Dead Sleep (32 page)

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Authors: Greg Iles

BOOK: Dead Sleep
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“Are you really looking at Roger as a suspect? That's ludicrous. He's the gentlest man I know. Also the most ethical.”
“Did you know he killed several men in Vietnam?” asks Kaiser.
“I know he was in the war. He doesn't talk about it. But surely you don't consider killing in combat to be murder?”
“No. But a man who's killed once can kill again. Perhaps more easily than some others.”
“Perhaps. Have you ever killed anyone, Agent Kaiser?”
“In war?”
“As a civilian? In the line of duty?”
“I'll bet you have. There's violence in you. I can see it. I'd like to paint you sometime.”
“I'm not available.”
“You've seen some terrible things, haven't you?”
“It's a tough world, Frank.”
“Isn't it? Dr. Lenz has seen things, too, but they don't affect him the same way. Evil and brutality offend you. You have a strong moral streak. A compulsion to judge.”
“This is a waste of time,” Kaiser says testily. “Our photographer should be here any minute.”
Baxter takes hold of my elbow. “Move. Go, go, go.”
Outside the van, I look both ways, then cross Esplanade, my eyes on Frank Smith's cottage. It presents a simple face to the street: four windows, three dormers, and a gabled roof, with a door where the porte cochere would have been a century ago. My knock is answered by a beautiful Hispanic boy of about nineteen. Juan, I presume.
he says.
“I'm from the FBI. I'm here to take some pictures.”

Follow me.”
As he leads me through the entrance hall, I realize that Smith's Creole cottage has been transformed from a humble nineteenth-century abode into a showplace for antiques and art. To my right is a luxurious dining room with a Regency table, Empire chandeliers, and a huge mirror over a French commode. On the wall above a hunt board hangs a life-size portrait of a nude man reclining on a chaise. He looks vaguely familiar: large-boned but not well-muscled, yet his face has a remarkable nobility. The picture is languidly erotic, with full frontal nudity, and looks as though it could have been painted in the 1500s.
Juan says. “Please?”
A few steps and a left turn take us to the salon, where the others sit drinking coffee. This room, too, is stunning, with Oriental wood screens and an Aubusson rug the size of a wading pool. Frank Smith looks up as I reach the door, and though I intended to keep my eyes on my camera, I find myself looking square into Smith's face. The young painter has sea-green eyes, an aquamarine shade I've only seen in the eyes of women. They're set in a deeply tanned face, above a Roman nose and sensual mouth. Both his face and body have a remarkable symmetry, and he looks lean and muscular under his white linen clothes. Suddenly recalling my purpose for being here, I blink and turn to Kaiser.
“I'm sorry I'm late. What do you want me to shoot?”
“Anything by Mr. Smith here.”
Frank Smith hasn't taken his eyes off me, and I'm eerily certain that he has seen me before. Me or my sister. That possibility closes my throat and brings sweat to my face.
“The nude in the dining room is mine,” Smith says.
I nod and manage to speak one sentence. “I won't be a minute.”
“I beg your pardon,” he says. “Have we met?”
I clear my throat and look at Kaiser, half hoping he'll draw his gun. “I don't think so.”
“In San Francisco, perhaps? Have you been there?”
I live there when I'm not working.
. . . “Yes, but not for—”
“My God, you're Jordan Glass.”
Kaiser, Lenz, and I stare at one another like fools.
” Smith says. “I might not have recognized you, but with the camera, something just clicked. My God, what are you doing here? Don't tell me you've joined the FBI?”
“Well, what in the world are you doing here?”
The truth has a voice of its own. “My sister was one of the victims.”
Smith's mouth drops open. “Oh, no. Oh, I see.” He gets to his feet and looks as though he wants to hug me, as though the tragedy had just happened. “Actually, that's not true. I don't see at all.”
Kaiser is glaring at me like I shouldn't have given away the game, but once Smith recognized me, there was really no point in continuing.
“We were identical twins,” I explain.
The artist's eyes narrow as he tries to understand; it doesn't take him long.
“You're a stalking horse! They're using you to try to panic the killer into revealing himself.”
I say nothing.
Smith shakes his head in amazement. “Well, I'm happy to meet you, despite the circumstances. I love your work. I have for years.”
“Thank you.”
“How did you recognize her?” asks Lenz.
Smith directs his answer to me. “Someone pointed you out to me at a party in San Francisco. I stood within three feet of you for twenty minutes, talking to someone else. I wanted to meet you, but I didn't want to intrude.”
As I look back at Smith, the portrait in his dining room clicks in my mind. “Is the man in the dining room painting Oscar Wilde?”
His eyes light with pleasure. “Yes. I used the photo on the cover of the Ellmann biography for his face, and various other photos to get an idea of the rest of his body. Wilde is a hero of mine.”
“I love the cottage,” I tell him, laying a hand on his arm to gauge his reaction. He clearly enjoys it. “Do you have a garden?”
Smith beams. “Of course. Follow me.”
Without paying the slightest bit of attention to Kaiser or Lenz, he escorts me to the front door, which leads to a walled garden filled with citrus plants, roses, and a gnarled wisteria that's probably as old as the house. One wall of the garden is formed by an old servants' quarters, which appears to have been converted into a wing of the cottage. Rushing water from a three-tiered fountain fills the courtyard with sound, but what holds me rapt is the light—glorious sunlight falling softly through the foliage with the perfect clarity I remember from Marcel de Becque's Sleeping Women.
“It's lovely,” I say softly, wondering if my sister ever lay unconscious or dead on the paving bricks before me.
“You have a standing invitation. I'd love to entertain you. Please call anytime.”
My second invitation today. “I just might do that.”
Footsteps sound on the porch behind us. Kaiser says, “Mr. Smith, we'd like you to keep Ms. Glass's presence in New Orleans to yourself.”
“Spoilsport,” Smith retorts, cutting his eyes at me. “They're no fun at all, are they?”
“And please do not contact Thalia Laveau about this visit.”
Anger flares in Smith's eyes. “Stop giving me orders in my own house.”
In the awkward silence that follows, I suddenly want out of this place, away from this man who could have been the last person my sister ever saw.
“We really must go,” Lenz says.
“No rest for the wicked,” Smith quips, his humor inexplicably back in gear. Taking my arm, he leads me back through the house to the porch facing Esplanade Avenue.
“Remember,” he says. “You're always welcome.”
I nod but do not speak, and without a word to Kaiser or Lenz, Smith turns and goes back into his cottage, leaving us on the small porch.
“So much for the element of surprise,” Kaiser says as we cross through traffic to the van. “How about that picture of Oscar Wilde?”
“Beautifully done,” says Lenz, who appears preoccupied by something.
“Smith reminds me of Dorian Gray,” I think aloud. “A beautiful amoral man who will never age.”
“Why amoral?” asks Kaiser. “Not because he's gay.”
“No. It's something I sense about him. He's like de Becque, yet different somehow. What do you think, Doctor?”
Lenz has a strange smile on his face. “You know what no one remembers about Dorian Gray?”
“He murdered a man, then bribed a chemist to come to his house and destroy the body. The chemist used special compounds to burn the corpse until there was nothing left.”
“You're kidding,” says Kaiser.
“No. Wilde was ahead of his time in many ways. Dorian Gray's theory of murder was no corpse, no evidence, no crime.”
THALIA LAVEAU LIVES on the second floor of a three-story Victorian rooming house near Tulane University. Nine other women and two men live in the house, which is a nightmare for the NOPD surveillance team. Seven doors, twenty-one ground-level windows, and two fire escapes. Parked on the student-dominated block, we hunch inside the FBI surveillance van like J. Edgar Hoover-era G-men spying on “outside agitators.”
“The plan is for John to take the lead on Laveau,” Baxter says, looking at Dr. Lenz. “Does anybody want to change that before you go in?”
Kaiser and Lenz glance at each other, but neither speaks.
“I do,” I tell them.
All three men look at me in confusion.
“What do you mean?” asks Baxter.
“I want to go in alone.”
they cry in unison.
“This is a woman, guys. Maybe a gay woman. I'll get twice as much out of her as you could.”
“The point isn't to get something out of her,” Baxter reminds me. “It's to find out whether she's seen you before, and therefore your sister. And since no one else seemed to recognize you—except Smith, who didn't try to hide it—this interview may be critical.”
I look him dead in the eye. “Do you really believe a woman is behind all these disappearances? Or even involved?”
“Let her do it,” says Dr. Lenz, surprising me. “The odds that Laveau is involved are low, and her nude paintings will probably tell us more than she will. But if Jordan can gain her trust, we might learn something valuable about one of the men.”
“You saw how Smith responded to me,” I press Baxter. “I think he would have opened up to me if I'd been alone. Wheaton, too.”
“Smith was responding to your fame,” says Kaiser, who looks uncomfortable with the idea. “Not your gender.”
“If you went in alone, what would you say?” asks Baxter.
“I won't know that until I get there. That's the way I work.”
The ISU chief looks tempted but worried. “Jesus, the liability—”
“What liability? I'm a private citizen walking up to someone's door. If she invites me in, so what?”
“What if she sees you and freaks?” asks Kaiser. “Attacks you? If she's involved, that's a real possibility.”
“I wouldn't turn down a gun if you offered me one.”
Baxter shakes his head. “We can't give you a gun.”
“How about some Mace?”
“We don't have any.”
“This is a bad idea,” says Kaiser.
“It's better than sending you and Lenz in there,” I insist. “Look, I'll know whether she's seen me before as soon as she answers the door. Then I'll tell her you guys are outside. I'll tell the truth. I'm the sister of one of the victims, trying to find some answers, and the FBI is kindly providing some protection for me.”
“Let her go,” Lenz says. “We need to know what Laveau knows. This is the best way to find that out.” He looks at Kaiser. “You disagree?”
Kaiser looks like he'd like to argue, but he doesn't. “Put the wire on her, and I'll stand just outside the house with a receiver.” He watches me, his hazel eyes intense. “If you sense it going bad in any way, yell for help. And I mean yell. No codes that can be misunderstood.”
“That works for me,” Baxter says. “Let's move, before Laveau decides to go out and get her hair done.”
“Get the T-4 off,” Kaiser tells Lenz, who removes his coat and starts unbuttoning his shirt, his elbows bumping us in the tight quarters. Baxter unstraps the tape from Lenz's ribs, and Kaiser chuckles at the psychiatrist's grimaces.
“She'll see that transmitter under this blouse,” I point out, holding out the thin cotton.
“You'll have to wear it under your skirt,” says Lenz, cradling the transmitter, dangling antenna, and microphone in his hands.
“Do you have more tape?”
Baxter digs into a metal drawer and comes up with a roll, which he hands awkwardly to me.
“This is no time to be shy,” I tell them, pulling my skirt up. “I am wearing underwear.”
“And very nice underwear it is,” says Dr. Lenz, looking at the cream silk bikinis.
“Come on, tape it on.”
“I don't really know what I'm doing,” Lenz protests.
“Give me that,” snaps Baxter.
He takes the transmitter from Lenz, and under the close scrutiny of the other two leans over and tapes the transmitter and antenna securely to my inner thigh, high enough to give me goose bumps despite my bravado about modesty. When he's done, he hands me the tiny microphone, which is connected to the transmitter by a thin wire.
“Run that under your waistband and up to your bra.”
“Why don't you guys shut your eyes for this part?”
They do, and I secure the mike between the cups of my Maidenform with the tiny clip attached to it. “Ready or not,” I say softly. “Let's do it.”
They open their eyes, and Kaiser opens the back door.

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