Dance of Seduction (5 page)

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Authors: Elle Kennedy

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: Dance of Seduction
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“She’s a grown woman. She makes her own decisions.”

“She should be at home. Dancing ballet again, dating again.”

Vivian sighed. “You don’t have a say in it. Ellie is the one to decide whether she dates, or whether she dances ballet again.”

Anger flashed across his handsome face. “I see. So you think it’s perfectly okay for my baby sister to be dancing in your strip club.”

“My club is

He cut her off, his voice sharp and furious. “How could you do that to her? Why the hell did you give her that job?”

“Because she asked me.” Her own voice was quiet.

“You should’ve said no. Damn it, Viv! You had no right bringing Ellie down here. No right messing with her ballet career. No goddamned right screwing with her feelings, no, telling her how she’s
to feel and—” He stopped abruptly, his lips tightening.

The silence that followed was deafening. It lasted just long enough for a river of guilt to flow down her chest and into her belly, where it swirled around like a violent eddy. They weren’t talking about Ellie anymore, that much was blatantly obvious. What confused her was the look in his eyes. Anguished. Frustrated. Hurt.

Had she hurt him by leaving? She still felt bad about blowing him off the way she had. Not taking his phone calls, leaving town without letting him know. Not that she’d moved because of Josh. The thought of owning a nightclub had been genuinely exciting; the fact that it required her to leave San Francisco had just been an added bonus.

Josh Dawson was an attractive, charming, virile young man. He didn’t need to be saddled with a forty-four-year-old single mom who’d probably be hitting menopause any year now. That’s why she’d swiftly extinguished the flame that was determined to keep smoldering between them. She wouldn’t have been able to live with herself if she’d deprived him of what he really needed—a serious committed relationship with a woman his own age.

But with his pain-tinged words still hanging in the air and that wounded flicker still awash in his eyes, she wondered if maybe she’d made a mistake.

“I never told you how to feel,” she murmured, feeling like a teenager again as she avoided his gaze.

“Fine, I’ll rephrase. You never gave me the
to feel.” An unmistakable splash of bitterness lined his voice.

“We both know that kiss was a mistake.” She squared her shoulders, stood up and turned away from him. She couldn’t look at him. Not unless she wanted him to see the truth in her eyes, which clearly conveyed the lack of conviction in her words. Kissing Josh hadn’t been a mistake, not when it felt so right. The mistake would be letting that one kiss become something more.

“You’re lying.” She nearly jumped when she felt him come up behind her, his rough beard scratching the shell of her ear and tickling her skin. His voice lowered to a smoky pitch as he added, “That kiss was the best thing that ever happened to both of us.”

She swallowed hard, gathered every ounce of self-control she possessed, then turned and took a few steps back. The passion glittering in Josh’s eyes was enough to make her legs tremble. Enough to make her giddy with desire. But she couldn’t bring herself to tell him he was right. Instead, she did the only thing she thought might put an end to this. Whatever
was. She changed the subject.

“What do you plan on doing about Ellie?”

She didn’t need to be a brain surgeon to know he was disappointed. He obviously wanted to finish what he’d started, but to her relief he let it go. Oh, he’d bring it up again, that she knew, but for now he’d granted her a much-needed reprieve.

“I’m not sure yet,” he replied, a distant look crossing his face. “But I don’t want her or Luke to know I’m in town just yet. Which is why I came here.”

Uneasiness crept up her throat. “What do you mean?”

“I need a place to stay.” He must have caught her startled reaction because he quickly continued. “There’s only one motel in this town and Luke checked into it. The next hotel is an hour’s drive from here, so I figured I can best lay low if I stay with you.”

Stay with her? And turn her home into a modern-day Garden of Eden, complete with temptation and forbidden fruit?

Oh God.

“What about Ellie?” she pointed out quickly, ignoring her pounding heart. “You think she won’t know if you’re in town?”

“She won’t if you don’t tell her.”

Wonderful. Now he was not only asking to stay in her house, but he wanted her to lie to the girl who had become her best friend.

“What if she stops by for a surprise visit?”

“We both know Ellie doesn’t own a car. And I doubt she’d be up to the walk, she lives across town. Chances are, she’ll call you to pick her up if she wants to come over.”

“She could take a cab.” She was grasping at straws but the idea of Josh here, in her personal space, was far too daunting.

“Look, I know it might be an inconvenience but I really have no other options.” He shrugged. “I need to keep an eye on my sister.”

She managed to speak despite the lump lodged in her throat. “Josh…”

“Come on, Viv.” He shot her a grin that was both charming and full of way too much sinful promise. “Do me this favor?”

She swallowed again. No, she gulped. Really hard. And then she wondered, how bad could it really be, letting him stay here?
How bad?
her conscience taunted.
Do you even have to think about it?

She held back a sigh. Oh hell, letting Josh stay here would be disastrous and every part of her knew it. Her brain. Her body. Her heart.

Her mouth, on the other hand, had other ideas. Instead of a polite refusal, what came out of that irritating mouth was, “All right, you can stay.”



A few hours later, Ellie paced the living room as she waited for her date to pick her up. Miguel had called ten minutes ago to say he was on his way, and despite the fact that this outing was nothing more than a childish charade, she was nervous.

It was times like these she desperately missed her mother. She’d been nine when her parents had died, but her memories of her mother were as vivid as if they’d happened just yesterday. She remembered all the times her mom had helped her with her homework, how she’d always given advice when Ellie fought with her friends, or when she’d developed her first crush on a boy in her fourth-grade class. And it had been her mother who’d encouraged her to take up ballet, when Ellie had fallen in love after seeing a Christmas performance of
The Nutcracker

She stopped pacing as hot tears stung her eyes. God, she missed her. She needed her so much right now. These six months had been hell, and if her mother were there she might have been able to help her through it all. Her mom would have been patient, supportive, unlike Josh, who was determined to fix everything. Like the toys he’d fixed for her when they were kids.

Too bad she couldn’t be fixed. She was broken beyond repair.

A knock on the door pulled Ellie from her thoughts, and she blinked back the tears still welling in her eyes.

As she walked to the door, she squared her shoulders. Her mother was gone, so was the future she’d worked hard for, and as devastating as it was, she needed to be strong. She wouldn’t let Luke drag her back to San Francisco like a stray kitten.

Pushing open the door, she pasted a big smile on her face. “Hi,” she greeted her date.

Vivian’s pool boy was a lot better looking than Ellie had expected. Taking in his light-brown skin, striking brown eyes and chiseled jaw, she almost forgot this was a farce as familiar first-date butterflies fluttered around in her stomach.

The reality of the situation, however, sunk in the second he opened his mouth and in a faint Spanish accent said, “Okay, girlfriend, tell me everything I need to know about this man we’re supposed to make jealous.”


Chapter Five

Luke shifted in his chair, keeping his eyes focused on the front doors of the Dancehall and trying to forget about the conversation he’d just had. Josh had called again demanding a progress report, and when Luke admitted he was still getting nowhere, Josh hadn’t been pleased. The way he ranted and raved, it was Luke’s fault Ellie still refused to come home. Didn’t the guy know his own sister by now? Open the dictionary and you’d find Ellie Dawson’s picture under the word “stubborn”. Josh was an idiot if he didn’t know that.

The worst part of the phone call came when Josh hinted he might come down to San Valdez, an absurd idea that had Luke swallowing back an incredulous retort. Josh showing up and barking orders would only infuriate Ellie. Knowing her, she’d slither away in the middle of the night and take off to another obscure town, which would require Luke to track her down. Again.

Luke had recommended Josh stay put, but considering the Dawson DNA was compiled primarily of genetic pigheadedness, he got the feeling his warnings would go unheeded.

Damn Dawsons. How did they both manage to wrap him around their little fingers?

Stifling a sigh, his gaze strayed once more to the door as a quick flash of movement caught his eye.

Shit. She’d been telling the truth.

He watched, frowning, as the couple entered the room. Hand-in-freaking-hand. Ellie’s date was a tall, twenty-something guy with tanned skin and a head of wavy brown hair. He kind of looked like that singer, Enrique what’s-his-last-name, which was odd, because he didn’t think Ellie went for the Latin heartthrob type. Especially considering that Scott Whelan, her ex-fiancé, had been the All-American football quarterback, with blond hair, blue eyes and a set of straight white teeth that no doubt sparkled in the sunlight.

Luke moved his gaze to Ellie, trying not to notice how good she looked. She wore a short yellow dress that barely grazed her lower thighs, and her chocolate-brown hair flowed over her shoulders in shiny waves. Gripping Enrique’s hand, she sauntered into the bar, her hips swaying.

Damn, where had she learned to walk like that? Had her stride always been this sultry, this blatantly seductive? And if so, how had he never noticed?

The couple seated themselves at a table in the far end of the room, right near the jukebox. Great. He’d never be able to hear what they said from all the way over here.

“Another beer?”

A tall, red-haired waitress approached his table, temporarily blocking his line of vision and shielding Ellie from view. “Yeah, sure, a beer. Maybe two.”
Anything for you to move out of the way.

The waitress scurried off just in time for Luke to get an eyeful of Ellie’s shapely legs. Her skirt was hiked up, revealing one firm, tanned thigh. His fingers tingled with the urge to march over there, pull her skirt even higher, and run his hands along her soft skin.

Every part of him grew hot and hard at the thought.

Damn it, what was the matter with him? This was
. Elenore Dawson, the girl he’d watched grow up. He blinked, hoping to direct his mind to the vision of her in her silver braces and pigtails, but his brain refused to comply. Instead, all he could see was that golden skin. Those luscious breasts and endless legs.

“That’s so funny!”

Ellie’s melodic laughter floated in his direction and settled between his legs. Fire began simmering in his blood, heating up all the parts that already ached for her. He watched as she leaned forward and touched her date’s hand, and even from across the room he saw her dainty fingers trembling.

Was she nervous? According to Josh, she’d refused to date after Scott had broken off their engagement. Was this the first date she’d had since?

The waitress strolled up to his table again and deposited two beers.  He gripped one bottle between his fingers. Ellie laughed again, louder this time, and she was gazing at her Latin lover as if he were the only man in the room.

Jealousy pricked Luke’s insides. What he wouldn’t give to have her look at him like that. In bed.

Josh’s sister.

His jeans tightened over his erection, making him curse the mantra that had become so damn ineffective.


“He’s gorgeous.”

Ellie suppressed a grin and tried to keep her gaze glued to her date. Hard to do, of course, when Luke sat across the room, looking like he was about to pull a Rocky Balboa and start pounding someone. Exactly the reaction she’d hoped for. Jealousy was a powerful emotion and she was banking on it to help her plight. She needed Luke so consumed with jealousy that he acted on his attraction. Of course, acting on it would scare the crap out of him, he’d panic, throw in a quick
you’re Josh’s sister
, and leave town. Hopefully.

“Yeah, I guess he’s gorgeous,” she agreed. Grudgingly. “If you like the cranky type.”

“Oh, I like.” Miguel leaned forward and clasped her hand with his. He stroked her fingers and offered a seductive grin. “I could just eat him up.”

She laughed, eyes twinkling with mischief. “What about Ricardo?”

Ah, Ricardo. Miguel had gushed so much about his significant other during the car ride over that Ellie felt as if she knew everything there was to know about Ricardo Diaz. He was twenty-nine, worked on a factory assembly line, was apparently drop-dead gorgeous, and Miguel was absolutely crazy about him. Ellie’s date had spoken about his boyfriend with such passion and adoration that she’d felt a pang of envy.

When was the last time she’d felt that way about another person?

“Ricardo and I have an agreement. We’re allowed to window-shop. Going into the store is another matter.” Miguel chuckled. “But trust me, if I wasn’t taken, I’d buy out your friend’s store.”

Ellie rolled her eyes and then snuck a look in Luke’s direction. She turned her head before their gazes could meet, but his furious expression had been unmistakable. When she glanced back at Miguel, he was watching her knowingly.

“You totally want this guy, don’t you?”

She sighed. “It’s that obvious?”


Her sigh turned into a low groan. “I always had a crush on him, you know? But he constantly treated me like a kid. He still treats me that way now. He thinks he can snap his fingers and I’ll get on a plane like an obedient child.”

“He’s your brother’s best friend, right?” When she nodded Miguel shrugged. “So tell your brother to call the guy off.”

A burst of laughter shot out of her mouth. “My brother is the one who sent him.”

Miguel paused. “Oh. Then tell bro to back off.”

“Have you ever tried arguing with a lawyer?” She was about to say more when the back of her neck suddenly began to throb. Heat penetrated into her skin, as if someone had placed a heater at full blast behind her. Suppressing a groan, she turned her head again and found Luke glaring at her from across the room. How did he do that, manage to warm her skin even from ten feet away?

“Is your friend going to stare at us like that all night?” Miguel’s voice contained a twinge of amusement.


“Then let’s give him something to really get grumpy about.” Miguel wiggled his dark brows and shot an impish smile in her direction. “Would you like to dance?”



Josh watched as Vivian replaced the cordless phone in its cradle and reached up to tuck a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. She shot him a smile and his cock hardened. Damn it, how did she do that? He’d been with many women, but he couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten so aroused from just one smile.

“Your sister is just fine,” Vivian announced, tossing her hair over her slender shoulders. She crossed the living room with sexy little strides and sank onto the armchair across from his. “And I want you to know, that’s the last time I’ll check up on her for you.”

Check up on who? Oh, right, Ellie. Josh was suddenly distracted as he watched Viv lift a hand to her ear. She twirled the little gold hoop earring she wore, worrying her luscious bottom lip with her teeth at the same time.

She looked as preoccupied as he felt, and he knew why. It was that damn sexual tension. That loud crackling static that hissed through the air, growing louder the moment their eyes met. He wanted Vivian. He wanted to kiss her and touch her and fuck her all night long. And he knew she wanted it too.

He also knew she wouldn’t admit it.

He’d spent the entire afternoon and evening in Viv’s spacious home. Alone. About five seconds after she’d agreed to let him stay, Vivian announced she needed to do some shopping and whisked out the door. She’d been gone for four hours, during which he’d unpacked the small suitcase he’d brought and proceeded to do fifty push-ups. He hoped the workout would ease the tension in his body, but it hadn’t. Instead, he’d thought only of Vivian, how incredible she looked, and how much he wanted sleep with her.

He hated that nonchalant way she looked at him, as if the electricity between them was one-sided. He hated the way she’d barely spoken to him since returning from the market, and the way she made sure to stand or sit at least three feet away from him, as if she was scared of what he might do.

Or maybe what
might do.

“Josh? Are you listening?”

He lifted his head and saw her gaze on him. She had spectacular eyes. Dark forest green, with flecks of yellow around her pupils. Like a cat. “Sorry, what?”

“I said, Ellie is at my club with a friend. Luke, apparently, is there too. According to my bartender, he’s watching her like a hawk.”

“Good,” Josh muttered absently.

At the moment his mind was not on Ellie or Luke. It was focused solely on the gorgeous blonde sitting in front of him. He’d spent too many sleepless nights thinking about her. Vivian stirred a passion in him like no other woman ever had, but it was more than that. They had a connection. She understood him, and he thought he understood her. The age difference between them didn’t matter. Not to him at least.

“Does it matter to you?” The words slid out of his mouth before he could stop them, and he knew from the way Vivian furrowed her delicate blonde eyebrows that he’d confused her.

“Does what matter?”

“My age.”

Those two words hung in the air for what seemed like an eternity. Looking at the expression on Viv’s face, he knew the answer. A twinge of sadness shone in her eyes, mingled with regret to create a look that plainly said yes.

“It shouldn’t matter,” he said before she could voice her reply. “We’re both adults.”

Vivian still didn’t say a word, so he got up and closed the distance between them. He dropped to his knees and placed both hands on her lap, almost groaning at the feel of her shapely thighs under his palms. Damn, she was all curves. All woman.

“Josh…don’t.” Her whispered plea didn’t stop him from caressing her thighs. Running his hands over the silky material of the skirt she wore.

“We’re attracted to each other, Viv. There’s no point in fighting it.”

He felt her shiver under his touch and it prompted him to slide one hand lower, to the hem of her skirt. He grazed the pad of his thumb over the bare skin of her knee. Relished in its smoothness. Then he slid his fingers under her skirt and stroked her inner thighs.

“This can never go anywhere,” she murmured, anguish and arousal mixing together in her throaty voice. “I’m too old for you. I have a grown daughter.”

“And I have a grown sister who I raised by myself,” he returned. “So what? Like I said, we’re both adults.”

“You should be thinking about settling down and getting married. Having kids. You won’t have that with me.”

“Says who?” he taunted, teasing her smooth hot skin with feather-light caresses.

“It won’t work.
don’t work.”

“I disagree.” He ran his fingers over the crotch of her panties. Felt the dampness there. Heard her soft whimper. And almost came in his slacks.

“Josh, please.”

“Please what? Stop or go on?” He palmed her pussy, wanting so badly to tear her panties off.

Her response was a muffled “stop”, followed by a soft moan.

He gave a faint chuckle. “I don’t think what you say and what you want is the same thing, honey.” He maneuvered one finger to the edge of her silky underwear and searched her flushed face. “You sure you want me to stop?”

“Yes.” Her strangled answer was betrayed by the trembling of her thighs.

If her reaction to his touch wasn’t so damn obvious he would’ve put an end to his slow torture, but fortunately her desire was unmistakable. Her green eyes simmered with passion, her nipples clearly protruded against her thin cotton tank top and her clit throbbed and swelled under his hand. She wanted him. They both knew it. He just wished she’d stop fighting it and give in.

“I want you to look me in the eye and tell me you don’t like what I’m doing.”

She opened her mouth. “I don’t—” She halted as he dipped a finger inside her panties and slid it over her slick folds.

She moaned again. Loudly. Without inhibition. The sound sent pulses of heat through him, causing his mouth to ache with the need to kiss her and his cock to throb with the need to be inside her. But still he held back, waiting, clinging to every morsel of control he had left.

“Still want me to stop?” he asked, surprised by the steadiness of his voice.

Her slender throat bobbed as she swallowed. Her eyelids fluttered, her chest rose and fell with each breath she took. He continued to wait, his hand motionless over her mound, fingers tingling with anticipation.

“No,” she finally cried out.

He applied pressure on her swollen clit. “No what?”

“I don’t want you to stop. I want…” She struggled for breath. “I want…”

He didn’t give her the chance to finish. He released a savage groan from his throat at the same time as he pushed her skirt up to her waist. Her wetness covered his finger, driving him wild with desire, but he restrained himself. Shucking his khakis and thrusting into her wet heat would be damn easy, but he didn’t want to do that. Yet. First he wanted to show Vivian Kendrick exactly what he had to offer.

An unbearable silence filled the room as he pulled her panties down her legs and tossed them on the hardwood floor. He wanted her to say his name, wanted her to cry out her arousal, but she didn’t. So he did the only thing he knew would cause her to lose control. He lowered his face between her thighs and slid his tongue over her clit.

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