Darkest Ecstasy (29 page)

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Authors: Tawny Taylor

BOOK: Darkest Ecstasy
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hey were taking her somewhere. What was happening now? Michelle's heart was racing. Her hands were trembling. Something in the air told her this was it. Whatever she was about to face, it would be final.

Two men held her by the arms, one on each side. Her wrists were bound with cuffs. Angela was
in front of them on her stiletto heels. Michelle hoped someday she'd fall off those damn heels and land on her ass. That was what she deserved.

Angela barked into her phone, “This is it. Everyone in place.”

Yes, whatever was about to happen, Michelle knew it would change her life. Her stomach twisted. Dread crept through her body like icy tentacles, winding around her heart and squeezing it. She couldn't breathe.

They stopped outside a room. Several more men came from the opposite direction. Two flanked Angela in the hallway. A third unlocked the door. A fourth hurried into the room with his gun drawn.

“Clear,” the man inside called.

Angela and her escorts stepped inside. Michelle was pulled into the room after her.

Talen. She saw him first.

His eyes. Oh God, what was going on? He looked tortured. He didn't speak. Didn't take his gaze away from Michelle for several seconds.

“I've brought her as you asked. Now, it's time to hand it over,” Angela demanded. Catching Michelle off guard, she grabbed Michelle's arm and yanked her forward, then shoved her toward Talen. “You can see for yourself, she's perfectly fine. Now I want The Secret. Enough fucking games.”

Talen gave Michelle one last look. “I don't have it. Drako does.” He went to Drako.

Drako's eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

“It's the only way we can all get out of this alive.” Talen jammed his hand in Drako's pocket and pulled something out. Then he turned, and facing Angela, unfurled his fingers.

In his palm lay a small cylinder, roughly the diameter of a pencil.

It didn't look like a weapon of mass destruction.

“That's it? That little piece of scrap?” Angela's gaze jerked back and forth between Talen and Drako. Drako was glaring at his brother. Talen looked calm, resolved. She reached for it, but Talen yanked his hand away. “Set them free first. All of them.”

“No, not until I know it's genuine.”

“Set them free,” Talen repeated. “I'll stay. I'll prove it's genuine.”

Angela's eyes narrowed. “You're lying.”

Talen raised his fist above his head, as if he would throw the cylinder. “I could destroy it. Right here. Right now. And then you'll have nothing. You're either going to have to believe I'm telling the truth or walk away with nothing. Your choice.”

Michelle fought to inhale. What the hell was he doing? How would he make it out of this alive? Did she trust him to have a plan?

His gaze found hers again. She searched his eyes.

Peace. She saw a deep sense of peace in them. And love.

The fear that had wound around her heart melted away.

She trusted him.

“He's telling the truth,” she said.

Angela spun around and glared at her. “How do you know?”

“I know him. He's telling the truth.”

“Release them,” Angela ordered, motioning to Drako and Malek.

“Before you do that,” Talen told her as he lowered his hand, “Drako's gloves have been removed.”

“Dammit, Talen.” A plume of smoke wafted from behind Drako's back.

“Secure him.” Angela jerked her head to Drako.

“I'll do it.” Talen circled behind Drako's back and bent down. After a few seconds, he straightened up. “It's safe now. Get them all out of here.” He turned to Malek. “Take care of Michelle, please.”

Malek said nothing. But Michelle could tell, by the clenched muscle along his jaw, that Malek didn't like Talen's plan, either.

Talen walked to her, cupped her face. “Michelle, no matter what happens today, know that I loved you. I would do anything for you and our child. Anything.” His thumb caressed her cheek. He kissed her forehead, then nodded to Angela. “Now, get them out of here.”


He'd said it, past tense.

“Talen,” she whispered.

Angela turned to the guards. “Do it.”

Knowing that she had just felt Talen's touch for the last time, Michelle let the men lead her toward the door. Before she left, she said loudly, “Talen Gryffon, you are the most loving man I have ever known. I will make sure our son knows the sacrifice you made for him. I love you.”


Ten minutes later, Michelle was standing in ankle-deep snow, shivering. “Where the heck are we? Snow? It's May.”

“Minnesota. Freak storm brought in several inches,” Drako said as he stared back at the building from which they'd just been expelled. “That bastard. Talen fucked up our plan.”

“Now what?” Malek asked him.

“Take Michelle and get her as far from here as you can. I'm going back in there.”

Malek shook his head. “Drako, if you're going back—”

“No, dammit,” Drako shouted. “Get her out of here. Now. You're the only one who can make sure she's safe. Go back to the girls. Take care of them all.”


“Go! If we make it out of there alive, I know where to find you.”

Malek glared at his brother for what felt like a lifetime. Michelle watched as at least a dozen different emotions played over his face. Then he turned to her, scooped her off her feet, and started running. Before she realized what was happening, the world around them became a blur.

He was running. Running! Faster than a car. How could a human being go so fast?

“Malek?” she screamed. Something flashed in her peripheral vision. Brilliant. An instant later, she felt as if they was sailing through the air. A blur of colors flew past her face.

And then silence.



She was lying down in a field, cradled in Malek's arms. He was beneath her, on his back in the snow.

Not moving.

“Malek?” she whispered.

Another flash blinded her. A wave of searing heat followed. One second there was snow everywhere, all around them. The next, it was gone. The earth was wet, muddy.

Malek groaned, shifted. “Fuck,” he muttered.

Michelle scooted off him. Sweating. So hot. The air burned her lungs.

“Need to get you out of here.” Malek pushed to his feet. He staggered. “Dammit.” He shook his head and looked back over his shoulder. A tall column of smoke and fire blazed up to the sky. A huge mushroom cloud rolled high above, fed from the enormous inferno. “Dammit.” He grabbed Michelle again and started running. They weren't going as fast as before. The heat. Her skin was stinging, itching. “Can't go fast enough.”

Clinging to him, Michelle looked up, up, up. Past the gnarled and leafless trees to the rolling, thick gray cloud drifting toward them. Was it a nuclear explosion? Would they live?

He ran, but the cloud grew too fast, the heat spread too swiftly. When they reached a forest, he stumbled and slowed. He staggered and swayed. Finally, he stopped.

“Dammit, Drako, Talen! Damn you!” he screamed into the hellish darkness.

This was it. He couldn't outrun it.

The heat. It was getting worse. Now it burned her lungs, her nose, her face. Her eyes were tearing up. It was hard to see, to breathe.

Dragging a hand over her eyes to clear them, Michelle said, “It's okay. You tried.”

“I failed,” Malek said, shoving his fingers through his hair. “They're gone. They're both gone.” He clapped a hand over his mouth, muffling a sob. “And I can't even get you out of this hell. That was all he'd asked.”

“You did your best.”

“I failed.” He leaned back, a tree supporting him.


She was getting tired, weak. Sit. She needed to rest. For just a minute.

Hot. So hot.

“If I hadn't hesitated, we might have made it far enough,” Malek mumbled as he slowly sank to the ground. “If I had only done what he'd asked.”

Michelle set her hand on her stomach. The baby was tiny yet, too small to feel pain, she hoped. A tear seeped from her eye. Sleepy. So hot.

Darkness. Drifting.

Heat. Burning her lungs.

Her senses were dulling. Sight, gone. Sounds muted.

She heard Malek's hard, heaving gasps. The rhythmic beat of something in the distance.
Thump, thump, thump.
No, not a beat, something else. Like the sound of a bird's wings as it took flight.

A helicopter?

Air stirring, caressing her skin.

Louder, it was getting louder.

She slitted open her eyes. Burned. Smoke. She couldn't see. Her lungs spasmed, and she coughed until she gagged.

Someone hauled her up, off the ground, cradling her in strong arms.


She looked up.


Was she dead? Dreaming? Hallucinating?

“Sssshh,” he whispered. “Close your eyes. Rest. I'm here now. I have you.”

The air swirled around them like a whirlwind.

She shut her eyes against the sting of dirt and soot and smoke. The wind was howling now in her ears. It felt as if the world was swooping and dipping and spinning around her, as if she were riding in an elevator that was falling, then surging skyward, then falling again.

“You trusted me, little one. Your trust, your love, has saved my life.”

“What happened?” she wheezed.

“It's over. No more secrets. No more running.”

“Malek? Drako?”

“I'll get them as soon as I know you're safe.”

The air was cooling. She could breathe easier. Was it her imagination? She inhaled. Her nose didn't sting. She coughed, and his hold on her tightened.

She blinked open her eyes and looked up into the brilliant blue sky. The big cloud was gone. She glanced over her shoulder.

Her heart stopped.

Trees. Beneath her. Zooming past. No floor underneath. No walls or seats or windows.

She was flying. Soaring above the earth. Over houses and farms and trees and fields. How? She looked up again.

“Trust,” he said, smiling.

Then she saw them, the wings, dark gray and white and ink-black feathers. They were stretched out, at least eight feet long, feathers at the tip spread out to catch the air currents.

Wings? Talen had wings?

“It makes sense now,” he said. “I don't know how it happened, but... Gryphon. Dragon. Lion. Eagle. That's what we are, my brothers and I. The gryphon.

“But it was love that gave us our power. And, in the end, our humanity. Before we loved, we were . . . no better than monsters.”

Michelle closed her eyes and relaxed in his strong embrace. How far she had come. How far Talen's love for her had taken her. She'd once been afraid to walk in a dark parking garage, imagining villains around every corner. Danger in every shadow. A coward who didn't trust anyone, anything, but herself.

Now, her life was completely changed. Not only had she faced a real honest-to-God villain, and not let her beat her down, but she'd learned to trust, to love, to let go of all the what-ifs and live life.

Her child, he or she would be taught to embrace life and everything it brought. Love. Joy. Peace. Danger. Sadness. And she would teach her child those lessons with the most loving, sexy, wonderful man in the world.

Her eagle.

Her hero.

Her master.

Turn the page for a sizzling preview of Tawny Taylor's




An Aphrodisia trade paperback on sale now!


closed my eyes. I pulled in a long, deep breath. I exhaled. My mind was racing, images flashing behind my eyelids.

Those eyes.

The sharp blade of a nose.

The chiseled jaw.

Those lips.

Those lips.

My heart was pounding. Hard. I felt a little dizzy.

I hadn't even talked to him yet. How would I ever convince him not to throw my baby brother in jail?

Pull it together, girl.

Twenty-three. Twenty. Three. That was how many times I'd heard Joss say, “Abby, I'm in trouble. Big trouble,” since our father died. Twenty-freaking-three times too many.

I knew Joss could pull through his crap and get himself together, so I shouldn't have bothered stepping in to drag him out of one scrape after another. But I did. Because, despite his long, difficult struggle with addiction, Joss was a good person. He didn't go out of his way looking for trouble. Trouble seemed to always come looking for him.

And this time there might not be anything I could do about it.


If Kameron Maldonado, owner of MalTech Corporation, decided to report my brother's alleged crime to the police, he could end up in jail. For years.

My brother. A felon.


My brother. In prison.


The only family I had left, gone.


My sweating palms were sticking to the leather couch. I dragged them down my thighs. My scratchy polyester skirt wasn't going to dry them. But I wiped my hands on it anyway. When I heard the door to my right rattle a little, my heart skipped a beat. I jerked my head, glancing at it, then at the young woman sitting behind the reception desk directly in front of me. She was staring at a computer screen.

I glanced at my watch. Twelve twenty-five. I'd been sitting here for almost a half hour. My appointment had been at twelve.

God, this was torture.

The doorknob rattled again, and once more panic charged through my body. My head spun. The door swung open, and my breath caught in my throat.

Kameron Maldonado stepped out, moving out of the doorway. He was smiling over his shoulder at the man behind him. “We'll get together later this week to talk about the details. Thanks.” Kameron extended a hand, and the man shook it.

The visitor returned Kameron's thank you and then, as he passed me, gave me a fleeting look before waving good-bye to the receptionist.

I turned my attention back to Kameron. He was standing next to the door, looking at me.

“Abigail Barnes?” he asked.

I nodded, stood on wobbly legs that felt boneless and heavy. Not expecting a handshake, but preparing for one anyway, I dragged my palms down my legs again as I shuffled toward his office.

After a quick, formal introduction and a brief handshake, Kameron closed his door behind me, circled his desk, and stood, waiting for me to sit in the chair facing him.

My stomach twisted.

Of all the situations Joss had put himself in, this was by far the worst. He had put not only his job in jeopardy, but mine too. Somehow I had to convince this man not to fire us both.

I sat, back straight, body stiff, heart thumping so hard I could hear it.

“How can I help you, Mrs. Barnes?”

“Miss,” I corrected. My mouth was dry. I licked my lips, but that did nothing to help. My tongue was as dry as the Sahara.

He nodded. “Miss Barnes.”

“I'm here on the behalf of Joss Barnes. My brother.” A huge lump of something coagulated in my throat. I tried to swallow it. It didn't budge. I tried again.

Kameron's brows lifted. “Are you all right, Miss Barnes?”

Swallowing a third time, I nodded.

He stood, strolled to the cabinet recessed into the wall behind me, and opened a door. Within a second, he was standing over me, a cold bottle of water in his hand.

I accepted with a weak “Thank you,” unscrewed the cap, and sipped.

“Better?” he asked as he leaned back against his desk.

I nodded.

Looming over me, he crossed his thick arms. God, he was big. Intimidating. Extremely intimidating.

“Your brother is in serious trouble, Miss Barnes. If what I heard is true, he not only violated more than one clause of his employment contract, but also broke the law. I was told he stole company property and sold it. I can't let that go with a warning.”

We were so screwed.

Feeling utterly defeated, I nodded. “I understand.” My nose was starting to burn. Dammit. This was just too much. It was all too much. Our father's death. Mom's disappearance. And my brother's rebellion and addiction. I was a fighter. I was a survivor. If I hadn't been, my brother and I wouldn't be where we were today. But I was too young to deal with this much crap. Every time things started to turn around, something new would come up and drag me right back down into the gutter.

When would life stop kicking me around? When?

My hands were shaking as I lifted them to drag my thumbs under my eyelashes. My eyes were burning now too. A sob was sitting in the pit of my stomach, but I was holding it in. Holding my breath.

I needed to get out of there. I couldn't cry in front of this man. No.
. I stood too fast and felt myself stumble. He caught me, hands clamped around my upper arms. Our gazes locked.

Something really strange happened. A crazy, unexpected bolt of electricity charged through my body. I heard myself gasp.

His eyes widened slightly. “Don't go.” He gently forced me back into the chair. “I haven't finished yet.”

What was there left to say? Was there any chance he was going to help me?

Afraid to hope anything decent could come out of this mess, I nodded and waited.

He released me, stared down, arms crossed over his chest once again. “Your brother has put me in a hell of a position.”

“Is there anything I can do?” I asked, my voice cracking.

His eyes narrowed slightly. He tipped his head to the right. “Why? Why are you so willing to put your neck on the line for him?”

What kind of silly question was that? “He's my brother.”

“But he just about got you thrown out of here. You understand that, don't you?”

Just about?

Just about!

I wasn't fired yet.

“Yes, sir. I do,” I said, screwing and unscrewing the cap on the water bottle I clasped in my hand. “If my brother was a complete lost cause, I wouldn't have bothered trying to help him. I would've let you fire him. Hell, I would have stood by and watched him be arrested, too. But I can't. Because I know there's more to this situation than you and I know. He's not a bad guy. Sure, he's hit a bump or two lately. He'll get it figured out.”

“Maybe you're right. Maybe there is more to this situation than we know. But, say he is guilty. What do I do with him until I figure out what really happened?”

“Good question.”

“If he did do it, how could I risk keeping him on, knowing he might steal something else?”

“Another good question.”

Leaning closer, he placed one hand on each arm of my chair, trapping me. I felt myself pushing back into the chair. I could smell his cologne, could see the flecks of silver-blue in dark, dark gray-brown eyes—the color of my favorite chocolates. I could feel the warm caress of his breath on my face.

My heart jerked again. But this time it wasn't because I was afraid. No, I was . . . warm. I was breathless. I was staring at his lips and wondering what they might taste like.

What was going on?

“How long have you been working for us, Miss Barnes?”

“T-two years,” I stuttered, my gaze locked on his mouth. What was he getting at? What was he thinking?


My gaze inched up, following the line of his aristocratic nose to those dark eyes again. I saw something there, the flicker of something obscure, something wicked. My heart rate tripled, quadrupled, maybe. “Sir? Please don't fire me. My job is our primary source of income. Our father died. It's been really hard on us both, but especially Joss. He was only thirteen and a boy with no father—”

He leaned closer. “I'm sorry about your father.” I was trapped, his body like a big wall hovering over me. Why was he standing so close? Why was he looking at me like

“Sir?” I murmured when he inched even closer. I'd never had a boss act this way with me before. If I didn't know better, I would swear he was . . . he was . . .

His head dipped down. Now, his mouth was hovering over mine. Not inches. No. It was a tiny fraction of an inch from mine. His breath softly caressed my lips. Warm. Sweet.

Was he going to kiss me?

Was he expecting some kind of bribe? A payment in return for my job?

I was frozen. Shocked. Unable to move. Unwilling to move. It was wrong for him to use his position to try something like this. Wrong. Illegal. Unethical. Immoral.

But, wow, was he a beautiful man. Sexy. Intelligent. Mysterious. I wanted him to kiss me. My lips were tingling already, and he hadn't even touched them yet. My blood was pounding hard through my body, too. My heart was slamming against my breastbone. I let my eyelids fall shut, enclosing myself in darkness and swirls of red.

“Miss Barnes?”

“Sir?” Something soft brushed against my lips. And again. Little sparks of electricity sizzled and zapped under my skin. Heat whooshed through my body, up to my face, down between my legs.

The intensity of my body's reaction took my breath away. And still I couldn't move. A crazy impulse popped into my head. I wanted to throw my arms around his neck, tangle my fingers in his silky hair, and pull him to me.

I can't do that. I can't.

“I'm not going to fire you,” he whispered. As he spoke, his lips grazed mine. The touches were minute, almost imperceptible. And yet the effect was mind-blowing. I wanted more. I needed more. A real kiss. Lips. Tongue. Teeth. Full body contact.

“Thank you.” I shuddered. My fingers wrapped around the seat of the chair.

“Before you thank me, you need to know one thing.”


His mouth claimed mine. At last. And ohmygod, what a kiss it was. It started out smooth and gentle, a slow, patient seduction. But within seconds, his tongue traced the seam of my mouth. And once I opened to him, I was swept up into a wild, thrashing world of carnal need. His tongue stroked and stabbed, possessed. His hands cupped my face, holding me captive. I couldn't escape. I didn't want to escape. I craved more.

A moan swept up my throat, echoing in our joined mouths. Finally able to move, I lifted my hands, sliding them up his arms. I could feel the bulge of thick muscles under his crisp, starched dress shirt. They moved over his wide shoulders. My fingertips brushed silky curls at his nape.

Ohmygod, what was I doing? Kameron Maldonado was kissing me. The owner of the company! His tongue was stroking mine. One of his hands gliding down the column of my neck. The other slid to the back of my head. My scalp stung as he fisted a handful of my hair and pulled, forcing my head to one side.

He growled.

I groaned and licked my lips. They tasted like him. Sweet. Delicious. The swirls behind my eyelids were spinning now, and my heart was doing leaps in my chest.

His tongue flicked along the pounding pulse beating beneath my skin, down my neck to the ticklish spot at the crook. There he nipped me, and a shock wave of heat blazed down my body. Goose bumps coated my right arm. My nipples hardened.

Inside my head, I just kept saying,
Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod.
I was lost in sensation, overcome with need. Eager to feel his weight and heat pressing against me, I pulled. But he didn't budge. The hand that had been at my neck inched lower, the palm sliding down to cover my breast. I whimpered, arched my back, pushing into his touch.

“Miss Barnes, you don't have to do this to keep your job,” he murmured against my neck.

“I . . . I know.” I didn't really know anything. I had no clue what this meant. I had no idea what would happen after it ended. But I did know I wanted what was happening and wished it would never end.

He kneaded my breast through my clothes, and I bit my lip, stifling a cry. “I want you,” he said.

“I . . . I want you, too.”

“No.” He palmed my face. “Open your eyes.”

I did as he asked, and my breath left my lungs in a soft huff. Wow, was he sexy. His hair was slightly messy, the curls a little unruly and wild. I'd never spoken to this man before. I'd only seen pictures of him down in the company cafeteria. In the pictures he looked good, but not anywhere as amazing as he did right now.

“I want you to be my assistant.”

Was he offering me a promotion? And if he was, what kinds of strings were attached? There had to be strings.

“I . . . don't understand,” I admitted.

“I'm offering you a job. You'll be my assistant. You'll be paid a salary that should meet your needs, and you'll have access to a company car, expense account, and business phone. But there is one condition, a fairly significant one.”

I could imagine what that condition would be, considering where his hand was.

I felt the heat draining from my body as my brain started functioning. Reality was like a cold, hard slap to my face. It stung.

I would have to sleep with Kameron Maldonado. Not because I found him incredibly sexy. Not because I wanted to. But because I had to. I would be one of
women, the kind that fucked their bosses to get a job.

Me. Pretty-but-not-beautiful me.

I'd never, ever thought I would even consider such a proposition. For one thing, I'd never expected to have something like this come up. I wasn't a perfect ten. With a chest that was a little too small and hips a little too wide, eyes a little too big and wide-set and a jaw a little too narrow, I wasn't exactly Playboy Playmate material.

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