Dark Realms (18 page)

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Authors: Kristen Middleton

Tags: #vampires, #vampire, #anthology, #occult, #paranormal romance, #zombies, #science fiction, #witches, #zombie, #witch, #monsters, #action and adventure, #undead, #series books, #dystopian

BOOK: Dark Realms
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“What?” she asked.

I turned back to her and smiled.

She stood up. “I’ve got so much to do today.
I start work on Monday and have more errands than I have hours to
complete them.”

, thanks for
asking… my first day went pretty good, by the

“I’m sorry, honey,” she replied, grabbing a
robe from the closet. “I totally forgot. So, your first day at the
diner went pretty smooth?”

Yeah. I’m working again
tonight. In fact, Nathan has to use your car to drop me off at the
diner around four. His Mustang needs a new battery.”

She groaned and then nodded reluctantly.
“Okay. I’ll just have to take care of some things tomorrow, I

I motioned towards her neck. “So, how’s your
skin?” I asked.

She touched it and winced. “Still

I got off the bed and walked over to her.
“Did you put anything on it?”

“No. I probably should. How does it

I examined her skin and frowned. It looked
much worse. “You should really see a doctor.”

She waved her hand and shook her head. “No,
you know me. I’m just allergic to mosquito bites. It usually takes
a while for them to heal.”

“At least put something on it, so it doesn’t
get infected.”

“Fine, Nurse Nikki,” she said with a wry

I walked over to the window and opened the
blinds. “It’s a beautiful day, mom, you could use some vitamin D on
that lily-white skin of yours.”

“Oh, hey… close the blinds,” she gasped
holding her hand up to shield her face. “The sun hurts my

I quickly closed them. “Wow, you seriously
need to lay off the alcohol, mom. Hangovers are a bitch.”

She grabbed her sunglasses from the
nightstand and put them on. “Actually, I think I have an eye
infection or something,” she said. “They’ve been bothering me the
last couple of days.”

“Maybe you’re allergic to Caleb. Ever since
you’ve been seeing him, you’ve been acting weird.”

She smiled. “It’s definitely not him. He is
such a wonderful man. I’m so happy we met. It’s only been a few
hours since we we’ve been together, but… I have to admit, I miss
him already.”

It sounded like she really was falling
pretty hard for the sheriff. “So, when’s the wedding?” I asked.

‘Oh, God, it’s too early for that but I’ll
be honest, every time he looks at me,” she sighed and her eyes
looked wistful, “I just want to jump his bones.”

I shuddered. “Okay, that’s something I
didn’t need to hear. That’s just twisted, mom.”

She laughed. “Oh, just you wait, my dear.
You’ll meet someone who makes your toes curl and then you’ll know
exactly what I’m talking about.”

I’d already met two guys who made my toes
curl but I wasn’t about to tell her that. “Whatever,” I said.

She walked over to me and touched my cheek.
“What about Duncan? Any sparks?”

My cheeks grew pink. “Well… I don’t know. I
mean, we’re just friends, you know?”

She smiled, knowingly.
“Friends, huh? Just make sure you use protection if he gets

My jaw dropped. “Mom!”

“You are still a virgin, right?”

I couldn’t believe we were actually having
this conversation.

“Oh, my God,
I replied, staring
at her in horror.

“Although, you don’t have to tell me if you
don’t want to. Just be safe.”

“Enough! I’m still a virgin and I plan on
staying one for a while.”

Her eyes softened. “That’s what a mother
wants to hear. But when things get confusing or too much, you can
always come to me with any questions.”

“I’m going to take a shower,” I said. “I
feel dirty after talking about it with you.”

She laughed. “You’re such a smartass.”

I left her and went back to my room. Instead
of taking a shower, however, I lay down on my bed and thought about
everything that had happened the night before. It now seemed so
unbelievable, that I wondered if it had been just a dream.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.




“Nikki, come to me,” whispered the smooth,
masculine voice in my ear.

I opened my eyes to find that I was in a
forest wearing a billowy, white nightgown. I stood up and began
walking in my bare feet. As I looked down, I noticed sharp pieces
of broken glass cutting into my skin, which was now bleeding.

“Hurry,” prodded the voice. It was strong
and demanding; it pushed me forward, one foot after another.

“Nikki!” yelled Duncan.

“Duncan?” I whispered, turning around.

“Wait, Nikki!” he cried, running towards me.
I watched in amazement as he kept moving without making any

There was a rush of movement and my heart
began to race; I knew who it was. He’d come back for me.

Someone grabbed my shoulders and started
digging their sharp nails into my skin. I was shoved roughly to the
ground and the shadow jumped on top of me. “Amy?” I whispered in

Amy’s eyes were filled with hate. “He’s
mine,” she growled, her slit wrists bleeding onto my white dress.
She opened her mouth and her pointy fangs closed in on my neck.


I opened my eyes and let out a shaky breath.
Just a dream.

Someone rapped on my door.

“Hey, twerp!”

“Yeah, come in,” I mumbled, sitting up.

“Get ready,” said Nathan. “I have to drop
you off early at the diner. Mom needs the car as soon as I get back
from purchasing a battery.”

I looked at my alarm clock. It was already
after two o’clock. “Okay,” I said.

His eyes narrowed. “Are you doing okay?”

“Just a little tired.”

He pointed at me. “Don’t leave the diner
after dark unless Duncan is with you.”

“Yeah, okay.”

He stared at me for a minute and then
nodded. “Then, I’ll be outside waiting for you. You have a half
hour to get ready.”

“Okay, I’ll hurry.”

I took a quick shower, put my uniform on,
and spent a little extra time with my makeup. Then I pinned my damp
hair up and stared into the mirror. I had to admit, I was
definitely beginning to look more like my mother every day. I
decided it was a good thing and smiled.

Nathan laid on the horn outside and I rushed
out to meet him in mom’s car.

“Makeup, huh? Trying to get more tips?”
smiled Nathan.

I shrugged. “I could certainly use the

“I hear you. So, what do you think about
last night? Pretty crazy, huh?”

“It was freaky, that’s for sure. I still
don’t know what happened, exactly.”

“I’m starting to think we really do have
ghosts lurking around the cabin. That could be the real reason why
mom’s renting it so cheap.”

“Makes sense.”

We drove the rest of the way in silence and
he dropped me off in front of the diner, warning me to stay put
when my shift was over.

“You worry too much,” I said. “I’m not going
anywhere. I’ll wait for Duncan.”

“Here’s Duncan’s cell phone number,” he
said, handing me a slip of paper. “If there’s a problem, call me or

“Okay, thanks.”

When he finally drove off, I went into the
diner and ran into Rosie in the back room.

“How’s it going, Nikki?”

I smiled. “Pretty good. We were really
swamped yesterday so Susan didn’t get a chance to show me too

Yeah, I heard. Since
you’re early, I’ll go over some things with you,


Rosie went over the menus and showed me how
to write up meal tickets. Then she gave me some pointers on how to
juggle multiple tables and get them in and out as quickly as
possible. When we were done, my head was spinning, but I felt like
I was starting to get a little handle on things.

“Don’t worry. It’s going to take a while,
but you’ll get used to it. And, honey, don’t be afraid to tell the
customers you’re new. They’ll have more patience and might even tip
you better.”

“Oh, I’m all for that. Thanks.”

“You’ll do just fine here,” she said,
patting me on the shoulder. “Just do your best, and eventually
things will fall together.”

“Thanks, Rosie.”

When Susan showed up, I shadowed her for
half the day, and then I was given a couple of my own tables.

“You’re doing great,” said Rosie, after I
served a large platter of food to one of my tables. “Keep it


The time flew by quickly and by the time my
shift was over, I’d made almost thirty dollars in tips. I was so
giddy that I texted Nathan, who was happy for me.

“Listen, is there any way you can work a
little later tonight?” asked Rosie, as I was about to punch out.
“We could really use you until eleven o’clock. Darlene called in
sick and I need all the help I can get. Since it’s Friday night,
we’re going to get slammed soon.”

“Okay. Let me call my ride and let him know.
I’m sure it will be fine.”

I grabbed my phone and called Duncan.

“Okay,” he said, after I explained why they
needed my help. “I’ll be there promptly at eleven, though I’ll
expect a tip.”

I giggled. “I think I can manage that.”

We had a rush of customers around nine
o’clock, and I was running ragged, trying to keep my orders right
and not piss anyone off. By the time it was ten-thirty, I heaved a
sigh of relief; the diner was finally clearing out.

“We usually get another big rush after the
bars close,” said Susan. “Just be thankful you’re not working those
customers. When they’re not trying to pick you up, they’re puking
in the corner. It’s really disgusting.”

I grimaced. “I bet.”

“Funny thing is, they usually tip better,”
she said, “because they’re drunk and feeling extra generous. But,
to me, it isn’t really worth it.”

Thinking about my mom last night and
practically having to babysit her, I agreed. I then took out my
tips and started counting it when Susan swore.

“What?” I said, looking up.

It was Ethan, followed by his clan. His eyes
met mine and he smiled.

“Hey,” whispered Susan, noticing the
exchange. “Do you know him?”

“Um, not really,” I said.

“Looks like they’re in your section tonight,
Nikki,” said Rosie, “they usually only order coffee, though, so it
should be a piece of cake.”

I took a deep breath and walked up to their

“Hello,” I said, handing out menus. “Can I
start anyone out with something to drink?”

Ethan put his elbows on the table, clasped
his fingers, and rested his chin on there. “Coffee for all of us,
please, Nikki.”

Remembering the effect he had on me, I
averted my eyes. “And will you want food, or should I take away the

“Well,” chuckled Ethan. “What I want
probably isn’t on the menu.”

Oh, my God.

Our eyes met and I swear I could feel a
charge of static electricity between us. It was eerie.

“You look beautiful tonight. As usual,” he
said softly.

The carnal promises he held in his
smoldering eyes were raw and made my heart race. I took a step
backwards, trying to catch my breath.

“Everything okay here?” interrupted Rosie,
coming towards us.

Ethan looked away and I grabbed the back of
an empty chair to steady myself.

“Yeah, Rosie,” smiled Ethan. “Just being
friendly with the new waitress.”

She smiled. “Now don’t be giving young Nikki
here a hard time. It’s only her second day.”

For some reason, Rosie wasn’t affected by
Ethan’s magnetic stare.

“Oh, don’t worry about Nikki, Rosie. She’s
in good hands with me.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” she chuckled.
“So, Nikki, why don’t you go pour some coffee for these boys.”

I cleared my throat. “Okay,”

I grabbed six coffee cups and glanced
towards Ethan’s minions. I watched, curiously, as Rosie continued
talking to Ethan while the rest of the guys seemed content just
listening to the exchange, never actually joining in on the
conversation. All were tall, pale, and rivaled any of the male
models I’d seen in magazines. None of them compared to Ethan,
however. His animal magnetism was enough to make me forget
everything else.

“It’s getting late,” said Rosie, coming up
to the counter. “Why don’t you let me finish waiting on these guys
and you can take off?”

I nodded, not quite trusting myself to

Without another glance towards Ethan, I
hurried to the break room, removed my apron, and grabbed my purse.
When I turned around, I was staring into Ethan’s eyes.

“Oh,” I gasped.

“Leaving so soon?” he asked me, stepping
closer. I moved backwards until my back hit the wall.

“I really have to go,” I squeaked.

He touched my face and his eyes searched
mine. “I’ve been searching for so long. I can’t believe that I’ve
finally found you.”

My eyes widened. “Excuse me? I don’t
understand what you mean.”

“You will.” He closed his eyes and inhaled.
“You smell so sweet.”

I was so confused; my head was spinning and
my stomach whirled. “I… what’s happening?”

Ethan opened his eyes again and smiled.
“You’ll understand… in time.”

Suddenly his mouth was on mine again, and as
before, I couldn’t resist his kisses. Our lips moved hungrily
together and I moaned in pleasure, wanting him closer. I ran my
hands up his back and into his hair, pulling his mouth harder
against mine. But then he stopped abruptly and pulled away.

“I… I have to go and take care of
something,” he said thickly.

“Your eyes…” I whispered. They were still
blue but glowed brightly with something that reminded me of

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