Death eBook 9.8.16 (9 page)

Read Death eBook 9.8.16 Online

Authors: Lila Rose,Justine Littleton

BOOK: Death eBook 9.8.16
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I stalked forward. Her eyes widened, but I didn’t stop. I leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips and then pulled out my chair and sat. Mumbling to myself, I said, “I’d do it every night forever, if you’d let me.”

She tilted her head as she looked at me. “S-sorry?”

“I said morning, and thank you.” I smiled, my eyes going to the spot next to my plate to see another setting there. She was going to eat with me. Good.

My smile widened. She gasped, and I flicked my gaze up to her face to see her eyes hooded. What was my mate thinking? Hell, I didn’t care what it was. I liked that look on her face very much.

She cleared her throat while I hid my smirk. Her blush crept down her neck. “I-I hope you like pancakes.”

“Love them.” I nodded, picking up my knife and fork in one hand while I used my other to pour syrup over the golden pancakes. No one had cooked for me in a long goddamn time. I was going to enjoy every bite.

Julie slowly lowered herself onto the chair beside me at the end of the table. I devoured my first bite with a moan and mumbled around it, “This is amazing.”

She beamed before she lifted her forkful and started to eat. We ate in silence, but of course I finished first, so I stood and took Julie’s empty mug of coffee and my plate over to the bench.

“How do you have it?” I asked after placing my plate in the sink and grabbing a mug out for myself.

“Milk with one, please.”

My jewel had already brewed the coffee pot, so all I had to do was add the rest. As I turned to the fridge, I noticed Julie’s line of sight was on my ass. Fuck yeah; if I could puff out my ass like I could my chest in pride, I would. My woman liked my butt, if the lick of her lips and blush were something to go by. She quickly looked away, so she didn’t see my shit-eating grin. Hell, she could check me out any day, anytime.

Taking the mugs to the table, I placed hers down as she pushed her plate to the side. She grinned up at me. I winked and took her plate to the sink before settling back in my own chair at the table.

“Tell me something about you, Julie.”

She coughed on her sip of coffee. Clearing her throat, she said, “Um,” and then placed the mug down on the table. After some thought, she added, “You’ve probably already been briefed from Falcone.”

“True, but I want to know everything.”

She gulped. “Everything?”

“Yes,” I whispered behind my coffee.

“But… why?”

Shrugging, I noted, “Why not? After all, we did sleep with each other last night.” I chuckled when she bit her bottom lip, trying to hide her smile.

She rolled her eyes at me instead. “I suppose you’re right. Okay, ah, I like to read.”

“Do you? What type of book?” Her blush deepened. I threw my head back and laughed. Pointing to her, I asked, “Julie, do you read lady porn?”

“What, no, yes, but it’s for work.” She glared, folding her arms over her chest. “Tell me something about you, Dean.”

“Simple. I enjoy spending time with my brothers, well, most of the time.” I chuckled. “I like to ride my motorcycle. I love spicy foods. My favorite color is amber,” I said while looking into her eyes, which widened. “I’m very competitive, and what I’d like most right now is to kiss you.” Leaning back in the chair, I grinned playfully at my mate before adding, “Still, I won’t just yet. I want to know more about you.”

“And then you’ll kiss me?” she blurted before hiding her pink cheeks behind her hands. She was embarrassed for speaking what was obviously supposed to be a thought only.

Shifting forward, my elbows on the table, I growled low, “If you wish, yes.”

Julie peeked out between her fingers. Blinking a few times at my serious expression, she then lowered her gaze to watch my hand approach her way to take hold of her wrist. A blast of heat touched my gut and sent a zing to my dick. I knew my mate felt it as well when she gasped and her eyes widened at the contact. I clenched my jaw to keep my groan at bay. I pulled her hand free of her face and tugged her to stand. She gulped back a breath when I pushed my chair back and yanked gently on her arm. Dazed, she came easily. I swung her around and sat her ass on my lap, quickly wrapping my arms around her waist.

“So tell me, my jewel. What’s your favorite color? What do you like to do in your spare time?”

I could hear her heart beating hard and erratically in her chest, yet she made no move to slip from my lap, which I was grateful for, because I was worried if she did, I would have had to give chase and that could frighten her. At that point, after she admitted she wanted a kiss from me, I needed her close, her warmth against my body.

“Are you going to tell me, Julie?” I asked, my hand to her chin, turning it so she looked down at me.

She nodded. I wanted to roar in victory. “My, um, favorite color is a warm brown.” I smiled at her, wondering if it was because my eyes were that color. She went on, “I enjoy movies, cooking, reading, and jogging when I get some spare time, which is rare because my business is picking up.”

“Do you work with anyone?”

“Yes, Fallon. I’m lucky enough to work with my best friend.”

“What about your family, are you close?” She screwed up her cute nose. I chuckled and said, “I’ll take that as a no.”

“Spot on, mister. It’s only my mom, and….” She shook her head. “No, we’re not close. Though, I do see Fallon as my family.”

“I would like to meet her then.” And then I hoped to Christ she’d like me because I was going to be a permanent fixture in Julie’s life.

“You may want to protect your family jewels. She’s… ah… protective and tough.”

My hand slid to the side of her neck and I brought her face closer to mine, muttering, “I do hope by the time I meet her, you’ll like me enough to protect them for me.” I smiled when she giggled.

“We’ll have to see.”

“Hmm, we will.” Closer still, I licked my lips which in turn she licked hers as well. She moaned, her eyes fluttering closed and open.

“Dean,” she breathed.

“Yes, Julie?” I asked, and nipped at her bottom lip. Her thrill shivered throughout her body and into mine. The connection we had when we touched was doubled and shared between us. Not that my mate knew, but she would feel all the pleasure I did and vice versa.

“K-kiss me?”

“Anything you want,” I growled out and melded my mouth to hers. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders. My hand went to the back of her neck, where I tugged her forward so she shifted and our chests touched. We deepened the kiss, and a burst of light shone behind my eyes. We groaned together. I stood with her in my arms, setting her bottom on the table. Our mouths never parted from their game. Forcing her back, I leaned over her and pulled away to look down at her. My dick jerked at the sight of her half-mast eyes, her wet lips, and the blush of desire that filled her cheeks. Her hands slid to my chest, her touch warming me. With her chest rising and falling as rapidly as mine was, her response to me mirrored my own reaction to her. Excitement, contentment, and lust. I rocked against her. She gasped and gave me a sweet smile before I kissed her again. Every touch, every taste was unlike anything I’d experienced before. It was more. It made my heart beat along with hers. It sent a thrill through my body, as if it hummed in tune with hers.

Her legs widened and as her hands glided into my hair, where she pulled it, I ground my erection into her heated center again.

Her mouth tore from mine as she cried, “Yes.”

I wanted to throw my head back and roar in delight. My mate wanted me.

All sanity left me because of that one word cried by my mate. My dick pulsed as I trailed my lips down her neck and bit. Her body jolted and a moan dripped from her lips.

“Dean,” she begged.

But I stilled, rational thoughts bombarding my brain. I didn’t want her to feel I was taking advantage of her in any way. Against her neck, I mumbled, “We… ah… shit. We shouldn’t do this.”

She groaned in frustration. “You’re kidding, right?”

My arms tightened once around her before I let go and stood. She’d been spread out on the table, but positioned herself on her elbows to glare up at me.

“You’re not in the right frame—”

“You finish that sentence and I will penis punch you instead of doing nice things to it.”

Shit. I actually gulped. She wanted to do nice things to my dick and he wanted it also, but did it mean I
taking advantage of her? She didn’t know we were destined mates. She didn’t know the lust we were feeling was 100 times
than any relationship we’d ever been in.

Looking to the ceiling, I ran a hand through my hair and growled my own frustration.

“Unless, you don’t want me.” She blushed and sat up quickly. Her hands went to my stomach and she tried to shove me back, but I didn’t move. I grabbed her wrists, stopping her.

When she looked up, I said, “How can you even say that when I’m sure you felt a certain large—no, ginormous hardness rubbing against your ’gina.” Her eyes widened with humor on the word ’gina, but it was better than the alternatives. Meat purse or jizz dumpster. There were many more, but it wasn’t the time to go into it. “Of course I want you. I’d sell my brothers for a taste of what we could be. However, I don’t want you to think—”

She wiggled her hands free of my hold and slowly slid them around my waist. “That’s just it, Dean, I feel…. I need—” She shook her head. “
don’t want to think. I like the way you make me feel. Even from just a touch, my senses go crazy. My body craves you. I’d like more.” She looked up at me shyly. My knees wobbled in response. “I’ve never asked a man to take me, but I am you, Dean. Are you willing to deny me?”

Well, hell.

When she put it like that, who was I to tell her no? She was my mate; it was embedded deep within me to please her in any way I could, and if it happened to be me taking her on the table, then I couldn’t refuse… for her, of course.

Smiling big, I leaned in and nipped her bottom lip with my teeth. Then I told her, “I could never deny you. Never, my jewel.” I kissed her with everything I had. She gasped against my lips before I pulled back quickly and tugged my tank up and over my head. Her smile was like a light to the room. She took hold of her own tee and pulled it off, throwing it to the floor beside mine.

My mouth was suddenly dry as I watched her lift her hips and slide her jeans off. She was perfect, fucking amazing, and born just for me. My hands itched to touch her and I narrowed my eyes with desire as I looked over my mate. My dick leaked precum into my pants in preparation. I shook my body out, my blood pumping fast through my veins.

Through hooded eyes, she looked up at me, and blushed. “Maybe we shouldn’t do it on the table. It’s a little unhygienic.”

“Do not move,” I ordered roughly, and tugged her jeans out of her hand and threw them. “I need to have you now and here before I blow my load.”

She giggled. “Well, okay then.”

“Lie back,” I clipped out harshly. She ignored my tone and did as I asked, resting on her elbows once again.

My hands slid from her thighs up to her sides. She shivered as I ran them up her ribs and over her breasts, where I pinched her nipples, causing her to gasp. Leaning in, I nipped at her, m
aking her moan. I pulled back to watch as I moved my hands down her body slowly. One stayed at her waist, while the other went between her legs to cup her heat. “You ready for me?”

“Y-yes,” she stuttered and rubbed herself against my hand. When I pulled her panties to the side and slid a finger straight into her tight, wet pussy, her eyes closed. Her head went back, mouth opening in a silent moan, and then she bit her bottom lip and whimpered. Her back slapped down to the table, her hands covering her breasts as I pumped my finger in and out of her.

Fuck, I knew she was about to come just from my touch, but I wanted it to be around my dick.

Ripping the crotch in her panties caused her to look down at me as I slid my pants down to my thighs, too impatient to remove them altogether. My cock shot free and up, and Julie’s eyes warmed even more. Taking that last step, I held my dick in hand, pumped it twice and then thought better of it because I was on the verge of jizzing from just looking at my mate spread out for me on the table.

With another small step, the tip just touched her entrance, and we both moaned loud and long. Clenching my teeth, I slowly entered her further. Her legs wound around my hips and her feet went to my ass, where she helped force me all the way inside her.

“Breathe,” I demanded with my lips against her throat.

She let out a long breath and swore in her own sweet way, “Holy heck, I think I’m going to come and we haven’t really done anything.”

A strained chuckle left my mouth; I knew what she meant. “Shit, don’t do that,” I snapped when her walls tightened around me.

“I-I can’t help it.” My hand slid to the back of her neck. I brought her head up. Our eyes met, and then I pulled all the way out and thrust in hard. She gasped and then cried out as her walls clenched around me. “Oh my great Book Goddess above.”

I gulped back the air my lungs needed and then thrust out and in again. I kissed her cry of pleasure away. “Fuck,” I bit out, pumping into her over and over, and still, her walls milked me. I grunted another curse and filled her with my seed before resting my head on her chest, trying to catch my breath.

Silently, I prayed to everyone, thanking them for sending me my mate. My jewel.

“Th-that was….”

“Something I look forward to doing again and again,” I suggested and felt her nod. Smirking, I slowly slid out from within her. We groaned from the tremors raking throughout our bodies. She whimpered at the loss, and my dick grew hard once again.

“More?” she queried huskily, then blushed; her hand slapped over her mouth.

My answer was to slide right back in, only that time, my hands went under her ass and I stood with her in my arms. Her hands went to my shoulders where she helped lift her weight up and then slid back down with my cock inside her. Not that she needed to help, which she soon figured out when I picked up the pace. My hands on her ass forced her up and down, faster and harder. Her teeth sank into my shoulder and I snarled, fucking her harder, enjoying the pain mixed with pleasure. She threw her head back and screamed through another release.

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