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Authors: Gail Sheehy

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show (NBC-TV), 225, 329

Toey (childhood neighbor), 18

Towbin, Bob, 262

Tretick, Stanley, 60

Triumphs of Experience
(Vaillant), 186

Tuck, Dick, 62, 64

Tucker, Priscilla, 86

Tufo, Peter, 255–56

Turnberry Isle, Hart's activities at, 323, 324

twelve-step program, GS in, 431–33

Twentieth Century Fox studios, 73, 250, 293

Uncommon Clay
(Stivers), 390

“Underground Gourmet” (Snyder column), 82, 92

Understanding Men's Passages
(Sheehy), 393

United Nations, 306

University of California, Berkeley: Clay at, 382, 385, 386–88, 409, 410, 416; Felker Magazine Center at, 388–91; Latham at, 409, 410

University of Hartford, Trish's enrollment at, 43

University of Rochester, Sheehy (Albert) as medical student at, 38

University of Vermont, GS at, 27–28, 29–30, 35–36

Unterberg, Nate, 104–9, 110–13

Urban, Amanda “Binky,” 97

Urban Cowboy
(movie), 96

USA Today
newspaper, GS column for, 457

San Jacinto
, and Bush (George H. W.) in World War II, 326–27

Vag, Red, 40

Vaillant, George, 186

Vanderbilt, Wendy, 6

Vanity Fair
magazine: Carter as Brown's replacement at, 371; and Clay-GS move to California, 388; GS lecture at UC-Berkeley about, 387; GS's Clinton stories in, 397–98, 401, 402, 439; GS's political/world leader profiles for, 317–29, 341, 350, 353–54, 366, 371; parties of, 432; popularity of, 359; revival of, 316–17.
See also
Brown, Tina

Venice, Italy, GS-Maura trip to, 228–29

Vermont, GS-Maura vacation in, 48, 50

Véronique, Madame, 346–47

Vidal, Gore, 244–45

Vietnam War, 12, 58, 60, 64, 171, 172, 173, 180

Village Voice
newspaper: Clay's acquisition of, 207–8, 238, 246–48, 257, 389; Feiffer as cartoonist for, 98; and Murdoch's acquisition of
New York
magazine, 259, 268–69; Murdoch's selling of, 269; revenues/value of, 249, 269.
See also
Burden, Carter

violence, prostitution and, 141, 148

magazine, 242

von Furstenberg, Diane, 250

Vonnegut, Kurt, 238, 337, 389

Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, 100

Wagner, Robert (NYC mayor), 98–99

Waldorf Astoria (New York City hotel), prostitution and, 139, 140

Wall Street: Clay's view about, 334–36; and stock market rise, 414

Wall Street Journal
, and Ickes firing, 402

Walters, Barbara, 89, 403

Wang, C. C., 407–8

Ware, Ciji, 386

Warhol, Andy, 12–13, 84–86

Washington, D.C., GS at party in, 189–91

Washington Journalism Review
, and GS as best magazine writer in America, 329

Washington Post
newspaper: GS's Cambodian refugee story in, 292, 295;
review in, 227; and publication of
The Pentagon Papers
, 170, 171–72, 175; and GS's prostitution stories, 146; Watergate and, 176, 179.
See also
Graham, Katherine

Watergate, 176, 179, 325

Waters, Alice, 387

Weidenfeld, Baron George, 243

well-being, and
research, 274

Wellesley College, 392

Weymouth, Lally, 207, 243–45, 421

“What Hillary Wants” (Sheehy), 397–98

Where the Wild Things Are
(Sendak), 73

White Horse Tavern (New York City), Albert-GS first meeting at, 37–38

Whitehead, Colson, 336

“Will This Queens Housewife Be the Next Vice President?” (Sheehy), 332

William Morrow publishers, 272

Wilson, Mary Louise, 155

Winfrey, Oprah, 368

Winkler, Irwin, 71, 250

Wintour, Anna, 242

Wolfe, Sheila, 447

Wolfe, Tom: appearance of, 11; and Clay as bachelor-about-town, 184; at Clay-GS wedding, 314; and Clay's eating habits, 120; and Clay's family background, 52; at Clay's funeral, 447; Clay's relationship with, 13, 84; equity in
New York
magazine of, 248; at Felker Fest, 389; and Goldsmith's story about Warhol, 84, 85; and GS's prostitution stories, 146; GS's relationship with, 12; at
Herald Tribune
, 11, 12, 13; and
New York
magazine, 84, 85, 86, 88–90; and New York Public Library writers dinner, 374; prose of, 12, 90; “Radical Chic” story of, 88–90; at Thanksgiving parties, 339, 454

Wolfson, Howard, 401, 438

women: Bush's (George H. W.) views about, 372; in
East Side Express
newsroom, 330; Hart and, 322–24; Kipling's views about, 345; life span of, 383; in politics, 127–28, 130, 330–34, 372–73; stages of development for, 214–15, 216, 217; Thatcher's views about, 345; and woman as vice president, 330–31.
See also
menopause; women's movement;
specific person or organization

Women's Action Alliance, 90

women's movement: beginning of, 70; children and, 126, 136, 138; and Clay-Steinem-GS lunch at Oak Room, 132–33; Clay's role in, 90–91, 125–29, 132–33; coalescence of, 372; Erpf dinner party and, 125–29; and Fifth Avenue march, 134–35; Friedan's role in, 133–34; GS fears/concerns about, 129–32; GS views about, 136–38;
and, 132–33; marriage and, 185–86; and Oak Room sit-in, 131; radical offshoot of, 134; Steinem's recollections of early period of, 129.
See also specific person or organization

Women's Refugee Commission, 306–7, 339

Women's Strike for Equality, 134–35

Wonder, Stevie, 400

Woodstock, GS-Trish trip to, 113–14

Woodward, Bob, 176, 179, 226

Woolf, Virginia, 386

World-Journal Tribune
, 54

world leader profiles, GS's.
See specific person

World Telegram and Sun
, 5, 6

World War II: blackouts during, 23; Bush (George H. W.) in, 326–27; GS as child during, 23; Ho Chi Minh in, 83

Wright, Betsey, 395

Wright, Doug, 155

writers' collective house (Ireland), 201–3

writers/writing: and anonymous sources, 148; basic requirements for successful book, 67; and Brown's offer to GS, 79; Clay's loyalty to, 86, 98, 264–66; editors' relationship with, 270–72; gender relations and, 97–98; and GS's dreams/aspirations, 73; New York Public Library dinner for, 374–76; and women editors, 68.
See also
New Journalism;
specific person

Yakolev, Alexander, 355–56

Year of the Woman (1992), 372

Yeats, W. B., 200–202

Yeltsin, Boris, 356

yin and yang, 459–60

Young, Hugo, 349

Youngbird, Marilyn, 319–20

Zaccaro, John, 332

Zalaznick, Sheldon, 93, 94, 95

Zhou Enlai, 174

Zuckerman, Mort, 352, 389


is the author of sixteen books, including the classic
New York Times
, named one of the ten most influential books of our times by the Library of Congress. A multiple award-winning literary journalist, she was one of the original contributors to
New York
magazine and has been a contributing editor to
Vanity Fair
since 1984. A popular lecturer, Sheehy was named AARP's Ambassador of Caregiving in 2009. She lives in New York City.




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Speed Is of the Essence





Spirit of Survival

Character: America's Search for Leadership

Gorbachev: The Man Who Changed the World

The Silent Passage

New Passages

Understanding Men's Passages

Hillary's Choice

Middletown, America

Sex and the Seasoned Woman

Passages in Caregiving



Cover design by Amanda Kain

Cover photograph © by Bernard Gotfryd/Getty Images


Excerpt from “Radical Chic” from
Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers
by Tom Wolfe. Copyright © 1970, renewed 1999 by Tom Wolfe. Reprinted by permission of the author and by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC.

Excerpt from
The Fire Next Time
by James Baldwin. Copyright © 1962, 1963 by James Baldwin. Copyright renewed 1990, 1991 by Gloria Baldwin Karefa-Smart. Used by permission of the James Baldwin Estate.

Excerpt from “The Song of Wandering Aengus” by W. B. Yeats. Used courtesy of Simon & Schuster.

Excerpt from “La Dolce Vita” by Barbara Goldsmith.
New York
magazine. Vol. 1, no. 4. April 19, 1968. Copyright © 1968. Used by permission of Barbara Goldsmith.


Photograph of Gail © Joyce Ravid.

Photograph of Gail and Clay in London © 2014 Bryson Photo.

Photograph of Gail pitching Clay © 2014 the Estate of Cosmos Andrew Sarchiapone.

Photograph of Clay ca. 1970 © Burton Berinksy/Landov Media.

Gail's author shot for “The Amphetamine Explosion” © Dan Wynn/courtesy of Demont Photo Management.

Photograph of the
New York
magazine “family” © 2014 the Estate of Cosmos Andrew Sarchiapone.

Photograph of Tom Wolfe © 2014 the Estate of Cosmos Andrew Sarchiapone.

Illustration of the horse race of New Journalists © 2014 Arnold Roth.

“Redpants and Sugarman,”
New York
magazine cover © New York Media LLC.

“The Midlife Crisis,”
New York
magazine cover © New York Media LLC.

“Radical Chic,”
New York
magazine cover © New York Media LLC.

Debut of
magazine inside
New York
magazine cover © New York Media LLC.

Photograph of Clay announcing the takeover of
New York
, United Press International.

Photograph of the walkout of
New York
, United Press International.

Photograph of Gail, Clay, and Maura in Mexico © Elena Prohaska Glinn for the Estate of Burt Glinn.

Photograph of Clay and Gail in evening dress by Bill Cunningham. Photograph courtesy of the author's private collection.

All other photographs are from the author's private collection.


section constitutes an extension of this copyright page.

The conversations in the book all come from the author's recollections and are not written to represent word-for-word transcripts. Rather, the author has retold them in a way that evokes the feeling and meaning of what was said, and in all instances, the essence of the dialogue is correct. The names and identifying characteristics of some of the individuals featured in this book have been changed to protect their privacy.

. Copyright © 2014 by G Merritt Corp. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.


ISBN 978-0-06-229169-1

EPub Edition SEPTEMBER 2014 ISBN 9780062291714

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