Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken (71 page)

Read Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken Online

Authors: Michelle Hardin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken
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“It’s okay, Tamara,” Reanna said softly.

When Kyle looked at her, he could see the smile that entered her eyes as she gazed at her sister, then walked forward, reaching out her hand.

“I’m glad you came,” she whispered.

And for a moment, Tamara just stood, staring at Reanna with furrowed brows, and a slightly confused expression.

“You are?” she asked, still not taking her sisters hand.

Nodding her head, Reanna’s eyes filled with unshed tears. “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because I’m a bitch,” Tamara answered honestly, taking a step up to her sister. “Why would you want me here with you and your family?”

Kyle could have sworn he’d saw her wince at the words that came out of her sister’s mouth, the question seeming to cause her much grief.

Kyle could tell that both women were filled with so much sadness because of their argument. That same look that Kyle had seen in Tamara’s eyes was flashing through Reanna’s, even as she closed the distance between them, reached forward, and placed a firm grip on her sister’s chin.

“Don’t you ever say
like that to me again,” Reanna chided sharply, tears staining a pathway down her cheeks. “Why would you say that?” She shook Tamara’s face. “You’re my sister!”

It was as if the sharp, whispered words opened the flood gates. Tamara broke down immediately, crying even harder than she’d cried before they’d made it upstairs, sobbing actually.

Reanna released her grip, immediately pulling her sister into her arms, running her fingers over the woman’s hair, comforting her, as Tamara apologized to her profusely.

Kyle had never really seen anything so … touching … at least not since the time he’d witnessed Carter meet Anastacia for the first time.

How did the women in his life do this to him? Make him … feel shit? Make him fucking emotional.

“I’m so sorry,” Tamara continued to sob.

And Reanna just continued to comfort her, shaking her head as if no words were needed.

“I forgive you,” she whispered. Just like that. No coercing, no thoughts. She just forgave her. Just like family always should.

“I love you, Reanna.”

“I love you too, honey,” she laughed softly, then kissed her sister’s forehead. “And I’m so sorry I hurt you. You hear me?” She lifted her sister’s head from her shoulder, cupping her face. “You’re home for me too. You know that right?”

Sobbing once more, Tamara nodded her head.

“You are,” Reanna repeated, wiping the tears from Tamara cheeks. “You’re my baby sister, Tamara. You mean more to me than you’ll ever know, and I am
so sorry
if I made you feel like you didn’t. Okay?”

Tamara nodded again, pressing her forehead to Reanna. “Okay,” she murmured.

Then they both laughed, such soft beautiful laughs as they wiped the tears from the other’s eyes, and just looked at each other.

Kyle was fascinated by it, especially by the way Tamara looked at Reanna. It actually brought something she’d said in the elevator back to the forefront of his mind. When Kyle had complimented her on the woman she had grown to be. She’d given the credit to her mother; she’d said that Reanna had been
‘the best mommy a girl could ever ask for’

And now it all made sense to Kyle.

Now he understood what had happened between the women earlier today.

Sofia looked at Reanna that way too, and Kyle hadn’t known why then, but he knew now. That was the way a child, or an adult, looked at a mother that they loved to the very depths of their soul.

Tamara saw Reanna as her mother.

No matter the small age difference, or the fact that they were actually sisters, or the fact that Tamara most likely hardly admitted it to herself. Somewhere between their parents dying, and Reanna picking up the role of caretaker, something had clicked in Tamara’s brain and Reanna was no longer her sister. She was her mom. So earlier today, when mom told her that she was getting a new family …

Yeah, now it made sense. Now he got why they were crying, and why it had that mother daughter feel that was there when Carter had first met Anastacia.

“You guys …”

The tiny voice of Lady bug was heard right before Kyle spotted her little arms behind both Reanna and Tamara’s legs.

Kyle smiled, amusement immediately filling his eyes at the sight. She was hugging them.

“Don’t cry,” Sofia pouted, her voice concerned. “What happened? Are you okay? Why are you sad?”

Overwhelming beautiful smiles graced the Pierce sisters’ faces right as they both squatted down in front of Sofia.

“Aww, we’re not sad, baby,” Reanna kissed Sofia’s cheeks. “These are happy tears.”

“Happy tears?”

Reanna nodded, gently rubbing Sofia’s back. “Yes,” she answered. “Happy tears come out when we’re really happy.”

Sofia smiled. “And you’re really happy?”

“Of course I am,” she exclaimed. “How could I not be? I’m here with you and your papa and my sister, and we’re having a
.” She tickled Sofia until the child was laughing loud in her arms. Once she calmed, she looked into her eyes. “How could I not be happy?”

“I’m happy, too,” Sofia whispered, the same look that was in Tamara’s eyes was now in hers as she gazed at Reanna.


Sofia nodded.

Reanna smiled wide, giving Sofia a kiss, and then Tamara, before she stood to her feet. “Then let’s celebrate …” She clapped her hands as she walked back to the stove. “You two can set the table, and Kyle and I will carry the food.”

“Okay!” Sofia scrambled over to Reanna, excited to be given a task.

Kyle watched Reanna as she helped Sofi, guiding her as they picked out a silverware set to use and matched them with cloth napkins. She was so … amazing, the way she was with lady bug. So sweet with her, gentle in giving her instruction. The woman had impeccable patience; she was a natural as this, nurturing. She was being very … sexy, motherly, and Kyle couldn’t lie, it was kind of turning him on.

Okay, it was definitely turning him on.

And it hadn’t helped when she’d bent over again to bring her last dish out from the oven, either; her gorgeous ass was on full display.

Kyle’s brows rose. Now, his mouth was watering for something other than the food.


Startled by the abrupt call of his name, he blinked, trying his best to pull his focus from Reanna.

“Yeah,” he answered, dragging his gaze to Tamara.

The woman stood in front of him, so much amusement on her face as she held out her hand, motioning to the plates in his hands with her eyes.

“Plates and cups, please,” she said, looking as if she were fighting a smile.

Giving the woman a tight smile, Kyle turned to the counter, handed her the four glasses from the surface, then grabbed the stack of plates before turning back to face her. And yes, he may have stolen another glimpse of Reanna’s ass out of the corner of his eye.

Judging from the soft laughter, Tamara had noticed Kyle stealing another peek and was amused by it, too. When Kyle looked back at her, he was met with a sly smile that brought a frown to his face.

Dear God …
“Take the plates, woman,” he attempted to command her, but, of course, she didn’t listen.

“You seem a little distracted,” she winked, giggling at something or other. “You see something you like?”

An overdramatic sigh of munchkin frustration stole both of their attention, right as an annoyed-looking Sofia walked up to Kyle, sat the silverware on top of the stack of plates in his hand, then took the top two plates off the stack.

“Papa is always staring at Reanna’s butt,” she rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Boys …”

And with that final frustrated word, she turned and left the kitchen, on a journey to complete her task.

Kyle blinked.

“Oh my God,” Tamara said in a shocked laugh, pointing in the direction Sofia had just left. She looked at it, then back at Kyle, then back at it, then Kyle … “Did you …” She looked between Kyle and Reanna. “Did you hear her?”

Reanna looked behind her to where they stood, confused and completely oblivious to what had just happened.

“What?” She frowned.

Tamara laughed again, taking the rest of the plates from Kyle’s hand and following Sofia.

“Sofi!” she yelled after Sofia. “What did you just say about your dad?”

Kyle frowned. What the hell was wrong with that woman?

“What was that about?” Reanna asked, turning to face him fully. She smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Did I miss a joke?”

She looked so pretty. Everything. From her hair to the simple outfit she wore and her makeup-free face. She was so fucking gorgeous.

“No,” he answered, giving her a sly smirk. “I got caught staring at your ass.”

over it.

Eyes widening slightly Reanna shook her head. “What?” she laughed. “Well … stop it.”

Kyle shook his head. “I don’t see that happening, baby.”

Perhaps he would have been able to control himself before they’d become more, but Kyle really didn’t see himself denying his eyes such a sight as his fiancé’s perfect ass anymore.

It just wasn’t possible.

Turning away from him, she shook her head. “Behave, Valente,” she whispered, as if she heard his thoughts. “We still have to have the talk with, Sofi.”

Exhaling and rolling his eyes at the woman’s protesting, Kyle took a step toward her, feeling that overwhelming need to kiss her again. This time, he wouldn’t be denying himself—

“Talk to me about what?”

And blocked! By his own little lady bug, dammit!

Strolling into the kitchen, unannounced, with a bright smile on her face, Sofia looked up at Kyle with wide questioning eyes.

“What do we gotta talk about?”

Kyle’s brows rose. “Umm …” Oddly, he found himself without words. He looked over to Reanna, looking to be saved, and she gave him a nod that clearly told him that he was on his own. Traitor. “A lot,” he answered vaguely. “But we’ll wait and talk about it while we eat, alright?” He ran a gentle hand over her hair.

“Okay, Papa,” she nodded cheerfully, following him as he made his way over to stand next to Reanna.

“Table’s set,” Tamara announced, walking into the kitchen.

“Great,” Reanna clapped her hands again.

“Can I ask some questions, too?” Sofia asked abruptly, capturing everyone’s attention. “When we talk,” she elaborated. “Can I ask you guys a question?”

It was Reanna who’d answered her.

She frowned a bit, seemingly confused by the question. “Umm …” She shrugged. “Sure, babe. That would be fine. Ask as many as you want.”


Sofia. And Reanna.

The names of the only two people that had the ability to shock the hell out of Kyle by saying the most …

“Good,” Sofia chirped right as she made her way out of the kitchen. “‘Cause I wanted to ask why you guys were kissing a lot at Papa’s work today.”

Kyle and Reanna paused, both of their mouths dropping open, and their eyes widening to the size of saucers, even in the midst of Tamara’s abrupt, loud, hysterical laughter.

Well …
That was definitely not the way they had wanted her to find out.


Chapter 26 New beginnings

After a long, horrible, emotionally and physically exhausting day like the day Reanna had just had, being home with Kyle and Sofia, and being able to now call their home her home as well, meant everything to Reanna.

It was almost enough to make her cry. Okay fine, she had cried. About three times during dinner after Sofia kept expressing her excitement for the wedding over and over again. Reanna had kept having to excuse herself from the table. She’d been crying like a damn baby, but she couldn’t help it. She was happy. So happy. Even after this long day, her happiness at finally having Kyle and Sofia as hers was intact and unbroken. How could it not be?

They were everything to her.

“Alright, Sofia Nicole,” Reanna called, folding back the comforter on Sofia’s bed. “Hurry up in there.”

“Coming!” she yelled out from the bathroom, her mouth sounding full. “Almost finished.”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full, babe.” Reanna walked over to Sofi’s teddy bear chest and removed her favorite four, then walked them back to her bed. “We just put those pajamas on you. I don’t want you spilling toothpaste on them.”

“Okay,” she responded, her mouth still full.

Frowning, Reanna faced the bathroom, her hand on her hip. “Sofi,” she chided the child.

“Hmm-Hmm-Hmm,” Sofia apologized, this time keeping her mouth closed.

Reanna smiled, chuckling softly at the silly little girl. “Hurry up, Sofia Nicole. You have school in the morning, and we’re not sleeping in.” They’d let her stay up a little past her bedtime to finish a movie she’d been watching, but Reanna had still made it clear that she’d still be waking up at the same time in the morning. “So hurry your butt!”

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