Deathly Christmas (8 page)

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Authors: Irena Nieslony

Tags: #Contemporary Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Deathly Christmas
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“Here we are,” Eve said. “It’s just a little walk to the restaurant.”

Eve and David walked ahead with James and Jane strolling a little way behind them. Eve pulled David closer as they walked.

“Did you hear their conversation in the car, darling?” she whispered.

“Of course not. I don’t eavesdrop,” David replied adamantly.

Eve grunted, but carried on.

“James could be the killer!”

“What? Are you crazy?”

“Of course I’m not,” Eve said crossly. “James told Jane he hated his aunt. Jennifer didn’t even visit her sister when she was dying of cancer. How terrible is that? And he said Jennifer wasn’t nice to him, but he didn’t elaborate. What if he was here on Christmas Eve and gave the desert wine to her as a Christmas present? He could have easily left on that day and then he could have come back on Boxing Day.  I don’t think he’s short of money. The planes were running between here and London on both days, so it’s entirely possible. Mark my words; he’s a suspect, in fact he may be the only suspect I’ve got.

* * * *

Entering the restaurant, they found they were the last to arrive. Annie and Pete were already settled with pre-dinner drinks, and they smiled broadly when they saw Eve and David. As they were taking off their jackets, it looked like Betty, Don, Alison and Robert had only got there a minute or so previously as they were trying to decide where to sit. Not surprisingly, Betty made a profound effort to ignore the new arrivals. Ken and Jan had closed The Black Cat for the evening, so were there on a rare evening out. The final people attending the meal were Kevin and Lucy Fowler and Kevin’s brother, Paul.

James hadn’t met any of the Fowlers yet, and while Jane hadn’t spoken to Kevin or Lucy, she had briefly had a few words with Paul before Christmas. She had walked past a garden he was working in, and thinking him rather good looking, had stopped to ask directions to the local shop. She had thought herself rather brave talking to a strange man, but unfortunately she had been busy cleaning and looked a mess, and Paul hadn’t been interested in engaging in a long conversation with her. This evening he didn’t recognize her initially, but then it clicked who she was.

Damn. If I’d known she spruced up like this, I wouldn’t have said so little to her. She probably remembers me being rude to her. I’ll say I was busy and didn’t have the time to talk. And I’ll apologize. That’s it. That’s what I’ll do.

Paul got up and walked towards Jane.

“Good evening,” he said. “Jane isn’t it. Lovely to see you again. Would you do me the great honor of sitting next to me?”   

“I’m afraid she can’t,” James said immediately. “Jane is with me this evening. I would have thought it quite obvious by the fact that she’s holding onto my arm.”

Pompous twit,
Paul scowled.

Jane was delighted that James had spoken up so quickly. She was finding it quite enjoyable to be fought over by two good looking men for a change. Mind you, she was angry with Paul. He had shown no interest in her the other day when she wasn’t looking her best, and he had been very off-hand. Now that she’d had a make-over and was looking attractive, he seemed keen to get to know her.

How superficial can you get? she thought.

Jane had forgotten, or perhaps refused to acknowledge, that James had also shown more interest in her after her make-over.  

David, meanwhile, was getting worried that another awkward situation was arising. He was already apprehensive about Betty and Eve being in public together, especially in a restaurant of this caliber. Betty and James had also had a little set-to earlier on and now James and Paul looked ready for a fight. How many people were going to have to be kept apart this evening?

For once it was Eve who calmed down the situation.

“You can have the pleasure of my company tonight, Paul,” she said and plonked herself down in the seat next to him.

Eve didn’t want to sit next to Paul, but like David, she didn’t want arguments and tension in the restaurant that evening. However, she herself was feeling tense, knowing she was going to have to warn Jane that there was a possibility that James was the killer. It was a pity she hadn’t known this before. Then she would never have given Jane the make-over and James wouldn’t have been interested in her.

Poor Jane. She was definitely in for heartbreak.

* * * *

The evening started off pleasantly enough, although Eve did have to fend off Paul’s attentions every now and again. However, a sharp glance from David usually put him off. 

Even though she knew she was being a bit of a snob, Eve thought the restaurant wasn’t the type of place Paul usually frequented, imagining he was the type who went out for pub meals back in England and here on Crete went to cheap local tavernas.

Eve loved this restaurant, but preferred to go with David or a couple of her closest friends. To tell the truth, she was actually looking forward to the end of the evening and going home.

“So, how’s the detecting going, Eve?” Betty boomed a little later in the evening, disturbing the peace and serenity of everyone enjoying their main course.

David and Robert both cringed, knowing that there would be some sort of confrontation now. What was Eve going to say? She would never admit that she wasn’t any further forward, not to Betty anyway.

‘Well, Betty,” Eve replied smugly. “Believe it or not, I have had a breakthrough; just today in fact, and I do have a suspect.”

Eve knew she shouldn’t have admitted this. It could frighten the killer and he or she might try and do away with her, but she couldn’t help herself. She had to have one up on Betty.

There were gasps around the table and a couple of people asked who she thought it was.

“I’m afraid I can’t say until I have more proof. I’m sure you can understand this. It would be awful if I went to the police with the wrong suspect, wouldn’t it?”

“You are a foolish woman, Eve,” Betty shouted. “You’re putting your life in danger again. The killer could be at this table and may be planning his or her next murder…. and that person might be you!”

“I’m not afraid,” Eve replied, trying to act calm. “Phyllis failed miserably to kill me in the summer, so why should this killer have better luck? Anyway, if someone does try to kill me, it will be one of you at this table, won’t it? The police won’t have to go far to find their murderer.”

Betty shook her head while David watched Eve take centre stage and revel in the attention she was getting. Her evidence was flimsy at best and he couldn’t understand why she had told so many people. This could very easily cost her her life. It didn’t bear thinking about. He wished she hadn’t made this announcement and would give up her stupid pursuit for the murderer, but he knew she wouldn’t. He’d have to keep an extra close eye on her from now on.

David too wanted the evening to end, knowing it had turned out to be pretty much a disaster - too many people were having feuds, Eve had told them she suspected someone of the murder, Paul was flirting with her, Jane was being courted by a possible murderer and to top it all, they were paying a fortune for a meal he’d normally love, but wasn’t enjoying one bit. Could life get any worse?


Chapter 8


The following day Eve and David went to The Black Cat around 1 pm where they had arranged to meet Jane. She wanted to buy them lunch to thank Eve for her make-over.

“I’m going to tell Jane what I think about James,” Eve said as they strolled down to the bar.

She wasn’t looking forward to doing this at all and was feeling pretty nervous. To top it all, she had a bit of a headache after the previous night, but she said it was due to Betty’s loud voice and not to the alcohol.

“You’re not sure about James being the killer, so don’t say anything, Eve. In fact, as much as I don’t like the guy, I think it’s highly unlikely that he did murder his aunt. Yes, he probably inherits her house, but nobody has admitted seeing him here on Christmas Eve, have they? It would be very difficult to get around without being noticed.”

“I know nobody’s said they saw him, but he could have been very careful.”

“Well, even if he is the murderer, I hardly think he’s going to kill Jane, do you? He probably had a motive to kill his aunt, but I can’t see a reason for him to do away with Jane. He seems to like her.”

“But David, I don’t want her to spend the rest of her life with a killer. He could get away with murdering his aunt and later marry Jane. Then one day she’ll upset him and he’ll try and kill her. It’s better we do something now.”

“Eve, they hardly know each other. Who says they’re even going to get serious, let alone get married. Please, Eve, don’t say anything yet. Not until you have more proof.”

 “Alright. I won’t say anything today, but I’ll keep a close eye on both of them and if I suspect he’s up to no good, I’ll be in there like a rocket.”

David agreed to keep the peace, but he still doubted that James had killed his aunt.   

“Look, here comes Jane. Be quiet about James... Jane, lovely to see you. Now, what can I get you to drink? Eve’s back on the G and Ts.”

    “Oh, a white wine please. But put it all on my tab. This lunch is on me, David.”

“That’s so kind of you, Jane,” Eve gushed. “Although it’s quite unnecessary. I loved doing your make-over.”

“Please, I really want to do this.”

David gave Eve a look which told her to shut up and be gracious. To David’s relief, she did as he asked for once.

“Well, thank you very much, Jane, it’s very kind of you,” Eve said.   

Jane sat down and Eve noticed she was glowing. She had done her make-up on her own today, but had taken Eve’s advice and she looked gorgeous. However, Eve thought the glow was more likely from her feelings for James. Eve shuddered. What had she started? She hoped she was completely wrong and James wasn’t the murderer.

“Oh, Eve, thank you so much for helping me with my look yesterday. It’s given me so much confidence. I learnt such a lot from you as well. I think I know how to make the best of my features now,” she paused, pleased to see Eve looking gratified, and then she smiled broadly. “And James, what a wonderful man. I had the best evening with him. I can’t believe that he’s interested in me.”

Eve had to stop herself from blurting out that he could be a cold blooded killer.

“When you dropped us off at my Dad’s house yesterday, he was such a gentleman. He didn’t presume anything. He just kissed me before walking back to his hotel, but what a kiss. Oh, Eve, it was both passionate and tender at the same time. I think I’m falling in love with him already.”

    “That’s fantastic,” Eve said, trying to look happy for her new friend. “But try and take it slowly. You don’t know him that well yet, so don’t rush into things.”

Jane nodded, but Eve could see her mind was far away, thinking of James. There was no way that Jane would be able to put the brakes on this relationship.

No more eavesdropping for me, thought Eve. All I do is hear things I’d rather not know about.

David came back with the drinks and they studied the menu and ordered lunch.

A little later, when Jane went to the ladies, Eve frantically told David what Jane had confided in her about her feelings for James. Eve didn’t feel as if she could keep this from David.

“This is terrible, David. I could have put her life in danger.”

“Shhh, Eve. You have absolutely no evidence that James is the killer apart from the fact that he didn’t like his aunt. I think you need more than that. I mean James wasn’t even in the country on Christmas Eve.”

“That’s what he says. I’ve already told you there were planes out of Crete on Christmas Eve and planes back in on Boxing Day. We’ve been through this already. I bet the police haven’t even checked the airline records.”

Eve was getting frustrated with David. Didn’t he ever listen to her?

    “Why don’t you tell Dimitris Kastrinakis then?

“What? And let him have all the glory?”

“I don’t think you’ll be allowed to check plane records, Eve. Only the police will be able to do that. And does it matter who gets the glory? If James is the killer, isn’t it better that he’s caught, whoever gets him?”

Eve grunted. It did matter to her. She wanted to be the one who was on television being congratulated after discovering and capturing Jennifer’s killer. However, she wasn’t able to tell David this as she saw Jane coming back to the table. 

David steered the rest of the conversation away from the murder, but he had great difficulty in keeping the ladies entertained.

Jane seemed miles away, no doubt thinking about James, and Eve wasn’t completely concentrating either. She was thinking of the best way to prove that James was the murderer without getting the police involved.

As they were finishing their food, Annie and David came into the bar with Alison and Robert following behind them. Eve’s house guests had borrowed Eve’s car and gone for a drive inland that morning, eager to get away from talk of the murder. Robert was determined not to get involved. He still had nightmares of being in Eve’s car when the brakes failed and he saw his life flash before him.

The two couples joined Eve, David and Jane at their table. Then Paul came in and asked if he could join the group. He hoped that as James wasn’t there, he might have a chance to talk to Jane. They decided to have a kitty for the drinks, but as they were putting their money in, a deep voice broke the silence and Jane blushed.

“Can anyone join,” James asked, grinning.

“James,” Jane replied quickly, both blushing and smiling at the same time. “Of course you can. We’re just putting together a kitty for the drinks.”

James got his money out and pulled up a chair, putting it next to Jane. Paul’s heart sank. Was he never going to get a chance with her? She seemed to only have eyes for that poser.

“Right,” Pete said, “Who’s going up first.”

“Not me,” Eve said, butting in. “That awful Yiannis is at the bar. I don’t want to talk to him. We always argue when we bump into each other.”

“Well, I think the men should go up in turn,” James said. “But first let’s all write down what we want. I’m sure that will make it easier for the person going to the bar.”

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