Dangerous Reunion (Love Inspired Suspense) (19 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Reunion (Love Inspired Suspense)
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Several years ago my son, granddaughter and I took a trip to Ocracoke Island, a small barrier island off the coast of North Carolina. From the moment we drove off the ferry into Ocracoke Village, I was in love with this thirteen-mile-long speck of land twenty-five miles off the mainland. The beautiful beaches, the salt marshes, the island ponies and the wildlife give Ocracoke a unique allure that draws thousands of visitors a year. I knew right away I had to set a book on this island, where Blackbeard the Pirate lived and where he met his death off its coast in 1718.

I have taken some liberties in writing this book, but not with the kindness and love of their island that I encountered from the people who call this place home. I salute the hearty people of Ocracoke and look forward to the time when I can return.



Sandra Robbins

Questions for Discussion
  1. Kate struggled with her inability to forgive when someone had wronged her. Do you have difficulty forgiving others? What did Jesus say about forgiveness?
  3. Brock’s guilt over an innocent man’s death consumed him. Have you ever dealt with guilt because of your actions? How did you cope with your feelings?
  5. Kate saw God’s presence in the beauty of her island. Do you take time to marvel at the works of God all around you, or do you ignore God’s hand in nature?
  7. Kate sacrificed her own happiness to take care of her family after her mother’s death. Are you willing to put others’ needs before your own needs? How have you done that in the past?
  9. Kate and Brock encountered deceit and evil in people they trusted. Have you ever had a friend betray you? How did you deal with it?
  11. Kate and Betsy knew they would someday be responsible for the aging Treasury. Have you had to take care of an elderly family member? How difficult has it been?
  13. Brock realized his selfish attitude was shaped by the fact that he felt abandoned by his father. Have you had to deal with divorced parents? How has it affected your life?
  15. Grady devoted most of his time to finding Blackbeard’s treasure. Has acquiring money become so important in your life that you neglect other things? What do you have in your life that money could never replace?
  17. When Kate thought she was about to die, she realized how much time she’d wasted by not forgiving Brock. Is there someone you need to forgive?
  19. Brock came to realize that God is real and gave his heart to Him. Have you trusted God and turned your life over to him?

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0867-4


Copyright © 2011 by Sandra Robbins

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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