Dare to be Mine (33 page)

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Authors: Kim Allison

BOOK: Dare to be Mine
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The hour finally arrived. Blake came for
Sophie. They tried talking Elyssa into their foursome going together in one
carriage, but she declined. She knew Blake was merely attempting to be courteous
in front of Sophie. But Elyssa did have to admit that Blake had genuinely been
making more of an effort to become friendlier in the times since he'd made her
aware of Daniel's circumstances.

William arrived a few moments after
Sophie left with Blake. Annie led him to the parlor to wait for Elyssa and he
nervously sat on the settee, wondering if perhaps later that night he might get
up the nerve to propose marriage. He wasn't quite certain he could muster the
courage yet, for although he was anxious to be married and start a family,
William still found the thought of a permanent relationship with just one woman
an intimidating romantic onslaught"thi thing.

His confusing thoughts fled at the sound
of Elyssa's voice. He rose to his feet at the glorious sight of her, for as hard
as it was to believe, she became even more beautiful every time he saw her. The
sight of Elyssa quite stole his breath away.

"Elyssa, you look ravishing as
always," his deep voice complimented as he tucked her proffered hand into
the crook of his arm. "I shall have to keep you by my side during the
evening, for every male there will be wishing you were with him."

Elyssa hoped he wasn't serious, for she
didn't need William hovering about her all night like some possessive suitor.
He was indeed a marvelous man and a fabulous catch for any female, but at times
he tended to be stifling. He simply adored togetherness.

They chatted easily on the ride to the
affair. William complimented Elyssa on her new lavender gown, one that was
certain to make her the envy of every woman there. He suggested to Elyssa that
she might want to consider buying a London home if only for the season.

She agreed it was a thought that
deserved serious consideration, and William insisted he would help her find
just the right one. She could certainly afford a cozy home in London and would
be able to see her family more often. Greystone could easily be run without her
constant presence and she could forgo the inconvenience of having to travel an
hour each way whenever there was a social event to attend.

William had an appealing wit besides
looks and intelligence, and by the time they arrived at the Cutters' estate,
he'd managed to put Elyssa quite thoroughly at ease. She was still fighting
laughter at the joke he'd told her just before arriving when they were

Looking about quickly, Elyssa searched
for a sign of Daniel, but there was none. She saw Sophie discreetly wave at her
from afar, and Elyssa smiled back. Her smile faltered when she saw Catherine
glaring at her from across the huge room. Elyssa was pleased to at least note
that Catherine was with someone other than Daniel. Perhaps she'd jumped to
conclusions after all.

The ball was as magnificent as it had
promised to be. There were easily a few hundred guests there. Within short
moments William led Elyssa to the immense dance floor and she smiled up at him
as they glided together perfectly.

Stormy gray eyes watched the handsome
couple smile into romantic onslaughtthough secondeach other's eyes, his heartbeat quickening at the disturbing
thought. She was spending entirely too much time with Harrison. Once again,
Daniel's thoughts warred over Elyssa and he was torn over whether to hate her
or to fall on his knees and beg her to love him again. How could he even ponder
the idea of loving her, knowing that she was capable of murder? The woman had
most likely killed his father! Who’s to say she wouldn’t do the same to him?

The lush breast pressing intimately
against his arm gave Daniel pause in his thoughts and he returned his
attentions to the pretty piece he'd brought to the ball. He had only asked
Angela to come because she reminded him of Elyssa. Her hair was long and dark,
although not nearly as black as Elyssa's. Her eyes were green, though they
lacked the vibrant luster in Elyssa's emerald orbs. Daniel looked forward to
the coming night when he knew he would take Angela to bed and close his eyes,
imagining it was Elyssa he was inside of.

What was wrong with him, that Elyssa
continued to plague him even now? He knew he had crushed her ego when he'd last
been with her. Had scorned her desperate and needy in her amorous desires, when
he had been the one who'd seduced her. And it killed him as he watched Elyssa
dancing with William, to know that Harrison had made love to her, probably many
times. That he was enjoying what she'd learned beneath Daniel's eager tutoring.

For all that Daniel despised what Elyssa
had done to
he was finally coming to understand
just how immensely she'd been hurt. He knew Elyssa had loved him, even though
he'd not been able to return those cherished words at the time. She had been
greatly pleased when she thought Greystone had been willed to him, was
genuinely happy for Daniel.

It was only now becoming obvious, for
he'd striven over the last year to blame Elyssa rather than facing
responsibility himself. She had not been irate because of Percy's home and
money, but had been crushed to find that the man she'd fallen in love with
could be so callous and deceitful. If only she hadn’t come across that damned
will before the wedding!

He must still question Elyssa about
Percy's death, though fearing the answers he might receive. He prayed she was
not guilty, and knew that even if she were, he would protect her, keep her
safe. He found himself wishing, as he continued to watch Elyssa and William
dance, that he was the one with her. That it was his eyes she was gazing up
into with such fondness. Daniel had been entranced from the first moment he'd
ever seen Elyssa.
Had wanted to possess her from that first

Shocking himself, Daniel decided that
very moment, even as Angela whispered an especially naughty sentiment in his
ear, that he wanted Elyssa back.
With a fervency.
had to have her. And he would be romantic onslaught fingers hi d fgin his plan to win her back that very night.

Leading Angela to the dance floor,
Daniel made it a point to get closer to Elyssa and William, though the large
number of people made it difficult. Daniel ignored the subtle whispers, had
always done so, for he still had many good friends in London. Too, he knew from
experience that gossip and rumors eventually died down and turned to a new
victim after a while.

Finally Daniel and Angela were dancing
in the same proximity as Elyssa and William. Elyssa's eyes were drawn to the
tall figure nearby and her eyes widened as she looked directly into Daniel's
face. Her traitorous heart fluttered at the handsome sight he presented,
warring with hurtful thoughts of the way he'd seduced her then scorned her the
last time she had been alone with him. She quickly took in the sight of
Daniel's dancing partner, a beautiful, voluptuous woman who was completely
enraptured by Daniel.

He must be trying to make me jealous
Elyssa mused inwardly, thinking that it was working. She would always have a
weakness for Daniel. Indeed, it was insanity to feel that way, for he might
well be after her very life.
Circling in for the kill.
He was certainly staring at her as if he had something wicked on his mind.
Elyssa felt a blush rise to her cheeks as Daniel's gaze boldly remained upon
her. Daniel slightly jerked his head to the right, his eyes trying to convey a
hidden message to Elyssa. Her eyes narrowed in confusion. His expression almost
comical with exasperation, Daniel once again motioned with his head.

Elyssa had no idea what Daniel was
doing, other than attempting to fluster her during her dance with William. He
was much too sure of himself, and too distractingly gorgeous. Managing to turn
herself a bit more into William's arms, Elyssa temporarily blocked the sight of

A moment later William twirled Elyssa about
and when she looked about again a faint feeling of disappointment settled at
the realization that Daniel was gone. He and his partner had apparently danced
off in another direction. It angered Elyssa that she was bothered by his abrupt
disappearance, and she strived to shower William with the attention he

Once the dance ended, William escorted
Elyssa across the room to socialize with Sophie and Blake. Elyssa envied her
cousin the mutual admiration and enjoyment of each other that Sophie shared
with Blake. They seemed truly smitten with one another. How Elyssa missed that
feeling, although in all honesty she did know that William was already enamored
of her.

Sophie and Elyssa excused themselves to
go to the ladies' room, Sophie chaqllhi d ftting excitedly about what a marvelous ball
it was and what a splendid dance partner Blake was. The ladies checked their
appearance and Elyssa suggested that Sophie go on back to the
men, that
she would be out soon.

"I just need a few moments alone. I
seem to be fighting a headache," Elyssa said.

"Alright," Sophie replied,
"but hurry back. I daresay William will have a flock of female admirers
surrounding him before long if they note your absence."

Elyssa smiled and watched Sophie's departure.
In truth, she didn't really have a headache, but merely needed a short reprieve
from the festivities. Everyone was having such a grand time, and Elyssa knew
she should also, yet for some reason there was a dark shadow hanging over her
head with everything she'd heard spoken between Will and Catherine.
Besides the uncertainty of Daniel's involvement.
And no
matter that she’d hoped to see him at the ball, actually seeing
in the flesh had turned her inside out.

Finally leaving to return to the ball,
Elyssa's thoughts remained troubled. As if conjuring up his haunting image,
Elyssa started at the dark sight of Daniel suddenly standing before her. He
gently grabbed her arm and led her quickly down the corridor. Elyssa struggled
to loosen her arm from his grip, but Daniel was determined to get her alone.
“Did you not see me motioning you to meet me out on the terrace?” he asked in

“Is that what you were doing?” While
Elyssa knew a confrontation with Daniel was inevitable, part of her dreaded
what she might be told. What if he was involved in the plot to murder her and
had simply wearied of waiting for Catherine and Will to accomplish the feat? He
might be getting her away from everyone else to easier execute her murder. They
rounded the corner to another endless hallway. Reaching an open door, Daniel
pulled Elyssa in though she remained steadfast in the doorway to prevent him
from closing the door.

Her emerald eyes flashing in fear and
uncertainty, Elyssa said, "I refuse to stay any longer if you try to close
the door." Holding his hands up in surrender, Daniel was quick to accede.

I had only hoped to have complete privacy, but I don't suppose anyone will
wander down this far anytime soon."

Elyssa was ready to run down the hall
and downstairs escaped her lips a18en the did Daniel give the slightest sign of harming her. Her eyes were
wide and her breathing shallow. Daniel wondered why Elyssa appeared so wary of
him. But then again, hadn't he given her reason enough to be anxious of his
motives with no one else about?

"Elyssa, I assure you I have no
intentions of coercing you into doing anything untoward," he said.
Glancing about the well lit room, Elyssa was comforted to note the sparse
furnishings, only a settee and a desk. To all appearances, the room was rarely
used and at least it didn't contain a bed, she mused.

Exhaling a steadying breath, Daniel
closed his eyes for an instant before continuing. While he was still warring
over whether to start by telling Elyssa how he'd missed her or that he
suspected she was a murderess, Daniel's male ego briefly took over. "You
certainly seem to enjoy being in Harrison's arms."

A sarcastic chuckle escaping her lips,
Elyssa replied, "You went to the trouble of getting me completely alone to
make that observation?"

"So you don't deny it then?"

"No more than you can deny enjoying
that trollop draping herself all over you." Cursing
inwardly for starting off so clumsily, Daniel was unable to begin anew before
Elyssa spoke again. "Let me save you the trouble here and now, Daniel. I
am not the same timid creature that was wed to Percy and I will never allow
myself to be bullied by another man. Rather I think you might find me a force
to be reckoned with." She hoped her words sounded more confident than she
actually felt.

Such cynical words.
They betrayed
a bitterness
at the hands of men. Had
Percy truly been such a bastard toward Elyssa that she simply couldn't take it
anymore? Daniel had been used to his father's cruel methods, but had never
fully considered how a gently reared young lady like Elyssa would stand up
beneath the pressure of a marriage to Percy, the lack of love an even more
intolerable thing in an already disastrous situation.

A faint smile of sympathy hovered about
his lips. Daniel took a step closer and gently closed his hands over Elyssa's
arms as she continued speaking. "And if I want to spend all of my time
with William
Harrison, that
is no concern of

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