Dangerous Curves Ahead 2 (Cowboy / BBW Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Curves Ahead 2 (Cowboy / BBW Erotic Romance)
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swallowed. She seemed to be fighting her own inner battle. “That was different.
These people know you. They’ll talk.”

“Then make
it good.” Jake teased.

Krista broke
their impassioned gaze and glanced away.

He had
pushed her too far. “I’m sorry. It’s just that this might be the only chance I
get all day. Just a little peck on the cheek and I’ll behave from now on.

looked back at him. The fire in her eyes made his insides burn. She stood up on
her toes and reached for him. Jake smiled in triumph as he leaned down to offer
her a cheek, but instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his
mouth against her lips.

He knew he
was in trouble the moment her tongue slipped inside his mouth. He had been a
fool to think he could subdue the wild passions that she stoked within him. Her
soft body molded against his own causing him to abandon all control. He heard himself
groan as a potent need sliced through him like a knife. He returned her kiss
with a fervor which left him mindless with desire.

If she had
not torn her lips from his, he wasn’t sure what would have happened. He gazed
at her stunned. She was panting with unmet need, but a satisfied smile curled
around her lips.

Her hands
rested on his forearms. “How about that lift up, now?”

How she
remained so calm, he didn’t know. He leaned forward to offer her a boost onto

She slid
against him seductively and whispered, “Sorry, but I had to keep that kiss PG
for the crowd. Maybe next time…”

Jake growled
as he felt his cock aching with desire as he lifted Krista onto the horse. He
mounted Shadow in a flash, noting surreptitiously that most of the stable had stopped
to watch their display. Krista had turned the tables on him and it had served
him right. He had better be careful, because whether she knew it or not, this
woman had the power to bring him to his knees.

Jake led the
horses out of the stable yard and headed west toward the path to his favorite spot
on the ranch. He was silent. He told himself he was allowing Krista to get her
footing on horseback, but really he needed to regain his own composure.

After riding
for about ten minutes, Jake waited for Krista so that they could ride abreast.
“Krista, you’re doing fine. You can relax now. You can take your eyes off the
trail and look around.”

looked up. “You’re right. I’m concentrating so hard that I’m missing out on the
whole experience.”

She looked
around, seeing the majestic mountains rise up over the prairie in the distance.
“The views are spectacular. How large is this ranch?”

Jake shifted
in his saddle. “This is just a small portion of it. The entire ranch
encompasses about 70,000 acres, though.”

The path was
taking them left, but Krista was looking out towards the right. “What is that
over there?”

Jake didn’t
even need to glance in that direction to know what she was talking about.
“Those are oil derricks. Some of the land has been leased for oil exploration.
In fact, new wells are going to be started soon, because they’ve had some luck.
It’ll bring lots more money to the ranch.”

sighed. “It’s a shame that they have to ruin this beautiful land for more
money. What do the Crenshaw’s need with more money? They’re supposed to be
loaded already. It seems greedy.”

Jake felt a
prickle of warning on the back of his neck. “It’s not greed, Krista. It’s
financial stability. Leasing rights and royalties can bring stability to a
ranch that operates under a lot of uncertainties. It’s a huge safety net. That
money can be used to make capital improvements and invest in new technologies
without touching the family’s nest egg. And the ranch supports a large extended
family, not to mention dozens of employees.”

nodded, “Well, that all makes sense, but at what cost to the environment?”

Jake didn’t
know why he felt he had to defend his actions to her, but he did. He wanted her
to understand. “There are risks, of course, if something goes wrong, but that’s
pretty rare. Even things like solar farms or windmill farms have negative
impacts on the environment. Everything is a tradeoff.”

smiled at him. “You seem to know a lot about it. And at least there are no
wells being drilled over here. It’s so breathtaking; it’s like a scene from a postcard.”

“Yes. After
we get over this rise, you won’t be able to see any of the oil rigs, no matter
which way you turn. The land is absolutely pristine and it’s going to stay that

continued in silence soaking in the peaceful atmosphere and the magnificent
scenery. When the path curved and they began descending toward the lake nestled
at the base of the dense foothills, Krista exhaled sharply.

The sun
danced off the sparkling water as they drew closer. “Jake, it’s truly the most
beautiful place I’ve ever seen…”

Grinning, he
felt silly that he was so pleased with her reaction. He halted Shadow and
dismounted. “We can walk the rest of the way. I’ll help you down.”

dismounted flawlessly, no longer looking so out of practice around horses. His
hands lingered a moment too long on her hips, before he moved back to Shadow
and began untying their picnic supplies.

When he had
finished, Krista reached for a bag. “I’ll help you carry some of that.”

“No, I’ve
got it. Let’s tether the horses over here and then we’ll find a spot. There’s a
nice flat section not too far that looks out over the lake.”

They secured
the horses and then Jake led the way, arms loaded with baskets and bags.

Less than 15
minutes later, they were sitting under a shady tree on a large blanket,
unloading baskets of food.

pulled out a container of fried chicken. “Are we supposed to eat all this food?
There’s enough for ten people here. This is pretty extravagant. Mrs. Cole went
through a lot of trouble for you.”

Jake smiled
boyishly. “Yeah. Mrs. Cole is the cook. I’ve always been one of her favorites.”

pulled more food out of a basket. “I guess so. I’m surprised you’re not 300
pounds by now. So, how long have you worked for the Crenshaw’s?”

through a basket, Jake finally found a cork-screw. He began opening a bottle of
wine as he thought about his answer. He had to tell Krista who he was, but he
was pretty sure this was not going to be welcome news to her.

He popped
the cork. “How much do you know about the Crenshaw’s?”

She held out
her wineglass for him to pour. “Not that much really. I’m not really that
interested in celebrities or what-not.”

Jake said dryly. “But you must know something.”

tilted her head. “Well, I remember a few years ago, one of the daughters was
getting married. There were lavish wedding preparations that were reported in
all the local media non-stop. I ignored most of it. But then the father died
right before the wedding. That was quite sad, of course, but I didn’t really
follow any of it.”

Jake grew
silent as he remembered his father. His passing had been an awful time for him.
“Is that all you know about the family?”

shrugged indifferently. “You can’t avoid hearing bits and pieces here and
there, but I never paid much attention. Why would I? They’re in a whole
different world from me.”

“Not so
entirely different. Here you are on their ranch having a picnic lunch with me.”
Jake filled up his own wine glass.

laughed. “It’s so strange. Just this morning, I thought I was heading to the
zoo for a date with two toddlers. I have to admit that this turned out much
better. Don’t tell Jenna I said that, by the way. I’m still mad she tricked

conversation drifted to other things, mostly about Krista’s friends and work,
as they ate their lunch. Jake knew he was avoiding the subject of his family,
but he didn’t want to jeopardize their easygoing banter.

After they
finished eating, Krista began packing up the leftovers. “Wow, we hardly made a
dent in all this. Oh, look what I found - strawberries! My favorite.” She
popped one into her mouth.

Jake emptied
the last of the wine into her glass. “Krista, come over here and sit next to

She looked a
little wary, but edged her way closer to him. When she got close enough, he
pulled her between his legs and against him so that her back was resting on his

She sipped
tentatively at her wine and slowly began to relax against him.

“How about a
strawberry for me?” Jake eyed the red berries she popped into her mouth with

When she
brought the strawberry up to his mouth, he felt his cock twitching. His lips
closed over the berry, capturing her fingers for a second. Her eyes met his for
one searing moment.

Jake took a
strawberry out of the container and brought it to her lips. When her lips
wrapped around his fingers and sensuously sucked the juices from them, he
growled with need.

He took the
wine glass from her hand and set it aside. Jake was already burning with lust
when his lips sought hers. His kiss was demanding and hungry as he tasted the
wine and strawberry on her tongue, pushing all other thoughts from his mind. He
could never get enough.

His hands
slid up her side and then his right hand wrapped around her torso and slipped
inside the vee of her shirt. Her nipple responded instantly, hardening under
his palm.

He was
devouring her, but he couldn’t help it. Her soft moan against his mouth only
spurred him on as her hands frantically slipped under his shirt.

Jake pulled
his mouth from hers and began tugging at her shirt. All he could think about
was removing the clothes that were getting in their way.

Krista’s was
breathing heavily. “Jake, what are we doing? This is crazy.”

He took a
deep breath, trying to rein in his raging passions. “I’ve thought of nothing
but you since we met last week. It
a little crazy.”

Krista tried
to pull away from him. “But, I hardly even know you.”

Jake didn’t
want her to leave his arms. “Stay here. I’ll behave, I promise. That’s why we’re
dating, to get to know each other.”

She turned
to him, wide-eyed. “We’re not

Jake’s eyes
narrowed. “Yes, we are. So what do you want to know about me? Ask me anything.”

thought for a moment. “What do you do on the ranch?”

No matter
what the consequence, Jake couldn’t hold out any longer. He needed to tell
Krista the truth. “Krista, I don’t really work here, technically. I live here.
I’m a Crenshaw.”

She looked
puzzled. “What do you mean?”

Jake sighed.
“This is my home. In fact, I inherited the ranch after my father passed away.
I’m the owner.”

“What!? Jake!
Why didn’t you tell me?" Krista’s body tensed. “I made a fool out of
myself again. Saying all that stuff about your family. I didn’t know. You
should have told me.”

Jake tried
to reassure her. “You didn’t say anything wrong. Everything you said was true.
Krista, I didn’t mean to mislead you. It didn’t seem important at first. And
then when I realized it was, it seemed like you might even hold it against me.
It was so different from how women usually react-”

stopped him. “I wouldn’t hold it against you. It’s just that we’re so

“I like that
you’re so different.”

“Oh my God!”
Krista tried to sit up, but he held her back. “That kiss! In front of all those
people. What will they think?”

think that I’m a lucky man.”

Jake watched
with despair as the panic started to grow in Krista’s eyes. She shook her head.
“No. You have to take me home, now. I can’t believe this. I’m so stupid.”

“Krista, I
don’t understand. This doesn’t change anything…” He had seen this coming, but
he was still baffled as to why.

looked at him as if he was dense. “What do you mean? Of course it does. I can’t
date you now.”

“Why not?”

Her eyes
looked pained and her voice shook with emotion. “We live in two different
worlds. It would never work. You could never date someone like me. I would
never fit into your world. And you could never fit into mine.”

Jake took
his cowboy hat off and placed it on her head. “We’re already dating. And it’s
already working.”

couldn’t help but smile. “Jake you’re so stubborn, and you’re not listening.”

“How can you
say it won’t work if you don’t even try? Kiss me and then tell me it’s not
working.” Jake caught a lock of her hair in his fingers and twirled it.

She relaxed
against him again. “Ok, that’s not going to work again. I’m wise to your ways.
I admit there’s a physical attraction, but it takes more than that.”

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