Deadly Intent (Linked Inc. Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Deadly Intent (Linked Inc. Book 1)
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Quinn grimaced while staring into the airport bathroom mirror and swiped one more time to rid the smudged mascara from her red, swollen eyes and the tears started to pool again. How was it, after the long flight, that she had any tears left to shed? Saying goodbye to Collin had been hard. Seeing the disappointment on his face had made her feel like pond scum. She had to return, didn’t she? Quinn knew the minute the plane took flight that she’d left her heart behind, and if her family didn’t agree, they’d get over it.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the bathroom and greeted Cara’s and Becca’s worried stares. Quinn headed directly into the line of fire, knowing their questions wouldn’t wait. “I stopped a thief, scaled two walls, and got shot in the ass.”

Their eyes widened in surprise, but she’d saved the best shocker for last.

“And I fell head over ass in love with a Highlander.”

She loved that she could shock them into silence. She’d perfected it over the years. Quinn clapped her hands to get their brains functioning again. “Gird up, girls, and call our sisters back home. We have work to do. Linked Inc. is going international. Which one of you knows a good international attorney?”

They still stared, silently, as if her face was covered in green ooze and she was speaking in a foreign language.

Cara was the first to speak. “Wait, what? You fell in love?”

“Is that all you retained from everything I just said?”

She nodded, and Quinn smiled, letting her sister see the shine in her eyes. “I’m madly in love with Collin Menzie.” Quinn grinned bigger. “I bleed green.”

“Umm….I’m not sure that’s possible,” Becca said, tilting her head. “I’m pretty sure it’s closer to a crimson color.”

Yeah, okay. Quinn grabbed the handle of her suitcase, wound her arm through Becca’s and started toward the car.




A week later, eyeball deep in international paperwork, Quinn’s eyes were starting to cross when a knock sounded on her office door. She glanced up to find her secretary with a package in her hand. “This was just delivered for you.”

“Thanks.” Quinn smiled, hoping the package was from their new international attorney.

The package was heavier than she expected. Quinn ripped it open to find a hardback book inside so she slipped it out. It was the sequel to the book she’d suggested to Garth, the Menzie’s caretaker. She opened the cover to find an inscription on the first page.

An advanced copy for my pushy American friend. May the mystery, romance, and intrigue that I’ve written keep you entertained should you ever find yourself on a long flight back to Scotland.

Garth- “The Lumberjack.”


Not much shocked Quinn in life, but Garth was the author of one of her favorite books! This was indeed a twisted world. Heat flooded her cheeks as a smile split her lips. She flipped the book over to the author’s photo. It was the lumberjack, clean shaven and wearing a suit.

For two whole weeks, little trinkets started arriving at her office. Her lost dagger from Mavis, a package of cookies from Angus, and a red plaid bra from Ian with a note attached that said,
Red yet

No amount of Quinn’s mother’s nagging and bitching at dinner tonight could shake her resolve. Scotland called to her; going back wasn’t a whim. She truly missed Collin.

“You’re really doing this? You’re willing to uproot your entire life and career over a guy?” Cara asked, leaning against Quinn’s doorframe.

“I am,” Quinn answered, signing the last document that would seal her fate. She shoved the paper inside an envelope to send to the attorney. “He’s the one, Cara.”

She smiled as an out of breath Rebecca ran into Quinn’s office. “Quinn, I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have a situation.”

Quinn slowly rose from her seat. “What?”

“Misty has a caller on the line who insists he has a curse and is demanding to speak with you.”

A curse. Seriously? Quinn rounded her desk and stepped out into the call center, where all of the staff was working, some giving readings, some flipping tarot cards. It was just a typical day. Quinn spotted Misty across the room, standing in front of her computer, talking adamantly with her hands.

She looked relieved as she handed over her headset and stepped back to give Quinn room. Quinn slipped the headset on and cleared her throat. “Sir, we don’t handle curses.”

“Aye, so you’ve said, but I’m afraid I must insist.” Collin’s smooth baritone voice sounded like music to her ears, so she sat down in the chair and smiled.

“Is that so?” Her voice deepened to that of a phone sex operator.

“See, the thing is, my cook is psychic, and she’s had a vision.”

“Well, I’m sure the psychic cook can handle your curse problem.”

“No, luv. See the portrait she painted depicting the curse isnae one that can be handled without your help.”

Quinn leaned back in the chair and twirled her hair through her fingers. “You’ll have to tell me exactly what’s in this portrait.”

“Turn around and find out.”

Quinn spun in the chair to find Collin dressed in his sexy-ass kilt with a phone pressed against his ear, standing at the end of the row of cubicles. He was holding a portrait covered in brown paper.

Quinn tossed the headset onto the desk and sashayed toward him, unable to stop her grin. Ignoring the fact that he was holding whatever the painting was, she tossed her arms around his neck and kissed him with every bit of passion that had been building since the day she’d flown home.

Catcalls and cheers sounded throughout the room, but none of that mattered. She broke the kiss but kept her hold. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to bring you home, and there’s this portrait business we need to discuss.”

“Well then,” Quinn said, pulling at the hem of her suit jacket and stepping back. “Business first and then pleasure. Lots and lots of pleasure.”

His eyes twinkled with mischief. “Pleasure’s gonna have to wait. We have dinner plans after business.”

Quinn’s brows dipped as she led him into her office and closed the door behind them. If she’d had blinds, she would have dropped them too. “You’re not even in town for a day, and you’ve already made friends?”

“What can I say? I’m a likable guy.”

“Yes, you are.” Quinn crossed the room and cupped his cheek. “I’ve missed you.”

He lowered his head and melded his mouth with hers before he broke the kiss. “Business first.”

“Okay, show it to me. We handled the last curse. We can handle this one.”

He lifted it into the chair, and with her stomach tied in knots, Quinn tore the paper off and stared with her mouth agape.

The painting depicted Collin standing behind Quinn while she held a baby swaddled in a green plaid blanket.

“It appears we’re cursed to have bairns.”

“Who?” Quinn shook the surprise from her head.

As if reading her thoughts, he answered, “Mavis painted it after another one of her visions.”

“But I’m not….”

“Pregnant,” he answered wrapping his arms around her waist. “No’ yet.” He placed a kiss on her neck. “Grab your purse. We’re going to be late.”

“Late, where?” she asked, grabbing her purse from the drawer.

“You’ll see.” He chuckled and led her out of the building, as if he’d been there a million times before, and into a waiting limo. She couldn’t wipe the happiness from her face or ignore the fact that they were alone. She hiked her business skirt up and climbed into his lap. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Me too. I figured I gave you enough time to miss me.”

Laughter erupted from her lips. “If that were the case, you could have followed me home. I missed you before takeoff.”

His hands trailed a path up her back and into her hair. He pulled the clip free, letting her red curls fall. “Dinner, then pleasure.”

“Pleasure and then dinner,” she corrected, unbuttoning the top button of her blouse.

“We’re here.” He redid the button and eased her off his lap. Quinn glanced out the window and up at the familiar three-story beach house.

“Why are we at my parents?” she asked, feeling a bit agitated that she had to share Collin with them so soon.

“I was invited to dinner,” he answered, as if that explained everything. He slipped out of the limo and held out his hand. “I couldnae say no.”

“Yes, yes, you could have.” Her voice rose an octave as she took his hand and got out. “You aren’t going to do something cliché like propose marriage in front of them, are you?”

He kissed her lips and whispered in her ear. “Worse.”

He pulled Quinn to the door.

“Wait, what could be worse?” she asked as the door swung open. Ian was standing on the threshold in his kilt.

“There’s my favorite American.” He stepped out and crushed her in his arms, spinning her like a girl with a new doll.

“Put me down before I hurt you.”

“That is no way to talk to our guests,” Quinn’s mother called out from behind the big brute.

“Sorry, Mom, but he’s not a guest. He’s a pain in my—”

“Quinn Elizabeth,” her mother said, scolding her.

Quinn rolled her eyes as Ian lowered her to her feet and stepped out of the way for Collin and her to enter. The house was silent. She felt like a child about to give her first oral report. All eyes would be on her if Collin actually did what he said. She stepped into the large living room and froze. Every Scot she’d ever met was inside—Angus and Mavis, as well as other staff from the castle. Well, except the ones in jail or dead. Quinn’s parents and sisters stood with hopeful looks on their faces, as though they were in on some big secret she’d been excluded from. Quinn turned to flee, and Collin’s arm snaked around her waist.

“I told you she’d try and run,” Cara said taking a twenty-dollar bill from Becca.

Collin led Quinn to the middle of the room. Heat flooded her face.

“You may think this is romantic, but it’s not,” she whispered.

“Aye. It will be.” Collin dropped to his knee and held out the largest emerald ring she’d ever seen. “Quinn Thatcher.”

“That better not be part of the cursed emerald.”

“Aye, just a small part. I returned the rest to Ian. Now shut up and let me finish.”

Quinn smiled down at him. Not many people would dare tell her to shut up, and she loved him for it.

“We thought you were returning something to us, but you stole something much more valuable.”

“I did not,” she quipped and glanced around the room at all the familiar faces.

“Aye. You did. You stole my heart.” He rose to his feet. “You once told me that I save you, and you save me. That’s why we work.”

She stared up into the depths of Collin’s eyes and could easily drown in the love that shined back. “That
why we work. I love you, Quinn Thatcher, and it’s time you save me for good.”

“Aww.” Every female in the room gushed.

“Marry me, complete me, be my lady and my wife.”

Her heart raced frantically against her chest. She always knew a moment like this would come. Maybe not with so many watching participants, but deep in her heart, she knew that this Highlander was her one.

“Aye,” she answered.

Collin smiled in response and slipped the emerald onto her finger before kissing her in front of the roomful of people. They broke the kiss, and she held his gaze.

“What could be worse than this?” she whispered.

“You’ll see.” He winked before her sisters grabbed her arm to pull her from the room. “I’ll see you in a little bit.”

“Come on. It’s time to get ready,” Cara gushed.

Quinn was ushered up the staircase and gripped the rail when the vision of Collin hit her with the force of a punch to the throat. Collin was in a limo with Ian, both dressed in their kilts when an eighteen-wheeler blindsided the limo. “Oh God.”

Panic and fear took her breath as she watched Ian and Collin close the front door. 

She shoved off her sister's hold and ran down the stairs to throw the door open. They were already in the limo, and she raced to get in front of it. She slammed her hands on the hood and shook her head.

“Quinn, what are you doing?” her mother asked from the doorway.

“You can’t go,” she yelled as Collin stepped out of the car.

“I’ll see you in a little bit, Quinn. Trust me.”

She shook her head and rounded the car. “No, you can’t go, please. Don’t go.” A tear slid down her cheek. She knew she wasn’t saying this in a way for him to understand. She felt like she would faint. Her world was about to be ripped from her again, just like the first time. “Please don’t go.”

Collin pulled her against his chest, kissed her neck, and whispered in her ear. “What did you see?”

“An accident,” she said with a shaky voice.

Quinn felt him nod against her head. “Then I willnae go.” He cupped her cheeks and looked deeply into her eyes. “I willnae go. We’ll just move the wedding here. I’m no’ waiting another day to make you my wife, Quinn Thatcher. We’ll just do it here.”

BOOK: Deadly Intent (Linked Inc. Book 1)
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