Dark Wings Descending (22 page)

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Authors: Lesley Davis

BOOK: Dark Wings Descending
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“I knew you’d be passionate,” Ashley said, hooking a finger through Rafe’s belt and pulling it free.

“Thought about it much, have you?” Rafe tossed her shirt aside.

“All the time since that day you barged into my apartment and told me to stay out of your investigation. Seeing you so fired up like that made me incredibly wet.”

Rafe halted in removing her bra. “You were pissing me off,” she said before undoing the last catch and baring her chest. Ashley let out an appreciative moan at the sight.

“And you were turning me on,” she replied, her hands instantly on the exposed flesh, gliding up from Rafe’s stomach to rest between her breasts. Her fingers itched to capture the hard nipples that crowned Rafe’s chest, to see how long it would take to break Rafe’s composure.

Rafe pulled Ashley up and unfastened her shirt and bra with quick, efficient hands. She pushed her back down and Ashley let her, intrigued by the serious look of determination written on Rafe’s handsome face. She found it decidedly sexy. Rafe divested herself of her pants and underwear. She then stripped Ashley naked and was back in her arms.

They both released moans at the first feel of nothing but naked skin between them. Ashley’s hands were captured and put above her head, held in place by Rafe’s left hand. With her free hand, Rafe brushed down Ashley’s body and cupped her breast to bring the hard nipple up to her lips. Arching her back, Ashley tried to press more of herself into Rafe’s hot mouth. Her hips bucked as Rafe sucked her in deep, then licked hard across the thickened tip. Rafe alternated between sucking and licking first one breast, then the other to afford it the same pleasure.

Sharp electricity jolts flooded from Ashley’s nipples straight to her sex. Desperate for relief, she shifted her leg and Rafe’s thigh pressed in between, adding pressure to her already swollen mound. Ashley’s hips undulated as she began to smear her wetness on Rafe’s thigh. Rafe pulled back, making Ashley moan in desperation.

“You are not getting yourself off, Sparky.” Rafe nipped at a breast, tearing a gasp from Ashley’s throat. She let go of Ashley’s hands, levering herself upright to capture both of Ashley’s breasts in her palms. Caressing them, chafing her thumbs over reddened tips, Rafe rubbed herself on Ashley’s stomach. Ashley could feel her wetness coating her skin.

“Oh God, you’ve got to let me have you,” Ashley moaned, grabbing onto Rafe’s hips and urging her on as Rafe rode her in a lazy rhythm. Ashley couldn’t take her eyes off Rafe’s face as her desire was so blatant there, so unabashed and so beautiful. Ashley didn’t know which was more distracting, Rafe’s hands molding her breasts or the feel of Rafe’s swollen sex smearing wetness all over her skin. She shifted her hand between Rafe’s legs but was only afforded a brief stroke through hot silk before Rafe slipped from her grasp.

A bruising kiss silenced Ashley’s complaint, then Rafe’s tongue flicked its way down her body in a maddening trail. She teased over Ashley’s breasts, down her stomach, and dipped into Ashley’s belly button to tease before going lower. Mindful of Rafe’s injuries, Ashley had to stop herself from grabbing Rafe’s head and forcing her to where she needed her the most. She cursed the fact Rafe’s hair wasn’t even long enough for her to pull on to direct her to where she wanted that teasing tongue to rest. Without preamble, Rafe slid a finger deep inside Ashley’s wetness. Ashley’s back came off the bed as she bowed to Rafe’s strength.

“Oh my God,” she groaned, her breath catching as Rafe eased out again, then pressed in deeper. “Yes, like that, exactly like that.” She knew she was soaked inside. Rafe had no problem sliding in. Two fingers pressed for entry and Ashley sensed Rafe’s hesitation. “Do it,” she said, grabbing Rafe’s arm and urging her on. Her insides clenched around the intrusion, welcoming Rafe home as she built up a delicious friction that threatened to make Ashley scream. Firm lips closed around Ashley’s clitoris and Ashley gasped. “Oh do it, suck me in,” she begged, all but mindless as the sensations Rafe brought to her body threatened to overwhelm her.

Rafe speeded up her thrusts, timing them to each roll of Ashley’s hips. Ashley’s hand pressed on top of Rafe’s head, pinning her in place, all the time scraping her palm over the short, stubbly hair for comfort. Rafe licked Ashley’s sensitive bundle of nerves, then blew on it. Ashley’s moans began to escape as keening wails.

“You’re driving me insane. Fuck me,” she pleaded, pulling roughly at her own nipple and blindly letting her body follow every move Rafe desired from it. The rough friction of Rafe’s fingers buried deep inside her and the constant worrying of her clitoris by a talented tongue caused an explosion to cascade through Ashley’s body like no other had ever brought her. She let out a scream and came in a series of violent waves that burst through her like a volcanic eruption. Her body shook and pulsed and she spilled her pleasure all over Rafe’s hand. Ashley lay stunned and shaken, her body twitching with shock waves. “My God, Rafe, what did you just do to me?” she managed to whisper, tears stinging her eyes, then rolling unchecked down her cheek.

Rafe looked decidedly pleased with herself. She gently removed her fingers from within Ashley and studied the thick moisture on them. “I’d say I fucked you senseless,” she said smugly.

“And how do you come to that conclusion, Detective?” Ashley watched Rafe lick at her fingers. A groan rumbled from her chest at the erotic sight and her insides clenched at how sexy Rafe looked, flushed and sweaty from her exertion and self-satisfied as only a good lover should be.

“I have examined the evidence. It never lies.” Rafe gently kissed Ashley’s clitoris. The soft pressure made Ashley twitch again as a series of tingles shot through her from Rafe’s intimate kiss.

“Come up here and hold me.” Ashley pulled weakly at Rafe’s shoulder. Rafe gathered Ashley in her arms and cradled her while Ashley tried to recover her senses. “You are amazing.” She snuggled into Rafe’s breast and breathed in deeply of her unique scent.
I’ve found my home at last in her arms
, she thought, burrowing in and rubbing her face against Rafe’s warm skin.
I’ve found my One.
Her face pressed against Rafe’s skin, Ashley could feel the soft tremors that made Rafe’s body quiver beneath her. Recognizing unreleased passion, Ashley smiled to herself and shifted her head just enough to be able to rub her cheek over Rafe’s right nipple. The answering catch in Rafe’s breath told Ashley all she needed to know. She lifted her head to meet the dark eyes staring right back at her. Her strong features, austere in desire, took Ashley’s breath away.

“You are so damn beautiful.” Ashley breathed her words across Rafe’s breast, flicking her tongue out to taste and tease.

“That should be my line.” Rafe’s voice was strained as Ashley’s tongue ran over her nipple roughly.

Ashley took Rafe’s reddened tip into her mouth. She sucked at the hard nub, then flicked at it with her tongue, loving the sound that was forced from Rafe’s throat. Rafe’s hands ran agitatedly through Ashley’s hair, then clenched at her shoulders, urging her on. “Lie back, sweetheart,” Ashley whispered and followed Rafe down. Once settled onto her side, Ashley continued her play across Rafe’s breasts. They were smaller than hers, firm yet soft, with nipples thickening at every touch of Ashley’s lips. She ran her fingernails across Rafe’s chest, down the flat stomach, watching fine tremors erupt in their wake.

She made sure to brush carefully around the wound that stood out starkly on Rafe’s otherwise perfect body. Ashley laid a kiss beside it. She moved again and settled herself between Rafe’s legs, and both of them groaned as their mounds met. Rafe bumped against her, seeking further pressure. Ashley held back enough to drive Rafe crazy. She saw the light dawn in Rafe’s eyes when she realized Ashley’s intent was to tantalize.

“Don’t you fucking tease me now,” Rafe pleaded desperately.

Ashley just grinned as Rafe bucked her hips, aching to be touched. “I’m going to have you slowly but surely. I’ve been waiting forever to be in this position. I am not rushing it.”

“It’s only been days,” Rafe said, reaching for Ashley only to have her hands pressed down by her sides.

“Seems like forever to me.” Ashley kissed Rafe into silence with a slow, measured teasing of lips and tongue that had Rafe’s mouth clinging to hers for every last touch.

“You’re killing me.” Rafe’s voice was husky. Ashley loved how it sounded.

“You’ve had previous brushes with death. Believe me, this will be all pleasure.” With feather-light touches Ashley kissed Rafe’s face. She was fully aware she was driving Rafe to distraction by not rushing to take her. She could feel the body beside her taut and trembling in her need to come. She savored her power over her. Ashley slipped to Rafe’s side again, her hand skimming once more over Rafe’s tight nipples. The darkened tips thickened as Ashley flicked at them, then tugged.

“Fuck,” Rafe gasped. “If you don’t do something soon, I’m going to come on my own.”

“Hold on, baby, I promise to make it worth your while.” She brushed her hand through the soft hair framing Rafe’s sex.

“Please, just—”

Shushing her with a kiss, Ashley slid a finger between the soft folds. She caressed her gently, then teased along lips and ruffled edges until her fingers were saturated with Rafe’s juices. Her heady scent tugged at Ashley’s senses; it made her want to bury her face in Rafe’s desire. Instead, she dragged her fingertip across the top of Rafe’s clitoris, and the answering groan Rafe released sent shivers of pleasure down Ashley’s spine. Rafe buried her face in Ashley’s shoulder, panting erratically against her skin.

“Please,” she whispered against Ashley’s flesh, “make me yours.”

Ashley dipped her head to take Rafe’s lips with her own. “You’ve been mine since the moment I laid eyes on you.” She gently squeezed the hard clitoris between finger and thumb and watched as Rafe’s head fell back. Eyes closed, mouth open, Rafe surrendered herself to Ashley.

“You’re mine, Raphael, do you know that?” Ashley’s thumb brushed over the turgid flesh and Rafe hissed out a strangled sound of agreement. “All mine, every part of you, heart and soul.” Ashley pushed a finger inside Rafe and began to set up a rhythm inside that she echoed with every brush across Rafe’s clitoris. She watched as a flush of red began to blossom across Rafe’s chest and thrilled to the pleasure etched on her face as Ashley brought Rafe ever closer to orgasm.

I’ve been in the company of angels, and even that never moved me as much as seeing her face right at this moment as I make her come.
Ashley’s name was shouted hoarsely as Rafe’s body wrung out every ounce of pleasure from Ashley’s hands when she climaxed, then she curled into Ashley, trembling and shaking. Ashley cuddled her, spreading soft kisses in Rafe’s hair. She slid her finger out, hearing Rafe’s breath catch as she did so. Ashley left her hand between Rafe’s legs, cupping her and letting her fingers soak in the hot passion Rafe had spent.

“You need to stop that unless you aim on setting me off again,” Rafe said in Ashley’s ear when her fingers started to explore once more.

“I can’t stop touching you,” Ashley said, trailing her fingers through the sticky wetness that covered Rafe’s legs. She felt a sharp intake of breath brush against her throat as her finger brushed over Rafe’s exposed clitoris. Rafe’s hand stilled hers.

“The rest of the body is willing, but the clit says touch me again and I’ll spontaneously combust.” She gave Ashley a weak grin. Ashley removed her hand reluctantly. “I’ve never been taken so slowly with such gentle hands and yet come so damn hard.” Rafe shifted and shivered. “I swear I’m still coming inside.” She pressed Ashley’s hand low on her stomach.

Ashley took the time to take in Rafe’s lean body, committing to memory every scar and freckle. She felt Rafe’s hand tighten on her own.

“Don’t think I missed you using that damned name of mine.”

Ashley smiled unrepentant. “I wanted you to have it said just once while someone made love to you and was worshiping your body.”

Rafe grumbled at her. They were silent for a moment until Rafe asked, “Is this what soul mates do?”

“What? Make love until neither can think straight?” Ashley pulled back a little to look into Rafe’s quiet face. “What, sweetheart?”

“Is it the soul mate thing that makes you never want anyone else to ever touch you again but that one person?”

“I think so,” Ashley said. “Is that how you feel?”

“That’s how I’ve felt from the moment you laid your hands on me outside my office. I was high on demon poison and all I could wish for was that you never took your hands away from my face.”

“I wasn’t supposed to touch you then, but your soul called to me.”

Rafe’s smile was wry. “It’s very forward like that.” She took a deep breath. “You know, we hardly know each other, and technically, we’ve only just met. This isn’t how I normally act.”

been normal the past few days?” Ashley asked softly. “You and I were meant to be, Raphael Douglas, get used to it.”

“Again with the name calling.”

Ashley chuckled and relented. “I’ll stop, but only because you called me Ash so beautifully as you came.”

“That might be because I couldn’t get all your name out in what little breath you left me with.”

“It was wonderful and sexy and I hope to hear it more from your lips as I bring you pleasure. Though I think next time I want to take you with my mouth.” Rafe shuddered under her. Ashley’s own heart started to pound a little harder.

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