Dangerous Beauty: Part Two: A Mafia Princess (9 page)

Read Dangerous Beauty: Part Two: A Mafia Princess Online

Authors: Michelle Hardin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part Two: A Mafia Princess
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Mickey thought for a second, wondering if he was okay with looking like his father. He shrugged. “I’ll take it,” he said.

Carter rolled her eyes and retrieved her plate— complete with Doritos— from the table. With a parting wink to Mickey, she walked to the coffee table in the middle of the living room and sat on the floor to eat the masterpiece.

As she was immersed in her own world enjoying her delectable meal, she felt a familiar pair of hands on her waist. Before she knew it, Nathan had joined her on the floor, and she was in his lap. She tried to stay focused on the food and not her body’s need for him. Picking up a sandwich from the plate, she put it over her shoulder, and when she brought it back, a big bite was missing. She continued eating in this fashion, sharing her food with him and all the while trying to ignore the way her body was responding to his presence— to the way his hands touched her and his long arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her back against his hard, muscular body.

There was no way she could ignore him when he pushed her hair to the side, and began kissing the area of her neck he knew for a fact elicited amazing sensations between her thighs.

Carter gasped as quietly as she could, hoping not to attract the attention of everyone in the living room. But everyone was pretty much involved in separate conversations, and the Originals were talking about business.

“Nathan, stop,” she whispered, trying to hit him away from her neck, but he was relentless. “Nathan, please,” she whispered.

He nipped at her neck. “I love it when you say please, Carterina,” he said against her neck. “Mmm … You smell so good, baby.”

His voice sent chills down her spine, and Carter bit her bottom lip hard, trying with all her might to resist him. She pressed her thighs together, desperately trying to relieve the pressure building between them.

“Not now, Nathan! You’re killing me,” she whined quietly. This was getting painful.

Nathan let out a low growl and kissed her neck. “One kiss. Just one, then I promise I’ll be good…maybe.”


Carter made a small sound of protest before he turned her face toward him and captured her lips in a kiss that was way too hot for where they were right at the particular moment. Carter couldn’t help it— she wrapped her arms around his neck and surrendered. Heat spread rapidly throughout her body. She wanted nothing more than to pin Nathan to the floor right then and there and ride him hard.

But no. They weren’t alone, and Carter knew they needed to put a stop to this. Unlike her, though, she knew that Nathan couldn’t give a shit if these guys were present or not. He would be fine sitting there on the floor, making out like teenagers.

Okay. Carter had to focus in order to put a stop to this. Only problem was, she was kind of having a hard time doing that at the moment. Nathan had a serious erection pressing up against her ass, and his tongue had a taste reminiscent of Doritos as it slid over every inch of her mouth. It was kind of strange, and don’t judge, but this only fueled her desire for him even more.

She knew she had a problem.

Nathan’s hands gripped her waist tightly as he turned her sideways in his lap and deepened their kiss. As if it could get any deeper.

Carter knew he was fighting to keep his hands away from her breasts. He loved to squeeze and caress them every time they made out like this. It always led to sex— earth-shattering, multiple-orgasm-inducing sex. Sex. She really wanted it right now. She couldn’t tell if she was moaning. The kiss was definitely “moan-worthy”. Oh, shit! She was moaning!

The sound of a throat being cleared in an exaggerated fashion cut through the thick fog of lust surrounding Carter and Nathan. They slowly broke their kiss and locked eyes while trying to catch their breath.

“Damn, that was hot,” Mickey said.

Deep chuckles filled the room.

“Do we need a bucket of ice water for you two?” Angelo joked.

“Or you could just find a room and … uhhh … handle whatever’s happening there?” Lucca threw in, much to the amusement of the others in the room.

Carter stared into Nathan’s desire-filled eyes, reading every dirty thought flashing through his sexy, stormy grays. She smiled, shaking her head. “Jesus Christ, Nathan,” she said through a laugh. A mischievous smile spread across Nathan’s gorgeous face, revealing those two sexy dimples Carter loved so much.

She knew that smile. He was either going to tickle her, attack her with hot kisses, or pin her down and fuck her till she screamed his name, begging him to let her come. Carter knew the latter wasn’t happening today— even though she desperately wanted it to— so it had to be either one or two, neither of which Carter wanted happening here. “No, Nathan,” she said firmly and attempted to stand from his lap. Nathan growled and pulled her back against his body.

Carter let out a surprise squeal and giggled. “You’re a caveman! Ahhh!” Carter’s high-pitched scream filled the room when Nathan attacked.

“Angelo! Get the bucket of ice water … Quick!” she screamed, laughing loudly.

Angelo rolled his eyes and shook his head at their antics and directed his focus back to his work.

“Payback’s a bitch, baby,” Nathan said as he tickled her senseless.

“I was nice to you, asshole!”

“That was not nice, Carter. It was torture. Really good torture, but torture nonetheless …”

“That’s … how … I … deal … with … rejection … jerk!”

Nathan laughed and stilled his hands. “I didn’t reject you, crazy woman!”

Carter was out of breath— and tired as hell. “You’re so mean to me, Nathan,” she pouted breathlessly, then laid across Nathan’s lap. “And to think, I was so nice to you,” she said with a shrug and a sly smile. Carter was proud of her confidence in the bedroom. She was never really the one to initiate sex, even if she was in the mood, but there was something about being Nathan’s fiancée and not just his girlfriend that gave her a surge of confidence, and she liked it.

Carter yawned and stretched across his lap. She made sure to arch her back and let her hair fall back so that her breasts would be directly in Nathan’s line of sight. She smiled to herself when his eyes locked on them.

“Keep it up, Carter,” he warned, and Carter giggled. He muttered something in Russian, never taking his eyes off Carter’s breasts.

Low laughter sounded from across the room, “Jesus, son. Do you not remember your papa can understand you? Or do you just not care that I’ll never be able to
that?” he said through soft laughter, never looking up from the work in his lap.

Nathan shrugged.

“I don’t even want to ask you what you said,” Carter muttered.

“No, you don’t,” Angelo said.

Carter hit Nathan’s arm, then wrapped her arms around his waist. “Hold me, Bubby,” she whispered.

He brought her closer to him. She looked up at him and smiled. He leaned forward and kissed her softly while hugging her close. They remained on the floor, cuddling while speaking to each other softly. Carter felt safe and relaxed in her fiancé’s arms.

She had been resting for only a moment before another person entered the living room.

“Good afternoon, everyone.”

Everyone in the room tensed visibly at the sound of the French-accented, female voice— everyone except Carter. She turned to her side on Nathan’s lap, and a sly smile appeared on her face.

Don’t say it, Carter. She saved your and Nathan’s lives. Don’t be a bitch!

But she was a bitch …

“Oh, my! Anastacia Stone? In my living room?” Carter exclaimed, feigning awe.

Shit! It’s okay. Just quit while you’re ahead.

She didn’t stop.

“Well, I personally like to call you ‘the mother I never knew’ … or ‘the bitch who abandoned me’, but those are just the little nicknames I like to use when talking about my mama,” Carter said with a little extra bite.

Shit! That’s not what she had planned to say! Carter shrugged. Oh well, I guess we’ll just see what happens now.

Anastacia’s soft chuckle filled the room.

Her Mother’s Daughter

Anastacia entered the living room and set down a large purse. “You are very funny, my little Carterina,” she spoke in French. “I am ready for whatever you have for me. Call me what you want, I’m here to stay,” Anastacia said softly as she turned and locked eyes with Carter.

Carter raised an eyebrow and met her mother’s stare head on. Here to stay? Yea, fucking right. “Are you now? Well, what if I don’t want you here?” Carter asked, speaking in French as well.

Anastacia shrugged. “I didn’t expect sudden acceptance into your life, Carterina.”

Carter snorted. “You needn’t expect
acceptance, Anastacia Stone,” she said dismissively. “I have no room nor desire for you to be in my life.” It may or may not have been a lie. Carter didn’t know what she wanted when it came to this woman. She still couldn’t believe she was here. Carter straightened her posture and became serious. “I appreciate what you did for me and my fiancé. You saved our lives, and for that I’m grateful,” she said genuinely. “But if you’re looking to ease your guilt for abandoning your only child—assuming I
your only child—or for not being there for me when I was seventeen years old and fatherless, then fine.” Carter shrugged tiredly. “Guilt lifted. You needn’t feel guilty that you weren’t present in my life before or after my father’s death. I can give you that much, but I can’t forgive you.”

Anastacia’s jaw clenched, and she frowned as an unreadable emotion flashed through her eyes. “I am not here to ask you to lift any guilt I may feel, Carterina. I did not abandon you, and you are indeed my only child . . .”

Carter’s mouth dropped open, and she drew in a deep, shaky breath as a wave of emotion suddenly hit her. “Didn’t abandon me?” Carter exclaimed in wounded outrage.

“No, Carterina,” Anastacia said in a pained voice. “I could never abandon you. I was always there. I wish you could understand how I feel, but I know you can’t,” her voice shook with suppressed emotion. “You are my child, my baby. I know everything about you. I watched you grow. I love you . . .”

“Stop,” Carter whispered in English. She didn’t want to hear more lest she be on the verge of doing something she shouldn’t do . . . couldn’t do . . . Or could she? She reminded herself that this was bullshit. This woman didn’t know her, didn’t love her, and would only abandon her again if she let her guard down. Carter needed to steel herself, and Anastacia needed to stop talking.

But she didn’t stop.

“I can’t stop.” She shook her head and her expression was pained. “I need to make you understand that I was there, always there. I wish it hadn’t been necessary for me to stay away from you, but I promise you that I had always planned to come back. Your father and I had plans, but he . . .” She only paused for a second, but the pain was obvious in her voice. “I am here because you’ve been missing for five years . . . That’s how long I’ve been looking for you, and now that I’ve found you, I will not lose you again. I love you too much,” she said firmly.

Carter stared at her mother. Angry tears sprung to her eyes. “You do
love me. Stop saying that!” she said sharply in English.

“Yes, I do, Carterina. I am your mother!” she argued. “You are my baby . . .”

“You are not my mother!” Carter screamed.

Anastacia flinched as if Carter had slapped her.

She felt Nathan lay a calming hand on her back, but Carter couldn’t be calmed. She pointed at Anastacia. “You are not my mother,” she said in a shaky voice as tears spilled from her eyes. “I don’t have a mother, and I don’t want one!” She was sure she had just lied, but she couldn’t relent. She pressed forward, determined to protect herself from further heartbreak caused by Anastacia Stone.

“You don’t mean that. I can see it in your eyes,” Anastacia whispered softly.

“I do mean it!” Carter lied again. She didn’t care what she secretly wanted. She would not let this woman bulldoze her way into her life just so she could hurt her all over again.

Anastacia frowned. “Carterina, you need to give me a chance to explain. There are a lot of things you don’t understand about why I couldn’t be visible in your life. You didn’t see me, but I was there. I’ve always been there. I won’t let you push me away. So stop with your lies! I already can see you don’t want me to leave, and I don’t want to leave you, either. We will figure this out,” she said, never taking her eyes from Carter’s.

Rage surged through Carter, and in a sudden rush of energy, she shot up from the floor. Nathan called her name, worried, but was calmed when Anastacia assured him she wouldn’t allow Carter to hurt herself.

Carter stormed closer to her mother, her face blanketed in hurt and anger. “We won’t be figuring out
! You were
there! You’re a fucking liar!”

Anastacia’s jaw tightened. “I am not a liar, Carterina. I have no reason to lie to you.”

“Bullshit!” Carter screamed. “If you were there, then where were you when those men came to my house? Where were you when they killed my father? And where the fuck were you when I was all alone for five years?”

Guilt and sadness flashed through Anastacia’s eyes. “I’m sorry, baby girl. You have no idea how badly I wished I could have been there, but we had to pull back . . . I . . . just need you to let me explain.”

Carter shook her head vigorously. “No. I don’t want you here.”

“Yes, you do. I can tell.”

“I don’t know what the fuck you think you see, but I don’t want you here!” she spat. “I’ve already thanked you for what you did, so just leave!”

Anastacia shook her head. “I’m not leaving you. Not again,” she said calmly.

“Just go!” Carter yelled in frustration, tears pouring from her eyes. “I didn’t need you then, and I don’t need you now!”

“Yes, you do! You need me just as much as I need you. I’m your mother.”

“Stop saying that!”

“Carterina,” she said her name in a pleading tone. “Please, sweetheart, just let me explain. You have to understand—”

Carter screamed. “I don’t want to hear any more! I don’t want to know the reason you abandoned me! I want you to leave! Get the hell out of my house!”

“Carter, I can’t go!” Anastacia yelled. “I can’t,” she said firmly. “I can’t leave you again. I can’t be a ghost in your life anymore. You’re my daughter! My
child! The only precious thing God has ever given me.” Anastacia’s voice began to shake with emotion as she spoke more quickly. “I never wanted to leave you. My plan was to disappear and raise you somewhere—far away from my fucked up life. Just us. But I couldn’t. My sins caught up with me, and I had no choice but to separate from you. I didn’t want to! I’ve lived in agony, wishing I could hold you, kiss away your tears, tell you how much I love you, and just . . .be your mother . . .” She took one step closer to Carter, who had gone silent. “I was young and stupid. I had gotten into some serious trouble, and I had no one to turn to but your father. You were just a baby, Carterina, and I did what I had to do to ensure your safety. I couldn’t be in your life, and you couldn’t know the truth about how much I loved you.” She took another step forward. “Your father had to pry you from my arms. It felt he was ripping my heart from my chest. It changed me—
changed me. I carried you inside my body. You’re a part of me . . . You’re all I have . . .” she whispered.

Carter’s face was drenched with tears. She was sure she looked a mess, but she didn’t care. She was so confused and lost, and she had no idea what she was going to do next. She stood in the middle of her living room staring at her mother—
her mother!
Someone she thought she’d never meet. She didn’t know how to handle this situation. “Why are you doing this to me? Why are you trying to hurt me?” Carter whispered. She didn’t know what else to say. Carter couldn’t understand why the woman wanted to hurt her. She knew she shouldn’t even consider hearing her mother out, but curiosity about what she had to say won out.

Anastacia’s hazel eyes warmed. “I would never want to hurt you. I love you so much, Carterina. That’s why I can’t leave. I . . . just can’t. I’ve been searching for you for five years . . . You’re better at hiding than I am.” She closed the distance between them.

Carter’s body stiffened when Anastacia’s fingers lightly touched the tears on her face.

“Carterina’s tears . . .” She stared at Carter’s face in wonder. “I’ve always wondered how you could look so much like me, but be so different. I envy your tears, my beautiful baby girl. Though I am filled with emotion at this moment, I find it difficult to express it with tears . . . I always have . . .”

“I don’t know you,” Carter whispered, looking away from Anastacia. “I don’t trust you.”

Anastacia grasped Carter’s chin and turned her face back to her. “Look at me, Carterina. Do not lower your eyes—”

This was something familiar. Her father had told her the same thing many times, but she was sure Anastacia was aware of that. Carter looked up at her.

“I know you don’t know me, Carterina, but I know you, and that’s a start . . .” She cupped Carter’s face softly. “As for trust . . . what did your father always say? Tell me, baby girl.”

Carter looked into her mother’s loving eyes and cried her response. “Trust is never given—it’s earned.”

“The words he spoke are true, honey. I promise you. I will do everything I must to earn your trust. We will move at your pace. I am not usually a patient woman, but you are my child. Patience is one of the many things I have for you that I don’t have for anyone else. I’m sure you’ve already heard, but your mother isn’t known to be the nicest woman in the world,” Anastacia said with a wink. “But it’s not just me . . . Your daddy was that way sometimes, too, but I’m positive you never got it as bad as I did when that man was mad . . .”

Despite her sadness, a small smile appeared on Carter’s face. “You wanna bet?” Carter muttered. Her dad could be pretty vicious when he wanted to be, but then again, so could she.

Anastacia laughed softly. “He spoiled you, Carterina. And you bullied that poor, poor man to no end.”

Carter bit her lips to fight her laughter, but she couldn’t hide the guilty smile in her eyes. She did bully her dad sometimes. But it was all in good fun.

“I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard as I did the day you hid your father’s gummy worm stash.”

Carter’s mouth fell open and shocked laughter escaped her lips. How did she know that?!

Anastacia smiled. “You said to him, ‘A gummy worm addiction is an absurd addiction for a serial killer daddy’ . . .” Anastacia laughed softly. “And you were only five. You knew how to press his buttons, that’s for sure.”

A smile lit up Carter’s face.

Anastacia wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. “You believe what I tell you now? You know your mama was there? I did not leave you?”

Carter nodded her head. She believed her, she had to. Her father’s gummy worm addiction was top secret information. And it was indeed a ridiculous addiction for a serial killer. Carter would forever stand by her words.

Anastacia smiled with relief “This is good. Honesty is the first step to trust, Carterina. I promise to always be honest with you. It may take me some time to tell you everything, but I promise you that I will never lie to you. We will start there, all right?”

Carter was hesitant for a moment, still afraid to take this step, but eventually she nodded. “All right . . .”

“Can we please talk?” Anastacia asked.

Carter slowly reached for her mother’s hand. Anastacia smiled and then took hold of her hand. They locked eyes for a moment before Carter did what she knew Anastacia would disapprove of—she looked away. She turned and left the living room, pulling her mother along with her.




“Why do I look so much like you?”

Anastacia chuckled at Carter’s question. She flicked her black, silky hair over her shoulder and crossed her legs. The woman had an air of royalty about her that Carter found fascinating. Her eyes were stern yet warm and every move she made was graceful and captivating. Carter envied her. She might look like her mother, but she’d always thought herself to be a little tomboyish—except for her love for dresses, that was. She silently wondered if she could move like Anastacia. Maybe she would try.

Carter watched Anastacia reach forward to grab her wine glass. She leaned back in her seat and took another sip of her own. They had come into the kitchen for some privacy to get to know each other—or for Carter to get to know Anastacia. It seemed the woman hadn’t been lying about knowing Carter well. Carter hadn’t really changed much- personality wise- since she was a teenager.

“You look like me because I made you . . .” she said through soft laughter.

Carter smiled and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know that,” she said dryly. “I mean, I saw a picture of you when you were younger. We look like sisters. How?”

Anastacia shrugged her shoulders. “I was as shocked as your father was.” She frowned and took another sip of wine. “He yelled at me for hours, like I had done it on purpose.”

Carter laughed softly and took a sip of her wine, savoring the sweet taste before speaking again. “That sounds like Daddy. Sometimes he looked at me like I did it on purpose, too,” Carter said somberly.

An indecipherable emotion flashed across Anastacia’s face before her features returned to neutral. “Where have you been the past five years, Carterina?” Anastacia asked.

Carter hesitated to answer. She really didn’t like to talk about herself or that horrible time in her life.

“Relax, Carterina,” her mother said as if she could read Carter’s thoughts. “Just tell me the bare minimum. You don’t have to go deep—not yet. We won’t go there until you’re ready.”

Carter locked eyes with her mother and nodded her head in agreement. “I lived in St. Louis a while, met a guy, Henry . . . But that relationship was over years ago. I lived with him for a while. He helped me. I was,”—Carter frowned and cleared her throat uncomfortably—“not well, and he helped me get better. I left him while he was out getting our dinner one night. It was hard, but I had to get out of that city, and my relationship with him, never really felt…right to me.” That was the first time Carter had ever admitted that out loud. She’d always felt bad for feeling that way since Henry had done so much for, but the truth was, she never really felt comfortable in that relationship. Henry was a sweet Christian boy, but there was always something off about the way he clung to her. Carter shook out of her thoughts and tuned back in to the present. That relationship was years ago, no point in thinking about it now. Carter continued speaking to her mother. “Umm… After I left St. Louis I moved to Hope Beach, met a friend, and settled there until Nathan took me away . . .”

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