Darkness Brutal (The Dark Cycle Book 1) (39 page)

BOOK: Darkness Brutal (The Dark Cycle Book 1)
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“Because we are not wrestling against
basar vadahm
(flesh and blood), but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the
(darkness) of the
Olam Hazeh
(physical world), against the
kokhot ruchaniyim ra’im
(evil spiritual forces) in
(The Heavens).”

~ Ephesus 6:12 ~


A book is never created by just one soul, and there is never enough room (or memory) for all the names. But I’ll try my best.

In the birth of this story, to the souls that were there at the start: Merrie Destefano, Rebecca LuElla Miller, Mike Duran, and Paul Regnier, thank you for not falling out of your chairs at Panera from hysterical laughter on that fateful day when I brought this story idea to you, because it made no sense at all. To my ever-encouraging and talented bitches at LB who kept me going when I wanted to throw in the towel, and to my inspirers at CODEX, for challenging me to reach higher in my craft. To Cheri Williams and Catherine Felt, the most perfect conference roomies and encouragers a gal could ask for. To my bestest friend, and first editor, Cayse Day (you too, Dave!), who read with great enthusiasm when I was ready to give up on this publishing game altogether; you are amaze-ballz! A huge hug to the great Orson Scott Card, who made me see through the words to find the true heart of a story. And to James Scott Bell, who took his personal time to encourage this unknown gal; you are a saint among men.

I have the best agent in the whole wide world in Rena Rossner. And you wouldn’t be reading this book without her die-hard spirit and her kick-ass battle strategies (not to mention her serious skillz with the red pen). And to the amazing Courtney Miller, who caught the vision of Aidan and his ragtag crew. I am so grateful she’s made this book a reality—an even more shiny one than I imagined—with the awesome team at Amazon Skyscape. And to Marianna Baer, a stunning and thoughtful editor, who challenged me gently and helped make the truth of this tale shine. I am epically grateful for her wisdom and insight.

To my mom, who put up with me talking endlessly about this tale, and listened even when it made no sense. I can’t thank you enough for all the support, both spiritual and practical, for being patient with my weird brain, and for all the carpool and dinner help—you are Super Grammy!

And to my kids: you roc
#AllTheThings, you fabulous munchkins of mine. You were my first creations, and you will always be my most favorite. Thanks for putting up with Mommy’s crazy all these years. You’ve earned a bazillion trips to Disneyland and ten gagillion Xbox games for your patience.

But most of all, in this human world where I reside for now, my Joseph will always be the one who holds me together and keeps me sane. Thank you a million times over for twenty years of adventures, and love, and a lifetime more to come.

And all glory to Him, who holds us, even when we don’t see the hands of grace.


Photo © 2010 Hannah Marks

Rachel A. Marks is an award-winning writer, a professional artist, and a cancer survivor. She is the author of the novella
Winter Rose
, and her art can be found on the covers of several
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling novels. She lives in Southern California with her husband, four kids, and six rabbits.

For more information, please visit

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