Dangerous Curves Ahead (Watchers Crew) (14 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Curves Ahead (Watchers Crew)
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I didn’t attempt to clarify the committed dysfunction that was my parents’ union.

“I grew up knowing that what my parents had with each other was special,” he continued. “I watched them welcome in other loves, and likes, and lusts. Those other people never threatened their bond. I think maybe I could have that with you. This is happening fast between us. I feel like I’m supposed to say let’s take it slow, but I don’t do things slow. Instead, let’s just keep things at the same pace. Let’s not slow down. Let’s not speed up. Let’s just be together. Okay?”

“Okay.” I sighed and sank deeper into him.

“Let me splash some water on my balls and then I’ll take you home.”

He fit his lips against mine and at the same time rubbed a thumb over my nipple. I caved into him. I couldn’t stop myself. It was automatic. It was instinct.

He pulled away and disappeared into the bathroom. I finished dressing in a daze. The buzzing of a phone pulled my eyes into focus. But it wasn’t another booty call for Christopher. It was my mother calling on my phone.

I hit IGNORE. But as I did, an email notification popped up at the bottom of my screen. Needing the distraction, I opened the email app. It was from the school principal my mother had tried to set me up with. It looked like she wasn’t done trying.

I starred at the bold subject line, “A cup of coffee,” it read. Up in the corner was his profile picture. He had a jovial smile, kind eyes, and an average body. He crouched in the midst of a group of kids. Everyone in the picture smiled in an open-mouth, frozen moment of joy. A part of me recognized that this was exactly the type of guy I would’ve been excited to date a month ago.

I looked up at the open bathroom door. I heard the water splashing and Christopher moving about. Christopher, my boyfriend who loved me. My boyfriend who would drop me off at home and then head out to be with not one but two other girls. My boyfriend who would do the deed with my full knowledge and then come hold me later tonight because he couldn’t sleep without me in his arms. My boyfriend who’d put marriage on the table, far down the table, but it was there.

This was how he loved. Openly. Honestly.

I looked down at the unopened email.

Ellie said Hawk had rough sex with other girls because she didn’t like it. Kira said her jealousy was curbed so long as Owl gave her orgasms and attention. Maybe if I had someone else filling my other needs, maybe then I wouldn’t get jealous of other girls. Maybe then I’d understand this whole polyamory thing.

I opened the email.

Chapter Nineteen

Christopher had slapped my ass many a time over the past couple of nights we’d slept together. Sometimes, when he was plunged so deep inside of me that I swore I would pass out with one more thrust, he’d strike my flesh with an open hand. Each time, it sent me reeling forward, only to come back to him for more.

Other times, he’d catch me in the process of getting dressed. He’d give me a playful thwack. That would then turn into a sensual caress. That would turn into needing to get dressed all over again an hour later.

I never pretended to be a dirty girl who liked spankings. I had no daddy issues whatsoever. I harbored no need to be punished or disciplined. But when Christopher got his hands on me, I’d melt into a puddle of wanton obedience and bow to his every whim.

Watching him spank another woman’s ass left me cold and frozen in discontent.

“It fascinates me how thin the line is between pain and pleasure,” Ellie said as we both watched the other woman get her brains bopped out.

“If Owl ever tried to choke me with his dick, I’d leave teeth marks.” Kira rolled her eyes and turned away from the scene.

Inside the garage, the boys of the Watchers Crew were choking Mrs. Robinson. Not with their hands. First, Hawk shoved his cock into her mouth. Then Owl. It reminded me of an oil pump or a piston. Mrs. Robinson even gurgled up slick spittle as she tried to gobble them both down. Watching the display, my stomach turned and bile rose in my throat.

“They’re not hurting her.” Ellie assured me. “She likes it.”

I couldn’t see that. The older woman looked like she was in pain and distress.

“Watch her eyes,” Ellie pointed. “They’re pleasure glazed.”

Mrs. Robinson’s eyes were nearly black with arousal. Her eyelids looked too heavy to keep open.

“She’s a pain slut,” said Kira.

“I don’t like that term,” said Ellie.

“Bondage whore,” Kira offered with a shrug.

“She’s a submissive who finds pain and domination erotic,” Ellie said. “She doesn’t get it from her husband. So, she comes here and gets it from our guys.”

Our guys
. Even more sharing. I hadn’t had to share this much since I was a kid. But there was my boyfriend, the man I loved, passing around a woman like she was a toy; a Barbie who liked having her limbs pulled in every direction.

“Does her husband know?” I asked.

“I doubt it.” Ellie shook her head. “She should sit down and have a conversation with him. But I know first hand that not everybody understands deviant sexual needs.”

Christopher took that moment to look up at the window. Ellie and Kira ducked out of sight. I stayed put. He locked eyes with me and smiled. He winked at me and then gave Mrs. Robinson another whack. The woman lurched forward.

I’d done the same thing when he’d spanked my ass last night. The spot still smarted. Instead of rubbing a hand over my backside to soothe it, I rubbed at my heart.

“I’m sure Mr. Robinson suspects his wife’s having an affair,” Kira said from her crouch beneath the window. “The woman’s car is in the shop every other week. And she comes home with bruises all over her body.”

“I won’t shame another woman her kink. Everyone has the right to their own pleasure.” Ellie smiled up at me as she hid under the windowsill.

“If your relationships with Hawk and Owl are open,” I said looking down at the girls, “why are we out here hiding?”

Ellie stood up, brushing the dirt from her skirt. “I don’t think Mrs. Robinson cares to have an audience. That’s my thing,” she grinned. “I also don’t think Hawk likes me to see him like this; being rough.”

“I don’t particularly care to see Owl with another woman,” said Kira as she retained her seat on the ground. “But I can appreciate another woman’s orgasm after not having any of my own for so long.”

Christopher looked at me again and smiled. I forced the corners of my lips to squeak upwards. I forced my eyes to keep watching.

He wasn’t having sex with the woman. Well, not exactly. He played with her breasts, slapping and pinching them. He’d never done anything like that to me. He played with my breasts every second he got, but he never pinched or hit them. I didn’t think I’d like it. He knew me well enough to know I wouldn’t.

Looking at Mrs. Robinson, she appeared to love it. She watched his hands with anticipation. When she could see that is. Hawk’s thick cock was jammed into her mouth. I saw where his cockhead landed as it pressed against the thin skin of her neck. Owl pumped inside her vagina. Eagle thrust up her ass.

I’d never seen a double penetration before. I couldn’t imagine her husband being okay with this.

“More,” Mrs. Robinson begged. “Harder.”

“Are you telling me what to do?” Hawk growled.

“Please,” she begged.

“Are you about to come?” he demanded.

It was clear that she was.

“Did I give you permission?”

“Please, Hawk, please.”

“Not until I say so.”

“Your boyfriend’s an asshole,” muttered Kira as she rose to standing.

Ellie grinned. “You know he’s going to let her come. And when he does, it’ll be even better. You know what it’s like to wait for it.”

A secret grin spread over Kira’s face. I wasn’t sure if the smile was a memory of Kira having sex with Hawk? Or her having sex with Owl? Though both couples were clearly in love with their respective partners, they made no secret that they enjoyed each other's partners.

I watched as Hawk made Mrs. Robinson beg for it. I saw the desperation in her eyes. I held my breath along with her in anticipation of her orgasm. Mrs. Robinson opened her cock-filled mouth and screamed her pleasure.

A hot furnace melted away the cold discontent I’d felt a few moments ago. My stomach did flips. I had to gulp several times as my mouth watered. Now, I couldn’t look away.

Hawk moved away from Mrs. Robinson’s head and came behind her. He motioned Eagle aside, but not out of her ass. Instead, he shoved himself inside her already stretched hole.

I gasped.

So did Ellie and Kira beside me.

“That’s new,” Kira breathed.

“Wow, the human body is an amazing thing,” said Ellie as she licked her lips.

Four pairs of male eyes looked up at the three of us. They didn’t look even slightly pissed. They looked hungry. Their eyes told us that this could be on the menu for any of us if we asked for it.

“Harder,” Mrs. Robinson begged.

“Who told you to speak?” Hawk reached around and covered her mouth with his hand. He gave a signal to Christopher with his eyes. Christopher nodded and peered attentively into Mrs. Robinson’s face as he continued to tug at her nipples.

I didn’t blink again. I barely breathed. My heart pounded in my chest from the adrenalin of holding still.

Mrs. Robinson’s moans were loud now. Christopher smiled down at her. He ran a gentle thumb over her nose. Something passed between them. It looked like permission. I knew because he’d given me that look on our first encounter. Christopher took his hand and pinched Mrs. Robinson’s nose closed.

Mrs. Robinson’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. Christopher watched her. He released his hold on her nose. She took a deep breath. Then he covered her nose again. He repeated this as the boys continued pounding into her. I saw her body trembling. Her pupils were impossibly large.

There was no love between any of the five people inside the garage. But they all took pleasure from each other. No one was faking it.

I felt a connection with the woman. Much like I’d felt when I’d watched Ellie come. I wanted Mrs. Robinson to come, just as much as she wanted it for herself. Everyone seemed to want it for her. Getting her there was a group effort.

So when she did come, I saw tension release from each male at their shared victory. I heard each of us women breathe a collective sigh of relief along with Mrs. Robinson. My eyes closed briefly, the first time they’d done so in long minutes. My heart slowed its gallop.

“Damn, that was beautiful.” Ellie sighed.

The ride came to an end. The boys helped Mrs. Robinson put herself back together. They were incredibly gentle with her as they cleaned her up and put her clothes, and theirs, back on.
They chatted with her about her family and her car as they did so.

“Come on,” said Kira tugging at my arm. “They’re all going to be hungry after that work out. Owl made a quiche. Want some?”

I watched Kira and Ellie head back to the house. My feet stayed rooted to the ground beneath the window. I stood there trying to process what I’d just seen.

“Hey, princess.” Christopher stood in the doorway of the garage. He didn’t come to me. He stood on the threshold smiling at me. The sun hit him and glistened off his blonde hair.

I waited for outrage at what he’d just done. For jealousy. It didn’t come.

“I was hanging out with Ellie and Kira,” I said lamely.

“I love that you guys are cool. All my favorite people like each other.”

Mrs. Robinson came out just then. She was put back together in a pair of black slacks, a pale blouse, and a blazer. She could’ve been my mother.

“Hey, Mrs. Pettigrew. I want you to meet my girlfriend, Mary Katherine.”

Mrs. Pettigrew smiled at me. “Hello, dear.”

“Hi.” Now that she was put back together, I couldn’t look directly at her.

“I need to hurry off,” she said. “I have to pick up Dennis from soccer practice. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks?”

“Sure thing, Mrs. P.” Christopher turned his attention back to me as she walked away and got into her car. “She’s good people.”

“It doesn’t bother you that she lies to her husband? That she’s having an affair with you and the others?”

“Her relationship with her husband is between the two of them,” he shrugged. “I’m glad she comes to us for her needs. Not everyone is trustworthy and some dipshit might take advantage of her or hurt her with the things she likes to do. If she told her husband… I don’t know? Maybe he’d leave her? Maybe he’d take the kids away? Some people have good reasons to keep secrets. She says she loves him, I believe that. She shows him by taking care of his house, taking care of his family, by standing by his side. That’s what love means to her.”

“What does love mean to you?”

He smiled as he looked down at me. “It means another person’s happiness is my happiness. Are you happy, princess?”

I took a step towards him, but he held up his hand.

“I’ve got another woman all over me. Let me take a shower before I touch you, okay?”

He blew me a kiss. It came to me on a light breeze. The sun shone on my cheek where his lips would have impacted. Warmth spread through my body. Contentment settled around my shoulders as we walked side by side. I suppose that was happiness.

Chapter Twenty

I didn’t relish having dinner with my parents. Christopher had made love to me all afternoon and my ass disagreed with every chair it came in contact with. Every time my inner thighs closed around my clitoris, I had to spread them back apart. My breasts were too sensitive for my bra. All I wanted to do was go home and pull off all of my clothes.

But family dinners were an obligation. When I pulled up to my parents’ house, there was another car in the driveway. It wasn’t a car I recognized. The Ford Fusion was too sensible to belong to my sister’s husband, who drove a two-seater Roadster that I’d only seen once parked next to my sister’s Honda Odyssey.

Inside the house, my sister’s children weren’t running amok. They each sat on the floor looking rapt at a youngish-looking man who sat before them in a chair making animated hand gestures. He looked up at me as I came into the doorway.

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