Dangerous Protector (Federal Paranormal Unit) (14 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Protector (Federal Paranormal Unit)
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He pressed closer, lips encompassed her clit and laved the tiny nerve bundle with quick flicks. Her legs pressed him closer, his lips and tongue working her entrance. In. Out. Faster. Harder. Then he added a
finger, and her whimper turned into a moan for more.

God, please…”

She tugged on the cuffs to no avail. There was no getting free until he let her. He controlled the situation. Along with her body. His unwavering licking and finger fucking drove her to near breaking in seconds. She thrashed on the bed, curled her fingers on the wood bars she was strapped to and let her body race toward release.

“James, God, James…” Her legs shook, her belly quivered. Her entire focus shifted to the impending orgasm. She hovered just above the ledge, ready to take flight.

She took a breath and lost it. He sucked on her clit, grazing blunt human teeth on the throbbing bit of flesh. Tension unraveled
fast, and she soared. Her body floated on the wave of release, her scream for him choked and breathless.

Her lungs felt ready to cave in. She blinked to try and get rid of the spots dancing before her eyes.

“James, let me loose,” she moaned and met his fully black gaze.

“Why should I?” His lips tipped up in a dark and sexy grin.

“It’s my turn to taste you.” She watched him sit on his heels, his cock fully erect, a slight sheen from his aroused state coating the head.

“How about I just bring myself to you?”
he suggested.

Seemed she wasn’t being uncuffed just yet. At least she’d get a chance to repay him in kind. She smiled and licked her lips. “If you come closer, I can make my lips work magic.”

“If that’s the case…”

The cuffs clicked. She didn’t get a chance to say or do much, but her body somehow did it for her. T
he world shifted and she was on her knees in front of him, her arms now at her back, cuffed again. “You got some kind of fetish for having me at your mercy?”

He grinned. “Maybe.” He lifted an eyebrow, eyeing her mouth with interest. “I believe you promised magic?”

She sat and he moved forward until his cock hovered by her lips. His strong fingers dug into her hair, cupping the back of her head and pressing her forward. With a long slow lick, she worked her way up his cock. She swiped her tongue from side to side at the crown and sucked on his slit.


She bit back a grin. They hadn’t been explosive just because he had an amazing cock. She had some pretty good tricks too. Cheeks hollowed in, she sucked him into her mouth. He was big. Thick. She’d learned long ago that she had to work him into her mouth in gentle presses.

She hummed at the back of her throat, pulled
off and sucked him in again. Her skin burned, need prevalent in every move she made. He pushed and pulled in strong thrusts. Each one faster than the last. His hold on her head tightened. She hollowed her cheeks tighter. Rubbed her tongue on the underside of his length and sucked.

His body tensed
, stomach sucked in, muscles tight to show his amazing abs.

Her jaw burned. She didn’t care, she wanted more. He propelled back, his cock leaving her lips with
a wet shine. Her gaze rushed up to meet his, and her heart clenched at his feral possessive smile. There was that barely controlled animal of his. She could sense his power and beast close at bay.

“Do you want me to uncuff you?”

She blinked. The cuffs added that extra kink she hadn’t had with him before. “No, they can stay.”

His wolfish grin widened. “Good. Now let’s see about giving you some cock and filling you with my cum.”

Well, okay then. That could work.




Cynthia woke in James’ arms. A smile floated over her lips. God. The man was fucking amazing with those cuffs. Not to mention he’d remembered her favorite brand of lube and brought some with him. Her ass was still sore from the riding he gave her.

I really can’t give you what you want, James,” she said more to herself than him.

“What exactly do you think I want?”
he rumbled, the sound sexy as hell even after the many times she’d heard it.

A family. A wife. Children. I can’t.”

“Is that why you left me when I proposed?”
he asked.

“Yes. James, there’s severe mental illness in my
family, and I’m a possible carrier.”

cupped her face, tilting her head to meet his gaze. “Have you been tested?”

“Not yet, no. But the probability is high. And I love you too much to put you through a lifetime of caring for me if my mind decides to go that route.” She hurried the words out.

“Haven’t you learned yet what you mean to me? A life without you is just a shell of an existence, love.”

Oh lord. How could she deny someone with those kinds of words anything?

“James, even if I’m not a carrier, my children could be.” She licked her lips. “I made a decision a long time ago I wouldn’t have children.”

“Sweetheart, you might change your mind.”

She shook her head. “I got my tubes tied. I didn’t want to take any chances. I wanted to have my reproductive organs removed, but my gynecologist wouldn’t do it. He said I was too young and might change my mind.”

He cocked his head. “I could live an entire lifetime with you, and only you, and be completely happy.”

Her heart melted. “Oh, James. Are you sure? I know you always wanted kids, a family.”

He pressed a kiss to
the top of her head. “You are my family. It’s
smile that fills me with pleasure. It’s
hand I want to hold through the darkest and happiest times. Nothing and no one else matters more to me than
. As long as I have
, I don’t need anything else.”

“What about kids?”
She wanted to believe him, her heart almost broke with the sweet words he said.

“You’re my mate. My other half. The only one I need.
” Resolution deepened the lines of his face. “Children are nice and if you feel the need to increase our family, there is always adoption. But the reality is that all I need—today, tomorrow and always…is you.”

He was right. She’d forgotten all about that. They didn’t have to have biological children to have a family. They didn’t need children at all. They just needed each other.





o I guess I can’t
quit, huh?” She grinned, sitting behind her desk glancing from Brock to Galvez.

Both men shook their heads.

“You’re stuck.” Brock’s eyes flashed black. “With me.”

“Wheeler says you’re it and he’s not looking for someone else.” Galvez smiled. She’d recently started to speak to him more often, with less hostility. Their conversations mainly centered on Roxy, cases and her family, but it was better than the antagonism they had before. He admitted he’d been frustrated at her attitude toward him and with himself for not knowing about her sooner.

“Besides, we just got a new recruit.” Brock winked and passed her a file.

“Really? Who is it?” She asked, opening the folder to a photo of a woman. Clearly Latin with her brown hair tied back and her hazel eyes staring straight at the camera, unsmiling.

“Katrina Mejia,” Galvez replied. “She’ll be good for this team.”

She eyed the description of her new team member, something clearly missing from her file. “Doesn’t say what her ability is.”

“She’d like to discuss that with you herself,” Galvez said, shrugging as if he didn’t understand what the big deal was. He stood to go. “Call me if you need anything.”

Her cell phone rang as Galvez walked out of her office, which left her alone with Brock. She hit the speaker button
and waited.

“Hello, Ramirez.”

“Hey, Boss lady. So glad you’re staying on board,” he said with an urgency not familiar with his voice.

“Thank you, but I have a feeling that’s not why you called me.”

She leaned in her seat and took a moment to just watch her man. He was so frickin hot her body heated with just a smile from him.

“So, here’s the thing,” Ramirez said without his usual humor. “I want to know why Jane’s file begins on the day she joined the academy.”

Cyn grinned. He was finally paying attention. “Sorry, that’s classified.”

“Since when is someone’s file classified?”
he growled.

Uh-oh. Someone had his tail in a knot. “I can’t help you if you want to talk about Donovan, Ramirez.”

He growled again, and she heard something break. “This is crazy. How is it that she has no family history? Nothing. How the hell am I supposed to find her?”

“Ramirez, I
’m sorry. I can’t tell you where Donovan is.” She smiled at Brock’s lifting of his brows. “But I can tell you that if you happen to be looking for her, the information on where to find it is right in that ‘fake’ file.”

Silence. Then
. “Shit! I didn’t even think of it. Thank you, Boss.” Ramirez’s voice returned to humorous. She kind of enjoyed that side of the shifter. It made their job not so…harsh. A bit of humor wouldn’t hurt. “There’s one more thing,” he said as she was about to hang up.

“What’s that, Ramirez?”

“Brock. He’s different now.”

“Oh?” She watched Brock across from her, his gaze piercing and hot.

“He isn’t withdrawn or looking like he’s missing half of himself anymore,” Ramirez said, the sound of things being tossed in the background. “I can see he’s happy. You did that. I just wanted to say thank you. I like this version of him better.”

She didn’t realize how much of an impact she’d had on Brock’s life. “That’s really nice to hear, Ramirez.”

“It’s cool. Thanks for the advice on Jane,” he said and hung up.

He shouldn’t thank her yet. He still had to deal with Donovan and whatever mood he found her in. That would be interesting. Very interesting to hear about.

“Want to go for lunch?” Brock asked.

She nodded and stood. “Is this my employee asking, or my fiancé?”

“I do not mix business with pleasure. It’s the fiancé asking. Though the employee has the hots for you too.”

She laughed and grabbed his hand to follow him out
of the office. Who said you could run from love? She must have been deluded to think she’d be able to stay away from him. Or that he’d let her. It took her ten years to finally realize: If you run from love, you’re asking for a chase.















Mina Carter
– All I can say is that you forever hold a special place that no one can take in my heart. #badassbitchesrule. I love you girl! And I can’t wait to see you!


Rachel Firasek
– Thank you for taking the time to help me when you know I desperately need it. I can’t tell you what your friendship means to me.


To My Betas
– Tonya Rupell, Teracia Loretan, Theresa Esterline, Melinda Fulton and Julie Duran-Fernandez. You guys are so amazing! Tonya and Teracia, your support when I was stuck and down is priceless. Theresa, Mel and Julie, your encouragement and love of my work really helped me put the finishing touches into a story I already loved! Thank you so much!


Sexy Biters Book Pimps
- You ladies are the best group of friends anyone could ask for! Your help and dedication to share and promote my work is worth more than I can say. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I love you girls.

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