Dance with Deception: Scandalous Secrets, Book 1 - Exclusive Edition (Scandalous Secrets - Exclusive Edition) (24 page)

BOOK: Dance with Deception: Scandalous Secrets, Book 1 - Exclusive Edition (Scandalous Secrets - Exclusive Edition)
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The Morley family returned the favor that the Duke of Davenport had extended to them when he held their wedding banquet a little more than a year prior. In addition to Alexander and Constance offering the most wonderful wedding feast, they had invited the wedding guests stay at their estate, leaving the bride and groom private time.

In spite of the kindness of his friends and the amount of effort it took for them to plan such an elaborate celebration in less than a fortnight, Sebastian found the reception to be a nuisance.

While he smiled at his guests and joined his wife in the pleasantries of small talk, he silently considered which piece of clothing he would remove from his wife first.

Under normal circumstances, of course, the bride would undress with her maid; however, Sebastian didn’t think he could wait that long. The more he considered it, he concluded that the carriage ride home would be a good time to undress his wife.

His gaze followed Gwen, who now chatted with Victoria and Constance. The sight of her banished Sebastian’s wicked thoughts and he vowed to make their first night together special for her. He would be patient, even if it killed him.

Sebastian glanced at his pocket watch. The time to leave was almost upon them. He negotiated his way to his wife until a servant called to him, halting his progress while handing Sebastian a folded missive.

Sebastian read the note and his mood darkened with each word. He altered his course, heading to the sitting room where his visitor awaited him.

He entered the room and spotted Dunlop by the window, staring out the glass.

“Weren’t you humiliated enough today, Dunlop?” Sebastian crossed the room. “Where is your pride?”

“Pride has nothing to do with this, Your Grace, although yours will take a blow soon enough.”

Sebastian ignored his remarks. “She chose me and not you. It’s over.”

“We both know that choice had nothing to do with the reason Gwendolyn married you today.”

“Choice,” Sebastian emphasized, “had everything to do with why Gwen married me. Don’t fool yourself.”

Keir chortled. “It’s you who is the fool.”

“So you are her to what, issue cryptic messages?”

“No, I’m here to inform you that I will never let you forget what you’ve taken from me.” Keir swallowed before continuing, “Remember that I will never forget the plans you ruined. Watch your back, old chap.”

“I paid you a hefty sum, Dunlop, one which you greedily accepted.” Tension again seized Sebastian’s muscles as a vein pulsated in his neck. “Get out and stay away from my wife.”

“You can have your precious bride. She is cheap and tainted.” Keir’s voice dripped with hatred and there was no doubt in Sebastian’s mind that his rival meant every word. Keir added, “It’s you I’m

Blood pounded hard and fast in Sebastian’s temples as his anger escalated, seeking release. He swung his fist at Keir, hitting his mark with such force that it lifted the man off of his feet before sending him crashing into the wall behind him with a loud thud.

Keir dabbed at the crimson blood trickling from his lower lip.

Sebastian clenched the lapels of Keir’s coat with his fists, pulling the dazed man up against the wall. “Never insult my wife again. Better yet, stay away from us. Do you understand me?”

“I understand more than you do.” Keir’s statement was issued as a challenge, alluding to something just beyond Sebastian’s comprehension.

With a renewed wave of rage, Sebastian shoved Dunlop toward the closed door. “Get out!”

Keir landed on his feet and straightened his cravat before yanking the door open, sending it crashing against the frame.

From the hallway, faint footfalls grew nearer. Gwen hurried through the door, face to face with Keir. Her eyes darted to Sebastian. “Are you all right?” she asked as she crossed the immaculately furnished room before placing her hand in his.

“Poor Gwen.” Keir’s words dripped with sarcasm. “You’re already losing your figure.”

Sebastian’s heart stopped at Keir’s reference to his bride’s imaginary pregnancy.

“What a ridiculous statement. Why would you say such a thing?” Gwen asked, her face now a
mask of confusion.

“Never mind him,” Sebastian strode across the room until he stood less than a foot away from the Dunlop. “You have one last chance to leave before I ensure that you will be unable to do so on your own.”

Keir shot Sebastian one last vicious glower then stormed off. He slammed the door behind him, sending a framed painting to the floor.

Sebastian swallowed hard, anger pounding in his temples.

Gwen bridged the gap between them. She then laid a hand on his back, pressing it against his jacket as a reminder that she supported him. “Are you all right?” she asked.

“I’m fine, Duchess.” He gave her a smile then took her hand in his in an attempt to lead her to the door. “Come, our guests must think we’ve left without saying goodbye.”

“Don’t change the subject,” Gwen warned, standing still. “Tell me why he was here.”

“Darling, he isn’t important.” He took great pains to make his voice sound casual.

“He didn’t come here to wish us peace and happiness, Sebastian.” Gwen’s tone was low, almost dangerous. “Did he threaten you?”

“Arriving here was his attempt to hurt both of us and taint our joyous day,” Sebastian encircled her in his tight embrace. “Don’t give him the satisfaction.”

She snuggled close to his heart. “You shouldn’t act so blasé. The mere thought of losing you …”

“You won’t lose me. It’s safe to say you’re all
but stuck with me now.” He kissed her forehead.

An urgent need filled his heart. He wanted her all to himself.

“Why don’t I take my bride home?” He nipped her ear. “And make you mine in every possible way.” Another nip. “Surely you can’t deny me that?”

“I can’t deny you anything,” she whispered.

“And I can’t live without you,” he added in a husky whisper, certain that he couldn’t.

“You will never have to.” She stood on her tiptoes then brushed her lips against his.

Sebastian’s heart sang as he felt the soft velvet of her lips against his. He opened his lips to hers and her tongue probed, causing a jolt of excitement through his every limb.

She was shedding her inhibitions and the realization thrilled him.

His mouth devoured hers with a passion that surprised him. Before Sebastian pulled away, his breathing quickened. “We need to leave now, Duchess.”

“On one condition,” she traced his lips with her thumb.

“What is it with you and your conditions, wife?” He asked with mounting exasperation.

A sultry smile touched her lips. “That we share many more kisses like that.”

Cupping her face in his hands, he assured her, “Duchess, that is non-negotiable.”

If his wife continued to kiss him as she just did, Sebastian was certain that this would be the longest carriage ride of his life.

Gwen sat beside her husband on the carriage ride home, her hand resting on his thigh. The intimate gesture caused Sebastian’s heart to swell. He was certain his heart was twice the size as when he first met her. How else could it hold all the adoration he felt for her?

“I’ve wanted to do something ever since the Wrights’ ball.” She gave him a mischievous grin.

He brushed his thumb against her cheek. “What might that be, Duchess?”

Gwen turned to face him, leaning closer to him as she whispered, “Kiss you in your carriage.”

“I had no idea,” he teased. “Now would be the perfect time, you know.”

Gwen leaned into him, her fervent kiss sent heat surging within his loins.

By the time the carriage rolled to a stop at Kellington Manor, Sebastian’s skin burned with an urgent desire to make love to her. He exhaled, grateful that their driver hadn’t been overzealous and opened the door for them. He took a minute for his erection to relax, confiding his plans for the evening to his new bride.

“I gave most of the servants the evening off but Jane is still on call for you, and Winston is on hand if we need him.”

Gwen rested her head on his broad shoulder. “The servants must be happy for the time off.”

“To be honest, they wanted to greet their new
mistress, but I explained that tomorrow would be perfect for the occasion.”

“Greet me?” she asked. “They already know me.”

“Yes, but you are officially the Duchess of Davenport now. It’s tradition.”

Gwen smiled as she traced the lapel of his jacket. “I’ll like that.”

Sebastian rapped on the roof and the driver left his post to open the lacquered door.

“Might this be part of your surprise?” Gwen asked, as he led her to the gardens, as opposed to the main entrance of the estate.

“Of course,” Sebastian replied with the devilish grin, his tone playful.

The setting sun illuminated the sky in beautiful shades of dusky rose and violet, the threat of rain having cleared during their reception. Sebastian couldn’t have asked for a better welcome for his bride.

“Don’t peek ahead,” he advised, leading her through the paths lined with meticulous shrubbery and flowers. Once they had reached their destination, Sebastian placed his hands over Gwen’s eyes. “Are you ready, Duchess?”

“Yes, I am.” Her eagerness was evident in her tone.

Sebastian removed his hands and his wife opened her eyes to an awe-inspiring sight, one that left her speechless.

Torches lit a warm path to the terrace. Several new honeysuckle bushes had been planted alongside each side of the garden paths.

“Oh, Sebastian, they’re beautiful.”

Sebastian smiled. Her reaction was all he had hoped to achieve. “I know how much you wanted honeysuckle at the chapel and thought it would be a wonderful addition to the estate.”

Gwen gazed at the beauty before her, its splendor filling her heart with joy. She turned toward her husband, tracing his chiseled jaw with her forefinger. “You never cease to surprise me. Thank you, Sebastian.”

Sebastian kissed her forehead, his lips warm against her flesh. “There’s more.”

“What could possibly surpass this?” Gwen’s grin widened.

“You’ll see,” he teased, his indigo eyes dancing.

The warm glow of the torches beckoned them up the terrace steps. Together they strolled down the path before ascending the terrace steps where a table was set, complete with a crisp white tablecloth, silver ice bucket housing a dark green bottle, and two crystal champagne flutes.

Sebastian placed his arms upon her waist and Gwen leaned against his length. “It’s heaven.”

“Like the lake?” Sebastian whispered in her ear, holding her tighter.

“Even better,” Gwen’s tone was heartfelt, now brimming with emotion. “I remember bumping into you on a terrace similar to this one.”

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that night. You looked like an angel all dressed in white.” His baritone was rich.

“And there I was thinking I resembled a boring snowflake.”

“You could never look boring, Duchess,” he replied, his tone seductive as he added, “exquisite, yes, but never boring.”

A light breeze flitted by. “If you listen hard,” Gwen instructed, “the wind sounds musical.”

“We never did have our dance that night, did we?”

She shook her head.

“Dance with me now, Duchess.”

Gwen turned to face her husband before proclaiming with pride, “It would be my pleasure.”

They danced in perfect harmony to the soft murmur of the wind winding its way through the trees and brush. Sebastian realized he had gotten his wish at last.

It seemed like ages since he had first yearned for Gwen to glide across the dance floor with him. They’d come full circle and the devotion displayed in his wife’s loving gaze made his heart soar. No matter how many years passed, he would never forget the expression of open adoration on her face or the feelings of joy that hammered within his chest.

Gwen shivered under his tender touch.

“Are you cold?” he asked, caressing the bare flesh around her neck.

Her soft skin quivered in response.

“Here,” he shrugged off his jacket then placed it over her shoulders. “That ought to warm you, or would you like to go inside?”

“I would, but not for the reasons you think.” Gwen flicked at an imaginary speck on Sebastian’s jacket.

“Oh.” He understood her meaning and it left him speechless.

“But we can stay out here … or go inside,” Gwen blurted then paused before speaking again. “Good God, I sound like a complete dolt.” She took a deep, audible breath before admitting, “I’m just going to admit to it. I don’t quite know what’s expected on one’s wedding night.”

Sebastian smiled. Only his wife would have the courage to tackle her fear without pretense.

“I feel foolish confessing to such naiveté,” her brow furrowed.

He nuzzled the tip of his nose to hers. “Don’t ever feel foolish with me. I want you to ask me anything, without any restraint.”

Gwen remained silent. Sebastian tipped her chin up. “I mean it, Gwendolyn, you have nothing to be ashamed of.”

She nodded.

“As for what’s expected tonight,” Sebastian kissed the tip of her patrician nose. “We are going to give ourselves completely to each other. It’s nothing for you to fear or be self-conscious about.”

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