Deadly Obsession (37 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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I’ve built a life for us. She’ll be happy there.”

“Happy? Do you think being tied to your bed will make her happy? Did the other women that were killed find happiness? You weren’t able to save them. What makes you think you can save her?”

his body rigid, his eyes narrowed. Gage could hear the man’s
stall in his chest, as his face paled.
He’d gotten a reaction, however small. Perhaps reminding Drake who he used to be was his only chance.

“Fuck you,” snapped Drake, sweat now beading his forehead.

“You haven’t answered my question. How are you going to save her when you couldn’t save the others? How can you keep her safe?
All your training.
All your medals.
They couldn’t save Sarah before, so what makes you think you can save her now?”

“Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!”

“You used to save people. You used to stand for justice. Look at what you’ve become. You’re willing to kill an innocent woman just to appease your tortured soul.” He inched forward, watching for a single chance. “This isn’t who you are, Scott. You’re not a monster, like the man who killed your wife.”

“Sarah’s not dead!” screamed Drake, removing the barrel from Brooklyn’s head as he aimed it at Gage. “I didn’t fail her! I’m her hero.”

Gage saw a flash of movement from the adjoining hallway a second before the report of the gun filled the room. Brooklyn screamed as the bullet knocked Gage across the room, slamming him into the wall. His breath left his chest in a large whoosh, as his legs buckled and he fell to the floor. A sharp pain erupted on his left side, quickly spanning his chest. Black flitted at the edge of his vision, slowly filling his field of view. He tried to push back up, but couldn’t seem to anchor his hands on anything.


Brooklyn screamed his name as he crumpled to the floor, the smell of sulphur stinging her nose. Drake followed Gage’s motion, ready to fire another round. His body tensed against her back, his muscles primed for the final blow, and she reacted before she even had time to think. In a single motion, she whirled her bound hands at his arm, knocking it sideways, as the bullet left the barrel. The slug ricocheted off the doorframe, a few inches from Gage’s head, and impacted the wall behind them.

Drake snarled in her ear, deftly avoiding her elbow as she tried to connect with his chest, and threw her to the floor. Then he aimed the gun at her head, a savage smile twisting his lips. “I’ll never let him take you. You’re mine!”

braced herself, wondering if she’d feel the bullet pierce her flesh, when a loud crack echoed through the room. Drake flinched as the gun flew from his hands, landing with a crash against the wall. He stared down at the hole in his hand when a blur of white flew across the room, knocking him against the far wall. Brooklyn screamed, and pushed to her knees as Sam followed Drake’s motion, smashing his jaw twice with his fist. Drake twisted and almost succeeded in throwing Sam into the wall, but Sam dodged the man’s attempt, connecting with his jaw for a third time. Drake sagged in Sam’s grip, his head lolling to one side. Sam sneered and released the man’s clothes, smiling as Drake fell heavily to the floor. Then he flipped the guy over and snapped the cuffs tightly around his wrists. Sam turned back to look at her, but she was already moving, running across the floor to where Gage was laying on the floor.

“No!” She skimmed her hands across his chest, searching for the wound she knew had taken him to the ground, but couldn’t find any sign of the impact. “Darling, speak to me. Where are you hurt?”

Sam knelt down beside her, gently encasing her hands in his. “Easy, Brook. Gage is fine. He’s just had the wind knocked out of him.” He gave Gage a firm shake. “Hey, buddy. You okay?”

Gage groaned, his head rolling to one side before his eyes fluttered and finally opened. “God damn that hurts,” he moaned, rubbing his left shoulder. “I thought these things were supposed to stop the bullet?”

Sam laughed.
“Bullet, yes.
Pain, no.” He turned to her, smiling at the puzzled look on her face. “He’s wearing Kevlar. He insisted on being bait, so I insisted on the vest.” He grinned back at Gage. “You’re lucky he went for your chest instead of your head.”

“Soldiers rarely go for the head shot in battle. It’s too small a target. They’re trained to hit the torso first.”

stared at the two men, talking as if they’d been out at the range instead of facing a deadly opponent. Fire erupted in her veins as she stomped to her feet. Both men turned to stare at her, their eyes wide.

“You two are crazy, you know that? Completely off the deep end! No wonder you’re partners. No one else would be insane enough to work with you!”

Gage smiled, accepting Sam’s hand, as he rose into a wavering stance. “I love you too.”

Tears flooded her eyes, relief mixed with shock breaking the last of her defences. She took two steps forward and sagged into Gage’s arms, wrapping her fingers around the edges of his jacket. Gage smiled against her hair, his heart beating with hers. She was just about to thank him when a creak sounded behind them.

“You’ll always be mine, Sarah.”

gasped as Gage jerked her sideways, shielding her body with his. She heard a bullet shatter against the wall just as Gage raised his gun and fired. A loud groan sounded behind her, followed by a hard thud. She turned, watching a small pool of blood puddle below Drake’s shoulder.

“Jesus!” cursed Sam, rushing over to check the man’s vitals. He looked over at them. “He’s still alive, but he’ll need to get to a hospital pretty fast.”

Gage holstered his gun and pulled Brooklyn back against his chest. “I thought you’d taken care of the problem, partner?”

Sam shook his head, pressing a piece of cloth against Drake’s shoulder. “I didn’t think he’d regain consciousness, let alone try to take a shot with his hands still cuffed behind his back. I’ll be damned if it wasn’t a hell of an accurate one, too.”

A deep chuckle rumbled through Gage’s chest a moment before the world started to spin. She leaned into him, feeling him gather her in his arms.

“Easy, darling.
You’re still suffering from exposure. Just rest and I’ll get you warmed up in the car.” The world shifted as he picked her up and headed for the door. He let his gaze lock with hers as a devious smile spread across his face. “Now if I recall my first aid training correctly, bodies heat faster when they’re naked.” He swiped a heated path across his lower lip with his tongue. “And we both know what happens when we get naked together.”

Chapter Twenty-Four




March 30
– Reno


“By the power invested in me, by the state of
, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

wiped a single tear from her cheek as she watched Sam bend down to Sue and take her lips with his. A warm feeling filled her heart. She looked over at Gage. He stared her with a hooded gaze, barely conscious of the two people kissing in front of the altar. Brooklyn flashed him a smile, chuckling at the way his breath hissed through his teeth.

“Congratulations,” she said, giving Sue a firm hug, as she smiled at Sam over Sue’s shoulder. “You’re way better than he deserves, you know.”

Sam smiled, pulled her against his chest, and gave her a wet kiss. “Behave yourself, or I’ll give you one of those spankings you write about.”

’s face heated and she prayed her friends couldn’t see the swirl of desire she felt flash in her eyes. She met Sam’s knowing grin. “From what I hear, you’re already way beyond that.”

Sam’s eyes sparkled with amusement, while Sue’s complexion
a deep red. Sam gave her one more squeeze before grabbing Sue by the hand. “Thanks for coming out, guys. It meant a lot to us.”

Gage moved beside her, shaking Sam’s hand as the couple bolted from the small chapel, their laughter drifting through the air. Brooklyn felt his chest press against her back, his heat seep through to her skin. She sighed, leaning into his embrace. He’d barely left her side since the cabin, even insisting she accompany him to work. But she’d found the gesture more romantic than anything else.

“They make a good couple, don’t you think?”

“Almost as good as us,” said Gage, cinching his arms around her waist. “Now how about we head back to the hotel and see if we can find a way to occupy the time? Maybe I can help with some

smiled, falling in beside him as they wove their way back to their hotel. He kept his arm firmly around her shoulders, never allowing her hip to leave his. She felt giddy, like when they were first married, only now they had the advantage of experience. No treading around the
or wondering what the other enjoyed. They knew every inch of each other’s bodies, and exactly what turned them on. Though it seemed Gage still had a few tricks up his sleeve. Last night he’d ordered an exotic fruit platter, and had insisted on using her body as his personal plate. She’d never think about strawberries and pineapple in the same way again. Then he’d held her all night, gently stroking her whenever the nightmares threatened to pull her under. She smiled when she thought about what she had in store for him. Tonight was all about putting their past behind them, and she knew just how to do it.

“So, darling,” said Gage, locking the door to their room.
“Looks like we’ve got twenty-four hours to occupy.”
He sauntered up behind her, gently grazing his fingers across her hip. “Any ideas on how we should spend them?”

smiled and turned in his arms, melting into a soul-searing kiss, before placing her hands on his chest and softly pushing him away. “I do have one idea,” she teased, stepping back until she reached the bathroom door. “Do me a favour and wait on the bed. I’ll be right out.”

Gage groaned his reply. She saw him move towards the bed, his fingers already working the buttons of his shirt, as she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. She’d been waiting for this night since they’d driven back to Reno. Drake, or Scott as she now knew him, had been treated for his gunshot injury and then transferred to a Federal hospital until he was
deemed fit
to stand trial, though neither Gage nor Sam seemed to think that day would ever come. His injury had opened the door between his two realities, and he seemed unable to exist as either identity.

She sighed. It would be months before she’d feel free of Scott’s torment, but at least she wouldn’t have to face the memories alone. Gage would be there to ease her through it. Be strong for her when she couldn’t. She smiled and slipped off her dress as she pulled a lacy, purple negligee over her head. It clung to her breasts, firmly holding them in place, before skimming her torso until it reached her thighs. Two long slits ran up the length of the sides, held together by intricately woven ties, exposing just enough of her pale flesh to make Gage’s tongue water.

smiled as she gazed at her reflection. She wanted Gage so far gone he’d submit to her wishes, and the thin piece of lace barely covering her body was just the thing to do it. Gage was a visual lover, and dressing up for him always made his blood boil. But she still had one last preparation.

She reached for the drawer farthest from the door, and slowly pulled it open. She took a nervous breath as she removed a small box and opened the lid, exposing the smooth plug she’d bought at a shop downtown, during one brief moment when Gage had allowed her to go with Sue to get Sam’s wedding present, while he waited in the car.

A shiver tingled down her spine and into her womb. She was so excited about having Gage take her
she feared she might come before she even left the bathroom. She took a soothing breath, reining in her libido as she picked up the plug and placed it on the counter. Then she removed a small tube of lubrication and twisted off the cap. She dampened her lips as she held the tube against the plug, squeezing a long thin line down the length of the toy, before swirling the slippery substance around with her fingers. It felt cold and slick, but she knew it’d grow warm the instant she took it inside her. She glanced once more at the closed door, imaging Gage waiting for her on the bed, then raised one leg, bracing it on top of the toilet. She eased her hand between her thighs, rimming her anus with the tip of the plug. A low, guttural moan trembled from her lips as she slowly inserted the device, allowing the thick width to ease through her tight tissues until the base lodged against ass.

“Oh, God.”
The act was erotic and hot, and just thinking about Gage’s reaction was enough to make her vagina clench in anticipation. As much as he’d promised to take her there again, the incident with Drake had scared him enough he’d eased up on his desires. She knew he was afraid of hurting her, and needed a strong push to break him free of the glass bubble he’d wrapped her in.

“Time to show me how much of a man you can really be, darling,” she whispered to the closed door as she stepped back and inched it open. Gage was splayed out on the bed, naked except for a tie slung loosely around his neck. He was propped up on one elbow, his eyes glued to her body. A low growl vibrated through the room as she walked out of the bathroom and over to the edge of the bed, stopping an arm’s length away.

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