Read Dangerous Lines Online

Authors: Moira Callahan

Dangerous Lines (14 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Lines
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Not really giving a damn what he had to say, she
took him back into her mouth. Closing her eyes, she worked him, feeling him
swell even more as he truly woke up.

One of his hands slid into her hair, gripping the
strands in a tight, but surprisingly gentle hold. “Ro, whatever are you doing,

She didn’t bother to answer that, just opened her
eyes to shoot him a look. If he couldn’t figure it out, then he really wasn’t
all that awake.

With a deep, sleep-roughened chuckle, Vincent groaned.
“I know what you’re doing. Maybe I should ask why instead?”

Flicking her tongue under the head, she slowly let
him out of her mouth. Her hand kept working him though.
I had this sudden need to taste you.”
Damn, her own voice sounded
throaty, needy,
as hell.

“Not that I’m going to argue with you, but you
should have woken me first.”

“Why?” she asked. Snorting, she licked at the drop
of pre-cum on his cock. His shudder of reaction bolstered her greatly. It was a
serious turn-on to know that she could affect him so easily. “I thought this
would be so much better for a wake-up call.” With the chit-chat out of the way,
she sucked him into her mouth again, hollowing out her cheeks as she moved her
hand down to play with his balls.

The hand in her hair tightened a little, but he
didn’t pull her away. “Fuck, yeah,” he bit out roughly. “Any time you feel like
waking me up like this, feel free.”

where her thoughts
had gone, but it was nice to know he was fully on board. Letting her eyes close,
she set back to work, sucking, licking, even the occasional nibble as she
tormented him. All the while she toyed with his balls, rolling them and gently
squeezing them.

She knew she’d only have a limited amount of time
to play. Vincent was nothing if not dominant. He’d let her play until he was on
that edge. Then things would likely get pretty damn interesting.

So she set about finding where his edge was.
Figuring out what he liked, what got him good and hot, and what would have him
fighting for control. She didn’t watch him though. He was too good at controlling
his emotions for her to judge by his face. No, with Vincent, she listened to
the sounds he made, the tension in the hand holding her hair, and the muscles
of his body.

When he started to tense up, she smiled. He was
close, the tug on her hair clearly a hint he wanted her to let up. Not fucking
happening, not until she took him over.

Sucking him in deeper, she relaxed her throat and
began to swallow. His hand tightened even more.

“Ro, fucking hell,” he snapped out.
“Ro, stop baby.
Damn it all to hell. I’m going to come,
fuck.” He let out a throaty moan as he tugged on her hair again.

Nope, not happening.
Sliding him a hot look, she swallowed again and began to hum. The shock
on his face was all the warning she got before his body arched up and semen
spilled down her throat. He shouted out something garbled as his entire body
shook from the release.

Only when he’d dropped into a heap, his chest
rising and falling rapidly, did she let his cock slip from her mouth. With one
last lick that sent a shudder rippling through him, she moved to lounge over
his chest.

“Good morning,” she said again. She could feel the
huge smiled on her face as she stared at him. His eyes were hooded but a little
glazed. It was a damn fine look for him.

It didn’t last long. This time her only warning was
the sharpening of his eyes to that of a predator. Oh shit. That was the only
thought she got out before she found herself being flipped to her back.


Chapter Eighteen


His mouth landed on hers, uncaring about where that
mouth had just been. Thrusting his tongue in deep, Vincent kissed her hard.
Rhonda moaned into his mouth, her arms sliding up and around his neck.

He couldn’t get enough of her. Lifting his head,
breathing hard, he stared down into her face. Her lips were parted, a little
swollen, and wet from their kiss. “Ro, I’m only going to ask this once, so be
straight with me. Are you up for this?”

Her lids fluttered open until she met his gaze. It
seemed to take her a minute before she clued into what he was talking about.
“Vincent, I’ve been up for this for days. I may not be one hundred percent, but
no way am I letting you out of this damn bed without making love with you. So,
get it together, and show me your moves.”

Barking out a laugh, he kissed her smiling mouth.
“You are so fucking mouthy.” He loved that about her. Hell, he loved everything
about her.

“Yeah, I know, but you know what to do about that,
I’m sure.”

“Damn right.” Kissing her again, he tossed the
blankets off of them. He wanted, needed room to work. After she’d gotten him
off, he also needed a little time to get things back up to speed. Not a lot
given he was so starved for her.

Slowly he eased the kiss, nibbling on her lips
before moving to her jaw. He was gentle. She was still likely hurting a bit so
he took his time. Carefully he nipped at her earlobe, enjoying the jolt of her
body against his.

“Vincent,” she groaned out his name.

“Yes, sweetheart?”
Moving his lips to her throat, he licked and nibbled down to her pulse.
Settling his mouth there, he rubbed his tongue over it before biting gently.
She jolted again, arching her back to press her breasts to him tighter.

“Oh God,” she moaned.

She was so sensitive. That could of course have to
do with the fact they’d danced around one another for months, then the close
quarters when they’d been hiding out. Rhonda was a naturally sensual and sexual
woman, but this was more.

Going lower, he cupped her breasts, nuzzling his
face in the valley between them to inhale her scent. She smelled all
, hot, and a little spicy. Like her temperament, he
realized with a grin. Turning his head, he sucked one of her nipples into his
mouth, his fingers toying with the other as she wrapped a leg around his hip to
hold him closer.

Her hand went to his head, burying her fingers into
his hair and gripping tight. She tugged a little even as she arched up, pushing
her breast deeper into his mouth. Closing his eyes, he smiled as he suckled,
using his teeth a little to garner another moan from her.

“Like that, do you?” he asked. He was moving to her
other breast, his fingers on the damp nipple, pinching it slightly.

“God, yes,” she gasped out.

“Good to know.” With a light flick of his tongue on
her nipple, he took it in his teeth and tugged. She liked that too, if the
expression on her face was anything. Her eyes went wide before she bit her lip
and whimpered.

He’d spend more time with her breasts later. For
now he had another task in mind. Dropping open mouth kisses along her belly, he
worked his way down. His hands smoothed over her skin slowly, stroking her,
building her need higher.

By the time he reached her pussy, his breathing
hard and rough, she squirmed on the bedding. Rhonda was already rolling her
head back and forth, her breasts rising and falling sharply with each frantic

Smiling, he spread her legs wide to stare at her.
She waxed. Holy fuck that was hot. He hadn’t even realized that until right
that moment. But she was completely bare, her pussy swollen and glistening with
her need.

“Fuck me, you never told me you waxed, Ro.”

“You never asked,” she panted out the words. “For
the record, I had it all laser removed a few years back since I’m not the
overly patient sort who can sit through the torture of waxing every four to six
weeks. Now, less talk, more action.”

A perfectly valid point.
He hadn’t ever asked her if she waxed, or did anything else down there.
That would teach him to just assume shit, especially about Rhonda. Not that he
really needed a
she always surprised him, mostly
in the very best of ways.

Inhaling deeply, he groaned at her musky scent. She
was more than ready. She was likely right on the edge. He could work with that,
her an
orgasm or two, loosen her up, and then
slide his cock deep into her for one more round.

Fuck, yeah, now that was a damn fine plan.

Vincent slipped his hands under her ass, lifting
her off the bed slightly as he pressed a kiss to the top of her mound. She
shivered in his hold, her eyes staring right at him as she waited to see what
he’d do.

Glad to keep her anticipating, he nuzzled at the
seam between thigh and pussy. On each side he nibbled, pressed little kisses,
anything to draw the moment out and push her higher. From her harsh breathing
he knew he had her right where he wanted her.

So, meeting her gaze, he slowly slid his tongue
along her slit, flicking over her clitoris at the end. She nearly vaulted off
the bed.

In a quick move he threw an arm over her hips to
hold her down. “Uh-uh, not getting away from me that easily.”

“Vincent.” It sounded like a plea. One he took to

While he didn’t mind driving her to the extreme, he
would never leave her to suffer alone. Spreading her folds open with his spare
hand he put his mouth to her, and groaned. She tasted like heaven, rich, dark,
exotic. Settling over her clit, he sucked hard. He wanted to get her off fast
so he could enjoy lapping up all that silky juice she dripped.

She grabbed hold of his hair, a sharp bite of pain,
and just like a firecracker, she went off. Her hips bucked against his mouth as
she screamed something incoherent. Only when she finally relaxed, both her body
and her hold, did he return to licking her pretty pink pussy.

Little shocks still rolled through her. He could
feel them on his tongue as he lapped at her juices. Delving his tongue in, he
smiled at the little spasms he could feel from her tight sheath.

“Vincent, oh God, no more,” she begged.

“Again,” he told her. She was shaking her head back
and forth, but already her body responded to him. Pressing a finger into her
pussy, he pumped it in and out. She was tight.
God, that
was going to feel good around his throbbing cock. Sliding in a second finger,
he flicked his tongue against her clit again.

Gently he bit her, watching her eyes go wide as she
clawed at the sheets with her free hand. Pumping his fingers in and out of her
faster he sucked on her clit, alternating between little nips and flicks from
his tongue.

Right quick she tensed up, and arching her back,
breasts pushed high, she screamed out another release.

Pushing up fast, Vincent clawed through his bedside
table and found a condom. Dumping a few extra on top, he tore into one and slid
the cool latex down his engorged cock. “Again,” he told her. Grinning when her
eyes went wide, he pulled her leg up over his arm and pressed his cock into her


Chapter Nineteen


Oh God, he was going to kill her. Moaning as he
filled her with that beautiful cock of his, Rhonda clawed at the sheets with
her good hand, her other mostly useless. Vincent had already given her two mind-blowing
orgasms, just with his mouth and fingers. Now, having his cock inside, she knew
that neither would compare to what was to come.

Vincent was on his knees over her, one of her legs
up over his arm, spreading her for his invasion. And that’s exactly what it
was. He looked like a warrior, conquering everything in his path with the harsh
set of his features. He was as wound up as she was, yet infinitely gentle as he
slid his cock in.

Her toes curled when she felt him deep inside, his
balls against her ass, the hairs at the base of his cock against her bare
mound. Breathing hard, she stared up at him. “Move,” she whispered.

That was all it took to have him withdraw and thrust
back in. It didn’t seem possible, but her toes seemed to curl in tighter.
Panting desperately for air, she gripped the sheets under her as he began to
fuck her, hard and fast.

Over and over, he slammed his big cock into her desperately
waiting pussy. She couldn’t believe she was ready, or even able, for another
orgasm. But her body seemed to be on the same wave length as Vincent, eager and

It was coming fast too. She’d never been pushed
into an orgasm as quickly as with him. Never had two, let alone three at one
go. She had a feeling she’d get many more before he was done. Something about
the set of his jaw warned her he was going to push her limits.

Which was more than fine by her.

Then she arched, screaming out his name. Holy shit,
that one had caught her off guard.

Vincent just kept thrusting into her, pushing her
through the orgasm, tightening her more with each thrust. She couldn’t, she
just couldn’t come again, damn it. Oh! Apparently, she could.

BOOK: Dangerous Lines
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