DARK FALL (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) (22 page)

BOOK: DARK FALL (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)
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Shay sat alone in his room. An old
box next to him. A gun and bottle of whiskey rested on the nightstand. His body
felt weak and tired. The weight of the world pressed on his shoulders.

He couldn't believe that all the
bullshit was coming back to haunt him after all these years.

He thought about Erik. He thought
about Kaity. He thought about the bombings, the fights, the war. Shay touched
the box and opened it. It had been a long time since he looked inside. The memories
were hidden in that box.

The first thing Shay touched was a
knife. A small blade with a slight curve to it. He remembered the day he stole that
knife off a man he killed. It felt like a lifetime ago though. That was
. The killing knife. Shay had done a lot of damage with that knife.
The last time it was used, however, Shay swore he would never use it again for
the rest of his life.

Until now.

Next to the knife was an old, faded
picture, creased from being folded and opened hundreds of times. Three young
boys stood next to their bicycles. It was years before they were old enough to
ride motorcycles. Shay was in the middle. The boy to Shay

s left was his best friend. A
guy he grew up with and loved like a brother. A guy he trusted for such a long


Shay whispered as he shook his

Shay used to call him
to piss him off. He hated being called

Now he was dead. Dead before he
could run his fucking mouth and make this worse.

The worse part of the picture was on
the other side of Shay. There, to young Shay

right, was his big brother. Shay loved him dearly, but he and Angel turned into
bad people and when Shay was forced to take his brother out, he messed up.
Instead of slitting his brother's throat, Shay only sliced his neck.

That left him with a scar and a

Shay never thought he

d see his brother again

but now he knew the next time

d see his brother, he

d have to kill him.

Shay dropped the picture and
reached for the whiskey. It was time to drink, plan

and then kill.

The MC was his family now, and he
wasn't going to let his own kin destroy that.

Thanks for



More of the
Down Devil MC
romance series will be coming soon!


In the fourth book of
the series, Shay has no choice but to confess what he knows of his own brother

and soon the line between blood
and family start to blur and mix



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This book is a work of fiction.
Any references to historical events, real people, or
real locales are used fictitiously.
Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author

s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or
locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


First electronic edition August 2014


2014 by London


All rights reserved, including the right of
reproduction in whole or in part of any form.



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