Dare (3 page)

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Authors: Olivia Aycock

BOOK: Dare
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Chapter 5

an we talk
he’d asked.

“Can we talk?” she repeated, positive she sounded like a moron. But the blood was only just returning to her brain parts. Cruel, cruel! To be denied not one but two glorious orgasms and then to have
to talk

Melanie didn’t want to talk. She was sick to death of talking.

She was sick to death worrying that the next time they talked would be the time Will said something like
you know, this just isn’t working out for me anymore. We should probably end things before they get messy

Because they weren’t messy now?

She pointed to his partially opened front door. “He’s been in there?” She couldn’t finish her sentence. Couldn’t finish the actual thought in her actual brain much less say the words out loud.

“Mel, I told you we were watching the game, and to come over if you wanted.”

“No, you said we were going to”—she took her voice down to a whisper—“
cheese pizza

At least Will had the good grace to look chagrinned. And maybe even flush a little where his ears disappeared into that glorious mane of shaggy hair she loved to run her fingers—

No. They weren’t going back there. They were talking.

And she guessed it really was about time.

She keyed in the code to her door and held it open. “Might as well come on in.”

He hesitated for a moment, then looked behind him to ostensibly say something to Judd. Or not. She didn’t know because she’d walked in and sat down at the kitchen island, not wanting to lead him over to her couch. Where things might take a different turn.

When Will shut the door behind him, the air in her apartment went thick.

As she sat fiddling with the edge of her aqua polka-dot placemats—she loved the rickrack edging even though the retro kitsch was totally out of sync with the streamlined and spare design of her apartment—she realized something. Something big. He’d never really been over here. She’d always gone over to his place for pizza and a movie. They’d never been alone together in her space. Ever.

Sure, he’d been in her apartment when she was throwing a party, but there was always the buffer of other people to dispel the sexual tension that gathered and pooled low in her belly whenever he was near.

Oh, and there had been that one time that his ex had sent him over for an emergency bottle of white. But that had been before
pizza and a movie
. Before she’d completely lost her mind and gone and fallen for her fuckbuddy.

“Want something to drink?”

It was weird. She’d seen him naked a hundred times—maybe more!—and he’d had his hands up her pants not ten minutes ago, but they couldn’t even look at each other here in her kitchen.

Will hovered somewhere near the door, as if he couldn’t decide where to land, and declined the offer.

He was so decisive, so demanding as a sexual partner, it was strange to see him this tentative. About something as simple as come in and have a seat, wanna drink?

They started to speak at the same time, and Melanie wasn’t half sure what it was she’d meant to say. Only she was completely sure she couldn’t tolerate the strained silence a moment longer. They’d had sustained conversations before. It wasn’t like they were only about the score of a pure-grade orgasm high. But somewhere back in the breezeway a moment ago, they’d lost a little something.

And that something felt like a real big hole in her heart right about now.

“Go ahead.” She made a motion with her hand for him to continue, but she couldn’t look him in the eye. No. Fuck that. If he was going to break up with her, then she’d damn well—

. Who said he was going to break up with her? They weren’t even
Get a grip, Robles.
You are two years out of college; this is no time to freak out about relationships.

“Judd wants to watch us have sex.”

The cheerful embroidered cherry she was picking at was probably going to be mangled beyond belief. Damn. These were here favorite placemats.

She couldn’t have heard Will correctly. Had he just— “Judd wants to what?”

Melanie turned to look at Will then, to seek out answers in his eyes that were apparently not forthcoming from his lips. He just stood there, hands crammed in the pockets of his cargoes.

Probably balled into fists. He did that when he got nervous. Thought people couldn’t tell if he shoved them in his pockets?


“So, uh, here’s the thing, Mel. We’ve been dancing around this for a while. And I want to give you everything you want…”

Oh gosh.
. Was he—

“Will, I…”

“I know. I didn’t expect it either. But when I was helping Judd with the bookcase this morning, there was all this kink stuff in his apartment, and it just kind of happened.”

Wait. Hold up. What just happened. “What are you saying?”

She watched as he bounced his head back against her front door. Once, twice.

“I’m doing this all wrong.”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say that, since I don’t know what it is you are doing. Why don’t you tell me, and then I’ll let you know how you’re doing?”

Melanie thought she sounded very relaxed, very composed—dignified!—when inside she was coming apart at the seams. And not in the sexy way she was used to when Will Harris was involved.

“So there was this bookcase, and…” she prompted. But he still didn’t move. Still didn’t start talking. So she got up from her stool and walked over to him. When she got close enough to touch, he reached out and grabbed her up in a hug.

And then it all spilled out.

There was something about a bookcase, yes, and about bondage tape? And at the end of it, Will was giving her a choice to take the biggest dare of her life: “Do you trust me, trust us, enough to do this?”

And there it was. In big, bold letters: us.

They could walk back into Will’s apartment, and watch the ballgame, and still come out on the other side an “us.” Or they could walk back in Will’s apartment, and not watch the ballgame, and still come out on the other side an “us.”

Chapter 6

el was playing it cool
. She was one hundred percent in character as she sat next to him on the couch.

Judd had moved over to the big chair when they’d walked in together. There had been lots of
hey long time no see
s exchanged, some friendly banter when they argued about the ref’s bum call. But when she shrugged off her big sweater at the top of the sixth?
Game. On.

He’d been sitting on his couch with a semi for at least half an hour—and that was weird enough—but when she bared her shoulders and reached to fiddle with her hair, there was no way Judd could miss his massive hard-on. If he were looking. Which he wasn’t. His eyes were glued to the screen.

But if Melanie followed through on her decision, Judd would be watching Will fuck Melanie on that very same couch.

Back in her apartment, they’d agreed to play it cool. That if and when she was ready, she’d initiate it. Subtly, so that Judd would never know what hit him. There would be no trumpeting fanfare of
we are about to engage in sexual activity
. Just some slow and easy foreplay.

And then the show.

She was perfect. Beautiful with the sunset-stained light coming through his balcony windows. And the look she gave him was pure sin. She’d wiggled her way closer and closer to him, and now he had his arm wrapped around her, toying with the tiny strap of her tank top.

He loved it when she wore shit like this. Loved the way he could tug on that little string and make her breasts jiggle and bounce. She gave him a playful punch to the belly, but then she flattened her hand. She couldn’t miss his sharp intake of breath.

Neither did Judd.

It was almost imperceptible, but the other man had angled his body just so. So unless Melanie stared at Judd, she wouldn’t be able to tell he was watching what was happening on the couch.

Oh, but he was watching.

When Will had watched Melanie directing her movers way back when she’d moved in—way back when he and Amber were still together—he’d had to perfect that
nope, not looking
look. She had been out in her stretchy black pants and an oversized t-shirt, and he’d been a goner. Hadn’t even met her and he’d wanted to punch out every leering sonofabitch who got to see her ass in those tights as she bent over to retrieve boxes, lamps, whatever.

Will kept an eye on Judd’s impassive face as he slid his finger under the strap one more time before edging his finger down, down into the wide scoop of her top. Down until he had his finger on a tight little nipple. Will watched the muscle in Judd’s jaw tic, but the guy never so much as altered his breathing pattern.

Tilting his head, he nuzzled the side of Melanie’s neck, and her nipple went from tight to damn near adamantine. Yeah, she liked it when he did that. But she’d like this even more.

“He’s watching your pretty tits right now. Probably wondering what color your nipples are. How good you taste.” A rosy flush spread down her chest, and it made her freckles even more pronounced. Only he knew her nipples were surrounded by cinnamon-colored skin, the color of her lightest freckles. Only he knew that her nipples turned berry pink when she was aroused. That if he played and sucked on them, her creamy breasts would be tipped with the juiciest berries.

“Will…” His name came out on a sigh and her hand slid down his abs.

It was his turn to sigh when her hand just skimmed over his erection. “That’s right. Take what you want, honey. Only I get to taste you tonight. Only I get to fuck that pretty pussy of yours.”

He looked up, and Judd had turned in the chair without him—or Melanie—even noticing. And he just sat there, hand around his water bottle. Watching.

Will scooped Melanie’s breast out of her top and she moaned. High and needy and music to his depraved ears. Rolling one nipple between two fingers, he bent down to nip at the curve of her other breast, still hidden behind the white cotton. He lapped and sucked at her until that nipple was as needy as the first. Until her head was thrown back on the couch, eyes tight.

“Are you sure this is what you want, honey? Do you want me to fuck you right here?” His words were low, just for her. The flicker of the television now lit her skin, bathing her in a blue-white glow.

And Judd still watched.

Just when he thought she was going to call it off, that this was the limit they dared to push, Melanie turned her head, opened her eyes and said, “I want you to fuck me right here. Right now.”

Her hand tightened on his cock, and Will all but forgot about Judd.

In a flash, he had Melanie sitting astride him, riding the ridge of his erection while he freed her other breast from her top. It was a crude corset, those skinny straps straining as the neckline plunged below her breasts, pushing them onto an obscene shelf. And he sucked at her so hard she cried out and grabbed at his hair.

When he started to pull back, she offered up her other breast for the same treatment and ground down on him. “Hard.”

He scraped his teeth across her and gently pulled on her flesh, her nipple elongating into a turgid peak he soothed with the flat of his tongue.

“More, oh, God, Will.”

She’d started shaking, her hips moving in jerky, arrhythmic movements that were somehow sexier than any slow, graceful grind. He bit the underside of her breast, and she fell apart in his arms, under his mouth. His hands soothing up and down her back as she rode out the last of her climax.

Finally, she looked at him, eyes glassy and a little sex drunk, and gave him a smacking kiss before grabbing his cock. “Batter up.”

Chapter 7

elanie managed
to unzip Will’s shorts without maiming his magnificent erection. She couldn’t wait to get him in her hands.

She might have been embarrassed by the way his fly was wet where she’d come all over him, riding him like they were high schoolers making out on the couch instead of working on algebra, but it was like a badge of honor. Or a secret. Their secret, just the two of them. Because though there were three people in the room right now, she only had eyes for Will.

“Condom. Now,” she demanded. And Will somehow produced one without knocking her off his lap. She ran a few experimental strokes up and down his shaft before rolling down the condom. And when he moved to adjust her running shorts to the side, to position her over his penis, she backed up. Stood up.

And turned around.

Judd was casually sitting in the big leather armchair, maybe a hint of a smile on his otherwise blank face. But a rush of new moisture pooled between her legs when she brought both hands up to her breasts and pinched her nipples and his eyes went a little wild.

Hell yeah. This was awesome.

She didn’t know what to do next. She and Will had imagined this scenario—or one like it—so many times, talked it out, acted it out. But when it came down to it, she didn’t know where to begin.

Melanie wanted to stick her hand down her shorts, watch Judd’s unblinking eyes as she wallowed in her wetness. The television was on mute and she was so aroused, they’d both hear it.

They’d all hear it.

Will was just idly caressing the outside of her thighs, like there was no rush. Like she’d stood up to go get another bottle of water from the kitchen. Nothing frantic in his touch to indicate his giant erection was primed and ready for action.

Or that she was so wet she actually felt a drop of liquid running down the inside of her thigh.

She leaned over, conscious of the way her breasts spilled over the top of her tank and swayed a little as she shimmied off her shorts.

Will groaned behind her. He had a perfect view of her pussy as she put her hands down on the coffee table, balancing while she kicked off her shorts. If she leaned forward a bit, she was
close enough to catch an unfamiliar scent.

Ah. Judd was not as unaffected as he seemed.

And when Will spread her wider and licked at her with a wide, flattened tongue, it was Judd’s breathing that got faster. And Judd’s cock that swelled behind worn denim.

Back in her apartment, Will had told her Judd had promised not to speak. Promised not to be involved in their scene beyond watching. But in that moment, Melanie wanted to see him reach for his cock. To know that what he was seeing was so fucking hot, he couldn’t resist touching himself.

But there was no rule about her talking to him.

“You like that, do you?” Her voice sounded foreign to her own ears. Low, raspy. Filthy. She sounded like the filthy sex she was about to have, and she loved it. “You dirty fucker, you like watching my tits while your friend has his tongue in my pussy, don’t you?”

Oh fuck. Will was doing his best to make her incoherent, and Judd was shifting in his chair trying futilely to relieve the pressure in his pants. Melanie was so close to coming, and she didn’t want to be useless—and if Will kept on fucking her with his tongue, she was going to be out of her mind with an explosive orgasm. She wanted to enjoy every moment.

Will seemed to sense what she wanted. He gave her clit one last sucking kiss, her ass one final smack, and then guided her down.

She’d never thought about optics during sex before. Had always just done what felt good. But under the flickering light, she moved to part her folds when she came down on Will’s cock, tensed her thighs and took him in so slowly it was something like actual torture.

The dual groans of masculine pleasure had her sliding home in a rush.

It felt so good, and she was stretched so tight around him with her legs splayed out on either side of his. She was open, so open. And wet. God, the slick sound of her body as it rose up and up until his cockhead sprang free was a sound of beauty. Another slow slide down teased her unbearably—and Will, too, for he grabbed at her hips and took her on a punishing ride.

Her thighs were straining to hold her up as Will drove into her over and over. Soon, she gave up and let him keep her balanced. Trusted him to hold her steady just as he trusted her to be open and ready for him.

Will snaked his arm around her, high on her chest, and it was just
to her neck that she felt vulnerable and shaky.

Her climax hit her without warning. Her hands clutching at his forearm because she didn’t know what to do with them. She was beyond anything but the feel of Will, hot and hard inside her, and the weight of Judd’s gaze as he watched her come apart.

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