Dark Lover (50 page)

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Authors: J. R. Ward

BOOK: Dark Lover
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But there was something else. Something that didn't feel quite right.

Wrath quickly glanced around. "Watch yourself, V."

The roar of a car engine broke through the night, and the whole lot of them got blasted with headlights.

A nondescript American sedan heaved to a stop, and two men jumped out with guns drawn.

"State police. Put your hands up. You in the car. Get out."

Wrath watched the driver's-side door. What emerged was big and intense. And under the scent of baby powder, the
stank of evil.

As the society member lifted his hands, it stared at the insignia on Wrath's jacket. "My God. I thought you were a myth. The Blind King."

Wrath bared his fangs. "Nothing you've heard about me is a myth."

eyes flashed. "I'm positively inspired."

"And I'm heartbroken that we gotta split now. But we'll be seeing you and that new recruit again. Soon."

Wrath nodded to Vishous, swept clean the memories of the humans, and dematerialized.


Mr. X was in awe.

The Blind King lived.

There had been stories circulating for centuries about him, legends really, but there hadn't been a confirmed sighting since Mr. X had joined the society. In fact, rumors had even abounded that the regal warrior had died, extrapolations based primarily on the disintegration of vampire society.

But no, the king was alive.

Good God
. Now that would be a prize to lay at the Omega's altar.

"I told you he was coming," Billy was saying to the staties. "He's my martial-arts teacher. Why did you pull us over?"

The officers holstered their guns, focusing on Mr. X.

"May I see some identification, sir?" one of them asked.

Mr. X smiled and handed over his driver's license. "Billy and I are just going out for dinner. Maybe a movie."

The man studied the picture and then his face. "Mr. Xavier, here's your license back. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Not a problem, Officer."

Mr. X and Billy got back into the Hummer.

Riddle cursed. "They're such idiots. Why did they stop us?"

Because we got jumped by two vampires
, Mr. X thought.
You just don't remember it, and neither do those two guys with the badges

Tricky mind games. Tricky, tricky.

"What are the state police doing here?" Mr. X asked as he put the SUV in gear.

"My dad got another terrorist threat, and he's decided to leave D.C. for a little while. He's coming home tonight, and they'll be crawling all over the place until he goes back to the capital."

"Did you talk with your father?"

"Yeah. He actually seemed relieved."

"I'm sure he is."

Billy reached into his duffel bag. "I got what you said I needed."

He held up a wide-necked ceramic jar with a lid.

"That's good, Billy. Perfect size."

"What's going in it?"

Mr. X smiled. "You'll find out. Are you hungry?"

"Naw. Too pumped for food." Billy clapped his palms together and squeezed, flexing his muscles. "Just so you know, I don't crack easy. Whatever goes down tonight, I'll stay tight."

We'll just see about that
, Mr. X thought as he headed for his house. They were going to do the ceremony in the barn, and the torture table was going to be a big help. He could tie Billy down easier that way.

As the city dissolved and the farm country eased up around the road, Mr. X found himself smiling.

The Blind King.

In Caldwell.

Mr. X glanced over at Riddle.

In Caldwell and looking for Billy.

Now why would that be?


Chapter Forty-five


Beth was back in The Dress. And loving it. "I don't have shoes," she said.

Wellsie took another hairpin out of her mouth and slid it into Beth's chignon.

"You're not supposed to be wearing any. Okay, let me see how you look." Wellsie smiled as Beth danced around her father's bedroom, red satin skirting flaring like fire around her.

"I'm going to cry." Wellsie covered her mouth with her hand. "I know it. As soon as he sees you, I'm going to start crying. You're just too beautiful, and this is the first happy thing since… I don't know when."

Beth stopped, the gown fluttering to rest. "Thank you. For everything."

Wellsie shook her head. "Don't be nice to me, or I'll start with the tears right now."

"I mean it. I feel like… I don't know, I'm marrying into a family. And I've never really had one before."

Wellsie's nose reddened. "We are your family. You're one of us. Now stop it, will you? Before you get me going."

Someone pounded on the door.

"Is everything okay in there?" came a male voice from the other side.

Wellsie went over and put her head out, keeping the door mostly shut. "Yes, Tohr. Are the brothers all lined up?"

"What the—Have you been crying?" Tohrment demanded. "Are you all right? Dear God, is it the baby?"

"Tohr, relax. I'm a female, I cry at matings. It's in the job description."

There was the sound of a kiss.

"I just don't want anything to upset you,

"Then tell me the brothers are ready."

"We are."

"Good. I'll bring her out."

"Leelan? "


There were low words spoken in their beautiful language.

"Yes, Tohr," Wellsie whispered. "And after two hundred years, I'd mate you again. In spite of the fact that you snore and you leave your weapons all over our bedroom."

The door shut, and Wellsie turned around. "They're ready for you. Shall we?"

Beth tugged at the bodice. Looked down at her ruby ring. "I never thought I'd do this."

"Life is full of wonderful surprises, isn't it?"

"It certainly is."

They walked out of her father's bedroom and into Wrath's chamber.

All the furniture had been emptied out, and where the bed had been, Wrath's brothers were lined up against the wall. They were a magnificent sight, wearing identical black satin jackets and loose pants with jeweled daggers hanging on their hips.

There was a collective inhale as the assembly noticed her. The brothers shifted, looked down. Looked back at her. Bashful smiles actually broke out across those harsh faces.

Well, except for Zsadist's. He glanced at her once and then just stared at the floor.

Butch, Marissa, and Fritz stood to one side. She gave them a little wave. Fritz took out a handkerchief.

And there was someone else in the room.

A tiny person draped in black from head to toe. Even the face was covered.

Beth frowned. Under the folds of black, there was a pool of light on the floor. As if the figure were glowing.

But where was Wrath?

Wellsie led her over until she was standing in front of the men. The one with the gorgeous hair, Phury, stepped forward.

Beth glanced down, trying to collect herself, and noticed that he had a prosthesis where one foot should have been.

She looked up into his yellow eyes, not wanting to stare. When he smiled, she found herself calming a little.

His voice was rich, his words evenly spoken. "We're going to do as much of this in English as we can, so you'll understand. Are you ready to start?"

She nodded.

"My lord, come forward," he called out.

Beth looked over her shoulder.

Wrath materialized in the hall doorway, and she put her hand to her mouth. He was resplendent, wearing a sashed black robe that was embroidered with dark thread. A long, gold-handled dagger hung at his side, and there was a circle of rubies set in some kind of matte-finished metal on his head.

As he strode forward, moving with the grace she loved, his hair flared in waves that fell past his thick shoulders.

He looked at no one but her.

When he was standing before her, he whispered, "You take my breath away."

She started to cry.

Wrath's face was worried as he reached out. "
, what's the matter?"

Beth shook her head and felt Wellsie tuck a Kleenex into her hand.

"She's fine," the woman said. "Trust me, she's fine. Aren't you?"

Beth nodded and blotted under her eyes. "Yes."

Wrath touched her cheek. "We can stop this."

"No!" she shot back. "I love you, and we're going to get married. Right now."

Some of the brothers laughed softly. "Guess we're straight on that," one of them said with respect in his voice.

When she was under control again, Wrath looked over at Phury and nodded.

"We're going to make the presentation to the Scribe Virgin first," the brother said.

Wrath took her hand and led her over to the robed figure.

"Scribe Virgin, this is Elizabeth, daughter of the Black Dagger warrior Darius, granddaughter of the
Marklon, great-granddaughter of the

The list went on for a while. When Wrath fell silent, Beth impulsively reached out to the figure, offering her hand.

There was a shout of alarm and Wrath grabbed her arm, hauling her back. Several of the brothers leaped forward.

"That's my fault," Wrath said, splaying his arms out as if to protect her. "I didn't adequately prepare her. She meant no offense."

A laugh—low, warm, and feminine—came out of the robes. "Fear not, warrior. She's fine. Come here, female."

Wrath moved aside, but stayed close.

Beth approached the figure, worried about every move she made. She could feel herself being surveyed.

"This male asks that you accept him as your
, child. Would you have him as your own if he is worthy?"

"Oh, yes." Beth looked at Wrath. He was still tense. "Yes, I will."

The figure nodded. "Warrior, this female will consider you. Will you prove yourself for her?"

"I will." Wrath's deep voice carried throughout the room.

"Will you sacrifice yourself for her?"

"I will."

"Will you defend her against those who would seek to harm her?"

"I will."

"Give me your hand, child."

Beth reached out tentatively.

"Palm up," Wrath whispered.

She flipped her wrist. The folds moved and covered her hand. She felt an odd tingling, like a low-level electrical charge.


Wrath put his hand out, and it too was obscured by the black robe.

Suddenly, warmth surrounded her, enveloped her. She looked at Wrath. He was smiling back at her.

"Ah," the figure said. "This is a good mating. A very good mating."

Their hands were dropped, and then Wrath had his arms around her and was kissing her.

People started to clap. Someone blew a nose.

Beth held on to her new husband as hard as she could. It was done. It was real. They were—

"Almost finished,

Wrath stepped back, pulling the sash on his robe free. He took the garment off, revealing his bare chest.

Wellsie came up and took Beth's hand. "It's going to be okay. Just breathe with me."

Beth glanced around nervously as Wrath knelt before his brothers and dropped his head. Fritz brought over a small table with the crystal bowl full of salt, a pitcher of water, and a small lacquer box on it.

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