Dark Soul Silenced - Part One (14 page)

BOOK: Dark Soul Silenced - Part One
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It wasn’t a long wait.  The lead rider came charging towards them.  For a moment Daniel thought he was planning to ride them down heedless of the trees he would then crash into.  At the last minute he reined in the horse — bringing it to a stop only a few feet from Daniel.  Daniel looked up at the man who in turn stared at Daniel, a look of shock on his face.

Ser Daniel!  I had no idea you were hunting down darkness in this area.  It is many years since you left Hammersgate but it is always good to meet another member of the Order.  And you have already captured the girl I was sent to find.  Excellent.”

Daniel stared at the man in shock.  He recognised the trappings of a witch hunter, and the reference to the Order.  The man had said that Daniel was one too.  Daniel's head span in shock.


Chapter Fifteen

Finally finding his voice, Daniel replied.

I’m afraid you must be mistaken.”  It sounded weak even to him, especially as the witch hunter knew his name.

No Ser Daniel.  I remember you clearly.  You oversaw my time of trials.  For five days you watched and guided both me and the others in the group.  It was long ago and you will have seen many such groups, but your face is etched into my mind from those times.”

Even if that is true, I am no longer the man you knew.  My memories of those times are gone and I have been through many changes.”  Daniel’s voice held more conviction now.  Despite the shock he realised it was how he felt now that mattered, not who he might once have been.  Even if the memories of that life suddenly returned he had been through too much to be that person again.  The man stared at Daniel, frowning.

Yet you travel with those we seek.  May I ask why?”

To protect them.  They were set upon by bandits, I was able to offer assistance.  These are dangerous lands for anyone to travel, especially a family.  I will travel with them until they reach safety.”

A noble reason.  A charge that, if you will forgive me, your former self would have taken on too.”

The talk of his former life was making Daniel uncomfortable.  He simply dipped his head in acknowledgement.  His hand still rested on the hilt of his sword but he wanted to avoid a fight.  Despite his success against the bandits he had no illusions that his power was limitless.  These men were far more dangerous than the bandits had been.  Where the outlaws had been bound together by their lifestyle and fear of the leader, the witch hunters were disciplined men with a fierce determination burning in their hearts.  Daniel could sense the resolve they held.  If it came it they would fight to the death to defend their ideals.  Their leader realised that Daniel wasn’t going to offer any more in reply and started to speak again.

“Ser Daniel, it seems I must introduce myself.  My name is Ser Josef and I lead these men on a most critical mission.  I am sorry to inform you that the family you have chosen to protect is not what it seems.  The child has been exposed to the forces of darkness.  She has exhibited powers of magic, a sure sign that darkness has taken hold of her.  We must take her back to Hammersgate with us, for her sake and the sake of everyone around her.”

Magic powers?” Daniel asked, forcing a smile onto his face.  “Truly?  This young girl?  Surely you are mistaken!”

No.  There is no mistake, and I can prove what I say.  I understand that you want to protect her but please understand that only with us can she truly be saved.  If the power is allowed to grow unchecked it will devour her soul.”

May I have a moment Ser Josef?  To speak with the family?”

Of course Ser Daniel.”

My thanks.”

Daniel turned away, stepped back to the family.

“What are you
?” hissed Sarah.  “Is it true?  Are you one of them?”

We don’t have long,” Daniel replied quietly.  “Was I one of them once?  I have no idea, though Ser Josef seems certain.  Whatever I once was I am not one of them now.  I cannot be.  If they learn of my powers they will hunt me as surely as they hunt Mary.”

But what do we do?  I don’t believe they want what is best for Mary!”

Possibly they want what they think is best for her, but I doubt we would agree with their judgement.  I could run, take Mary and flee into the forest.  They would not be able to keep up.  But that would leave you and Jon in their hands.  Once it grows dark I think I can lead all three of you to safety, but until then we must do as they say.  Can you do that?”

Sarah stared into his eyes for a long time, trying to judge him.  Finally she nodded.

“I trust you.  But if things go wrong, if it’s a choice between saving Mary and saving one or both of us, then you take Mary and run as far and as fast as you can.  Keep her safe.  You understand?”

I do.  Thank you for your trust.  I do not know what they will do, but I will not let them harm Mary.”  He turned to face Mary.  “Be brave Mary, and remember that I will protect you with my life if necessary.”

She still looked scared but gave him a brief, bright smile.  Jon hugged his daughter, Sarah put her arms around them both.  Daniel turned and walked back towards the mounted witch hunters.

“Very well Ser Josef.  You said you could prove your accusations against Mary.  But if you hurt her in any way you will answer to me.”


Josef gestured to his men who dismounted, then Josef slid off his own horse.  He pulled two objects from the saddle.  One was an amulet of some form, the other a smooth ball shaped stone or maybe a very large pearl.  He walked past Daniel towards Mary, Daniel fell into step close behind him.

“Please, step away from your daughter.  This will not hurt her.”

Reluctantly Jon and Sarah moved several feet away, then a little further when Josef gestured.  Josef stepped close to Mary and lifted the amulet, concentrating on it.  The gem at it’s heart suddenly burst into life, changing colour to an intense blue.  He moved his hand in small arcs, each time it passed Mary it flared an intense white.  Josef moved around Mary, the gem reacted in the same way each time it swung past Mary.  He lowered the gem again, allowing it to grow dark.

“This proves that the child is the one we have sought.  However it does not prove that she is touched by the darkness.  For that we use the Purity Orb.”

Now Josef lifted the other item, the Orb.  As he focused it flared an intense blue.  Daniel stood frozen, shocked by what he had seen.  Josef noticed the expression Daniel wore.

“Ser Daniel, I know this is a shock to you but now you see the truth.  The dark powers have taken hold on this young girl.  We are her only hope for redemption.”

Daniel was shocked, but not by Mary being shown to have power.  What shocked him was that the devices Josef was using were magical.  More than that, they drew some of their power from the person using them.  Daniel could sense the energy that flowed through them, and the energy they drained from Josef.  Most of the energy they used seemed to be stored but the rest was being pulled from Josef’s own life force.  How could a witch hunter be using a magical device?  Did they know?

Josef turned back to Mary.  Daniel focused on the Orb and realised the energy flow was blocked, tied into knots almost.  The swirl of energy felt wrong somehow.  Without thinking Daniel reached out to it, used his own power to pull at the knot until it unravelled.  Suddenly the Orb’s colour changed, from blue to an intense green.  That made sense to Daniel.  While he hadn’t thought of it before, Mary’s powers
seem to have a green tinge to them.  The green of growth, of healing and renewal. 

Daniel realised that
was how the Orb should be used.  Not just to detect magic, but to categorise it.  To differentiate between types.  To allow the witch hunters to focus on those touched by darker powers.  More than realised it, he knew it was true with every fibre of his being.  Yet somehow the device had become warped from its true purpose, changed to react to all magic in the same way.  Leading the witch hunters to hunt down those who were not only innocent of being corrupted by the powers of darkness but most able to resist those who were.

Daniel wobbled in place, nearly falling, as the knowledge crashed over him.  It struck him with the force of a mighty wave, sweeping through him and leaving the certainty that the Orb had been corrupted in its wake.  No one noticed.  All eyes were on the Orb, now glowing bright green.  Josef nearly dropped it, then backed several paces away from Mary.  The light dimmed then faded, leaving grey swirling mists.



Arm shaking Josef lowered the Orb.  He felt a mixture of fear and awe.  He took several shaky breaths before speaking.

Truly the Almighty is with us.  He has given a clear sign that this girl is of huge importance.  We must keep her safe.  We must protect her from the darkness within her and the darkness it is sure to call to it.  We must see her safely back to Hammersgate.  Once there she can be treated by the best our order has.”

What do you mean treated?” demanded the girl’s mother.  “Will she be hurt?”

No.  She will not be hurt and her soul will be saved.”

Josef cringed inside at the lie, but took comfort in the second part of his statement being true.  They would save the girl’s soul, but at the cost of great pain.  He couldn’t tell the girl’s parents that though.  They wouldn’t understand.  Once back to Hammersgate the situation could be explained to them in greater detail.

“You can’t treat her here?” asked the girl’s father.

No.  I do not have the expertise.  Your daughter is stronger in the dark powers than any we have seen in a hundred years or more.  It is vital that we find out all she knows, especially where and when the darkness entered her soul.”

The parents asked him a few more questions which he quickly answered.  Once they had finished, Daniel asked another.

“What now Ser Josef?  Are we your prisoners?  Will you bind us?”

No.  Of course not.  You travel with us as guests, not as prisoners, though we must insist that you
travel with us.  The girl, Mary, must wear this pendant though.  It will help slow the influence of the dark powers upon her soul.”

Daniel studied the pendant that Josef had pulled from his robes.  It was small with a red gem at its heart, and a chain made of silver.  Despite its apparent fragility Josef knew it would restrain the strongest of dark powers.  Finally Daniel nodded.

“May I place it on?” he asked.

Of course.  Please do it now.”

Daniel carried the pendant to Mary, whispered something to her that Josef didn’t catch then gently placed the pendant over her head.  The girl shivered as it settled into place.  Josef took that as a good sign, a sign that the link to the dark powers was blocked.  It wouldn’t remove the stain on her soul but it would help slow the spread.

With that done Josef ordered his men to start a fire and see to the horses.  He’d pushed both his men and their mounts hard to catch the family, both needed a break to regain their energy.

The girl’s mother approached Josef nervously.

“Ser Josef, might I have a word?”

Of course.  First though, may I ask your name?  You have me at a disadvantage.” 

Josef added a warm smile, received a slight smile in return.

“My name is Sarah, Ser.  My husband is Jon and you already know Mary’s name.”

Thank you Sarah.  Now, what is on your mind?”

Ser Josef… why are we resting?  We need to push on if we are to reach Combrook before dark.”

We won’t be travelling to Combrook.  Once we have rested we will start the journey back to Southcott, though we will not reach that turgid group of settlements tonight.”

What?  But… but… what about the creatures that roam these parts?  It is too dangerous to spend the night outside of shelter!”  Her eyes had grown wide and there was real fear, almost terror, written deep on her face.

Sarah, there is no danger while you travel with us.  We are well aware of the dangers that lurk in darkness, just as we are aware of those that manage to lurk even in the strong light of day.  We have weapons, armour and other items that will keep both us and your family safe.”

?  We could reach Combrook tonight, then return tomorrow.  It would make little difference to the time we arrived!”

Enough.”  Steel ran through Josef’s voice, he had given up on trying to win her round.  “We will not delay.  Your daughter is too important.  It is my duty to return her to the Order as soon as possible, and I intend to fulfil that duty.”

Sarah nodded mutely then turned and walked away, back towards her family and Ser Daniel.  Josef cursed himself for not dealing with the situation better.  He needed the trust of the girl’s parents if it was at all possible.



Sarah walked away from Ser Josef with her insides churning.  For a short while she had believed the man, believed that he wanted the best for Mary, believed that Mary’s soul could be saved without causing her harm. 

Not now though.  Something had shone through when Sarah pushed Josef about sleeping somewhere safe.  The fires of fanaticism had burnt in his eyes.  He cared more about getting Mary back to Hammersgate than about keeping them all safe.

She’d had doubts about Daniel’s plan to run once it became dark.  Now she realised it was Mary’s only chance.  Much as the thought of plunging off into the darkness terrified her, anything was worth it to save her daughter.

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