Dark Exorcist (6 page)

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Authors: Tim Miller

BOOK: Dark Exorcist
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Chapter 15


2:45 a.m.

     I returned to the hospital and checked in at the ER. They told me Amanda had been taken up to surgery. I noticed the power was back on, so that was a good change. I went to the second floor and hung out in the OR waiting area. Father Pierce was there as well, when I arrived.

     “Hello again Officer Roman,” he said.

     “Hello Father. You still
mad at me?”

     “Angry isn’t the word. I guess I understood why you did it though. I might not agree with it, but I understand it.”

     That was a reasonable response. Father Pierce seemed like the kind of guy who thought things through. As a cop, I had to make decisions in a split second. As a priest, he had time to sit and weigh all the pros and cons and possible repercussions of each and every action. Maybe I should have become a priest instead. Yeah, right.

     “Well, thank you for that. Any word on the girl?”

     “She’ll survive. Doesn’t look like the bullet hit any vital organs, or at least they can fix it. They’re going to run some additional tests as well, to see what’s wrong with her. I think they did the CT scan before they took her into surgery. We should get some results pretty soon. The lab is also running the blood work.”

     “Sounds like they are being pretty thorough,” I said.

     “Indeed. Dr. Karras is involved now. He doesn’t miss much of anything. Not sure who the ER doc was that sent her up to psych earlier, but Dr. Bennett thinks that may have been premature.”

     “Well, that would have been nice to know. Why are you still here?”

     “I called my Bishop and let him know what’s going on. He wants me to stick around for the test results, see what they find.”

     “Why? In case she dies or something? Like last rites or something like that?”

     “Oh, yes, I suppose that’s part of it. That, and I figure I’ve been here this long, may as well see what happens.”

     “Guess that makes sense,” I said, nodding.

     We sat in silence for a while. I took out my cell phone and was happy to see it was back on. The battery still had almost half a charge. It was as if something knocked out all electronics in the building. I couldn’t even begin to explain that. We waited another twenty minutes or so, and a doctor approached us. He was wearing scrubs and had on a surgical cap, with his mask around his neck.

     “You Officer Roman?” the doctor asked.

     “Yeah, that’s me.”

     “I’m Dr. Karras. The girl is just fine. Got her wound cleaned up and sutured. No internal bleeding, no major damage.”

     “That’s a relief.”

     “Very much so,” he said, as he turned to Father Pierce. “We ran the CT scan. Nothing abnormal in her brain at all. Temporal lobe looks fine. Checked her blood, and no sign of substance abuse. If she’s used any drugs, it hasn’t been in the last forty-eight hours.”

     “Then what could be wrong with her?” Father Pierce asked.

     “I’ll have to speak to Dr. Bennett again and go over some treatment options,” Dr. Karras said.

     “So, how is she now?” I asked.

     “She’s fine. She’ll be sleeping for a while. I don’t think we’ll have any more problems out of her for the night.”

     “Thank God,” I said.

     “Thank someone anyway. It’s too bad you had to shoot her to reach this point, but at least she’s okay for now.” It was obvious that none of the hospital staff liked that fact that I’d shot her, but oh well. If I hadn’t, she’d still be tearing up the hospital.

     “Well thanks. If that’s it then, I guess I’ll get out of here. If you have any other problems, just call dispatch, and they’ll send me back out.”

     “Sounds good,” Dr. Karras said.

     I turned to say goodbye to Father Pierce, but he had already gone. No matter. I took the elevator back to the ER and walked through the empty parking lot to my squad car. Once inside the car, I pulled away and got on the radio.

     “A-367, dispatch,” I said.

     “Go ahead 367,” she replied.

     “Finally 10-8 from the hospital. They’ll call back if they need anything else.”

     “10-4. You’re clear for 10-17.” In English, I told them I was clear from the hospital and they told me I could go to lunch. I got on my cell phone and called dispatch. I did this often when I didn’t want some piece of information to go out over the air. Jen answered the phone again. I told her about the dead body in the pediatric ward. I explained to her I couldn’t call it in at the time due to my phone and radio not working, and the fact the girl was still on the loose. She said she’d send the crime scene techs out to take a look. This is normally not protocol. I shouldn’t have even left the hospital, since it was now a crime scene. Under the circumstances though, I did the best I could.

     “Belay that last 367,” a third voice said over the radio. That was my supervisor, Sgt. Henderson. “Signal 8 with me on station.” Fuck. He wants me to meet him at the station, which means he’s probably going to chew my ass about this whole mess. He could at least wait until I turned in my report. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the station.

     As I drove, I thought about everything that had happened tonight. I’d seen some crazy shit before, but this really took the cake on many levels. Some of it was probably in my own head. Either way, after Henderson gets done yelling at me, I’ll have to figure out a way to word my report so I won’t sound like a complete lunatic. I was just about to pull into the station parking lot when the radio went off again.

     “Dispatch, A-367,” they called.

     “Go ahead,” I replied.

     “Return to the hospital, Code-3. Doctor there advised your subject from earlier is awake, has already assaulted several staff. At least two are dead. Hospital staff unable to locate the subject.”

     My heart sank, as the call went out. They dispatched two other units to the hospital as well, so at least I wouldn’t be alone. I really had a bad feeling. Either Amanda wasn’t going to make it through this night alive, or I wasn’t.




Chapter 16


3:15 a.m.

     I drove to the hospital as fast as I could. Thankfully, this time of night, there was almost no traffic at all. The other officers arrived behind me. I turned my siren off about a block or so away and pulled into the parking lot, and killed the headlights as I rolled to a stop. I noticed the entire hospital was dark. There were no lights on in the parking lot, none in the windows
, and all the fluorescent signs around the hospital were dark as well. It’s as if the place was abandoned.

     I approached the ER main entrance and looked inside, but saw nothing. There was no movement or anything at all. Officer Eric Johnson came up behind me.

     “What’s going on?” he asked.

     “I’m not sure yet. I’m going to check this entrance. Why don’t you go around the side?”

     Officer Leah Sanders joined us.

     “Leah,” I said. “I have no idea what’s going on. Everything is dark in there, power seems to be out. If it’s the same girl I dealt with earlier, she is completely nuts. Take no chances with her. I shot her once earlier tonight and they patched her up. Apparently she heals fast, because, on the call, they said she got loose again.”

     “Holy shit,” she said.

     “Yeah, I know. I’m gonna go in through here. Johnson, go to the east side. Leah, you can check the west side or around back. Not sure if we can even get in. Bust out the glass if you have to. We gotta get this kid under control.”

     She nodded and trotted around the west side of the building. Leah was a tiny girl, about five foot one or two inches, but she was a tough chick. She has a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, from what I’ve heard. I watched her take down a huge drunk guy by climbing on his back and choking him. The guy had already injured two other officers twice her size. Not sure how she’d do against Amanda though. I wasn’t sure how I’d do against Amanda, again for that matter.

     I tried the doors at the ER entrance, but they were automatic doors. With the power out, they wouldn’t budge. I took my flashlight and hit the glass as hard as I could. It took several good blows before it cracked. After a few more strikes, I got it to shatter. Carefully, I reached in and unlatched the lock and slid it open. I stepped inside the quiet ER, which was usually packed full of people. Now it was silent and abandoned.

     “Hello? Anyone here?”

     “Help! Help me!” a man’s answered. His voice was raspy, almost a whimper, but the sound was coming from inside one of the exam rooms. I ran behind the counter and over to the room, shining my light up and down the hallway. There, in the hallway, was a man in a hospital gown. I walked closer to him.

     “Sir? I’m a police officer. Are you okay?”

     “Help me!” he pleaded. He put one hand out to me. As I got closer, I saw his other arm was missing. It was a ragged stump with blood was dripping from it. I also noticed that  part of his
head had a gaping wound. I could see part of his brain and skull exposed. What in the hell was happening?

     “Sir? What happened to you?”

     “Help me Peter! Help your mother. Kill yourself. End your own life, or your mother will be damned.”

     “My mother? What’s going on? What are you talking about?”

     “You know what, Peter. You know what you did.”

     “Where is my mom?”

     “She’s in here with us. Only you can end her suffering.”

     He was really freaking me out.  I didn’t want any part of whatever it was he was talking about. I had to keep moving. I couldn’t let whatever games Amanda was playing get to me. I walked through the rest of the ER and didn’t see anyone else. Finally through the last hall, I entered the stairwell and headed to the second floor. I shined my light up the stairs and once again, I saw Amanda’s face, twisted and distorted, her eyes glowing bright yellow.

     “Amanda!” I shouted, but she was gone as quickly as I’d seen her. I was starting to wish Father Pierce was here. I hoped he was okay. I had a feeling he’d be the only one who could help. I reached the second floor and stepped out into the hall. The door slammed behind me with a loud bang! I shined the light up and down the corridor, still no one was there.

     I noticed the temperature in the building had dropped significantly. It was no longer in the seventies, like it was outside. I could see my breath, as held the light up near my face. I shivered,
sorry I was wearing a short sleeved shirt. Hopefully the cold wasn’t a lasting condition. The nurse’s desk was abandoned. One of the computers flew off the desk and toward my head. I ducked as it exploded against the wall.

     I took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the desk, and noticed  a nurse standing about ten feet away in the hall. I was afraid to try and engage her. So I ignored her and went the other direction. From the other end of the hall, I heard a scream. It  was a shrill, blood curdling scream. I couldn’t determine if it was a man or a woman. Amanda could be anywhere in this hospital, and I didn’t know if the rest of these people were dead, but it was getting too creepy. I just wanted to find her and get out of here.


Chapter 17


Father Pierce, 3:00 a.m.

              After Dr. Karras explained Amanda’s condition and test results, I went back to my office. From there, I called Bishop Laurel back and explained what I’d learned.

     “What about psychiatric options?” he asked.

     “The doctors are discussing it, but I’m telling you, your Excellency, this girl has done some insane things. I’ve never seen a mental patient move like her, or be as strong as her. Plus she was talking in Greek earlier.”

     After a long silence, I heard the Bishop sigh.

     “Okay,” he said. “I’ll send someone over there tonight. Do you know Father Harlan?”

     “His name sounds familiar, but we’ve never met.”

     “He spent many years in overseas missions, plus, he was trained in exorcism at the Vatican. You will assist, but follow his lead. He will know for sure what we’re dealing with and what to do.”

     “All right, sounds good. Will it take him long to get here?”

     “Maybe an hour or so. I’ll call him now. You just stay with the girl. Pray with her, whatever she needs. Don’t try to do perform the exorcism yourself.”

     “Yes, your Excellency. I will do that and wait for Father Harlan. Thank you,” I said as I hung up.

      I went to the Med-Surg floor where Amanda had been taken.  When I stepped into her room, she was still sleeping. I walked over and sat in the chair by her bed. I decided to pray silently this time, since she punched me last time I spoke a prayer over her. She looked so peaceful and calm lying there. It was hard to believe the chaos and suffering that was going on inside her. I just hoped and prayed we could do something to help her. I wasn’t sure if the hospital would even allow us to do an exorcism. Perhaps if nothing else worked, hopefully Father Harlan would know what to do.

     “Father?” she whispered after several minutes.

     “Yes my dear, I’m here.”

     “What’s happening to me?” She sounded like a little girl. I could tell she was afraid. I would be too, if I’d been through her nightmare of a night.

     “I don’t know for sure. We’re going to help you. There’s a friend on the way who can help.”

     “Why can’t I move?”

     “I think it’s the medication. You were injured. Do you remember that?” I didn’t want to tell her too much and send her into shock.

     “No, I don’t. What happened?”

     I placed my hand on her forehead and brushed her hair out of her face.

     “Get some rest. We’ll talk about it later,” I said. She nodded and closed her eyes again. I stepped into the hallway, as my cell phone started to buzz.

     “Father Pierce.”

     “Yes, this is Father Dietrich Harlan. Bishop Laurel gave me your number.”

     “Oh yes! Where are you?”

     “I’m in the lobby. I was staying at a hotel in town when the bishop called. I’m supposed to officiate at a wedding for a high school friend. Bishop Laurel told me what’s going on. Where is she?”

     “I’m here with her on the fourth floor.”

     “Great, I’ll be right up.”

     I sat in the hall, waiting for him to arrive. I knew the Vatican had certified exorcists. Actually, each diocese was supposed to have at least one trained priest, I just didn’t know who it was. They kept that kind of information pretty quiet. I can imagine the amount of calls they would get if people knew who they were. Each bishop had to approve any potential exorcism. This was the first time I’d seen anything like this, and I’ve dealt with a lot.

     The elevator dinged and the doors opened. I have to admit, I was shocked at what I saw. The priest was a young man, barely in his forties. I’m fifty-five. I expected someone older. This guy looked as if he might have just completed  seminary last week.

     “Father Pierce?” he asked.

     “Yes, sorry to meet you under these circumstances,” I answered, as we shook hands.

     “I know what you’re thinking, I look young. They sent me on missions to Africa right out of seminary. During that time, I was secretly enrolled in their exorcism school, because of some things I’d witnessed. So, here I am.”

     “Well great, so how does this work—” before I could finish, the power went out again, plunging the hospital back into darkness. From Amanda’s room, we could hear loud crashing sounds, and a scream.

     “HARLAN!” she shouted, but in a voice other than her own.

     “That’s our clue to get started, I guess,” he said.


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