Darkest Fantasies (26 page)

Read Darkest Fantasies Online

Authors: Kimberley Raines

Tags: #submission and domination, #femdom story

BOOK: Darkest Fantasies
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Then the
earphones were removed and a sultry voice whispered, 'Hello, Sam. I
am Madam Tisset. You may call me Madam. Have you enjoyed the
session so far?'

'I - er -
yes... Madam.'

'Now, you know
I'm a professional dominant, and will do my best to give you the
most satisfying session you have ever had. This will include
pleasure - and a certain amount of pain.' A finger glided down his
back, and he knew he was not to lift his head or remove the
blindfold. 'If you do not want this, you now have your last
opportunity to leave.'

There was only
the sound of his breathing in the silence.

'Good boy,
Sam,' she purred. 'Now, I will give you a release sign. If the
first two fingers on both hands cross simultaneously, the session
will be terminated instantly at that point. Show me you

He crossed the
required fingers as her finger slipped between his buttocks and
caressed just around his balls. He gasped at the sudden flood of
sexual craving he experienced.

'Good boy,'
she purred hypnotically. 'Now, a single word of warning. You will
answer my questions politely, and deny me nothing. If you deny me
in any way whatsoever I will terminate the session. If you cross
your fingers I will terminate the session. If the session is
terminated you will pay the full fee and leave the premises the
instant you are dressed. Do you understand?'

'Yes,' he


'Yes, Madam,'
he corrected.

'Very well.
Turn over. I wish to shave you.'

Shave him?
What would Esther say? He opened his mouth, then closed it again,
and turned over in the darkness of the blindfold.

'Oh my, you
have been enjoying yourself, haven't you?' she chided.

'Yes, Madam,
I'm afraid I have.'

'Good. Now,
spread slightly.'

There was a
soft warmth of shaving cream, and a blade began to clear away the
coarse hair around his genitals. His fingers clenched the sides of
the couch and his erection rose powerfully. The scraping feeling
was wonderful, but not nearly as erotic as the touch of her hand
upon his newly shorn flesh as she smoothed it, checking for
stubble. Then the whole area was washed again, and talcum powder

better,' she concluded. 'Now get up. That's right. Give me your
hand. There are no steps.'

She led him
forward and he followed, his step hesitant.

She made him
stand still, then requested one hand. He held it out, and felt her
wrap a thick leather restraint around it. His penis throbbed
excitedly at the sensation. She requested his other hand, then his
ankles, one after the other. Then she took the blindfold from

They were
standing in a room filled with contraptions of all sorts. A huge
wheel with restraints, various benches, stools, stocks, and many
things he was hardly able to comprehend a use for. But the most
terrifying and impressive sight was the implements which surrounded
him, on all the walls. Implements designed for all kinds of bondage
and sexual torture. He shivered. What was he doing here?

Glancing down
at his own ankles and wrists he realised the restraints he wore
were now attached to two poles on each side of him by chains. At
the moment he could reach to undo them himself, but if the ratchets
spread him to full stretch, he would be immobilised totally. She
stood behind him, and he began to turn his head to see her.


The authority
in her tone made him freeze. 'Well, little man, how brave do you
feel?' she taunted. 'Will you release yourself and walk away, or
shall I carry on?'

He gritted his
teeth against her patronising. 'Carry on,' he snapped.

A small motor
began to whine and the chains attached to his wrists slid up inside
the poles. He winced, but found his wrists being drawn inexorably
upwards and out. Then they stopped moving, and as the pitch of the
motor changed the chains on his ankles began to tighten. He
shuffled his feet further and further out until his legs were
parted at a stretch that was a tad beyond comfortable. Then his
wrists were pulled once more until he stood in an enforced star
shape. His hands wrapped around the chains and clenched hard.

He sensed
movement, and his tormentor walked into his vision, clutching an
impressive whip. He gaped. It was not his dream dominant at all,
but the woman who had let him in, only now she was dressed in a
tightly laced leather bodice. She wore stockings, and her
high-heeled boots were laced up to the knee. He was shocked. Surely
a woman of her age should have a little more decency?

A glint in her
eye told him she knew exactly what he was thinking. She moved
closer, her hips rolling, and he found her movements surprisingly
sexual and very feminine. With the handle of the whip she lifted
his limp penis. 'Is that all you can manage?' she teased. 'Do you
want me to do nice things to this rather charming body of yours,
and give it a little helping hand?'

'I'm not sure
this is—' Kevin halted abruptly as she drew back her arm, took aim,
and swept the tip of the whip expertly against one thigh. He yelled
and leapt, insofar as he could within his bonds.

supposed to say yes, please, Madam,' she warned, glancing up at his

He realised
she was looking for signs that he was going to wimp out. 'Yes
please, Madam,' he said through gritted teeth, torn between saying
no and crossing his fingers.

She smiled, a
feline curl of the lips. 'Very well, Sam. Now you've seen your
surroundings and are suitably impressed, I'm going to blindfold and
gag you again. Then I'm going to tie a weight to your balls and
beat you. Then I'm going to leave you to enjoy that for a while
before continuing. Do you understand?'

'Yes, Madam,'
Kevin said, almost surprising himself.

She smiled
knowingly, and went to the wall. She chose a hood with an integral
gag and went back to him. Leaving himself so emotionally and
physically exposed to a woman made him feel as though he was
betraying his masculinity and belittling himself, but he obediently
opened his mouth and let her slip the lump between his lips and the
hood over his head. Locked into darkness once more, he felt her
tweak it all into place and buckle it up tight. Somehow he felt
more comfortable in the dark, like a child imagining he couldn't be
seen because he couldn't see others. And though he knew where he
stood and what was around him, the darkness distanced him from his
own inhibitions.

She deftly
strapped something around his balls. His buttocks tightened as a
finger, inadvertently or otherwise, brushed against his anus,
increasing both his senses of vulnerability and sexual awareness.
All he knew were the strange sensations of constriction, and
suddenly the stretching and pulling of a weight on his scrotum. He
gasped around the gag, winced at the bizarre sensation, then
gradually the weight increased as she lowered the full weight.

As the burden
settled between his spread thighs Kevin realised he was revelling
in his thraldom, and he waited in delicious anticipation for her to
complete the rest of her promise. He no longer cared that she was
of an age that would not normally interest him.

warning the bite of the whip caught him on his thigh and he jerked
like a puppet in his bonds. The further pain of the weight moving
gradually stilled to a dull ache, and when the whip descended again
he concentrated on curtailing his movements as much as possible.
Then the bite of the whip landed more regularly. It attacked his
thighs and buttocks, then began to seek out more sensitive targets:
his nipples, his anus, and the exposed tip of his penis. At first
the pain was paramount, each stroke causing him to writhe and
groan, then gradually pain suffused his body to the extent that the
pain itself was an aphrodisiac, and gradually he felt the
stiffening and tightening of his cock as it began to grow once
more. Why it happened he had no idea, but after a while his whole
awareness became focused on the sensations of his body. He was no
longer a man, no longer a banker, no longer an individual.

He simply

He waited, not
knowing when the next stroke was going to bite. After a while he
realised he was alone, just as she'd promised, with only his
bondage, his scorched flesh, and the exquisite discomfort of the
gently swinging weight to occupy his spinning thoughts.

And in the
darkness he waited, his fingers clenched tight and his flesh bathed
in sweat.





Esther was
quietly amused that Kevin could have gone through the whole
experience and come home to her pretending he had simply been at
work. But then again, he would be equally shocked if he knew she
had been there, watching Madam Tisset at work. She decided it was
about time all the deception was taken out of the equation.

But only two
days later Kevin phoned her at home. 'Sorry, honey,' he said, 'it's
this big meeting I have to prepare for. I'm going to be working so
late I thought I'd better stay in the city tonight. I knew you'd
understand. Love ya.'

'Love you,
too,' she said, and replaced the handset thoughtfully.

Two years ago
she would have believed him. A year ago she would have pretended to
believe him. But not any more.

It took ten
phone calls before she discovered the hotel into which he was
booked. He hadn't even bothered to use a false name. A double room
for a night and champagne, the receptionist told her with bright
enjoyment. It was lovely to see a man interrupting a heavy working
week to remember his wife on their wedding anniversary. So

'Romantic my
arse,' Esther said to herself, and deliberately burned a hole in
the trousers she was ironing. Then she carefully put the iron down,
switched it off, and picked up the receiver again.

When she
replaced it, Kevin would have been horrified to see the malicious
amusement on her normally placid face.


Esther had had
an accident, they said on the telephone, and was at the hospital.
He'd left work in a total panic and scoured the emergency wards -
but to no avail. Esther was not there. By the evening he had
visited three hospitals in varying degrees of agitation and an
increasing suspicion that it was a very nasty practical joke.

Where was she?
No one knew.

Who had called
in to report the accident? No one knew.

He had driven
twice across the city, and between frustrating attempts to
communicate with the hospital staff, who must surely have been
interviewed for personality and presentation by an ageing
orang-utan with an attitude problem. He had tried to phone home,
but there had been no answer.

Someone at
work was going to pay for this damned joke, he decided. He seethed
with tiredness, frustration and righteous anger because he had paid
for the hotel room in advance, and the joker had cost him a day's
holiday and the hotel fee, not to mention a little session with

But even
though he finally decided that the planned entertainment for the
evening was also out; he had to make sure Esther really was all
right. As he swung his car out towards the suburbs he also tried to
phone Gloria to put her off, but her mobile wasn't answering. Damn!
He'd told her to leave it on so he could contact her.

Sure enough,
when he arrived home Esther was on the sofa looking crumpled and
surprised. She held a half-read paperback. 'I thought you were
working late?' she said.

'I finished up
early, honey,' he said, kissing her on the cheek, feeling more
relieved than he would have thought possible to find his wife her
normal placid and understanding self.

'You've been
working too hard,' she said with plenty of concern. 'You've got
that drawn look you always get when you're tired.'

He blushed a
little guiltily, deciding not to tell her about the spiteful
practical joke, and to play on her sympathy instead. 'Yeah, well,
perhaps I have.'

'Well, you go
and get in the bath and relax. I'll bring you up a beer.'

He shrugged.
Why not? There was certainly nothing better to do now, and all
thoughts of sex had totally dissipated. What a let down, after what
he'd planned for the night.

He sank back
in the lovely hot bath, however, and accepted Esther's wifely
ministrations as his due, while dreaming of the luscious Gloria and
pondering the injustices of life.

Esther brought
him up his favourite beer, and then left him to it. As he lay back
and closed his eyes and thought of Gloria's delicious tits his cock
swelled in the gently lapping water, and he gripped it dreamily in
his fist. He began to gently massage himself beneath the warm
water, and gradually his annoyance at missing out on what promised
to be a memorable night faded as he drifted to the realms where
fantasy met flesh...

But he was
wrenched back to reality with a start as Esther suddenly bustled

'Wh-what do
you want?' he snapped abruptly, a little water slopping over the
side of the bath as he tried to quickly conceal his semi-erect cock
beneath his hands and struggled to sit up.

'Oh,' she
looked a little taken aback by his aggressive outburst, 'I'm just
going to pop over to Jenny's house. I promised her a recipe, and
I'll probably stop for a coffee. I won't be more than an hour or

'Fine,' he
said, wishing he hadn't snapped at her. After she'd gone got back
to the job in hand. Eventually he lifted his hips, closed his eyes,
every ounce of awareness sucked into the expectancy of the pleasure
which throbbed between his legs. 'Oh,' he gasped. 'Oh, nearly,

'Mmm,' he
heard from behind him. 'That's nice.'

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