Deathless Love (24 page)

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Authors: Renee Rose

BOOK: Deathless Love
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“This is the hand of love that I'm spanking you with.” His hand of love continued raining down on her very sorry bottom relentlessly. “I will always be here for you, through thick and thin.”

She surrendered completely then, and started crying in earnest. As he continued spanking, her tears flowed and her mind released all the worries she'd been harboring. The spanking went on a little longer, she couldn't really say how much, but she'd stopped focusing on it, submitting to the sensation and to Dom, who loved her and would care for her for the rest of her life. After a moment she realized she was cradled in his arms as he carried to the bed and laid her down, stroking her hair and her back, speaking softly.

“Look at my,
amore mio

She peeked out and he was holding his index finger and his middle fingers under his eyes, his signal that he was going to hypnotize her.

“I want you to take a short rest, and when you wake up you will feel relaxed and refreshed.”

“No-” she started to protest, but she felt herself drifting off before she could say anything more.

She woke up 45 minutes later, feeling great. Dom had her suitcase open on the bed and it looked like he'd packed everything she'd put on her list for their honeymoon to Sedona. She looked around, but didn't see him in the room. She sat up too quickly and felt a wave of morning sickness.

Dom came in the bathroom while she was wretching. He waited until she finished and then said, “Look at me,” with the same gesture. The morning sickness instantly disappeared.

She frowned at him, still feeling a little sulky. “Why couldn't you just relax me that way?”

Dom's fangs got a little longer and he leaned into her and said in a sexy voice, “Because you were a naughty girl and you deserved to have your bare bottom spanked red.”

She made a sound that was somewhere between a sigh and a moan. He hooked his fingers in her waistband and pulled her shorts and panties down again. “Let's see if I did a good enough job,” he said huskily. He leaned over to kiss her butt cheek, caressing it with his hand. “This side looks good.” He stood up and leaned over the other way, giving her other cheek the same treatment. He curled a finger between her legs and she groaned. “Have I made you sore enough to think of me all night long?”

“Yes,” she moaned as his finger dipped into the silky moisture of her pussy.

“Are you going to be a good girl for the rest of your wedding day?” His fingers penetrated her.

“Yes,” she breathed.

He turned her around and leaned her over the bathroom counter, lowering his own pants to push into her. He glided in and out of her slowly, as she groaned in pleasure.

“That's good,” he said in her ear. “Because I much prefer your good-girl spankings.”

She pushed back at him roughly then, eager for release, so he picked up his speed.

“Who do you belong to?”

“You, Dom!” she gasped as he pounded into her.

“Yesss,” he hissed as he continued to build the tempo until her voice was raised in little mewling cries as she teetered on the edge of release. He struck her neck and climaxed as he sucked her blood. She let go then and orgasmed with him, calling out, “Oh, Dom!

The waves of euphoria that followed were not just about the sex. They were about the post- spanking languor and the words Dom had spoken. She absolutely
belonging to Dom. She loved that he claimed her fully and called her his. That he'd committed himself fully.

She loved that he used her kink and his resulting authority over her for her own good, rather than his ego or pleasure. She loved his spankings and she loved his scoldings. His stern governance over her eating and resting had become the norm the past month. It made her feel very well-cared for.

It had taken her three spankings before she got the protein consummation down. The first two were light, erotic spankings, but when, according to Dom, she was still not taking it seriously, he gave her twenty spanks with the lexan paddle, she got it figured out fast. She kept buffalo burgers in the freezer (42 grams of protein!) and if she were lacking protein that day, she'd have one of those with a glass of whole milk (8 grams of protein) and that would fix any deficiency. It would often bump her into the “reward” category, which had included a massage, a gift card to buy maternity clothes, a special dinner out, and a very hot good girl spanking.

She felt incredibly relaxed as she finished up on her list of things to do, which she found Dom had already shortened considerably. The dishes upstairs were washed and put away. The list she'd made of things to go to the resort where they were having the wedding including the bridesmaid gifts for Kelly and her sister Sam had all been neatly packed in a crate and set by the front door.

She showered and threw on some clothes, grabbed the garment bag with her wedding dress, veil, shoes, garter, satin panties and jewelry and started loading everything in Dom's Mercedes.

“I'll see you over there after dark,” she said, giving Dom a quick kiss.

“I can't wait,” he said softly.


* * *


Kate was a vision walking down the aisle. It was an outdoor, evening wedding at one of the local resorts. Torches glowed and Christmas lights twinkled everywhere, giving it a magical quality. True to her own unique style, the wedding was overlaid with a wash of rock 'n roll.

Kate's white wedding dress was cropped with a flounce to mid-thigh and she wore baby blue suede cowboy boots underneath, which matched the wide baby blue sash around her waist. She carried a bouquet of white roses wrapped up with a blue ribbon. He'd given her a sapphire pendant and earrings to match her ring and she wore the pendant on a simple blue ribbon, tied up like a choker. A crystal hairpiece was tucked toward the back of her sassy bob, with a veil that fell down her back past her shoulders. In the periphery of his vision he saw the dancing lights he sometimes saw around her—her fairies.

The guests were seated—about 60 in all. Mostly their mutual friends from the club as well as a handful of her friends from back home and the university. Fox was perched on a stool in front of a microphone at the front, providing the accompaniment with an acoustic guitar. He had sung Train's “Marry Me” when Kate's sister Sam and her friend Kelly walked down the aisle as her bridesmaids. Now, as Kate came toward him elbow in elbow with her mother, who was giving her away, Fox was singing the Beatles' “Something in the Way She Moves.” Fox had chosen the perfect songs, as usual, and he had to fight not to tear up at the incredible power and beauty of the moment.

She had looked around at their guests when she first entered, smiling as she walked past them, but now she was looking only at him as she took the last few steps to reach him. He took both her hands in his and stood facing her for their vows. Her expression was full of trust and love and sweet innocence. It made him feel like he was about a mile high.

He hardly noticed as Fox put the guitar away and slipped in between him and Stella as his groomsman. “We are gathered here tonight to witness the marriage of Katherine Ann Strand and Dominic DeParma,” the officiant announced. “The bride and groom have written their own vows which they will exchange now. Dominic?”

He pulled out the small card on which they had printed their vows. “I Dom, take you, Kate to be my best friend, my lover, the mother of my children and my wife. I love you and I choose to spend my life's journey with you. You are my confidante and my inspiration.
In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”

Kate's lips trembled and tears glittered in her eyes but her voice rang out clearly as she repeated the same vows to him.

He'd had a wedding band made to match the diamond band of the engagement ring, and she'd picked out a plain gold band for his finger. They exchanged rings with the traditional words, “Take this ring as a token of my love, which has neither beginning nor end.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the officiant announced. “Dominic, you may kiss your bride.” They were words he had never thought he would hear in his long, long lifetime. This was a moment he never would've imagined could happen for him.

The sweetness of it all—the incredible change that Kate had brought to his life: her unconditional love, freeing his intuition from the prison of darkness, the tiny life that they had created together—it was nearly overwhelming. He bent to kiss his fairy-protected bride and gave thanks to God for the blessings in his life.

After dinner he held her close to him for the first dance, which was to Fox's rendition of “For Emily” by Simon and Garfunkel. After that, Fox gave over the entertainment to a cover band they had hired. After several songs of dancing and mingling, Kate kissed him and excused herself. She went and took up the mic and the members of the Morphs took over the stage, plugging in their own instruments.

“All right, we're going to pick things up just a little bit here,” Kate said, her on-stage persona shining brilliantly. “This next song is for my new husband,” Kate said, smiling warmly at him. Then the Morphs launched into a fast ska beat and she ripped out a punk version of Chicago's “You're the Inspiration.”

Only Kate could turn a cheesy love song into something so cool. She tore through the song up through “I wanna have you near me, I want to have you hear me sayin'…” then the band went silent and she slowed the tempo way down, singing a breathy
a cappella
, looking right at him, “No one needs you more than I need you…” The guests all cheered but she saved her smile for him alone, giving the band a count to hit it again for the second verse.

When she came off the stage he gathered her up into his arms and just looked down at her beautiful face. He wanted to remember this moment, this night, forever.



The End

More Books by Renee Rose



Young Lady Julia is offered by the king as a war prize to the Duke of Pembridge after her father tries to forcibly take the Duke's land. Worried that she will suffer as a result of his animosity, she runs away dressed as a page, only to unwittingly end up in the very same Duke's army.

Bronson, the Duke of Pembridge, is not fooled by the little page's disguise for a moment, and offers the lady his protection, not realizing that he is the man she is hiding from. As the attraction between the two grows, Julia is ultimately forced to face her fate and learn her place as the wife of a man she's come to love.


Loving Lucia

Marco Donarati, the Count of Parma, had no interest in taking a new wife. He got his pleasure from the working ladies, and that suited him just fine. Marco’s greatest passion is reserved for his fledgling winery, and therefore he cannot bring himself to refuse whenItaly's leading wine maker, Don Edoardo Dante, offers him a source of funds with which to improve his vineyards. In return, the Count reluctantly agrees to make Dante’s red-headed daughter Lucia the next Countess. When he makes the deal, Marco never suspects that he might actually grow to care about his lovely young wife.

Passionate and eager to please, Lucia must navigate her new role as Countess to a husband who holds her at arms' length. When the Count becomes guardian to her twin sister as well, things really heat up. Tested by trials, betrayals, and jealousy, Lucia and Marco must find their way together and often the quickest route is with her bent over his knee for a bare bottom spanking. Will her wholehearted submission and love be enough to break down her husband's resistance and win his heart for her?


Courting Celia

Tomi had accepted a position as steward of the Count of Parma's winery for one reason and one reason alone—to be closer to the Count's sister-in-law Celia, the feisty and beautiful young lady he had known since she was a child. But he suspects something's going on between Celia and her brother-in-law, and jealousy torments him.

When Tomi seems to reject her, Celia's pride spurs her to set herself against him, in spite of the fact that he does not hesitate to pull her over his knee for a sound spanking. As her spirited actions escalate, Tomi must decide whether he's willing to put aside his jealousy and fully take her in hand, or whether he will let her go and leave Parma forever.

Set in Renaissance Italy, this novella is the sequel to 
Loving Lucia



Renee Rose Links


You can find author interviews, excerpts of upcoming books, and general thoughts from Renee Rose via her blog, her Facebook and Twitter pages, and her Goodreads profile, using the following links:

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

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