Darkside Blues: SciFi Alien Romance (Dark Planet Warriors Book 4.5) (13 page)

BOOK: Darkside Blues: SciFi Alien Romance (Dark Planet Warriors Book 4.5)
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Lanterns and glowing, colorful lights decorated narrow doorways. Zyara peeked inside one and saw a small, bustling space filled with less than a dozen patrons.

Occasionally, a Human would pass them on the street. Their reactions to Kai and Zyara were mixed and fascinating.

Some would stare openly at her for a moment, but it was Kai who drew the most attention. Some Humans who passed him would smile warmly and offer a respectful nod. Others would avoid his gaze, scurrying past fearfully. Some would go to the extent of crossing the street to avoid him.

And here and there, she would spot his people. They seemed to be in every nook and cranny, their dark suits marking them as members of the ‘organization.’

They did not acknowledge Kai, and he didn’t pay them any heed.

They walked past a seemingly endless array of hole-in-the-wall eating venues until they reached a low-set building with glittering purple walls. The tiny lights embedded in the walls winked, resembling a constellation of stars. A long line of people snaked out of the entrance of the venue, the queue twisting around a corner and down a narrow alley.

There were aliens amongst the Humans. Winged Avein mingled with the odd Veronian and even a few scaled Ephrenians, the latter easy to spot with their distinctive blue and violet markings. Zyara was surprised to see Ephrenians out in the open. They were a secretive race, with strange technology and even stranger customs. They were one of the few species the Kordolians had never been able to conquer.

“This way.” Kai led her into the alley. Deep, pounding beats reverberated through the walls. Some of the Humans in the line responded by swaying their bodies to the music.

They quickly moved to the side when Kai approached, giving him a wide berth.

Zyara couldn’t hold back her curiosity any longer. “So who exactly are you to these people, Kai?”

Abbey had told her a little about these so-called
. They existed outside the laws of Earth, because the Federation didn’t recognize them as citizens.

Some Humans referred to them as ‘criminals’.

“I’m everything and nothing to these people, Zyara.” He paused in the shadows beside a large black door. The people milling about in the alley had given them plenty of space, and even though the place was crowded, they somehow had privacy. “They’d rather pretend I don’t exist, but when they’re in need, they know where to find me. I’m a necessary evil in this world.”

“Evil?” Zyara inclined her head. “That’s not what I’ve observed, but who am I to judge? I have no idea what Humans consider to be right and wrong. Some of your kind would probably consider me to be the evil one.”

Kai pressed his palm against a hidden door-panel, and the black door slid open. They stepped into a dimly lit passageway. The door closed, leaving them in a dark, narrow space.

Music pulsated through the walls. The beat was powerful and primal, resonating deep into her core. Zyara became aware of Kai’s closeness. He was behind her, brushing against her, sending an electric tingle down her spine.

Suddenly, they were alone together.

“I’m a survivor, Zyara,” Kai murmured, his low voice cutting through the music. “I’ve come from nothing and because of that, I’ve seized every advantage and every opening. I’ve done bad things to bad people, and probably to some good people too. But it is as you said. We Humans define the right and wrong, and in Darkside, nothing is ever as it seems, and the lines become blurred.” He curved an arm around her waist, pulling her against him. “But everything’s about to change, and before that happens, I just wanted to spend a night with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

Zyara spun, grabbing Kai by the shoulders and pushing him back against the wall. He exhaled, and smiled.

Gods, he was something else, with his razor-sharp cheekbones, eyes as black as deep space, and full, sensuous lips. His grin wasn’t that of one who was pinned down. She got the sense he wanted to devour her with more than just his penetrating gaze.

“Just a single night, Kainan? Is that what this was all about?” For some reason, the thought of a one-night stand angered her.

Swift and shallow intimacy was common on Kythia, but Zyara wasn’t interested in that.

Her anger burned deep within her chest and made her breathing swift and shallow. Her grip on his shoulders tightened. She had no idea how strong Kai was; he’d never, ever tried to resist her, but she knew she was stronger than the average Human.

Kai closed his eyes, his expression turning serious. “I would want this to turn into something more.” His voice cracked slightly, filled with deep, aching longing. “I never intended for this to be just a one-night stand.”

His usual hardness was gone, and in its place, a noble kind of vulnerability had emerged.

Zyara stared at him, transfixed. His words resonated with something inside her, drawing forth deeply buried emotions.

Longing. Emptiness. Sadness. Desire. Feelings she kept so tightly suppressed that she never thought they’d see the light of the Sun.

How very un-Kordodlian of her.

“Good,” she whispered. She still didn’t understand this man or the strange underworld he existed in, but that was okay. When she felt like this, everything was okay.

The next thing she knew, he had broken free, and his lips were on hers, his rough, gentle hands cupping her face, threading through her hair, drawing her closer to him.

His mouth was fluid, molten warmth, his lips pressing against hers with raw intensity, his tongue insistent and wanting. He growled in surprise as his tongue found her sharp, slightly elongated canines, which were nowhere near as long as those of a Kordolian male. He grunted in satisfaction when she responded, kissing him back, her hands curling around his bare neck.

He tasted of dark, intoxicating spice.

He pulled her against him, so that she felt the impressive bulge in his pants. The feel of his hardness making her wet.

Then, he pulled back, and she moaned with surprise and desire.

“Not here,” he whispered. “Not yet.”

“You fucking tease,” she growled, as her body came to life. It had been so, so long since she’d felt this way, and she couldn’t ever remember her need for another being this intense.

“All part of getting to know you,” Kai said, his warm breath tickling her ear. “My need for you is killing me right now, but I’m exercising self-control.”


“Because,” he replied, “the show’s about to start.”


He led her down the corridor, passing various Human workers who greeted them with discreet, respectful nods.

They stepped out into a mesmerizing, glittering wonderland.

Zyara’s breath caught in her throat as she took in the scene before her.

The narrow passageway opened up into an electric garden filled with holographic trees, vines, and even a glimmering digital waterfall, which cascaded down a wall and wound its way along the floor. The colors were surreal and brilliant; there were blue leaves and violet stems and strange golden fish-like creatures drifting through the air.

It was a mind-blowing, hyperreal dream.

Humans, Zyara decided, had tremendous capacity for imagination.

The artificial brilliance of Kai’s nocturnal world put Kythia’s dilapidated underground pleasure districts to shame.

“Part of the entertainment,” Kai said dryly, as they passed through a throng of dancing people.

Serving bots whirred through the crowds, and now and then, an android would pass them. The androids were part of the decoration, stunning male and female representations of the Human form with glowing electronic eyes and shimmering, vibrantly hued hair. They glided gracefully around the people like ethereal, godlike beings sent to Earth from the otherworld.

Kai wove through the crowds like a graceful dancer, never once bumping into a single soul, even though the throng of people became more dense as they plunged deeper into the magical garden.

He was a dark arrow shooting through a world of dazzling color, clearing the way for Zyara as she followed closely behind him.

They reached an area filled with discreet booths and tables, where couples sat and shared intimate secrets. An dark-suited attendant appeared out of nowhere, her smile broad and welcoming. “Good evening, Master Kainan,” she said. “Your usual table is ready.”

“Thank you, Miriam. This is my honored guest, Zyara of Kythia.”

“Welcome to
, Zyara. I’m Miriam, your host for tonight.” Miriam bowed. “If there is anything at all you desire, just say my name.”

“Thank you.” Zyara couldn’t remember the last time she’d been treated like royalty. It would have been back on Kythia, before she’d been cast out of House Sirian. But where Kordolian hospitality was stiff and formal, Miriam’s smile exuded warmth.

The petite woman led them to a secluded booth right at the edge of a darkened stage. Kai waited until Zyara was seated then slid in beside her, his thigh brushing against hers.

“Something to drink?” He gestured towards a holographic menu, which was available in a number of different languages.

“Just coffee. Black,” she said, ignoring the array of strange sounding beverages on the menu. She didn’t want to risk ingesting alcohol again. Zyara shuddered. In this place, with Kai by her side, she couldn’t risk becoming intoxicated. She would lose every last vestige of her self-control.

She’d already surrendered to his kiss. How much more would he take from her? How much more would she give him?

In the corridor back there, she’d almost lost it.

“I’ll have the same.” Kai added. Miriam nodded and disappeared with a cheeky twist of her crimson-stained lips.

“This place,” Zyara remarked, staring in fascination as a female android walked past, hand-in-hand with a dark-winged, bare-chested Avein male. “It is yours?”

“It belongs to the clan,” he replied, a hint of pride in his voice. “My group manages it, along with all the other clubs in the North Ward. The Glory Strip might be the busiest entertainment district in terms of Human traffic, but
is by far the most profitable club in Darkside. We aim to offer an experience that can’t be had anywhere else.”

“And do you bring many
to this club, Kai?” Zyara arched an eyebrow. He had the entire establishment eating out of the palm of his hand. She imagined there’d be no shortage of females willing to spend the night with him.

He returned her curiosity with a wry smile. “It’s not what you’d imagine. Most nights, I’m here on business.” Again, there was that wistfulness in his voice, almost as if he was… lonely.

“You’re a workaholic,” Zyara stated bluntly, recognizing something of herself in him.

“Probably,” Kai agreed, as their coffee arrived. “But doesn’t that also apply to you?”

“My work has been my life ever since I left the Kythian Court.” Zyara held the steaming mug between her hands, savoring the warmth and the unique, heady aroma of her drink. Rich, bitter coffee was proving to be a great temptation for Kordolians on Earth. Zyara couldn’t get enough of the stuff.

“It figures,” Kai remarked. “From what I know of you, that makes sense.”

“When it comes to knowing about me, you’ve hardly scratched the surface, Human.”

“Then tell me more,” he rumbled, his hand moving to her thigh. He traced his fingers up and down, feeling her lean, muscular legs through the sumptuous fabric of her

When Kai had given her time to dress and prepare for tonight, he’d shown her to the same luxurious chambers she’d fallen asleep in the last time she’d visited his compound. There had been a selection of clothes in the wardrobe. She’d been surprised to find a range of traditional Kordolian
amongst the Human fashions. They had been constructed from beautifully patterned Earth fabrics, and the sizing was perfect.

Zyara had chosen a deep green one embroidered with subtle grey blooms.

Damn these Humans and their thoughtfulness. Weren’t they supposed to be criminals? Lawbreakers?

Abbey had referred to their trade as ‘organized crime.’

Zyara was beginning to think they were a little
organized. What had happened to the chaos, the violence, the air of carefully controlled menace?

Heat radiated from Kai’s fingertips, seeping underneath Zyara’s skin as delicious warmth rose up into her body.

Heady arousal threatened to overwhelm her.

Zyara set her coffee aside and dropped her hand, encircling his wrist with a grip like Callidum. “Is this how you plan to get to know me?”

“Amongst other things,” Kai responded smugly, and then darkness engulfed them.

The elaborate holograms, the trees, the floating fish, the stars, they all disappeared in an instant.

Of course, the darkness didn’t stop Zyara from seeing perfectly well. A lone figure stepped out onto the stage.

A hush came over the audience, the figure’s hollow footsteps splitting the silence.

She was a petite Human with a curvaceous figure. Her innocent, unlined face was that of a girl blossoming into womanhood.

So young. Almost
young to be in a place like this.

Zyara’s grip on Kai’s wrist tightened. A spotlight came on, illuminating the girl. Her platinum hair was arranged in an elegant updo, and she wore a simple red dress.

What kind of entertainment did these decadent Humans indulge in?

A curtain at the back of the stage opened, revealing three Humans wielding strange long-necked devices. At first, Zyara thought they were weapons. But then, they started to play.


The instruments howled, the sound gritty and discordant, at least to Zyara’s untrained ears. But after a few beats, she started to get it; started to
it. It was a revelation. A third instrument joined in, adding a thrumming bass-line.

Then the girl sang.

She sang in Human-speak, in the language Zyara recognized as
. Her voice was not sweet and pure, as Zyara had been expecting. She sang in a low, throaty growl, as if the words were being torn from her raw soul.

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