Darkened Days (11 page)

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Authors: C. L. Quinn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Darkened Days
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sa was uneasy.  The huge man that bowled into her kept staring.  She wanted to do the same herself.  Never in her life had she met a man that made her want to know what he would feel like…inside her.  Just on sight.  Until now.  This man…Olympian gods would be jealous.  What was that scent?  He
like sex.  Not like he’d just had it, not that, but like pheromones or something.   Whatever it was, it made her want to act on instinct alone and pull him into one of the long dark alleys.

He was still watching her with those deep green eyes that she swore saw into her soul.  Was he feeling the same
intense reaction to her that she felt to him?  He still held her hands and unexpectedly, she did something crazy.  Something the old Alisa would never have done.  Something the new Alisa was searching for in the moments left in her now abbreviated life.  Experiences to build a lifetime of memories in the few months she had left as a functioning woman.  She wanted this man. 
  Wanted to know what he would feel like inside her. 
Why not? 
This journey she’d taken had been to live until she couldn’t. 

So she curled her fingers into his and pulled him closer.

“What kind of cologne are you wearing?  It’s incredible.”

Without thinking about it at all, Koen responded to her fingers by interweaving his with hers.

“No cologne.  It’s just my scent.  Yours is incredible too.”

Their eyes connected and in that instant they both knew wher
e this chance collision would end up.

His right hand moved to her hair, sliding down its satin strands to her cheek.  He felt her sho
ulders lift as she drew a deep breath.

“You’re hungry. Let me feed you,” he said.

“I would like that.”

Without taking his eyes off her, he moved slightly closer and whispered.  “I really need to apologize to you for running you over.”

Blue eyes searched green.

“I really think I need that apology.”

There wasn’t any doubt in either of their minds what form the apology would take.




Eillia watched the two after the collision.  Daniel had stopped to look at something on an artist’s table and she’d glanced back at Koen just as the incident occurred.  She felt something in him.  Something intense.  Her eyes moved to the woman he touched.  The same intensity waved off her, too. 
Well, he was a big boy.  He could handle whatever it was.

Daniel turned back to his wife and took her hand.  As they walked away, she found herself looking back again.  There was something else.  Something odd about the woman. 
  She couldn’t touch it.  She shook her head and gave her husband all of her attention.




Koen took the woman to a small diner just around the corner from where they’d met.  It was dark and sultry, the smell of smoked meat and fresh flowers infused the air.  He had the host show them to the back of the restaurant where they were nearly alone. 

“Does this suit you?”

The woman nodded, her eyes hooded.  She seemed uncomfortable with him now.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

With a slight shake of her head, those deep blue eyes found his again.

“Yes.”  She said this too quietly to be convincing.  And then, louder and more forcefully, “I am.  I just don’t usually do things like this.  But I didn’t want to walk away from you back on the street.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.  I didn’t want you to either. Why don’t we have a nice meal and see how we feel afterward?”

She stared at him again,
and nodded in agreement. 

A moment later she leaned across the table slowly.  She had to stand and then put one knee up on the table top to reach him.  Her kiss began tentatively, then she deepened it.  Koen’s body took over, a sudden need driving him. He swept her off the table and into his arms.  They kissed so passionately, the waiter turned and left as soon as he saw them.  Alisa worked her hand beneath Koen’s shirt to feel the smooth tight muscles of his chest.  He moaned
and slowly lowered her back to the floor to set her away from him.  His voice was coarse.

“If we keep that up, dinner won’t happen.  There will be no other choice.  I’ll have you in a bed in minutes.”  He drew a deep breath, watched her do the same.  Their eyes met again.  “Is that what you want?  Because I am one hundred percent okay with that choice.”

Alisa stumbled as she stepped back, with a hand on her chest to calm her racing heart.  Talk about out of your comfort zone.  He was asking her if she wanted to go somewhere and have sex with a perfect stranger.  She looked back up at him again as he waited for her to answer him.  That odd drive she’d felt at the first moment was stronger than ever.  She needed to feel that spectacular man beneath her and inside her.

She was dying.  A degenerative muscle
condition that would leave her bed bound and unable to move before she finally passed on, probably within the next three years.  This trip to places she’d loved in her life would be her last journey before she would settle at home in Chicago and accept the course her life had taken.  So, no room for hesitation. 
She wanted this man.

He could see it in her face.  Koen watched as she ran her tongue around her lips before she spoke.

“Let’s eat afterward.  Please.  Where’s the nearest room we can rent?”

Koen hesitated only a moment to be sure she really meant it.  He could see that she did

“Thank god,” he whispered, because he was already fully erect
, trapped in his tight jeans. 

Taking her hand, he led her out of the restaurant and around the corner up a flight of wooden stairs to a third floor apartment that belonged to
an old friend spending the summer in America.  He opened the door easily, flipped on a light switch and looked around.  It was exactly as he remembered the last time he was there. 

“Would you like the lights left on?”

“Are there candles?”

“This belongs to
an artist friend.  I guarantee it.”  Koen found a corner filled with candle holders and candles.   She smiled and helped him move several into the bedroom, lit them and set them all around the large bed in the corner of the room.  As was typical in these artist abodes, it was just a huge mattress on the floor, but Koen thought it was the perfect place for him to make love to this woman. Leaning across the bed to place a candle on the other side, he turned to her.

She stood still in the center of the room, then lifted her tee from the hem and dropped it on the floor.  Koen stayed on the bed and watched.  She kept her eyes on him, heard his breathing get heavier as she unsnapped the jeans to slowly peel them down. 

Alisa stood there, more vulnerable than she’d ever been in her life because for some weird cosmic reason she really wanted this man to want her.  She held her hands out.

“Still interested?” she asked.

Koen watched this woman who came out of nowhere into his life nearly naked before him.  Asking him if he wanted her.  Her beautiful breasts spilled over the satin bra as he knew they would since the thin tee had barely hidden their fullness.  She wore sensible panties, satin but cut high on her long legs.  He didn’t care, he just wanted to tear them off her.

“What is your name?” he asked softly.

She took a deep breath.  “Oh, of course.  Alisa.  It’s Alisa.”

Koen came forward, forcing himself not to hyper speed her to the bed and beneath him.

“Well, Alisa.  My name is Koen.  And I do not have words strong enough to tell you how unbelievably interested I am.  You need to know you aren’t leaving here until I have made intense thorough love to you.”

Alisa let out the breath she was holding in and walked toward him.

“I don’t do this.  Ever. I want you to know that.  I don’t have any diseases.”

“I wouldn’t have thought you would.  It doesn’t matter.  For you, though, I don’t either.”

“It doesn’t matter for me.  Just, give me a moment.  It’s actually been a while since I was with someone.”

“Oh, you’ll be ready,” he said, and lifted her in his arms.

They were on the bed and she was naked before she realized.  So was he.  One second he’d scooped her up and the next he was kneeling on the bed, the candlelight illuminating a body as perfect as possible.  Her eyes dropped lower.  Fully erect, enormous, he was ready for her.   Alisa wondered if he would fit, but she didn’t care.  This man was going to be inside her tonight.

He stretched out beside her and played with a long
thick strand of hair that covered a nipple.

“I’ve seen a lot of women over a lot of years.  None of them have ever made me want them as badly as you have on sight.  What magic do you weave, Alisa?”

“No magic.  I just saw you and wanted you.  That hasn’t ever happened to me either.  You’re damn perfect, you know that?”

“Hardly.  But I think you are.  Here, let me see.”

His lips curled around the nipple he’d uncovered, the strand abandoned beside it.  His tongue moved ridiculously sensuously, slowly, around and around until Alisa knew this man was extraordinarily skilled.  This night would be the memory she would hold onto until her last breath.

A tear slipped out and she lifted a hand to wipe it away, then dropped the hand into his hair.  Thick, soft, sexy as hell.  She’d always loved the
bad boy look.  His was just on the edge.  She pulled the band that kept his long hair back and laced her fingers through it.

He groaned and rolled closer to move to the other breast.  His hands were moving down, sliding across s
kin heightened with sensitivity.  Alisa knew she would come before he even got inside her.

Continuing down across her belly, the insides of her thighs, he moved back and forth between
each side, nipping and licking.  He ignored the center, the slit waiting for him twitched, spasms moving through her lower body.  She was so hot now, so in need, she lifted up and grabbed his hair in her hands and pulled hard.

Eventually he looked up. 

“I told you you’d be ready,” he whispered, and his tongue dived deep, driving her back, her hands now over her head, and twisting through some kind of metal sculpture on the wall behind the mattress.  She’d been really right when she thought he was skilled. 
Oh, god, was
he skilled!  

Koen’s tongue moved quickly to just th
e right places and forced her past impossible pleasure to an orgasm like she’d never known.  He held her as she swung from the top of ecstasy back to earth, his thumbs caressing circles on the inside of her thighs as she dropped back onto the rough bedspread.  Both were breathing hard.

Alisa opened her eyes and thought she’d already died and gone to the sexiest heaven.

She didn’t even try to stop the tears in her eyes as she spoke from her heart.

“You are so beautiful.  I wish you could be the last thing I see before I leave this earth.”

He shook his head.  “You never know, my lady.  Of course, that will be a very, very long time.”

“Yes,” she said softly, “A very, very long time.”

Rolling up on her knees, she tried to push him down.

“My turn,” she said, her fingers curling around his rigid cock.  He jerked, her touch electric.

“No,” he said.  “I want to feel you wrapped around me.  I need to be inside you.”

Pulling him to her,
she kissed him again, and lingered.

“Okay.  But I want to be on top.  Koen, let me ride you.”

Yeah, that’s what he wanted too
.  He laid back, his hands around her tiny waist, and slid down the outside of her thighs this time.  Her eyes stayed on the engorged penis.   Her fingers slid around it and moved up and down, caressing and tugging.

“I’ve never really considered how amazing this is.”  She leaned down and nipped at him. 
Koen grabbed her thighs to hold her as he jerked upward.   Alisa smiled. 

She lifted up and slid herself down over the head of his penis, but only the head, then lifted back up, over and over.

His fangs popped and he growled.  More than anything he wanted to drive into her and drink from her.  But she had no idea what he was and he did not want to use compulsion.  Not on her. 
Never on her
.  Their connection already felt sacred, even at the beginning like this.

Alisa threw her head back and laughed.

“You growled!  Oh, now I think you’re going to have to wait a little longer.” 

“I growled because I want to get deep inside you.  I won’t hurt you if you’re worried.  You can take me.”

Alisa leaned down, kissed him, then whispered, “I plan to.”

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