Danger Zone (5 page)

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Authors: Dee J. Adams

BOOK: Danger Zone
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Ellie swallowed. And blinked. Damn it. Steeling herself against the sensations hitting her body, she clenched her jaw and worked to even out her breathing.

Almost done. He didn’t have anywhere else to go. One down, two and a—

Quinn’s thumb traveled to the middle of her palm and Ellie nearly jumped out of her skin. Her thumb grazed the inside of his hand and the urge to touch him shot through her like a cannon.

Thankfully, he pulled away. “That was one,” he breathed.

Mayday! Red Alert!
She was in serious trouble.

“Next is number two.” His devastating right hand moved toward her chin, but he stopped and reconsidered. His fingers grazed her hairline and moved through her hair, against her scalp. Again, so slowly.

His pupils dilated, his breathing grew heavier. The man was definitely affected. If the bet had been the other way around, she would’ve won.

But…maybe not. Because the tingles running up and down her spine and radiating through her limbs all met at the same spot between her legs. Not a good sign. She desperately fought the urge to lean into his palm, feel more of his heat against her head. It was getting tougher to control her heartbeat and her breath came uneven.

“That was number two.” His low voice sent her heart pounding harder.

“One more,” she said. Only the words barely came out.

“One and a half,” he corrected. “This is the half.” With one hand still against her scalp, he lifted her chin a fraction. Using the pad of his thumb, he traced her bottom lip. From the middle to the end. Not a long way, but enough to send her through the roof. Enough to want to suck his thumb into her mouth and taste him.

Make him beg.

All this time, they kept eye contact. He never once looked down at the path his thumb had taken. But now, his intense gaze focused on her mouth before moving back to her eyes. He bent closer, his fingers still under her chin, his lips closing the gap with hers. “There’s just one more,” he whispered and moved even closer, his mouth just a fraction from hers, his breath warm over her lips.

Ellie could barely keep her eyes open. Desire left her lids heavy, her breath lodged somewhere in her throat. Somehow, someway, a fraction of her brain still worked. “I thought you only got to touch me with the pads of your fingers,” she murmured.

“I lied.”

His lips brushed hers and Ellie’s whole system went into meltdown. She should’ve been mad, but she really wanted to laugh. Really wanted to forget everything she’d ever thought about the man and jump him here and now in her trailer.

This was nothing like she expected. Not a blatant sexual assault, but the most tender and gentle kiss she’d ever experienced. So simple. Sweet. Absolutely innocent in the taking. Those lethal lips continued to caress hers. Smoothing across just as maddeningly slow as his thumb had done.

At some point, she’d grabbed his wrists. Not to push him away, but to keep him steady. Keep him connected to her. Not that he seemed to be going anywhere. And still he kissed her. Just lips. Softly. A nibble, a caress. Brushing so sweetly against her mouth she didn’t want it to end.

Ellie had no idea how long they stayed that way and Quinn pulled back a fraction, his lips still dangerously close to hers.

“I win,” he whispered. And kissed her again.

Chapter Five

Early that evening, Quinn headed into the hotel lobby toward the elevators. He licked his lips and still tasted Ellie. She’d all but branded herself on his brain. He could go back in time and remember that morning with absolute clarity. She’d tasted like the strong peppermint Altoids that the script supervisor kept on her lectern and he couldn’t get the sweetness out of his head. He’d never forget the softness of her lips or the way she’d grabbed on to his wrists to hold him steady when he’d kissed her.

He’d been replaying the moment in his head all day. Right up until she’d shoved him away during the second kiss. The blatant sexual hunger he’d seen in her glazed eyes had nearly undone him. At least until it turned into annoyance.

“You cheated.” She brought her fingers to her mouth like there might’ve been damage done.

Yeah, okay. He’d cheated a little. But she’d been worth it. “I couldn’t seem to stop myself.” He leaned forward and she eased back. Quinn cleared his throat and backed toward the door. One step at a time. “I did win,” he told her. “I’ll pick you up tonight at seven.”

Ellie’s eyes blazed open wide. “No, you won’t,” she huffed. “Maybe on Friday, we can—”

“Cut me a break. I won’t be here that long, Elle. If we wait until the weekend then we’re cutting our time short.”

” She sputtered for a second and it was nice to see someone else speechless for a change. “You make it sound like we’re…we’re…”

“All I’m saying is give me a chance. You might find that you like me and—”

“If you think I’m going to sleep with you, you’re highly misinformed. Let’s get that clear real fast.” She crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her head to the side. Her hair fell across her arm and Quinn swallowed back another wave of pure lust. “I concede that it may have looked like I lost this…stupid…challenge-dare thing. Whatever you want to call it, but—”

May have looked like?
” Quinn laughed and stepped toward her again. “May have looked like.” He repeated the words softly, looking down at her, ready to dive in for more just to prove his point. “I’d say that not only did you lose, you lost in a blaze of glory.” Blaze being the operative word, since her proximity nearly set him on fire. He stood so close that he saw the yellow flecks in her dark green eyes. “Actually…I change my mind. I don’t think there is a loser in the game we just played.” He watched her for a minute and saw the uncertainty on her furrowed brows before backing toward the door again. “You’re right. Tonight’s not fair. So I’ll pick you up tomorrow night. Seven o’clock.” He stepped down to the pavement and headed to the soundstage.

“And that’s it,” she said firmly from her trailer. “No more games, no more touches. No nothing.”

Putting his hand up to his ear, Quinn pretended as if he couldn’t hear her. “I didn’t catch—”

“Hey, Quinn!”

The familiar voice pulled Quinn out of his thoughts. The granite floor and hotel elevator came into sharp focus. He turned and blinked at the face of one of his employees walking past a huge white pillar in the lobby. A middle-aged, mechanical engineer of medium height and build with thinning brown hair and sharp brown eyes.

“Hank? What the hell are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be overseeing the new engine design and production?”
In London.

Hank shook his head and smiled ruefully. “I won’t be overseeing anything if you sell this company to the wrong hands, Quinn. I have a stake in this just as much as you do. Have you seen him yet?”

Most of the employees were worried about their jobs. Quinn understood the apprehension. “I appreciate your concern, Hank, but it’s my company—” his and Mac’s, “—and I’ll sell it to who I think will run it best… Seen who yet?”

“Aaron Gerhardt is here. He must be worried if he cleared his schedule and flew from Germany. We found out he plans to talk to Mac and convince him to sell the company to Gerhardt Racing. Gerhardt’s trying to go behind your back.”

“That weaselly fucking bastard. How’d you find out?”

“Purely by accident. Gerhardt’s new assistant called to set up a meeting and she got her dates confused. She told Giselle that Gerhardt was ‘in Los Angeles’ this week. Giselle pumped her for more information and the lady said he was here on business trying to acquire Formula Racing Design.”

Hiring Giselle had been one of his smarter moves too. His executive assistant was quick and smart. She’d been taking care of business and keeping him up-to-date with regular emails since he’d hit town. “I appreciate the information, but why didn’t you just call?”

“I know you don’t want Gerhardt buying the company, but if you sell to Brant Racing then I’m not guaranteed a job. I like my job, Quinn. I worked too damn hard with Kurt to get here to lose everything now. I figured between Mac, you and me we could brainstorm an idea that gets the company sold to the right people. Have you talked to Mac yet? Has he changed his mind about selling?” Since Hank was now overseeing the project, his interest in the negotiations made sense, but Quinn had no legal obligation to include him. It was the damn moral obligation that made him feel like shit. Hank had a lot of years invested with the company.

“I haven’t had a lot of time to talk to him yet, but he’s promised we will.”

So Aaron Gerhardt thought he’d go behind Quinn’s back and steal the company, huh? What a prick. Not that nearly two billion dollars was a steal, but the man knew Quinn didn’t like him and didn’t want to sell to him. The company that bought Formula Racing Design was going to be in the forefront of the Formula One racing world. Their new, patented engine was going to revolutionize the sport.

Hank rubbed his neck. He looked tired and stressed. “Any idea when we can meet with Mac? I’ll go back to England if you want, but I figure another head couldn’t hurt. Oh, I also found out where Gerhardt’s staying so I thought I’d see if I can track him down and find his agenda.” Hank shifted his bag over his shoulder. “This is too important to me. I couldn’t sit back and let something happen. I want to show you just what I can do.”

“Are you checked in here?” Quinn asked.

“I’m not checked in anywhere. My plane just landed and I came looking for you.”

“Go ahead and check in. Put it on the company’s tab.”

Hank gave him a tired grin. “I planned on it.”

Smiling, Quinn slapped his shoulder. “I’ll call you later after I talk to Mac. The fact that you came all this way will make an impression. Thanks.” Quinn headed to the bank of elevators and up to the penthouse suite. Fucking Aaron Gerhardt wasn’t going to buy his company. At least not while Quinn was alive.

Ellie checked the clock for the tenth time, took her hair out of an uncomfortable knot and brushed it out. She had less than twenty minutes until Quinn showed up and she still didn’t know what to wear or what to do with her hair. Of all days for Ashley’s study group to go long…

The front door squeaked and she raced out of her bedroom.

Ashley, loaded down with a stack of law books, took one look at her and widened her eyes. “You’re not dressed yet?” she wailed. Her tone sent a fresh jolt of apprehension through Ellie.

“No. I thought you were going to be home an hour ago. I was counting on you to help me. What am I supposed to wear on a date with a guy I don’t want to go out with? I mean, I can’t wear something sexy to lead him on, but I don’t want to wear something junky and make him think I don’t care at all.”

“Please, he’s not going to think you don’t care because of your clothes,” Ashley said, dumping her bag and books on the sofa and following her into the bedroom. “Sorry, I’m late. I got stuck on the freeway. What have you picked out anyway?”

Ellie pointed at the two outfits on her bed. “I had two trains of thought. I’ve got the simple black dress that I can wear with the three-inch black slingbacks in case he’s a little more dressed up, or I’ve got my nice jeans and spiky boots to dress them up so it’s not too casual, but still casual with the brown wraparound shirt that ties at the waist and matches the boots.” She looked to Ashley with hopeful eyes. “What do you think?”

Ashley shook her head, standing in a Jack Benny pose. “No.” She tapped her cheek with an index finger. “No. You can’t wear either of those things. Not when you’re going out with the most gorgeous guy in town.” Ashley marched to the closet and pushed the slider door open wide. “I know the perfect outfit.”

“Oh, c’mon, Ashley, one of these will be fine. When Quinn knocks on the door, tell him I’m running a few minutes late then come back here, tell me what he’s wearing and that will decide which outfit I pick. If he’s dressed a little nicer, I throw on the black number. If he’s in jeans, I’ll wear my jeans.”

Ashley stuck her head farther in the closet and reappeared with the brand new outfit Ellie had bought last week. The long black skirt hid most of her legs, but the material was so delicate that it molded her waist and butt. Turquoise stitching decorated the entire piece and matched the off the shoulder peasant blouse. A black belt with turquoise beads cinched the shirt low around her hips.

“No,” Ellie said adamantly. “I just spent a fortune on that and I’m saving it for something special.”

“What could be more special than tonight?”

“Anything. Everything.” Ellie’s frustration gathered momentum. “This is practically a blind date. I don’t know why I even agreed to go.”

“Because you lost the bet.”

“It wasn’t a bet.”

“Dare. Challenge. Whatever. You lost and you have to pay up. Besides, you know you want to. The guy is so hot the ground melts when he walks over it.”

“Big deal. He’s also got an ego the size of the Hollywood sign and the last thing I want to do is feed it. Rule number one tonight. No feeding the ego.”

“What if he’s really decked out?”

“He won’t be decked out.” He had no reason to be, right? This was a simple date with the brother-in-law of a coworker. “All I’ve seen him in is jeans and T-shirts. The guy’s a big playboy. I bet he doesn’t even own a suit. Or know how to say it.”

“Ouch. You are a little pissy about this, aren’t you?”

Yes, she was and it was unfair. Quinn probably did own a suit, if not multiple suits. She knew she was overreacting, but couldn’t seem to control her jangled nerves.

Ashley hung the outfit back in the closet and approached her. “Spill. What’s wrong?” She sat on the edge of the bed next to Ellie. “I know you. If you really didn’t like the guy, you wouldn’t be going out with him. You wouldn’t have agreed to that whole ‘three touches’ thing and—”

“Three and a half.”

“‘Three and a half’ touches thing unless you didn’t want him to touch you. So what’s the problem? It’s just a date. You deserve to go out and have fun just like anyone else.”

Ellie stood up and paced in front of her friend. “But…but…”

“But what? You said yourself he seems nice enough. And you know he kisses like a dream.”

Time to face the issue she’d been avoiding since she said
to Quinn. “Ash…does Quinn remind you of anyone?” Ellie held her breath, watching her roommate’s face as she considered the question. Maybe Ashley needed a little more of a hint. She sat next to her. “Isn’t there a certain someone that he sort of resembles…?”

Ashley’s eyes opened wide. “You aren’t seriously thinking about Leo Frost are you?”

“See!” Ellie said, shooting to her feet and instantly pacing again. “He does sort of have that Leo-quality, doesn’t he? What if—?”

“No. No way,” Ashley said, stopping her midstep. “I met Quinn. He’s nothing like Leo. Leo is a sleazeball among sleazeballs. He’s so self-centered, he thinks the sun rises strictly for
each morning.” Ashley looked her sternly in the eye. “Do you get a creepy feeling with Quinn at all? Because if there are
Leo vibes, you definitely need to cancel this date.”

Ellie tipped her head from side to side. “Well, no.” In fact, she got completely off-the-chart different vibes from Quinn. Bone-melting, heart-stopping vibes.

“Okay,” Ashley said on a sigh. “I didn’t think so.” She primped her hair in the closet mirror. “Just because he’s tall, dark and gorgeous, doesn’t make him a Leo Frost.”

“I know. I’m just nervous.” Looking for any excuse to warrant the raging butterflies swirling in her tummy. “I don’t want to ramble on like an idiot and we both know that’s a possibility.” Ellie ran the brush through her hair again.

“So ramble about the city. Talk about architecture and throw out all the info you know on Frank Lloyd Wright. Or talk about show business and share some of your Hollywood stories. That always fascinates people and it’ll sound like you’re being a good tour guide instead of a nervous date.” Ashley turned from the mirror, took Ellie’s hand and squeezed it tight. “Go have fun tonight. I’m not saying you have to sleep with the guy. Just relax and have fun.”

Ellie studied her best friend. She had the most hopeful blue eyes in the state of California. Ashley nodded reassuringly and smiled. At that moment, Ellie made another decision. “You’re right. I should go and have fun. I should make the best out of this weird dare-challenge-blind-date thing and just enjoy myself. I know he’s not a long-term thing.” That was the main reason she didn’t want to like him.

“Good for you!” Ashley beamed. “Now…” She looked at the clothes spread out on the bed and back to Ellie. “Wear the outfit.”

Laughing deep in her throat, Ellie shook her head. “I’m not wearing the outfit.”

“C’mon. Wear the outfit.”

Ellie snatched her hand back. “Get over the outfit, Ash. I’m not wearing it. I have two perfectly good choices right—”

The doorbell rang.

“Oh shit,” Ellie whispered. “He’s early.” She clapped her hands against her head. “I still haven’t done my hair.”

“Just leave it down,” Ashley said, heading to the door. “It’s gorgeous and you almost never wear it down. It looks great.”

Ellie paced in front of the closet door mirror. “Remember. See what he’s wearing then come back in and I’ll get dressed.”

“Gotcha.” Ashley scuttled out the door and closed it behind her.

Ellie picked up the empty water glass she had on her bedside table and put it against the door, trying to hear the conversation. The front door opened and Ashley greeted Quinn. Said something about him looking handsome. She was going to wring Ashley’s neck when she saw her. Her roommate had just obliterated rule number one.

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