Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa (24 page)

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. Information on Everything But Arms can be foundat

. Paul Collier discussed the inequity between Europe’s trade policy towards Somalia versus Kenya on
Foreign Exchange
with Fareed Zakaria, on the US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in August 2007.

. Information on the India–Africa Summit can be found at

. This statistic comes from Learning Africa at

9. Banking on the Unbankable

. The Nobel Peace Prize 2006 was awarded to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank ‘for their efforts to create economic and social development from below’. See

. More information on Grameen Bank can be found at

. More information on Kiva can be found at

. Vijay Mahajan, Managing Director of BASICS, estimated that 90 million farm holdings, 30 million non-agricultural enterprises and 50 million landless households in India collectively need approximately US$30 billion credit annually:

. Ketkar and Ratha, Development Finance via Diaspora Bonds Track Record and Potential, 1 August 2007.

. Adams and Page, ‘Do International Migration and Remittances Reduce Poverty in Developing Countries?’

. BBC News, ‘Nigerian Boys Praised for Honesty’, reported April 2005.

. Giridharadas, ‘India hopes to wean citizens from gold’.

10. Making Development Happen

. In Landes,
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations

. Perry,
interview with Rwanda’s President Kagame, September 2007.

. Comments by President Abdoulaye Wade can be found at

. From
Foreign Exchange
with Fareed Zakaria, on the US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in August 2007. Discussion with Paul Collier, author of
The Bottom Billion

. Christopher Grimes, ‘Can New York Defeat Poverty?’ in
FT Weekend
, 24/25 May 2008. The idea of paying cash to the poor in exchange for better behaviour has been championed by the World Bank, which says conditional cash transfer programmes now exist in more than twenty countries. The World Bank and others recently launched a programme in Tanzania that pays fifteen- to thirty-year-olds almost US$50 a year to stay HIV-negative.


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