.

Her heart thumped in a way that was becoming too familiar, too frequent. She blinked. There was still time to tell the woman she had changed her mind. But, Penny. Claire relinquished the paper.
. The woman unfolded it and turned to her computer.
. Her gaze flicked to Claire, her eyes squinting a little in the corners like she might perceive Claire’s thoughts.
Penny, Penny, Penny.
Claire made a caricature of a smile.

The woman looked back at her screen. “All done.”

She handed Claire a receipt, and advised her she could expect to receive her new license in the mail at her new address. Claire thanked the woman and shoved the envelope into her handbag.

Her legs wobbled as she left the building, unsure which way she should go. She’d avoided going to the store since they got back. She couldn’t face Liam, couldn’t take his calls, couldn’t even listen to his messages. It was like walking around in a snow globe of lies, each flake smothering her a little more.

Chapter Seven


Claire held open the door of the back entrance with her hip, angling the enormous bolt of white satin inside while trying not to let it touch the ground. Stupid, self-closing door made it nearly impossible. Of course, she could stop being a complete coward and go through the front door… But no, it seemed coward was the word of the day. Gah, when had she turned into this person?

Hadn’t she come to town with purpose, conviction, the hunger for justice? She was halfway there and the only part of it that still made any sense was the bit that got Penny away from Aunt Justine.

“You look like you could use a hand.”

Claire’s head snapped up.
. Liam strode towards her, long legs closing the gap until he stood close enough to hold the door open. The fresh scent of his cologne sneaked over her senses. She tried to suppress the response, but her heart raced, and her lungs demanded extra air. God willing, she didn’t look as breathless and flushed as she felt.

“It’s fine. I can manage.”

His face hardened like she’d slapped him. Claire clamped her teeth on her lip. She hadn’t intended to come off nasty.

“Can we talk about this?”

She maneuvered the bolt through the door and propped it against the wall. Talk about this? Her tongue felt thick. He didn’t even know what
was. But, it was better to hurt him a little now, than a lot later when he found out what she’d done.

“No. I think it’s just better if we don’t see each other anymore.”

“Claire —”

“Goodbye, Liam.” Claire tugged the door from his grasp and closed it with a bang.  She stared at the closed door and swallowed. Well, she’d done it. It was over. Kinda.  In three days the store would open and she’d be working across from him. Hopefully he’d leave her alone. Hopefully it would get easier…

Caring had never been part of the plan.


Claire held on to the rail and dragged herself up the stairs one long step at a time, all the way to her attic room. Long day was an understatement. After she’d done as much as she could on the gowns, she’d scrubbed the store from top to bottom, and painted the sewing room. Every muscle ached. At least she felt well punished—deservingly punished. She brushed stray strands of hair from her face with the back of her hand.

“You look like hell.”

Claire glanced up. Geoff stood hands on hips at the top of the stairs, his mouth curled in amusement. Claire reached the top and pushed past him, her shoes dangling in her hand.

“Not now, Geoff.” She fished in her bag for her room key.

“What? I didn’t do anything.”

Claire shoved the key into the lock and opened the door before turning to him. “No, you’re just standing there looking all smug and plotty. I’m not in the mood.”

Geoff just raised an eyebrow and slithered into her room. “Well it’s not often I hear those words from a woman.”

Claire tossed her shoes into the wardrobe and rolled her eyes. “Of course not, your evilness is captivating.”

“Evil. Ouch.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Okay, I’ll leave then if I’m not wanted. I just thought you would like to know I spoke to Penny today…” He strolled leisurely to the door.

Claire’s muscles clenched and her voice turned iron. “Sit down, Geoff.”

Geoff spun and pulled back the chair at the tiny table and folded himself into it.

“So how is she?” Claire asked, circling him to sit on the bed.

“I wanted to chat about the Liam situation first.”

Claire flexed her feet. “Geoff, I’m exhausted. I just want to have a shower and go to bed.”

“Penny is fine. She misses you, wants to talk to you, wants see you.”

Claire rubbed the back of her neck. “And when’s that going to happen, Geoff? Are you going to tell me once I do everything you say?”

Geoff leaned back and rested his arm on the table, admiring his fingertips. “You really are in a mood today, aren’t you?”

“Am I wrong? Have you even tried to talk to your mother about our phone calls?”

“You know Mother. She doesn’t have conversations she doesn’t want to.”

Claire stood. “Well you could try, Geoff. You could try. Just like you expect me to try everything you say.” She grabbed her nightgown and brush and strode to the door.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m having my god-damn shower.” She yelled over her shoulder.

“Wait.” Geoff rose from the seat and raised his hands. “Fine. I’ll talk to her.”

Claire turned around. “You swear?”

“Yep, as soon as we finish up here, I’ll go home and speak to her in person.”

“You’re an ass.” She turned back to the door and muttered. “When we’re done here…”

Geoff grabbed her arm. “Hey, you should know better than anyone how stubborn she is.”

“At least I tried.” Claire ran her gaze over him with disgust.

“Trust me. I’ll do it in person, you have my word. And haven’t I been helping you, remember the lawyer?”

Claire sighed and shut the door, plonking her things back down. “Say what you have to say.”

“I want to know if you did what I said? The license, your mail?”

Claire stared at a hole in the floorboards. “It’s done.”

“Good, that’s good. See we’re almost done, almost there.”

Claire chewed her cheek. Geoff stepped closer until Claire could see his shoes next to her feet. “There’s just one other thing you need to do.”


“Get him to ask you to move in.”

Claire’s head snapped up so quickly her neck spasmed. “No. Are you crazy? I told you I’m not seeing him anymore.”

Geoff’s eyes darkened. “Now this is important Claire, it’s part of building the case.”

“I won’t.”

“Claire —”

“No, Geoff. If he’d remembered after Vegas, you would’ve gone after him with what little we had then, so be satisfied. I’m done.”

Geoff’s eyes narrowed. “We’re in this way too deep to back out now.”

Claire moved around him and collected her things, then stormed to the bathroom locking the door behind her. Geoff’s promise could not be locked out.


Claire sat on her bed and tore the page off her sketchpad and scrunched it, then threw it onto the growing pile of paper balls. Everything she sketched was hideous. It wasn’t her imagination. Her designs were cold, severe, and completely soulless.

She had been dreaming of wedding dresses since she was a girl. Had envisioned her own since she saw her first picture of a bride. How did she end up forced to make the choice in a sleazy, overpriced, twenty-four-hour bridal store? 

God, talk about hitting bottom. She’d gone there then burrowed a little deeper. Nothing would ever feel as low as seeing Liam so plied with alcohol corralling him to the bridal store, getting him to buy a dress, and then play bride and groom. She swallowed. Correction, there was something lower—seeing him pass out with a comical thump right after the “I do.” Claire set the pad down. There’d be no designing today. In fact the whole concept of weddings was like putting the shreds of her dreams into a liquidizer. She supposed tricking a man who didn’t love you into a wedding could kind of do that to you.

Only two days until opening, yet she’d stayed at home today.

Better than risking bumping into Liam again.

A rap sounded on the door. She flopped her legs over the edge of the bed and shoved her feet into slippers, wrapping her dressing gown tightly around her. So what if she was in her pajamas at four in the afternoon?

She tugged the door open expecting to see Geoff. “What?”

Liam stood in the doorway, the bag in his laden arms slipped. His gaze flickered over her all the way down to her fuzzy slippers. His smile would’ve been more effective as a grimace. “That bad huh?”

Claire’s chest tightened at the sight of him. She’d really thought he got the message. The guilt simmering in the pit of her stomach rose and threatened to spew out in a barrage of confession. She bit the inside of her cheek. “What’s that bad?”

“Whatever happened in Vegas.”

She almost choked on the admissions forming in her throat. “I don’t think this is a good idea. You should go.”

Liam shifted, holding the shopping bag to his side and stepping closer. His large frame monopolized her doorway, monopolized her breathing space. “I’m not leaving until you speak to me.”

His expression took a decade off his face. Made him look like a young guy who’d been dumped—hurt. She owed him a break didn’t she? After everything she’d done. Let him off by telling him that it wasn’t his fault she’d gone cold on him. Well, not entirely his fault, but she’d reached her life time quota for guilt.

Liam gestured to the large paper bag in his hands. “Besides, I brought ice cream, champagne, and chocolate. I thought it might give me a better chance of getting you to let me in so we can talk…” He glanced over her shoulder to the tiny table in her room still holding the evidence of her binge. “I guess I’m a little late for ice cream?”

Yeah, today’s self-abuse had been death-by-frozen-dairy. She would, however, be all over champagne like Real Housewives on a scalpel.

“Come in.”

Liam stepped inside and moved to the chair. Claire sat crossed legged on the bed.


Claire nodded and Liam pulled out a plastic cup and popped the bottle. He filled the cup, handed it to her, then sat back unwrapping a bar of chocolate.

“You’re not having any?” Claire held up her cup.

Liam stared at the chocolate in his hands and snapped it. “I should probably not.” He popped a square in his mouth.

She sipped the fizzy champagne but said nothing.

“So exactly how did I screw things up?”

“You didn’t screw up.” Claire glanced up from her plastic cup.

Liam chewed another bit of chocolate and swallowed. “Well, going by the gaping hole in my memory where our night should have been, the bruise on my head, the bitch of hangover I had for two days, and the fact that you’ve refused to speak to me at all since we got back, I’m assuming I definitely screwed up somewhere.”

His gaze flickered to hers. Claire’s chest closed. She could tell him the truth now, lose all chance with Penny. Make him hate her. Maybe even go to jail. At least she wouldn’t have to feel like this. She tossed back the champagne and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then held out the cup.

Liam’s brow rose slightly but he poured her another. “So what did I do? What happened?”

Claire tipped back the cup and drained the contents, then crushed it and tossed it on top of the paper pile. “I happened.”

Liam leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “What are you talking about?”

“I mean, I’m a bad influence, that’s what happened. That’s why you got insanely smashed and fell over and hit your head. It was my fault.”

Liam glanced at the cup. “Are you telling me you have a drinking problem?”

Claire laughed dryly, her lips a little numb from sculling the champagne. “No. Not a drinking problem. It’s me in general that’s the problem, and I seem to have a way of dragging people down with me.”

Liam frowned and stood, stalking to the bed and sitting down beside her. His hand raised and brushed back the hair that fell over her face as she stared into her crossed lap.

“You know, when I first saw you I thought you seemed so delicate. Now I see it’s just your broken edges. You’re not really delicate at all are you, Claire?”

Her tongue felt like a petrified lump in her mouth.  He couldn’t talk to her about these things. She wouldn’t talk about these things. She smashed her lips together and peered up at him. “Really, I thought you just thought I was sexy that day.”

Liam slid his hand to the back of her neck and tugged her forward. “Oh, believe me I thought you were sexy.” His fingers brushed the hair on her scalp and Claire leaned into his touch.

“When are you going to tell me who you really are?”

Claire’s held her breath and her lashes blinked long and slow. How was it Liam could see right through her? Her heart ached with the need to purge everything. Her cheeks burned and the champagne buzzed through her. She tugged at the belt of her dressing gown and pushed it from her shoulders.

“I’m finished talking now, Liam.”

She thought she caught a glimmer of disappointment in his gaze before it fell to her upturned breasts pressing against the slinky fabric of her nightgown. His gaze heated and he leaned into her, pushing her backwards into the mattress. His breath rasped against her lips. He hovered above her, teasing her with the promise of his kiss before sliding down and sweeping her nightgown to her armpits.

Air hit her skin and her nipples turned to rigid peaks. His mouth descended on one breast, caressing it with the silken heat of his tongue. Claire gasped, arching into him. Her fingers curled into his hair. He released her nipple and she groaned at the loss.

His mouth rained an inferno of sensation over her skin. Pressure mounted in her core. When he reached between her legs she pressed them closed for a moment before he swept them apart, planting his lips directly on her aching center. Claire bit her lip, suppressing the tiny scream that the shooting pleasure drove from her.

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