Day of Wrath (39 page)

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Authors: Iris Collier

BOOK: Day of Wrath
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‘Jane, you've been my loyal friend for so long, now will you honour me by becoming my wife? Just think of it, you will be the mistress of Dean Peverell.'

She looked startled, withdrew her hand, and dropped him a curtsy. ‘Lord Nicholas, I'm overcome. But just at this moment, the King is looking at us, my father is glaring at me, and Brother Benedict is waiting to sing with me. Besides, being mistress of Dean Peverell means nothing to me. I would only ever consider marrying the man I love and who, I know, loves me. Ask me another time, when we are not so public.'

‘Jane, don't be so contrary. You know I love you. Just say “yes”. The King's in the mood to give us his blessing.'

‘First things first, my Lord. And just at this moment, music is my priority.'

She turned to where Brother Benedict was waiting for her on the stage, and took her place beside him. Then they sang, to the delight of the guests. They sang songs about love and happiness and the pleasures of the countryside. When Jane sang one of the King's own compositions called, ‘Pastime with Good Company', the King rose to his feet in delight.

‘By God, Prior,' he said, ‘Tell me, who's the good-looking monk singing with Mistress Warrener? Don't they make a fine couple? Tell him to pack his bags and I'll take him back to Court with me. He can entertain the French Ambassador.'

The Prior looked the King straight in the face. ‘Sire, you have every right to govern your kingdom as you think fit. Allow me to govern my Priory in my own way. Brother Benedict stays with me until his abbot recalls him to France.'

‘Well said, Prior, you'll make a good diplomat. You're quite right, of course. None of my business what you do with your monks. Now, Peverell, come and take a turn with me in that garden of yours. I want a word in your ear. Let the dancing commence,' he said as they went out, ‘if the Queen's got a mind to it.'

He linked his arm in Nicholas's and strolled outside into the garden, where the night air was warm and velvety and, in the background they heard the sweet sounds of the lutes and shawms coming from the house.

‘You know, Peverell, I'm damn grateful we've put an end to all these treasonable goings-on down here. I love this place, and I've much work to do in Portsmouth. I can see that I'll be a regular visitor here in the future. I could appropriate Mortimer house, but I don't fancy it, somehow. Treason contaminates the atmosphere. Also I've a mind one day to reinstate Lady Mortimer there with her children. I'm a merciful man, am I not, Peverell, when the occasion demands it?'

‘Of course you are, your Grace; I've never doubted it.'

‘And you're a good friend, Peverell. Now, why not marry that lass of yours? Don't mind the father, he'll come round to you when you sire his first grandchild. The wench will agree, I'm sure, and it will be good to see her at Court. She can sing to me when affairs of state get me down. I could compose some songs for her. Matrimony's a fine institution. I can heartily recommend it. Mind you, the Queen's not well at the moment, not well at all. I hope she can stand the journey tomorrow.'

‘Tomorrow, your Grace? You leave so soon?'

‘There's work to do, Peverell. I've got a kingdom to govern. And the Queen's baby could arrive at any moment. Pray God it's a fine son to carry on my name.'

‘Amen to that, your Grace.'

‘Now, Peverell, what are we going to do about you? You've got a fine house, a fine wench – I know, you want your Priory, don't you? Well, this time next year, Cromwell will have got the legislation through Parliament, and the monks will have to go. Don't worry, I'll fix that Prior of yours up with a good position somewhere. By the way, he's a nice fellow. I could do with someone like him around at Court. He could make a second Wolsey. But no monks. No monks at Court. I've had enough of them. But you can have your Priory, then, and get yourself buried, when the time comes, in that chantry chapel you were telling me about. Mind you, it'll cost you something…'

*   *   *

N.B.—Nicholas bought his Priory off the King for £125.13.4d, of which £40.00.0d was paid immediately, with the balance due the following Michaelmas and Easter.

The proceeds from the Priory brought £276.10.11d into the King's coffers. It was the most profitable disposal of ecclesiastical property in West Sussex. There was no mention of the chalice in the inventory.

An imprint of St. Martin's Press.

Copyright © 2001 by Iris Collier. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

ISBN 0-312-29020-9

First published in Great Britain by Judy Piatkus (Publishers) Ltd.

First U.S. Edition: May 2002

eISBN 9781466848962

First eBook edition: June 2013

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