Dark Realm, The (7 page)

Read Dark Realm, The Online

Authors: Anthea Sharp

Tags: #ya fantasy, #Science Fiction, #faeries, #computer gaming, #ya urban fantasy, #fantasy series, #science and magic, #videogames, #ya romance

BOOK: Dark Realm, The
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For a second the graphics wavered, rippling like a heat wave. Tam froze, waiting. Come on, system - hold together. It felt like his heart stopped too, until the image stabilized again. Just in time.

In the darkness of the cave, something growled. A red flash of light showed that Saberclaw had sensed a trespasser in his lair. The attack came without warning as the enormous cat rushed forward, a mass of striped and angry death. His growl turned into a roar as the beast lunged, sharp claws extended to rake the Sorcerer’s chest.

Adrenaline pumping through him, Tam waited until the last possible instant, then popped his shield. He cast an instant spell that slowed the cat a precious few milliseconds - enough time to lob a flaming ball of magefire into the cat’s face. Saberclaw yowled in fury, his long teeth shining and deadly.

Tam leapt to the side, but didn’t quite avoid a furious bite from those teeth. His life energy dipped and his character slowed down. Dimly, in the other world, he heard Jennet gasp. One trick gone. But he and the cat were even.

Using his mage abilities, he tried to keep his distance while still sending spells at his opponent. Not always successfully - the big cat got a few painful bites and swipes in on his character in return.

They were both around half health when Saberclaw’s eyes lit with an uncanny green glow. It was the sign he was about to use his special ability - an unavoidable stun that froze his victim in place. As soon as the stun wore off, the cat would pounce and shred his enemy to bits. Tam’s heart raced as his fingers gestured the next combo of moves. This had better work. It was the only thing he could think of.

He tossed the blinding powder, the bright flash distracting Saberclaw for an instant. Then… there was no avoiding this next part, no matter how much it hurt. With a pang, he summoned his favorite pet - the battle-hawk companion he’d won in a ferocious duel two years ago. The two of them had shared more adventures than he could count. But he’d have to sacrifice the hawk in order to win this fight.

“Goodbye, Bright,” he murmured as he sent his pet forward to certain death.

He yanked Lorne behind one of the jagged rocks at the entrance, getting out of line-of-sight as his golden companion winged straight for Saberclaw. The hawk let out a high, pained cry as the big cat’s eyes flared. Saberclaw’s evil green gaze pinned Bright to the cave floor.

Tam couldn’t just keep Lorne standing there - he had to make Bright’s death count. He stepped back into the cave and began his longest incantation. It was his most powerful spell, a fire-lance that would blast a serious hole in his opponent.

The cat ignored Tam and leapt on Bright, yowling with joy as he began to rip the bird to pieces. The hawk let out high, piteous cries as bits of golden feathers swirled in the air. Finally, Bright lay still, his broken body trapped under Saberclaw’s wicked paws.

The image blurred in front of Tam’s eyes - but this time it wasn’t a system problem. He blinked furiously, clearing his vision. The hollow ache in his chest from losing Bright joined all the other sorrows piled up there. Sure, it was just a game, but now he was alone. Again.

Tam swallowed. His spell tingled at his fingertips, the energy building, building...

“Now!” he shouted, flinging deadly fire at Saberclaw.

The beast lifted his snarling face just as Tam’s fire-lance hit. The force of it made Saberclaw stagger, and the smell of singed fur scorched Tam’s nose. But it wasn’t enough. The big cat recovered quickly, too quickly, and gathered himself to leap on the Sorcerer.


The red letters etched across Tam’s vision, overriding the game’s graphics.

“No,” he breathed. “Not now.”

Despite the reactions coursing through him, his hands remained steady in the gloves. Although it wasn’t scorched fur he smelled. It was the metallic stench of burning electrical cables.

He had to finish this, and fast.

It was hard to throw incantations while taking serious damage. Every rake of claws and bite of fangs slowed Lorne’s spell-casting down, while his life energy continued to drain. If it got to zero, he was dead. Tam managed to shoot another flame-blast, but his Sorcerer was in trouble. Lorne was dying - and when he did, Tam would lose.

He got another instant spell off, then grabbed his health potion. It would buy him a little more life. Enough, if he were lucky, to outlast the big cat.


Yeah, not likely. Save himself. His Sorcerer popped the potion.

Saberclaw pounced, and Tam drew his dagger. No more time for casting spells. Good thing he had spent time maxing this character’s weapon skills - though it went against all common sense to skill-up magic users. He only prayed Lorne would be strong enough.

Jab and rip. Slice and claw. Both Lorne and Saberclaw were almost dead. A sliver of life energy kept the Sorcerer on his feet, while the cat limped after him.


Tam judged the timing and pulled his Sorcerer back, just missing a razor-sharp death swipe. Then he lunged in, the dagger piercing Saberclaw’s side. With a last yowl, the big cat staggered, then collapsed in a heap of fur and claws. Lorne fell to his knees, but the Sorcerer was still alive. The battle was over.



The helmet went dark, and Tam slowly pulled it off. His mind was ultra-clear - that gaming high he got whenever he beat impossible odds.

“You did it!”

Jennet had a huge smile on her face, and her blue eyes sparkled. If he hadn’t been sitting down he thought she would have thrown a big hug on him. Instead, she gripped his shoulder. Her touch was strong and warm.

“That was amazing,” she continued. “I’ve never seen anyone think so fast on their feet. And with your system going down and everything. Just, wow.”

He took a breath and scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Yeah. It was a good fight.”

“Good?” Her expression was full of admiration, full of light, like the sun coming out from behind clouds. “You’re a prime game-player, Tam Linn.”

The praise made something inside him glow, and he didn’t know how to respond. It wouldn’t do to get used to this feeling.

“I should get you back to school.” He stood up, and her hand fell away from him, leaving only cool air behind. “My brother will be home soon, and I have to be here, or he might burn the place down.”

Jennet smiled again, as if he were joking. After a few seconds her smile faded. “All right. But Feyland is going to amaze you. You’ll be great at it. When can you come over to my place to sim? Tomorrow? Wednesday?”

“Maybe Thursday.” If Mom showed up, and he could get her back on her meds, then there might be a chance. He shrugged, though the fierce desire to see the new sim and play Feyland was scorching through him.

“Please, I really need your help.” She looked impatient, and worried. “Can’t you come any earlier?”

“No.” He let the word hang flatly between them.

He’d let her see his place, see him game. That was too much. No way was he going to explain the details of his life - details that would only horrify her sheltered little world-view.

“Well.” A frown gathered on her face. “Let me know as soon as you can. All right?”

“Sure.” He turned the still glowing flat-screen off, then shoved his hands in his pockets. When he got back, he’d be doing some major system repair. “Come on. Let’s get you back to school.”



he next days dragged. Jennet veered between elation that she’d finally,
, found the gamer she needed, and frustration that he couldn’t play that instant.

She couldn’t expect him to understand her urgency - not when she hadn’t explained the problem to him. But the first step was getting him in-game. With his help, she was sure she could finally get deeper into Feyland.

During World History class on Thursday she couldn’t help but sneak glances at Tam. His hair was covering his eyes, as usual, and he didn’t look at her. Not once. That wasn’t good. Worry squeezed her lungs tight. When the bell rang, she took an extra long time packing up her satchel. Tam lagged behind too, and her breath eased.

“Well?” she asked as he paused by her desk. “Are we on for today?”
We have to play. Please say yes.

“No.” He hunched his shoulders. “Maybe next week. See ya.”

“What… hey, wait up!” She reached for him as he stepped into the hallway, but he ignored her outstretched hand. He slipped into the crowd, seeming determined to get away. Disappointment raced through her as she scanned the students, trying to see which way he’d gone. How could he just leave like that?

“Don’t bother going after him,” said a voice at her shoulder.

Jennet turned to see Marny standing beside her. The big girl didn’t look friendly - but she didn’t look too mean, either.

“Hi, Marny.”

The girl waved down the hall to where Tam had disappeared. “Tam’s like that. He doesn’t explain things, so don’t even ask.”

Jennet folded her arms. “Why do you think I would ask him something, anyway?”

“Oh please.” Marny flicked her gaze up to the ceiling, then back to Jennet. “Obviously you’ve talked to him. Besides, he told me about you, too.”

Surprise jolted through her. “He did? What did he say?”

“Not much.” A look of irritation crossed Marny’s round face. “Even for Tam, he was remarkably quiet. I hope you’re not just messing with him.”

“I wouldn’t—”

“Good.” Marny leaned forward. “The two of us go way back, and if you hurt him, you’ll be hurting too.”

“Okay.” Jennet held up her hands. “Message received. Are the two of you… umm, together?”

“No. Nothing like that. But he’s a good guy, and I don’t want to see some rich girl screwing with his head just because she can.”

“How do you know he’s not screwing with mine?” She was going to be late for her next class, but she didn’t care. “How come he can’t make plans? What’s wrong with him, anyway?”

“Hey.” Marny’s voice grew softer. “He’s got it rough. I bet he didn’t tell you about his mom.”

“All I know is he has a little brother.” And lived in a falling down shack in the worst part of town. And was a flawless gamer.

“Well, it’s his life. He can tell you if he wants. But it’s complicated.”

Like anyone’s life was simple. A piece of her soul was trapped in a computer game and it was literally killing her. How was
for complicated?

There had to be some way to make this work - some way to break Tam free from his life for at least an afternoon. He had to come over and play Feyland on the Full-D. She had to get back in-game, before it was too late.

She looked at Marny. “Do you ever… babysit?”

“No.” Marny’s eyes widened. “No way. I am not watching that crazy kid brother of his so the two of you can go mess around together.”

Heat rushed into Jennet’s cheeks. “I’m not interested in him like that.”

“Well, you’re interested somehow.”

Jennet opened her hands. “There’s stuff I can’t explain, either.”

“Ah. Are you sure you don’t have some kind of pervy fixation?” Speculation flashed in Marny’s dark brown eyes. “Those questions. About gaming. Why did you ask

“I figured you pay attention.”

“Really.” Marny’s expression hardened. “Why’s that?”

“For one thing, you seemed like the smartest person in the Gaming Club. And you’re different.”

Marny’s mouth twisted. “Different. That’s not quite a compliment.”

“Well, it’s not an insult, either.” Jennet glanced down the hall, where the parade of look-alike students was starting to thin out. “Especially at Crestview.”

“Heh.” A half-smile ghosted across Marny’s face. “I—” The blare of the second bell cut through whatever she had been about to say. She hefted her battered purple backpack onto her shoulder. “Gotta run. See you later, Fancy-girl.”

The way she said the words, they weren’t quite an insult, either. There had been an undercurrent of approval in the big girl’s voice. Maybe, just maybe….

Marny stopped partway down the hall and swung around. She pointed at Jennet. “I’m not making any promises. But - make sure you’re free tomorrow after school.”


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