Read Dark Goddess Online

Authors: J. N. Colon

Dark Goddess (13 page)

BOOK: Dark Goddess
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Since it wasn’t technically morning yet… I guess this could wait too. 

Someone unwelcomed was in my throne room.  I could feel the invasion flowing through my veins like tar.  I tossed on some clothes and my boots before stomping down the hall.

Shock squeezed my heart at the scene before me when I opened the stone double doors.  A man sporting glossy dark curls surrounding an aristocratic face with sharp angles sat in my throne, his posture relaxed as if he had absolutely no reason to fear me.  Dark designer jeans and a hunter green shirt fit his lean body well, clearly tailored made for him.  He appeared to be in his mid-twenties, but his thick pitch eyes gleamed with a wisdom and life no one that young could ever possess. 


An unreadable smile curled his lips.  “Hello Hades.”  His voice was silken smooth and eloquent, but it felt more like a mask for the vile cadence lingering in the background.

I stepped in front of him, crossing my arms against my chest, taking into account his mental state.  He’s been tortured for millennia and clearly insane.  I’d humor him for a moment before yanking his body out my seat.  “We were wondering when you’d show up.”

“We?”  His dark brow arched.  “Does that include the lovely queen of the gods, Hera?”  A twisted sort of affection flashed across his expression.

“Yes.  And Zeus.”  I expected anger to transform him at the mention of his punisher. 

Ixion simply shrugged with indifference.  “He’s not important.”

“No?  I thought you’d want revenge for trapping you in Tartarus.”

He tilted his head and waved a hand.  “Nah, as they say these days.”  He motioned toward his designer clothes.  “How do you like my threads?”

There was something eerily calm about Ixion that sent warnings off in my head.  “What do you want Ixion?”

“Isn’t that obvious?  I want Hera.”  He dragged her name out like a love sick teen.

“Then what are you doing in the Underworld?”  My eyes anxiously flickered toward the doors, thinking of Hartley.

A laugh slipped out.  “I’m not here for Hera’s daughter.  I have no interest in her.”

A breath of relief eased out my lungs, thankful another god wasn’t after my love.  But that didn’t completely put me at ease.  Ixion was here for a reason and by the little manic twinkle in his eye it wasn’t good.  I jammed my hands in my pockets to keep from throwing a fireball.  I didn’t want to provoke him if I didn’t have to.  For the moment anyways.  “Then why are you here?”

Ixion sat taller, a feverish flush melting into his high cheeks.  “Hera desires a king.  If I’m ever going to win her love I need to be a king.”  He motioned around my throne room.  “Why not the king of the Underworld?” 

I laughed in spite of myself.  “Your father Ares tried taking the Underworld from me mere months ago and failed.  What makes you think you—a demigod—will succeed?”

An unsettling smile slowly split his lips as he fixed me with a penetrating glare.  “Easy.  I’ve already got most of your powers.”

Chapter 14



Cold panic settled through my veins and I felt the blood letch from my face.  Was that the reason my powers were going crazy?

“I’m guessing your thinking about the way your powers have been…”  He paused as if searching for the right words.  “Less than impressive.”

A flame lit my hand.  “This is
domain!” I yelled, igniting the fires along the walls.  “How dare you think you can steal it!”  I lunged forward, but instead of grabbing my mark I was thrown against the wall with a loud crack.  A mixture of pain and shock rippled through me and the metallic taste of blood seeped up the back of my throat. 

“Oh Hades.”  Ixion stood, slowly stalking toward me where he held me against the wall.  “You don’t get it.  I already have your power.”  Crimson flames ignited in his eyes, obliterating the onyx before more sparked down his shoulders, shifting his hair like the wind.  “I just need one last thing.”

“You son of a bitch,” I hissed, fighting uselessly as he dragged me down the stone wall with my own power.  Outrage ripped a hole through my chest more painful and throbbing than his unnatural hold.  I was Hades, son of the Titans, keeper of souls, god of the Underworld.  I wasn’t meant to be challenged and in my own home. 
My domain
.  “You will not steal what’s mine.”

With his free hand he plucked my onyx ring off, letting me drop to the floor.  His gaze was fixed on the dark stone, holding it up to the crimson light flickering in the room, an expression of awe and triumph morphing his face.  He slowly slipped the ring onto his finger, a moan of pleasure rolling out his mouth as all my dark Underworld powers swarmed him. 

Sickness rolled through my stomach and an absence filled my chest, taking up residence where my powers resided moments ago.

His dark crimson eyes fell upon me, the fires within them shifting more violently and unpredictable than mine ever had.  “
the god of the Underworld now.”  His voice had deepened and darkened by the change. 

My thoughts instantly turned to Hartley and my fear was indescribable.  My stolen powers were insignificant compared to the danger I suspected she was in with this monster ruling my world.  I struggled to stand, my weak knees barely holding me.  Before I could run for her Ixion grabbed the back of my shirt and hauled me back.

“Oh no.  You’re not going anywhere.  I can’t risk you trying to regain your throne.”

I struggled in his gasp unsuccessfully.  “And what exactly do you plan on doing with me.”

A sick smile twisted his lips.  “Oh.  I’ve got the perfect place.”



My eyes flickered open and the queasy, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach told me something was wrong.  My hand grazed the covers where Hayden’s body should have been, cold meeting my palm.  I sat up, clutching the sheets to my chest, searching the room for him in vain.  A tugging in my chest was pulling me toward the throne room.

I hoped he wasn’t torturing a soul again, but the trepidation twisting through my veins told me it was much worse. 

My instincts were right.

I opened the doors to find an unfamiliar man with dark curls and much darker eyes that held years of experience and life despite his young appearance.  Designer clothes encased his lean body and an air of superiority drenched him.   His exterior was attractive, but upon further inspection something manic and sinister laced his demeanor.  The fact he was sitting in Hayden’s throne wasn’t lost on me either. 

Panic twisted my insides.  “Who are you?”  My voice echoed ominously through the cavernous room.

The corners of his lips twitched into a smile and he sat up.  “Ah, you must be Hera’s lovely daughter Hartley.  It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“And you are?”

He stood and bent at the waist, bowing dramatically.  “I’m Ixion.”

My heart shuddered to a stop.  We’d all been expecting Ixion to charge Mt Olympus yet here he was in the Underworld.  “Where’s Hayden?”  Alarms were ringing in my head so loud I winced.  Or maybe it was my heart beating so violently with fear.

“Don’t worry about him anymore.”  Ixion fixed me with a terrifying gaze.  “I’m the god of the Underworld now.”

My heart stopped, the silence deafening.  “That’s impossible,” I said, even as my eyes landed on Hayden’s mystical black onyx ring sitting on Ixion’s index finger.  Cold seeped through my veins and I knew this was much worse than anything I could have imagined.

“Oh.  It’s possible dear Hartley.”  His voice had deepened with power and his eyes ignited in crimson flames that looked downright evil compared to Hayden’s.

My world was crashing all around me as I realized Hayden had lost his power, his throne, and who knew what other consequences were awaiting.  I took a deep, ragged breath.  “Where is Hayden?”

Ixion waved a hand in the air and laughed, the sound echoing portentously through the unusually cold room.  “Don’t worry about him anymore.”

Anger stained my blood and I felt my eyes fill with flames.  “Where.  Is.  Hayden?”

He cocked his head to the side, surveying my own dark power.  “Somewhere no one will find him.”  The glee in his voice was taunting me, maybe even provoking me.

My control snapped and a fury of anger erupted through me, fueled by fear and an indescribable need for Hayden.  And this psycho demigod had done something with him, hidden him from me.   

Faster than I thought myself capable of, I launched a fireball at him.  And then another.  And another.

Ixion dodged all except one and even then it only singed his shirt because he was the god of the Underworld and unable to be hurt by the fire.  His face morphed by rage and a menacing, skin-prickling growl slithered out his mouth before he captured me with invisible hands.

A strangled gasp escaped me at the amount of pressure enclosing my body from his swift attack.  He dragged me forward until I was inches from his face, his dark eyes spiking with violent fire mixed with swirls of insanity that sent my stomach rolling.

Ixion reached out with a trembling fist to—I assumed—hit me.  Instead at the last second his hand unfurled and he gently caressed my cheek, prickling my flesh.  I’d rather take a hit.  Sickness crawled up my throat and I wanted to turn away, but he held me firmly to the spot. 

“I’m not going to hurt you Hartley,” he cooed.  “It might make Hera a tad upset.  And you’re not going to hurt me.”

“Don’t count on it.”

He smiled as if placating a child.  “Oh I will count on it.”  He caressed my other cheek.  “Because if you try anything like that again—I will kill Hades.”

Terror punched a hole through my chest, stealing my breath.  I had no doubt Ixion could kill Hayden now that he didn’t have his Underworld power.

He released me and I hit the floor, pain shooting through my knees barely registered against the agony raging inside me at the loss of my soul mate.



A foul taste coated my dry, sandy tongue while a scent of hot, rotting meat snaked up my nose.  I gagged and rolled over to get no solace from the parched ground as I breathed it in.  I coughed and turned back over, my eyes finally fluttering open.  Crumbling stone and rigid stalactites greeted me from above, the usual view of a cave ceiling.

A sense of dread prodded my stomach when I mused
cave I was in. 

A gaunt face appeared above curtained by shaggy, tangled blonde hair.  Glacier blue eyes stared back at me, radiating malice while cracked lips curled in a humorless smile.  “Hades.” His voice was rough and guttural from lack of use.  “You look a little lost.”

Another face appeared, eyes sunken in and mouth dripping with saliva.  “And a little powerless.”  High pitched laughter pealed out, shaking his loose, sallow skin.

Trepidation hemorrhaged through my blood stream, cooling my veins that no longer held the burning power they once did. 

I was in Tartarus—as a prisoner.

I sat up, forcing the dark souls back.  I might not be the god of the Underworld, but I sure as hell wasn’t about to let these miscreants piss on me.  “Get back!” I snarled. 

They skittered to the shadows of the cave, revealing the opening toward the burning plains.  Spots of crimson fire burned against the marred, parched ground.  Dark souls walked aimlessly while others screamed in agony and some writhed on the ground, prisoners to their own tortured minds.  They saw visions of their wrong doings in life, punished for an eternity by the memories the once cherished. 

I stood, dusting off my black t-shirt and jeans, my thoughts drifting to Hartley.  Terror seized my heart, mixing with debilitating panic.  What was happening to her?  Would Ixion hurt her?  Would she fall prey to the chain of the Underworld without me?

My dark heart raged against my ribs like an animal trying to free itself from a cage.  The urge to get to Hartley was painful and it was an urge I couldn’t fulfill.  I wasn’t the god of the Underworld. 
put me in here.  I couldn’t leave these burning plains.  I was as trapped as any of these retched dark souls.

A shuffling in the fire resonated as the souls split to reveal Ixion marching through the plains, his clothes and hair swaying from the crimson fire.  Anger assaulted my body and while I no longer possessed the Underworld power, it was still enough to boil my blood.

“You son of a bitch,” I growled and launched myself at him.

Ixion easily captured me with an invisible force and tossed me onto the hot, dry ground with a chuckle.  “Oh Hades, still acting as if you are a mighty god.”  He stalked closer and tapped me with the toe of his boot.  “Still acting as if you matter.”

I leered at him while hot blood leaked down my jaw.  “If I don’t matter why haven’t you killed me and sent my soul here for all of eternity?  If I’m alive I can’t be tortured by my past bad deeds Ixion.”

The corners of his lips twitched, threatening a smile.  “Okay.”  He shrugged indifferently.  “I admit you might serve a better purpose for me alive—for now.”

My gaze narrowed on him.  “What’s that?”

He bent, meeting my eyes with a wry expression.  “You’ll probably find out soon enough.  She doesn’t listen to orders very well.”

My gut twisted and I knew instantly he was referring to Hartley.  Fury ruptured through my chest and I gripped Ixion’s shirt.  “You stay the hell away from her, do you hear me!”

Ixion easily pushed me away, back in the dirt.  “You’re in no position to be making demands Hades.”  He stood and dusted off his jeans.  “TTFN.”  He smiled.  “Don’t you just love texting?”  He spun on his heels and stalked away.

A fury of curses tumbled out my mouth as I stood, watching his shrinking form finally disappear through crimson flames.

Movement around me caught my attention.  Several dark souls crept forward, encircling me.  Malice dripped off them like foul sweat.  Their eyes held me while their dead hearts salivated for vengeance.



My fingers shook as I dialed Hermes’ number on the way out the castle.  Several souls and demigods questioned what was happening, but I waved them off.  How could I tell them when I couldn’t even find the words myself?  My heart was crumbling inside my chest, aching and frantic for Hayden.

“Whoa,” Hermes said over the line.  “What do I owe the pleasure of a call for?  You usually text me SOS or 911 when you need a lift to the Underworld.”

“Just get here now Hermes.”  My voice shook.  “I’m
the Underworld.”

His laughter halted.  “Wait, what?  You’re already there.  What do you need me for?  Where’s Hayden?”

A strange noise escaped my mouth, sounding similar to a tortured sob.  “I don’t know,” I whispered so quietly I wasn’t sure if he heard me.

“On my way.”  The line ended.


We dashed through the doorway that led to the throne room on Mt. Olympus.  I told Hermes I’d explain everything when we arrived.  I wouldn’t be able to repeat it.  I was already having trouble forming any thoughts on it. 

Hayden was gone.

Ixion was the god of the Underworld.

Hayden was gone.

Each thought pierced a hole through my shivering heart.  It was so cold without Hayden.
was so cold.

A few gods were present, but they blurred in my periphery.  Hera loomed over the seer’s mirror, curling a copper strand of hair around her finger.  She stood when she noticed our noisy entrance.

“Hartley.”  A smile spread across her face, doing nothing to soften her hard, emerald eyes.  “What a lovely…”

“Where’s Zeke?” I interrupted.  Out of the two I trusted him more—slightly.

Her face fell and brow arched suspiciously.  “Why do you need to see him?” 

“It’s important,” I hissed, having no patience for the bitch that was my mother.  “Where is he?”

Hera crossed her arms against her chest and smirked.  “He’s busy.  I’d be more than happy to pass along a message for you.”

My jaw flexed, my fear and panic melting into anger.  I did not have time for Hera’s petty jealousy or her queenly attitude.  “For the last time Hera…”  My voice dripped with venom.  “Where.  Is.  ZEUS!”

BOOK: Dark Goddess
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