Authors: Susan Worley-Bean

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“Thank you. You know I’ve taken some time off, dusted off, and I’m back. This is what you came for. Jillie, this is for you.” the

He indeed was back. Jillian smiled, as she watched her husband give the performance of his life. Robert John Montgomery sang his heart out, he was doing what he loved, singing his tunes. Several times during the performance, Jillian saw tears in his eyes.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Montgomery were off for a quick honeymoon. They flew to St. Thomas in the U. S. Virgin Islands. During the flight RJ commented. “You know, this is most relaxed I’ve felt years.”

“Well, you should be!” Jillie replied batting her eyelashes.

The hotel manager recognized the entertainer and asked if they’d like to register under another name, so as not to be disturbed. Jillian replied, “Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Critchalow.” RJ chuckled. “Leonard Critchalow? Where’d you come up with that?”

“My grandfather and I used to play pretend and that was his pretend name. Pretty cute, huh?”

RJ put his arm around his wife. “You’re pretty cute, Mrs. Critchalow!”

They spent the next few days being tourists. On the crowded cobblestone streets, RJ was approached, always being stopped. One day they decided to fly over to St. Croix to explore. RJ and Jillie swam, snorkeled, and sunned.

The hotel offered extravagant bungalow suites. RJ and Jillian’s was on a hill in an extremely private location. The balcony from their upstairs bedroom looked out over a deck and private pool.

On their last morning, as the sun was beginning to rise, RJ wakened to find himself alone in bed. From the balcony, he saw Jillie swimming laps in the pool. The water glinted off her nude body. He looked up to the sky; it was beginning to turn blue, and he gave thanks for all he his joy.

He slipped into the water and swam over to Jillie he said, “Good morning, baby.”

“Isn’t this the best way to start a day?” she asked happily.

“I can think of another way.”


Chapter 35

After the 4:45 a.m. wake-up call, Jillian called RJ at home, forgetting about the time change between New York and Lake Tahoe. Groggily he answered, “Hello.”

“Good morning, honey.”

“I love you. This house has been too quiet without you.” RJ rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock, “Do you know what time it is? It’s 1:45!”

“Sorry. I forgot about the time change, but I just wanted to say good morning.”

“That’s okay. I’ll talk to you anytime, anywhere. I love you.”

“I’ll be in at 1:30. Are you are still picking me up?”

“Yep, this old cowboy and his pup will be there.”

“Seems like I’ve been gone for ages. I’ve missed you so much. How’s our girl? Give her a kiss for me and tell her that Mommy’ll be home today.”

“Jillie, we’ve talked about ten times a day since you’ve been gone. I never grow tired of hearing your voice. I’m so much in love with you… more and more each day. After all we’ve been through, we’ve come out like shinning stars.”

“Gotta go get ready to get to the airport. RJ, I have news.”

“What news? You know you can’t keep a secret from me. Tell me, is it good news or bad news?”

“Definitely good,” Jillian said as she picked up a box and held it tightly.

“Love you. See you this afternoon.”

“ ‘Bye, darlin’.”

RJ lay on the bed, the telephone cradled against his chest, thinking to himself: I’m a lucky man. He was nudged and remembered that he wasn’t alone.

“What now? You want attention, too? Girls can be so demanding.” He rolled over towards Jillian’s pillow and kissed the head of Greta Jane Montgomery, a 15-week-old English Springer Spaniel puppy. “Mommy’s coming home today, Grets!”

Jillian was happy to be heading home. The training days were long but nonetheless interesting. She’d learned how to use the
Hirtchfield Device,
the first in her practice, in fact, probably the first in Northern Nevada. Dr. Morrison and she thought it’d be a boost for one of them to learn the device and to have one in both Yerington’s and Barton’s Operating Rooms.

After Jillian’s early call, RJ couldn’t get back to sleep. After tossing and turning for a hour, he decided to work. He moved into the recording studio to work on a new song. Sitting at the long soundboard that faced several microphones, he was daydreaming more than working, toying with the idea of whether to drive himself or meet Jillie with a limo. Even though he was in semi-retirement, he was still recognized and sometimes that was bothersome. He decided on the limo, where they could cuddle and talk on the way home. He smiled as he thought home, their home. Robert John Montgomery looked out past their lawn to the lake that glistened with the early morning sun’s reflections. He thought: What a peaceful time and place!

RJ worked in the studio most of the morning until the limousine arrived. He told Lionel, he’d be ready in a few minutes, as he’d lost all track of time. Quickly changing his clothes, he grabbed Greta and they were out the door.

“Mr. Montgomery, there is ginger ale in the cooler.”

“Thank you.”

Grets curled up on the plush carpeting and was instantly asleep. RJ helped himself to a ginger ale. He thought: In years past I’d have had several drinks on the way and on the return. Seems so foolish now. What a waste of my life! I lost myself, my career, and almost lost Jillie.

It was raining when they arrived at the airport. “Lionel, do you know where the dog park is? I think she needs a pit stop.”

“It’s right over by where we park. Sir, I’ll dog-sit while you’re inside.”

“Thanks, but please go in and pick up Mrs. Montgomery?”

“I understand.”

Robert asked Lionel to write on his name board:

RJ and Grets watched Lionel enter the terminal via the north doors by baggage claim. Jillian’s flight had just arrived.

Jillian was one of first passengers out of the plane. She saw Lionel holding up the name board:
. Jillian stopped and laughed. Lionel took her carry-on, when they’d claimed her other one. He motioned towards the north doors, “We’re out here.”

As soon as Robert saw Lionel come through the doors, he knew Jillian would be right behind him. When she got closer to the car, Robert let Grets go.

When Jillie saw her puppy, she squealed, “Here, Grets! Come here, baby!” The puppy ran towards her. RJ watched the loves of his life hug each other. He walked towards the girls and hugged Jillian while she hugged Grets. He was getting kisses from both of his girls. Jillian kissed him on the mouth and Grets kissed him on the cheek. RJ and Jillie laughed. She put Grets down and looked into RJ eyes. “I’ve missed you, Paw.”

“And I you, Maw.”

“Now you know how I feel when you’re gone.”

“You look wonderful, I am such a lucky man!”

Once loaded into the car, Jillian helped herself to a Perrier, and cuddled down next to Robert. Grets settled back down on the floor.

“Okay, what’s the news?”

“News? Wait until we get home. I’m so glad you didn’t drive. We can cuddle.”

“Are you teasing me?”

Jillian changed the subject. “What did you do while I was gone?”

“Girl, you’re a tease! Most of the time I worked in the studio.”

“I can’t wait to get Grets and Corks together. They’ll have fun playing together. You know, I was thinking, could we go to see my parents soon? Do you have anything on your calendar next week?”

“We sure can. You’re in a hurry to visit? Well, nothing next week, but the week after we’re going to be in Hollywood. I have to finish up my recordings on that Texas tourism video. You’re going with me, aren’t you?”

“Sure am, I’m looking forward to being at the house down south.”

They reached Spooner Summit, and Jillian saw Lake Tahoe. “As many times as I see it, this lake takes my breath away.”

“Lionel, would you please stop at the Vista Point lookout prior to Cave Rock?”

“I can do that, Mr. Montgomery.”

“Robert John Montgomery, you are such a romantic. And don’t tell me you’re not!”

“Only for you, my lady.”

When they stopped at the lookout, Lionel opened the door for his passengers. They got out, and Jillian and Grets walked down the path to the overlook. RJ caught up with the girls and took Jillie’s hand.

“This is beautiful…breath-taking!” Jillian exclaimed. She’d missed her lake; she was looking forward to sitting on the deck and watching the water.

After they’d been there a few minutes, an older-lady approached the couple.

“You’re Robert John Montgomery, aren’t you?”

“Yes, m’am.”

“Could I have your autograph and my picture taken with you? Hank, come over here and take my picture with Robert John Montgomery,” the woman yelled. “I was at your Detroit concert a couple of years ago, I was in the front row, I gave you a yellow rose. Do you remember me?”

“I’m sorry I really don’t remember you.” He thought to himself: I was probably too drunk to remember anyone or anything.

She handed Robert a piece of paper; he signed it and they posed for a picture.

“Thank you. You know you need to do more concerts. We miss you.”

“I’ll take it under advisement.”

As lady walked away, she was yelling at her friends who she just met.

Jillian said, “I think it’s time to leave…otherwise, we’ll be here for quite a while.”

When back in the car and on the road, Robert said, “Sorry.”

“You have your fans, and I understand that. Have you given any thought of touring full-time again?”

“I have.”


RJ just shook his head no and silent.

Marcella had left for the day, but had prepared lunch. A note read: “Welcome home, Mrs. Montgomery. There’s an avocado salad in the refrigerator and garlic breadsticks in the warming oven. There’s ice tea in the fridge. Have a nice evening.”

RJ and Jillian sat down for lunch on the deck. The salad was RJ’s favorite - - avocado, onion, and tomatoes mixed with rice vinegar. The garlic breadsticks were homemade, warm, and buttery. After the relaxing lunch and dishes cleaned up, Jillian sat in a deck chair just soaking up the lake views; she could hear the water slapping against the dock--a peaceful sound. Robert went to finish up in the studio. When he came back out, Jillian had fallen asleep, with Greta curled up in Jillian’s lap.

He smiled at his girls.

Jillian opened her eyes, “Hi, you.”

“I didn’t want to waken you.”

“You didn’t. I just had my eyes closed for a quick nap.”

“How ‘bout if we leave in a couple of hours and head for Texas? I called, they’re getting the plane ready.”

“Oh, that’d be perfect! Thank you.”

“Are you ever going to tell me your news?”

“There’s no easy way to tell you. We’re going to have a baby.”

“Wahoo!” He yelled loudly, he startling the sleeping pup. RJ kneeled in front of his wife. “Jillian, you’ve made me the happiest man alive. Are you sure?”

“Yes, I took a pregnancy test this morning. Hope you’re not upset. I know we’d talked about waiting. It’s only been married six months.”

“Gosh, I sure hope it’s a boy, `cause a girl would probably look like me, poor baby.”

“Stop! We’ll be happy with either…a gift from God.”

“Now, I realize why you wanted to go to Texas.”

When Jillian called to let her parents they’d be coming, her mother was very excited, as they hadn’t seen each other for several months. They took off from Lake Tahoe at five planning on arriving in Cleburne around nine, Texas time.

Her parents picked them up at the airport. They decided to get dinner at the Cracker Barrel before heading to Two Forks. After being seated and their drinks were served, Jillie and RJ grinned back and forth at each other.

“Okay, what’s going on?” her father said.

“Jillian Louise has something to tell you,” RJ said in a serious tone.

“Daddy, Mom, you’re going to be needing an additional room in the house. We’re going to have a baby. In a couple of days, we’re heading up to Iowa to tell RJ’s family.”

Her parents both sat for a second saying nothing; they were in shock.
“Hey! A baby! My baby’s having a baby!” her father said loudly, causing other patrons to look towards their table.
Her father spoke to the gazing onlookers, “She’s having a baby!” Some of the patrons clapped.
Grace finally spoke, “You can’t know how happy I am for you both.”

Jillie excused herself to go to the bathroom, and Grace came along with her. When washing their hands, her mother said, “Is everything okay?”

“I mean with RJ and….? with a baby coming and all.”
“Mom, he’s fine…we’re better than fine. Everything’s perfect.”
All declined dessert after Grace said she’d baked RJ’s favorite, Pecan Pie.

With her cup of creamed coffee Jillian Montgomery opened the kitchen door and made her way to the porch. She kicked off her boots and sat down in a rocking chair. She kicked off her boots; they clunked as she dropped them. She sipped her coffee, smiled, feeling her love of Two Hawks. Her father walked up, holding a cup of coffee.

“Is this seat taken?”
“Nope. I’m just sitting here watching the dogs roll around.”
“Are you doing okay?”
“Daddy, Mom already asked me. We’re okay. Everything’s peachy. Couldn’t be better. Are you happy?”

He reached out and took his daughter’s hand. “Happy isn’t the word for it. Baby, I’m so pleased that everything’s worked out for you and RJ. Now, we have a new family member to look forward to. But you’ll always be my little girl. Hey, I think I need to go pony shopping, our little one will learn to ride soon.”

“Daddy, it’s a little early.”

They sat looking out over the darkened landscape. The star-filled sky was brilliant.

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