Deceived - The Complete Series (25 page)

BOOK: Deceived - The Complete Series
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“Oh no! Will she be upset that I’m not a society girl?”

He still had her hand and he squeezed it. “Not at all. I swear baby, she’ll love you.”

“Well now I’m nervous.” Their food was delivered to the table. Steve had over-ordered as usual. Angela had become used to it, that and the fact that he always took the leftovers and gave them to the first homeless person he saw.

“Don’t be nervous,” he said. “Let’s enjoy our evening tonight, no nerves. I’ll take you and introduce you to Mother before the dinner/dance and that way you’ll feel like you have the hard part over with. I promise she’ll love you as much as Ana does.”

They talked about Ana then as they ate and this man she’d run off to see today. Steve was amused by it, telling Angela that his sister never got that excited over a man. “Has she had many serious relationships?”

“No, he was the only one, really.”

“Why did they break up?”

“His mother didn’t like her,” he said, seriously. Angela looked horrified, Steve smiled.

“You punk!” she wadded up her napkin and threw it at him. Laughing, she said, “You’re just trying to make me nervous.”

“No baby, I’m trying to make you smile. It worked. God, I love that smile.” She loved his too. It filled more than just her heart. She felt like her soul was full when she was with him. They finished their dinner and then headed across to the theater for their show. They had both seen Phantom of the Opera before...Angela had seen it three times, but it was both of their favorites and this version didn’t disappoint. Afterwards Steve asked her, “Where to now? Would you like to get a drink or are you ready to head home?” The night was so clear and where normally the stars aren’t visible in the Los Angeles sky because of the smog, tonight the sky was full of them.

“Can we take a walk around the grounds tonight?” she asked him. He leaned over the gearshift and pressed his lips into hers.

“We can do anything you want.”

“Good,” she said with a smile. “I want to take a walk in the moonlight...and then I have some sultry ideas for the rest of the night.” She winked at him and he grinned. As he started the car he said,

“Get us home quickly little pony, she has some sultry ideas.”

Chapter 10

That night as they strolled the grounds of the Long Beach mansion hand in hand, Angela once again thought about how lucky she was. She felt so at peace with Steve and she shuddered to think of where she might be had he not been so persistent in his pursuit of her.

“The sky is so gorgeous,” she said.

“You’re gorgeous,” he told her.

She smiled. “Thank you, but seriously, look at it.” He grinned and looked up. It was like a matte charcoal canvas covered in thousands of specks of light. Angela couldn’t remember seeing stars like that here at all. Back home in Miami on a clear night, the stars were always visible, but here in L.A., it was rare.

“It is beautiful,” he said, leading her to the right and down a long path that was lined with roses on either side. The air was fragrant and warm and the closer they walked down towards the beach, the more it tasted and smelled like salt. They exited the large gardens and Angela realized they were standing at the edge of what looked like a private beach. There were Tiki lanterns that had been lit and a small structure with a roof, but open to the front towards the ocean. Steve led her around the front and she saw that it had been filled with soft, down blankets that covered the sand and there was a bottle of champagne chilling in a brass decanter.


He smiled and said, “I sent Rogelio a text. He’s pretty amazing at what he does.”

Almost breathless over the beautiful scene she said, “I’ll say.”

“The beach is private. No one will bother us here. I thought this would be a nice way to spend the rest of our evening. I hope you agree.”

“A hundred percent,” she said. He ducked into the little structure and then took her hand and pulled her in after him. They lay down in the plush comfort of blankets and pillows and she realized the top was clear and she could still see the stars. It was the most romantic gesture a man had ever made for her and she loved it. Steve popped the cork on the champagne and poured them each a glass.

“To us,” he said, “And many more starry nights.”

“Here, here,” she said with a smile. They drank and then Steve took the flutes and set them aside.

“I’ve wanted to do this all night,” he said, sliding his hand under her hair and pulling her into a kiss. He let his lips skim across hers at first, just feeling and tasting slowly. Then she felt his tongue and she parted her lips and let him in. He tasted her then, every crevice of her mouth, her tongue, and her teeth. It was like he was starving and trying to get sustenance to keep going. He kissed her until she was panting and gasping for breath and then he lay down on his back and pulled her up on his chest and he kissed her some more. This time as they kissed, she felt his hands find their way underneath her dress and begin pushing it upwards. When he reached her underarms she held them up and let him pull it off of her. She was in her bra and thong now and he reached up and pushed the bra out of his way and lifting his head slightly, he took one of her breasts into his mouth and began to lick and suck around the outside of her nipple. She reached back and unhooked the bra, pulling it out of his way. He wrapped his big hands around both of them then and proceeded to make love to them with his mouth and teeth and tongue.

Angela could feel herself getting wetter and wetter as he paid attention to her hard nipples, biting at them and sucking them into his mouth one at a time while he used his fingers to pinch and pull at the other. He knew just what she needed. He knew exactly what she liked. She felt one of his hands travel down and rub across her panty-clad, soaking wet mound. He groaned when he felt how wet she was and then he flipped her over on her back. While she lay beneath him he stripped off his shirt and then stood and dropped his pants and boxers too. The starlight coming in above them and the moon shining in off the water cast a sexy glow across his already incredibly hot body. She reached up for him, but instead of letting her grab him; he dropped to his knees and used one of his legs to push hers apart. Then he knelt between them and placed his face up against her mound, teasing her with his tongue against the satin covering.

“Oh baby!” He ran his fingers along the elastic line, brushing the outside of her lips lightly as he went. “Oh Steve!” He pushed his fingers against the wet spot, pushing the panties up inside of her with them. “Oh Jesus! Steve, baby...” Then suddenly he grabbed the delicate cloth and pulled. It ripped off in his hand and he threw it aside before putting his strong hands against the inner part of her thighs and pushing her further open. He dove in, plunging his tongue into her right away. She wiggled and moaned as he drove it in and out of her, making love to her pussy with his tongue. He’d push it in and out a few times and then lick her from one end to the other and then plunge in again. He did that for a while and then suddenly he brought his face up slightly, wrapped his lips around her sensitive clit and sucked it into his mouth. She grabbed the sides of his head and cried out, arching her butt up off the ground and pushing him into her. He sucked hard on her clit while using his tongue to flick back and forth against it. She felt like she was going to lose her mind.

“Oh baby...God, you’re so good at that...” her words only served to egg him on and he pushed deeper and harder, sucking every part of her, tasting, licking and even nibbling. Angela’s head felt like it was going to explode and after several more minutes of that, she felt like she was going to explode herself. The orgasm was hurtling towards her like a rocket and there was no avoiding the impact. He bit down on her clit one last time and that’s what put her over the edge. She screamed his name and clamped her thighs down on either side of his face as she came...and came...and came.

It took her several long seconds to recover. When she finally started to come back down to earth, she released her hold on his head and relaxed back, trying to get her breathing under control. He moved up to her face and kissed her. She licked and sucked his lips, loving the way she tasted on him. “You like that baby girl?” he asked her. Her eyes were practically rolling back in her head as she said,

“I love it...God, how I love it.” While she was talking, she felt his hand caressing her stomach and then the top of her mound and then all of a sudden there was a large finger working its way into her pussy. “Oh...”

“You like that?”


“Tell me what you want baby.”

“I want you.”

“To do what?”

“To fuck me, Steve. I want you to fuck me.”

“With my fingers?”

“With everything,” she breathed out as he slid another finger into her. He crooked one in half and she felt it hit her G-spot. She grabbed hold of his wrist and he took her hand and placed it on his throbbing cock instead. She made an “Mm” sound and began running her hand up and down it while he worked his fingers in and out of her.

He continued eating her pussy, using his tongue to tickle and caress her clit, as he quickly worked his fingers deep inside of her. He began moving them faster, the faster she worked his cock with her hand. They got into a rhythm with him pounding his fingers into her and his hand against her and her letting her hand slide from base to tip and back down again, stopping every other time to let her thumb trace around the lubricated tip. His breaths were coming in fast, short gasps as he leaned forward and sucked a breast into his mouth. He sucked hard while he pounded her with his fingers. She felt his body begin to tense and his cock begin to grow in her hand. That was when he pulled back and slowly slid his fingers out of her. He adjusted himself then so he was completely on top of her. He lifted her legs and placed her ankles on his shoulders and she felt the head of his thick cock pressing against her opening.

“Is this what you want, baby?”

“Oh yes, Steve. This is what I want. Fuck me, please. Put your beautiful cock inside my wet pussy.”

He growled. “You’re so sexy.”

“Back at you,” she said, breathlessly. She felt him slide slowly into her then and begin to move. He moved slowly and she reached down and spread two of her fingers open so that she could feel how wet and hard his cock was as it slid in and out of her wet pussy. She closed her eyes as she felt his hands go underneath her butt and hold her up off the ground. His slow pace was sweet torture. It felt amazing, but it was like only having one taste of made her want so much more.

“So sexy,” he whispered. “I needed you so badly tonight baby.”

“I needed you too,” she said, in a husky voice.

She reached up and her hands found his back as he began to thrust in and out a little faster and a little harder. She dug her fingers into his flesh, urging him on...still craving more. “Oh yeah baby, that’s it, grind that sweet pussy up into me.” She was moving her hips in circles, grinding against him. She wanted to take every inch of him up inside of her and each time he thrust, her pussy clamped down and held on for dear life. He growled again and began moving even faster. She could feel the slap of his balls against her ass as he rammed his cock up inside of her.

“Oh Steve! Fuck, that feels so good. You fit me perfectly.”

“Like a glove, baby,” he said, reaching down between them to rub her clit while he continued to plunge in and out of her at a rapid pace.

“Oh God Steve!”

“Feel good baby?”

“So good! Oh God! I’m losing my mind.”

“Just let go baby,” he said as he put more pressure on her clit. “Just let go and feel. God you feel so good. You make me feel so good.”

“Yes! Oh God yes! I’m going to come again.” She dug her nails into him now and that only seemed to drive him faster. His pace became almost frenetic as he drove his cock into her even deeper, striking bottom each time. “Oh God....!” She felt herself tense from head to toe as she reached her climax again. Just as the warm fluid began to flow out across him she felt him tense and contract and then he let out a loud groan and called her name before burying himself into her one last time and coming with her. He held that position for what seemed like a long time before gently removing her legs from his shoulders and laying them down. Then he slid down next to her and pulled her into another passionate kiss.

“Jesus Angela,” he said after breaking the kiss. “I’ve never felt this way with anyone. You’re so amazing.”

She smiled as he pressed his mouth back into hers and she said, “We’re amazing together.”

“That we are,” he said against her mouth. They made love two more times that night, finally passing out in each other’s arms in the wee hours of the morning. It was Sunday when they woke up, so there was no hurry to do anything other than lie in each other’s arms and gaze out onto the ocean and make love again before going up to the house and having their breakfast and coffee. The rest of the day was like being in a glorious, comfortable nest to Angela and she realized that it was the most relaxed she’d been in weeks. She hadn’t woken up groggy or confused. She’d known right where she her lover’s arms. There had been no strange dreams, and no dreams about Thomas. Only sweet, erotic bliss that she never wanted to end.

Chapter 11

Angela got home late Sunday night. The loft was quiet so she assumed Thomas was already in bed. She had felt so good when she was with Steve, but it was strange...there was something about being back in the loft that gave her an uneasy feeling all over again. She shook it off, took her shower and went to bed. She slept peacefully that night with no strange dreams and when she woke up on Monday morning...on time, she felt rested and not confused and disoriented the way she’d been feeling in the recent past.

She showered and dressed, putting her long hair into a side braid, before going out to make her coffee. Thomas was already up and ready for work, having his coffee in the kitchen.

“Good morning. How was your weekend?” She asked him.

“It was great,” he said, “How was yours?”

BOOK: Deceived - The Complete Series
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