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Authors: Dean James

Tags: #Mississippi, #Detective and Mystery Stories, #Deep South, #Mystery Cozy, #women sleuths, #Closer than the Bones, #Mysteries, #Southern Estate Mystery, #Thriller Suspense, #literature, #New York Times Bestseller, #Mystery Series, #Thriller & Suspense, #Deep South Mystery Series, #Southern Mystery, #Adult Fiction, #Charlaine Harris, #Crime Fiction, #Joanne Fluke, #Female Sleuth, #Genre Fiction, #Cat in the Stacks Series, #Death by Dissertation, #mystery, #Kim Harrison, #Dean James, #Diane Mott Davidson, #Bestseller, #Fiction, #Cozy Mystery Series, #Amateur Detective, #Detective, #Women Detectives, #Woman Sleuth, #Suspense Series, #Mystery & Detective, #Amateur Sleuth, #Contemporary, #General, #Miranda James, #cozy mystery, #Mystery Genre, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Crime, #General Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

Death by Dissertation (27 page)

BOOK: Death by Dissertation
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I stood up tiredly and went to my own carrel. It was nearly eleven o’clock. Now would be a good time to talk to Dr. Farrar about what she heard the afternoon of Whitelock’s murder. During the day, she never wandered far from her office.

I came to an abrupt stop as I remembered what Dan had told me about the mysterious figure he saw before he discovered Charlie’s body. Was that person really Charlie’s murderer? Or had Dan invented this person to convince me that he was innocent? If this person had really been there, could he or she have seen Dan, before or after Dan had killed Charlie?

I was inclined to think Dan innocent of Charlie’s murder, because I could think of no reason for him to murder Whitelock. Dan was a student of White-lock’s, but I couldn’t think of another connection between the two. As far as I knew, Whitelock had confined his extracurricular activities to partners of the opposite sex. There was certainly no hint in Charlie’s journal that Dan could have been involved in Whitelock’s sexual hijinks.

Then another thought hit me. What if the mysterious person was Whitelock, and he had stumbled into the lounge while Dan was murdering Charlie?

Chapter Twenty-Four

I sat down in my carrel and stared blindly at the postcards of English cathedrals I had taped on every available surface. Could Dan have murdered both Charlie Harper and Julian Whitelock? As I relaxed in my chair, I sketched a scenario in my head.

Dan had found Charlie alive in the grad lounge, they started arguing, and Dan, his temper fuelled by the humiliation and anger of his situation, picked up the commemorative statue and hit Charlie on the back of the head. White-lock, who often worked in the library until it closed at midnight, could have heard the sounds of an argument as he was on his way out of the building.

I carried the scene a few steps further. Whitelock, curious about the noise, decided to investigate. He walked into the grad lounge as Dan struck the fatal blow, or immediately after. Whitelock wouldn’t have been too sorry to find Charlie put permanently out of his way, and he wouldn’t have threatened Dan with the police. Perhaps they had come to some sort of agreement, an agreement which fell apart after Rob confronted Whitelock with his knowledge of Charlie’s blackmailing efforts. Made nervous by what he probably construed as a threat on Rob’s part, Whitelock contacted Dan and disturbed him sufficiently that Dan felt forced to silence the professor in order to protect himself.

I mulled it over for a few minutes, and, though it sounded plausible, the theory didn’t seem all that probable. There were too many if's. If Whitelock had walked in on the murder. If he had been able to persuade Dan he wouldn’t turn him in. If, if, if Dan was an excellent suspect in Charlie’s murder, but since the two murders had to be closely connected, I’d have to find a better motive for Whitelock’s murder to include Dan seriously as a suspect. Unless there were two killers? But I dismissed that notion. It was too complicated.

Coming out of my reverie, I gave my favorite cathedral, York Minster, a long look, then got up. How I wished I were there, soaking in the tranquility and timeless magnificence of that great structure. But I was stuck in Houston in the middle of a murder investigation, and gazing at postcards wasn’t getting me anywhere. A talk with Dr. Farrar might clear up a few things, and I should get on with it. I was hoping that the eccentric professor might have heard something— anything—on the afternoon Whitelock was murdered.

Once on the fifth floor, I went straight to Dr. Farrar’s office. Her door was slightly ajar, and I paused for a few seconds to determine whether anyone was with the professor. Hearing nothing except the sound of rapid typing, I knocked, then pushed the door open.

Dr. Farrar typed a few more words, then turned to face me. A distracted smile lit her homely face when she saw who it was. “Hello, my dear, how nice to see you.” She tended to call everyone “my dear,” since she had a hard time with students’ names. She shuffled a few papers on her desk, looking vainly for her appointment calendar, which was tacked up on the wall behind her chair. “Did we have an appointment?”

I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling. She could never remember where her calendar was. “No, ma’am,” I replied. “But I did hope you might have a few minutes to talk to me about something important.”

Though her eyes strayed wistfully toward her typewriter, she responded, “Of course,” after only slight hesitation.

Closing the door behind me, I sat quickly in the chair beside her desk and apologized for interrupting her work. Interpreting the gleam in Dr. Farrar’s eyes as a signal that she was about to launch into a lengthy account of her current project, I hastily outlined the reason for my visit.

My explanation elicited such a furious glare from the woman that I thought at first I had offended her somehow. But when she was able to master her temper enough to speak, I realized that her anger was not directed at me.

“That man was the most inconsiderate creature it was ever my misfortune to know.” She slapped a hand down on her desk and dislodged a stack of note cards, which slid slowly over the edge of the desk. While I watched in fascination, the cards continued down onto a pile of books beside the desk, before they came to rest on the floor. Dr. Farrar never even noticed.

After the last note card fluttered to a stop, I realized that the professor was still speaking, giving me a catalog of her disputes with Julian Whitelock. After about ten minutes, she finally got to the day he was killed.

Hoping to focus her overflow of information, I interposed a question. “What did he do that particular afternoon?”

Dr. Farrar paused in mid-sentence, blinked at me, then wrinkled her nose as she considered her reply. “If you are referring to the afternoon upon which he met his timely end,” she replied tartly, “he disturbed me with all that arguing.” So absorbed was she in her recriminations that she failed to notice my head snap to attention as I concentrated on what she was telling me.

“That afternoon, from about one-thirty onwards, I had little of the customary quiet that a true scholar needs in order to concentrate. For nearly two hours,” Dr. Farrar complained, “each time I thought the argument was finished, it would resume. These walls, such are the standards of construction, are much too thin; and even if one cannot hear the actual words, the sound of loud, inconsiderate voices is sufficiently disturbing.”

She pounded again on her desk, but this time nothing moved. “That man had no consideration for the persons in this department who are actually carrying on scholarly work. He sat there, year after year, and did nothing except write book reviews, and had the nerve to be jealous of anyone who was actually working. He was unbearable.”

The accusations were partially justified, but now was not the time to address her sense of grievance over Whitelock’s high-handed behavior. I ventured a question. “When you say there was an argument, do you mean that there was only one which lasted almost two hours?” I knew this couldn’t be correct, but I wanted to know whether Dr. Farrar realized it herself. If she had been unable to distinguish any difference in the persons arguing with Whitelock that afternoon, her evidence might not be helpful after all.

“Goodness, no,” she responded, surprised at my question. “I should have expressed myself more accurately. It certainly seemed like one continuous argument to me, but of course it wasn’t.” She frowned in concentration, then ticked off something silently on her fingers. When she had touched the fourth finger, she looked triumphantly at me. “I believe there were four different arguments in all. Two of them, I’m positive, were with women, and two of them with men. ” I thought quickly. Bella and Rob should account for two of the four. Who was the other woman? Was there actually a second woman? And what about the second man? Perhaps there had been only the two arguments, with Bella and Rob, and Dr. Farrar hadn’t heard clearly enough to distinguish. The order of them should settle my doubts.

“Could you tell me,” I asked carefully, “just how things happened that afternoon?”

Dr. Farrar blinked at me, and I feared she wasn’t going to respond.

“Well,” she replied, “I returned to my office after a late morning tea break. I rarely eat a regular meal at midday. By then, it was perhaps half past noon, and I settled down to my work. I have been transcribing some copies of microfilms of Victorian manuscripts, and the task is quite painstaking,” she explained.

I nodded my commiseration, having worked with similar copies that had strained my eyes and my patience.

“I keep my office door just barely open,” the professor continued, “because it helps the air to circulate. It can be terribly stuffy in the afternoon. Anyway, all was quiet until around one-thirty. I had heard Julian’s door open and close a few minutes earlier, but I thought little about it until the voices grew loud.” She frowned. “I tried to shut out the sound, but fortunately this particular disagreement didn’t last that long. I heard Julian’s door close somewhat forcefully, then all was quiet for a while.”

In response to my hasty query, Dr. Farrar replied, “It was a man, I’m certain.” She leaned back in her swivel chair before she continued. “There was a nice, long period of quiet from next door. Then, around three, Julian’s door opened again, and another argument sprang up not long after. This time it was a woman. This argument became loud rather quickly.

“I am somewhat vague about the actual time of day,” Dr. Farrar apologized, “and I didn’t look at the clock again after that, although that argument seemed even shorter than the first one. Not long after the second argument ended, Julian’s door opened and closed a third time, and for the third time, I heard an argument begin.” She frowned fiercely at me. “The visitor this time was also a woman.” Dr. Farrar anticipated my question and said, “I know it was a different woman, because the tone of voice was much more shrill, more piercing.” Bella Gordon had a deep voice for a woman. Azalea Westover, on the other hand, had rather a piercing quality to her voice, which was fairly high-pitched. But that second female voice could have belonged to Selena Bradbury, Wilda Franken, or Margaret Wilford. I tried to concentrate and capture an aural memory of their voices. With Selena, it wasn’t too difficult, and I decided she was a strong possibility. The same went for Wilda. I couldn’t be sure about Margaret, because I just hadn’t heard her that much.

“Then,” Dr. Farrar fairly snorted in her disgust, and I called myself sharply to attention, “as if all the preceding hullabaloo wasn’t enough, as soon as that argument was over and someone slammed the office door, I barely had five minutes of precious silence, when I heard Julian’s door bang open once again. This time, another man set in with a rather loud tone of voice, and I decided I was ready for a cup of tea, so I left my office while Julian and that man continued to argue. It must have been around three-thirty, perhaps a little after, by then.”

“You’re positive the third person was a woman and that the fourth person was a man?” I asked gently and was relieved to see the firmness with which the professor nodded.

“Was the second man you heard the same as the first man?”

“Oh, most definitely not,” Dr. Farrar assured me. “The first man had a higher voice. The second man had a voice that was a good bit deeper, much more rumbling.”

Rob, because of the time factor, was obviously the first man in Whitelock’s office that afternoon. He had a pleasant tenor voice, but Dan Erickson’s voice was deeper, as was Bruce Tindall’s. Which one, Dan or Bruce, had been the second man to argue with Whitelock that afternoon? Or was it someone else entirely? I thought the first woman had been Bella, because of the time; she had told me and Rob that she had an appointment with Whitelock at three. She could have returned a little later and bashed him on the head, though.

“Could you identify any one of the four voices?” I asked with some hope but not much expectation.

Dr. Farrar shook her head regretfully. “The police asked me the same thing, but I had to tell them no also.”

I was happy to hear that the police knew about all this, if only for the fact that they might keep an eye out for the professor’s welfare. The fourth person she had heard enter Whitelock’s office was probably the murderer. Unless, of course, a fifth person had sneaked in afterwards, once Dr. Farrar had left her office, which was entirely likely. Either way, the dotty professor’s life just might be in danger if the murderer had any idea that he—or she—had been overheard.

I wondered how to warn her. “Did you see anyone when you left your office?” She shook her head. “The police asked me that, too, because they were afraid I might be in some possible danger, but I told them I didn’t see anything or anyone. I can’t imagine that anyone would have any reason to harm me,” she said airily. “All I wanted at that point was some hot tea and some intelligent conversation, but I had to settle for tea alone.”

I responded with a puzzled frown, for I sincerely hoped the professor hadn’t been talking about having a conversation with the teapot. Seeing my expression, Dr. Farrar explained, “Anthony Logan and I usually have tea together in the afternoons, before he leaves campus around five. But since he wasn’t there, I had tea on my own.”

So she didn’t have a talking teapot after all.

“And when you got back to your office, did you hear anything more from next door?” I asked.

“Not a sound,” she said.

Then she looked wistfully at her typewriter again, and I took the hint and got to my feet. I remembered one more thing, however, that I wanted to know. “Would you mind telling me,” I asked diffidently as I loomed over her desk, “about the night of your lecture?” Seeing the professor’s look of inquiry, I hastened to amplify the question. “I mean, did you return to the library afterwards? And did you see or hear anything?”

Dr. Farrar considered this. “Actually, I did come to my office for a few minutes. I had forgotten some papers I meant to take home with me, and I came up here to collect them.”

“Did you see anyone else on the fifth floor?” I prompted.

BOOK: Death by Dissertation
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