Darker Shade of Pale - HER FREEDOM (5 page)

BOOK: Darker Shade of Pale - HER FREEDOM
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Get naked and spank my ass." Wish I had a camera to capture the bemused expression that made its appearance. So on that note, I vacated Tyb's lap and made for the foot of the bed. Facing him, I stripped out of my clothes, and then knelt on the bedside, my ass in the air and my head cradled on my arms.

Didn't have to tell him twice.
He dropped his pants and came to my side. Even flaccid, his cock's length was impressive. "What kind of spanking do you want? Hard or teasing?"

I'm glad he knows there's a difference.
"Your choice. Just spank me. See how wet you get me."

Gauntlet thrown.
Tyb began to smooth his calloused hands over my ass, caressing and kneading. Felt good. Then 
 He smacked me in such a way that the heel of his palm hit my ass while his palm and fingers slapped against my sex. Sent tingles from my nethers to my brain almost instantly. Then he caressed my ass again. Then another well-aimed spank. "Any other kinks you have, Izzy?"

"A couple, in moderation.
How about you?"

"I have one or two… Don't want you running for the valley, though."

"That shocking? You and your goats don't have a thing, do you?" I teased.

That delicious hand stopped its magic. "No. As lonely as I've been, I've never found
 critter attractive. Here, hold on a moment."

His hand left my arse and it felt cold, devoid of his heat. He walked over to his dresser and picked up a framed photograph and brought it to me.
Tyb handed it to me so I could study it. Old photo, could tell by the cars in the background and the hair styles of the three people. Two teenaged girls, dressed up as Magenta and Columbia from Rocky Horror Picture Show, and a teenaged boy, dressed as Frank N. Furter. "You rocked that corset."

"Indeed. That was the Halloween before I ran. I love corsets and heels."

I looked up to him; I'm sure the eagerness radiating from my eyes like lasers through smoke—very evident. "Would you?"

He smiled at me, hesitantly.
"You sure?"

"I see no reason for you not to do so." I arose from my position. "If you don't want to, I understand. But I have no problem with it. I made my position on the subject known earlier." The thought of getting spanked by a man dressed up as a sweet transvestite… secret dream come true.
Christos would never sport such stuff. An affront to his manliness which could only be fixed by beating something brunette and female.

"Sure, give me a couple minutes."
Tyb took the photo from my hands and returned it to the dresser. Then his attention shifted to taking an armful of stuff from the bottom drawer to the bathroom.

I watched Rocky Horror. It was the part when Janet was singing
Toucha Toucha Touch Me
 when Tyb reappeared, looking very much a young Tim Curry without the makeup.

"You're hot." And I felt like a nimrod for voicing my admiration, but the man has a great figure and quite frankly, his garb displayed it deliciously. The bonus was that he knew how to walk in heels with the same attitude as a runway model. I got in spanking position again, and without missing a beat,
Tyb placed five spanks to the center of my lust. This time though, instead of caressing my ass, he slid a finger down my slit, sliding in my liquid passion.

I backed up against his hand, eager for him to pillage my depths. Instead,
Tyb kept his touch non-committal and me, ever wanting his attention.

"So, besides spankings, what do you like?"

"Mmmmm… I like blindfolds. Sometimes being tied up—if it doesn't result in bruises or torture."

"Would you let me tie you up?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Only if I get a chance to tie you up as well, sometime down the line."

He contemplated and replied, "Sounds fair." His hands went back to massaging my bottom.

I wiggled my ass to remind Tyb of his duty. "I want you to fuck me."

"You do? I wouldn't have guessed."

"Do you want me to beg?"

"Do you want to beg?"

"No. I just want your cock in me."

removed his hands from me and asked me to lie on his bed. I did so, interested in where he was going with this adventure. "Close your eyes."

I did so, feeling his weight travel across the bed toward me. Then I could feel his hot breath panting over me. First at my feet, then up to my knees
My thighs and their apex. Navel, torso, breasts and neck. Then my lips. I opened them, just a little, hoping he'd take the bait and kiss me. He didn't though.

Instead, he straddled my upper thighs. His hands fluttered from my belly, upward, to my breasts. Light as butterfly wings, he grazed my nipples with his fingers, then back down to my belly. Again and again, each pass became firmer. Then he flicked my taunt nipple with his fingers. Didn't hurt, just startled me a little. I let a low moan pass between my lips and
writhed my hips beneath him. "I want more, Tyb."

As a reply, he began kissing my neck. Little teasing nips and licks made every hair stand on end. He worked his magical lips down to my collar bone, breasts, belly and pussy. He spread my thighs and began to lick and suck. I fucked against his face, but right before I peaked, he stopped and kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips and oh! It was a potent aphrodisiac. He pushed the tip of his tongue through my lips and I moaned in delight.

Tyb stopped for a moment and said "Open your eyes." I did so, watching him remove his bikini underwear.

I got up and moved to the bed's edge before he climbed back in. I lay on my belly and grabbed his cock, intent on sucking upon him. I wanted to taste the salty flavor of his excitement. My hand barely fit around the shaft as I licked the tip.

"No more, Izzy."

I sucked extra hard on the tip before letting go and scooting back into the center of the bed.
Tyb spoke again, "No. On your knees, like earlier."

"As you wish."
Flashed a smile in his direction before doing as he asked.

I knelt again, with my ass in the air, begging for
Tyb's attention. His hands began caressing again. "You have a beautiful ass." 
I let out an excited peep. Didn't expect another spanking, was hoping for cock. "How do you want me?"

"Inside me!"
Thought that was evident.

He slid another taunting finger down my slit and this time inserted two digits. Slowly, he moved them back and forth, then adding a third. I was slick and bucked against that hand.

"You want me?"

I was nearing another peak. "Yes, I want you. Fuck me, dammit!"

He laughed. "As you wish. Turn back over, please."

I did. I spread my legs so that I could lock them around
Tyb and keep him close. He pulled me closer to him, so my ass almost hung off the bed. Then he had that magic wand of his in hand, rubbing his tip against my clit in delightful torment. Finally, he put his tip in me and inched his way forward, backing out a little before pushing further into my heat. I wrapped around him like a tight glove, squeezing his cock in excitement. Tyb held my legs up and began to thrust in earnest, the denial of such sweetness finally overwhelming him until he couldn't resist groaning with beast like intensity before bending over me, driving harder and deeper. My back arched and tried to bring him into me more, but it couldn't take him all. I felt stretched beyond impossibility and loving every moment. My arms reached around Tyb, holding him closer. Tried not to dig my nails into his back, but I couldn't resist giving into the ultimate pleasure he bestowed upon me. He wrapped one arm around me, supporting my neck and shoulders, while his other hand meandered from my thigh to my ass with every stroke of his cock. His lips plundered mine until I began clenching him tight inside me as I came with a ferocity I never knew I possessed.

"Oh God,
Tyb… Keep fucking me hard, oh God yes!"

And he did so, finally burying himself nut-deep in me.
Could feel his heat entering me as he came. For a moment, he lay in my embrace, then rolled off me to lay on his back.

"I'm pretty sure that if we keep this up, we're going to not last the winter."

"Why is that?" I asked, curious.

"You're a goddamn tigress, Izzy. You're going to wear me out."

"This is your second time in how many years you got some action and you think I'm wearing you out already? Hate to tell you Tyb, you have no idea how hot I find you and now that I know you're into corsets… well, I think I might be able to make up for your lost time."

He sighed deeply. "Well, if you don't kill me by then, I know I can count on your husband to do so."

I sat up and with my hand, tilted Tyb's face toward mine. His eyes, somewhat impassive, but with a trace of humor lurking in the dark. "I have no husband. I'm as single as you and just as eager to not get near a matrimonial noose. But I like this," I gestured from me to him, "we have good chemistry. And you fuck really well." I smiled. "Ready for round three?"

chucked. "Oh, yeah. You're going to kill me first. Death by kindness has to be the best way to go."





Frank N. Furter's castle blasted off to the sky about the same time Tyb blasted another cream pie inside me with a roaring torrent of liquid lust. I climbed off his lap and lay next to him when his phone rang. He reached over me to fetch it from the nightstand.

He glanced down at the screen and smiled. "Want to see something funny? Try not to laugh."

I smiled, eager for this new adventure of his.

Mara… I need you to hit Costco before you head up here… yeah… okay, I need you to pick the biggest box of condoms they have. Must be Magnum Size."

My jaw dropped. Oh my. So, he has a back-up plan for when my pill supply runs out. Evidently,
Mara's jaw dropped too, but she got collected faster than I. Could hear her yelling at him. Screaming. Cursing the skies that bore witness to his existence, even. She was 

"You fucking fucked her? How could you fucking do that? You want to die, little man? I will
fucking scorch the earth if you cost me Aisha, you motherfucker. Oh, wait, she never had kids. You're a fucker, Tyb, a goddamn fucker!"

"Calm down,
Mara. It's not like that..." She stopped with the bellowing and now I could only hear his side of the conversation. "It's cool, sis. Just take it down a notch, okay? What?... No joke? What does the intel say? Can we move in? … Shit. That long? So what do we do until then? …. Okay. As you say, Mara. Gonna send you a text with some instructions. You have the connections to make it happen…. Okay, thanks. Much appreciated. But I'm serious. Get a lot of condoms if it's going to be that long. I'm going to need them." He hung up with a bemused expression. "She's good at dropping bombshells. She found Aisha." Before setting his cell phone down, he whipped out the text to his sister.

"Her twin?
Where is she?"

turned to me and asked, "What do you know of Isle of Twilight?"

"Never heard of it."

"It's an island your husband owns. Has a laboratory of his. Aisha is there."

My jaw dropped.
Christos owns an island and never told me about it? Shows how much he trusted me. That, and he had to tag me like a wild beast to keep tabs.

"Can she be freed?"

"In theory, but it'll take years of maneuvering. It's not a tropical island. It's in the Arctic Circle. The Russians tested the world's largest nuclear bomb near there. Security is tight."

"So we wait until preps have been made?"

"Pretty much." He sounded dejected.

"Hey, at least you know where she is, right? That's a huge improvement over not knowing where. Will you tell your parents?"

"No. They disowned Aisha when she began subbing for Haytham. They did their research on him, decided that if Aisha wasn't good enough to date, she wasn't good enough to play with. Little sis didn't agree. It's my fault, though. Her running off with him."

"How could it be your fault? You were up here.
Can't picture you telling her to run into his abusive arms."

"Aisha has always been special. She's gifted artistically. She's temperamental, always has been. She and
Mara are alike but completely different. I was the only one in the family who could talk Aisha down and then I disappeared. She'd come up during the summers and help me build this house, but then she ran right into the arms of the fucker who ran me off the road, when she came of age." Bitterness ate at Tyb, filled his voice with a mixture of admiration for his sister and hatred for Christos.

"You don't know that you disappearing
is directly to blame. You aren't responsible for any one's actions other than your own."

"That may be, but family is

"What if Aisha doesn't want to come back?"

Tyb looked taken aback at such a thought. "Why would she want to stay?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I'm just throwing that out as a thought."

"She'll come home." Total conviction echoed in Tyb's expression.

"So when will
Mara be up?"

"She'll be a day early.
Day after tomorrow."

"I can't believe you asked her to buy condoms."

"Well, when she sees the reality of the situation, she'll agree with me. She doesn't like it though. My involvement with you jeopardizes, in her view at least, the ability to taunt Haytham with you. She'd love to use you as bait."

Okay, wow.
Did not like the thought of Zamara using me as bait to get Christos. I can totally understand her reasoning, but yeah, don't like it. "Use me as bait?" Please let that mean visual, not a hostage exchange sort of situation.

"You'll make him see red, lose reason. I've got no doubt that dropping your name would result in some sort of action by

"I don't like that at all. I don't want to be near him again." I began to hyperventilate. No, no, no, no! Never again to be subjected to
Christos Haytham's whims. I'd rather die first.

"You won't.
Mara's tirade gave me an idea. Revenge of sorts, for both of us."

I could feel my eyebrows lift.
"Revenge?" Curiosity killed this cat.

"What would drive
Haytham crazy?"

"Knowing I'm alive."

"No. Knowing you are alive and happy and getting fucked royally by another guy."

Whoa. "That wouldn't drive him crazy. That'd incite him to spree killing." My heart beat faster than Thumper's hind legs.

"He won't kill you."

"How do you know?"

"I'll kill him first.
For Aisha and you."

"You don't owe me anything,
Tyb. Giving me a place to hide and a cock to ride is more than enough. I don't know how I can even begin to repay you since farm work seems so insignificant in the scope of what I owe."

darlin', you aren't the first person I've hidden from the big, bad, world. You owe me nothing. I don't ever want you to think of paying me back. There is no price for a person's life."

"I have another confession,

"Should I put on the garb of a friar?"

"Only if you'll fuck me if I'm dressed as a nun."

"You have a delightfully twisted mind, Izzy." He smiled bright. "I like you."

I smiled. "That was my confession. I like you, too." More than I should, at any rate. Although my courtship with Christos was a whirlwind of commanding and bribing, it didn't have this natural feel that my time with Tyb—short as it's been, has seemed to possess.

I needed to make plans for when I get to reintegrate with society. I mean, if the world didn't end before that. Did I want to go back to Washington?
Move back home, to Oregon? 
Or stay in the mountains of California, hidden away from the worries of the world in this self-sufficient paradise?
 I didn't mean for that thought to take hold, but it seemed so appealing. Maybe my opinion would change with the seasons, perhaps winter is the Big Suck up here (and not in the fun way)… Maybe Tyb will be over getting laid to his heart's content and not want me around. I can't invite myself. But the thought of Tyb offering me to stay when this is all over… Would I accept? Could I accept? No matter what, I'm jumping the gun at this point.

But the niggling thought that in the past 24 hours with
Tyb have felt more secure, relaxed and laid back than the two years with Christos. That's an epic revelation. How could I ever believe Christos my soul mate? How could I have been that delusional? To be treated with honest respect from a guy was such a shocker. My opinion mattered to Tyb.

Dammit, he needs to be not so likeable.
Or lickable.

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