Darkest (3 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Darkest
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“Mind? Fuck no. I just wouldn’t have dared to ask you. Are you okay for cash? I’ll sort out access to my credit card for you so you can buy in what you need.”

“I’ve got my own money. I’m all right, really.”

“I’ll sort it. And, Eva, thank you. Really.”

“You’re welcome. That’s what friends are for, or so I imagine.” Back to the business in hand, I remember poor Grace. “And talking of friends, I’ll let you know what’s happening with Grace as soon as I find out something definite. At this stage, though, she’s down for surgery tomorrow to reset the hip.”

“Where is she?”

“Airedale General Hospital.”

“Right. I’ll send flowers. When are you seeing her again?”

“I’m not sure exactly. Soon, though. Tonight, maybe.” I turn to Tom. “Tom, could Rosie stay with you for a couple of hours this evening while I go back to keep Grace company?”

“Sure. We’ll go mud-slopping and check on the latest piglets. How’s that sound, tiddler?”


Putting the phone back to my ear again I can hear Nathan chuckling. “Seems Rosie fancies getting down and dirty with the baby piggies so that’s settled. I’ll drive back to the hospital tonight and see how Grace is getting on.”

“Tell her I’m thinking about her, and to get well soon. I’ll see her when I get back. And—thanks Eva. For being there.”

“Where else would I be? I told you, I’m staying. And—I’ll phone you later…”

“You do that, sweetheart.” And with a click he’s gone. And I need a change of underwear very urgently.

Chapter Two

“Miss Byrne, how nice of you to call back.” Nathan’s voice over the phone is soft, seductive. Despite his clipped tone and businesslike words—deliberately chosen, I’m sure—the effect is suggestive and sensual. My toes curl and my insides start to quiver deliciously. I love it. And decide to go with the flow.

“No problem. Sir.”

“Ah. You do seem to be in a better frame of mind tonight than you were when we spoke earlier. Are you feeling cooperative, Miss Byrne? Ready to do as you’re told?”


I keep the phone pressed against my ear as I wait for him to continue, hoping he can’t pick out the breathlessness in my reply. I’m already wet just thinking about what’s to come. God, I’ve been dying for this all day. And Rosie just wouldn’t go to sleep. She was so wound up by today’s events—the shock of finding her beloved ‘nana’ collapsed on the floor, the excitement of the ambulance, the howling with laughter as Mrs Richardson described the vicious attack by a deadly duvet, and this evening her adventures playing with piglets. This is one day she’ll not forget, and all she wanted to do was cuddle up in bed and talk about everything that had happened.

Mostly, though, she needed reassurance, to know that her world was safe in spite of everything. And, maybe because I’ve been a frightened, lonely little girl myself in the past, it felt natural for me to sit with her on her bed, both of us propped on pillows, my arms around her as she snuggled into my side.

Eventually she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. When her deep, even breathing confirmed that she was, at last, asleep I was able to sneak away to poke around in Nathan’s bedroom in readiness for this telephone conversation. Despite our intimate relationship, until today I hadn’t even set foot in Nathan’s room. And my earlier visit had been somewhat overshadowed by the shock of finding Mrs Richardson in a crumpled heap on the carpet. This time I took the opportunity to look around, take in the heavy, solid wood furniture and strong, darkly masculine décor. Very Nathan. The carpet was a deep, rich blue, matched by thick curtains and a navy and black striped duvet cover sprawled over the huge bed. Well, Grace did say it was king-size. The last time I saw that duvet it was on the floor, tangled around Mrs Richardson. Tom must have straightened the room before following us to the hospital.

I recognised Nathan’s leather jacket from the first time we met, out on the drive in the pouring rain. This evening it was draped over the back of a chair and looking none the worse for its soaking. With a slight shiver I remembered the way he slipped my precious papers into the inside pocket before inviting me into the warmth of his house. I was tempted, very tempted, to check what else might be in those pockets—I’ve yet to get my car keys back and I can’t get any sense out of anyone as to Miranda’s whereabouts. But that seemed too…intrusive. I restricted myself to looking in the places likely to house his collection of sexy toys.

Actually, I found them easily enough, in a large drawer at the bottom of one of a matching pair of heavy oak wardrobes. I couldn’t help but notice that this man certainly has a lot of clothes. Even with all my new gear from Harvey Nicks most of my stuff fits in one drawer. But pulling my attention back to the business in hand, I lifted out the small but nonetheless fascinating selection of erotica and laid everything out in front of me on the carpet. Nathan clearly keeps most of his ‘toys’ at his apartment, well away from Black Combe, but there was enough to keep us busy for a while. I picked up each item in turn, examining them. And I made my choices. I selected a set of nipple clamps that looked to be adjustable—though how would I know, really? But they didn’t seem too fierce. I also found a rubber spanking paddle, which I put to one side, but I rather thought that Nathan might use his hand for the spanking he had promised me on his return. He usually does. I found some other interesting items too—a set of handcuffs, a pair of leather gloves with small spikes sticking out of the palms, and an odd-looking contraption that looked as though it would be used to push my thighs apart. Maybe I would ask for a demonstration sometime—but only if Nathan’s in a good mood.

And, my personal favourite, I found a rather pretty vibrating dildo that I’ve brought to bed with me now in the sincere hope that it might come in useful tonight.

It seems so long since we’ve been together, but really it’s only been a week. All told, it’s only been about three weeks since I first came here and met Nathan. And in that short time I’ve gone from a prim, over-educated, and under-sexed virgin to an insatiable nymphomaniac, a randy little slut who can get damp with anticipation at the sight of a few kinky sex toys. And I am beginning to anticipate some seriously sexy play right now.

“Are you in your bedroom, Miss Byrne? And are you naked as I instructed?” Just the sound of his voice is foreplay, sending delicious shivers through my body as I hug the phone to my ear.

“Yes. Yes to both questions. I went to your room first, though, as you said. And I found some…some things.” The silence at the other end of the phone is unnerving. I hesitate—have I done, or said, the wrong thing? Maybe I misunderstood, should have waited for permission, waited to be told what to do? This submissive, obedience stuff is still pretty alien to me and, although Nathan doesn’t seem unduly hung up on it most of the time, our roles are clear as far as our sexual relationship is concerned. He’s the top. I’m the bottom.

“Is that all right? I mean, I didn’t think… I’m sorry if I wasn’t supposed to touch your things.”

“Shouldn’t that be ‘I’m sorry,
? You’re becoming a little disrespectful, Miss Byrne, and I thought you’d learnt better than that. I intend to work on improving your manners when I get home. But, to deal with your question, yes it is all right. I told you to look and you did. And I expected you to find something you wanted to play with now, I’m just wondering what that might be…”

“It’s a dildo, Sir. A vibrating one.”

“Ah. An excellent choice. We’ll have some fun with that, and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. And did you like the rest of my little collection? Not as extensive as we have at our disposal in Leeds, but I’m sure I can manage to keep your attention perfectly well. Would you agree, Miss Byrne?”

“Yes. I’m sure you will. Sir.”

“How respectful you’ve become again, suddenly. You’re learning fast. Are you all right, Miss Byrne? You sound…breathless.”

No fooling him, even at this distance. “Yes. I’m fine. It’s just… I’m missing you so much and I want you to come home. But when you do, I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier. Knowing you’ll hurt me…makes me nervous, that’s all.”

His voice softens, the tone reassuring rather than harsh now. “Are you afraid of me, Eva? You should know by now I’ll keep you safe.”

“I do know that. I do, really. But…”

“Go on, Miss Byrne. But what?”

“But—” I hesitate. What is it exactly that I’m trying to pull together in my head here? How is it possible to be scared, intimidated, in pain, and at the same time so mindless with pleasure that I can’t even remember my own name? And the realisation hits me—it’s because it’s Nathan. It’s his hands I’m in, no one else’s, and I trust him. Totally. He’s never let me down and I know I’m safe. However scared I am, and in reality the fear and anticipation are always much worse than the actual events, it’s always been all right afterwards. Better than all right. And the fear, the anticipation of pain, the pain itself, it’s all part of the intensity of the experience. But the afterglow is indescribable, and always will be. Because it’s Nathan.

For once Nathan’s patient, not pressing me to answer his questions. But I can hear his soft breath in my ear and I know he’s still waiting for a response, so I give it.

“But nothing. I trust you.”

“Trust me. That’s good. It’s really all about trust, Eva. That’s what submission is—handing your body over to someone else and knowing you’ll be safe with them. Knowing you’ll be safe with me. We’ve come a long way, Miss Byrne. Maybe we’ll make a half-decent sub of you yet. So now, would you like to try? Practise a little more?”

My voice has dropped, little more than a murmur now as my pussy clenches in anticipation. “Yes. Yes I would, please. Sir.”

He chuckles, the low, sexy sound stirring my insides as I lie back against the pillows. “Christ, you sound so good, Eva. Just your voice, whispering your submission, makes me hard. We should get started. Is your new toy handy?”

“Yes, it’s here.” I glance to my side where the sweet little phallus-shaped dildo is lying innocuously on the duvet. It’s big, wide, and a rather fetching shade of lavender, I note absently. I suspect it might be a little wider than Nathan’s cock, but it’s definitely not as long. And I checked the batteries earlier. All good.

“You’re very eager to be fucked then? Where?”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean, where? Here.”

“No, Miss Byrne. I mean, where exactly do you want to put that battery operated new boyfriend of yours? In your beautiful, tight little cunt, where I’m sure it will do an excellent job of fucking you under my careful instructions. Or in your arse, perhaps? Which will take a little more effort and instruction but we’ll manage very well. And you’ll be delighted with either outcome, I promise.”

Given our present endeavour, I am unaccountably shocked at the crudity of his words. No falling back on pretty euphemisms for my dominant, demanding Nathan, it would seem. I stammer my response.

“I, I don’t know. I hadn’t thought… I… Could I do both?”

“My, my, you are a randy little thing tonight. And ambitious. You can do both, but if you want both at the same time you’ll need to make another trip to my bedroom.”

“Oh, no, I didn’t mean that…” I can’t quite imagine how that could work, and definitely not as a solo effort. “One at a time will do fine. For now.”

He laughs again, low and sexy. “Coward. But that’s probably wise, Miss Byrne. Now before you lie back and make yourself very, very comfortable you’ll need to go to the bathroom and get a jar of Vaseline. There’s some in the cabinet.”

“I… Right.” Not stopping to think what the lubricant is for, I drop the phone onto the bed and sprint across to my en suite. Sure enough, there’s a jar of petroleum jelly in the cabinet over the washbasin. How well prepared my Nathan always is. I grab it then scoot back to the bed and jam the phone against my ear.

“I’m back. I’ve got everything now. I think.”
Do I sound too eager?

“Good. You’re sounding breathless again. Are you okay, Miss Byrne? Do you have your inhaler to hand?”

“Yes. No. I mean, I’m fine.” Except I realise I’m not. Not entirely. Even though this is just us, and despite the intimacy of everything we’ve done together, everything I’ve allowed him to do to me, I am still feeling acutely embarrassed by all of this. I’m starting to wonder how I’ll ever look Nathan in the eye again when he does eventually get home. A desperate, sex-starved woman masturbating just because her lover is away for a few days. What’s wrong with me?

“I just… I’ve never done anything like this before. It feels sort of… Well, as if I shouldn’t be doing it. On my own, that is.”

“Ah, but it’s the forbidden that makes it so much fun. Lie back and enjoy, Miss Byrne. Let me help you…”

“I wish you were here.” My voice is small, thready, needy. I miss him so much.

His tone is low, gentle, caressing. “I will be. Soon. But I’m with you now in spirit, sweetheart. So, tell me what you’re doing at this moment.”

“I’m lying on my bed, talking to you.”

“Smart-ass. I think you’re taking advantage of the situation. If I was there you’d be lying across my knees, and your bottom would be smarting for that little wisecrack.”

“Ah, yes. I’m sorry.”

“I think you mean you’re sorry,
. Okay, now, are you lying on your back?”


“Can you put your phone on speaker and leave it on the pillow next to you? You’ll need both hands free for this.”

With a gulp I shove any embarrassment into a far corner of my mind and decide to go for it, go with it. I push a few buttons and lay the phone beside my head. “Okay, I’ve done that.”

“Open your legs wide and look at yourself in the mirror on your wardrobe.”

“What! I…”

“Do it, Eva.” His tone is firm, the command one to be obeyed. So I do it. I obey.

I hadn’t even realised how strategically placed my wardrobe was, but as I lie there, my thighs spread wide, I can see the lips of my vagina, still gloriously naked following the Brazilian wax, glistening with my own juices. Just waiting to be touched, and stroked, waiting to be gently opened to slide a smooth, warm dildo inside me. Oh. Wow.

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