Dance for the Billionaire (10 page)

BOOK: Dance for the Billionaire
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“Oh, Dominic!”  Warmth filled her every pore—she’d worried so much about being just another body to him.

“Are you happy now?”  He was clearly not pleased that he had let her rattle his cage.

“I am,” she admitted, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on tip-toe to kiss him.

He kissed her briefly and then smacked the left cheek of her behind smartly.  “Enough of that for now.  Time to get you shaved.”

He lifted her up onto the countertop and positioned her to his satisfaction.  “Your legs will look gorgeous in stirrups.”

“I can’t ride.”

“I meant medical stirrups,” he said, matter-of-factly.

“What?”  Chantelle sat up, ready to run for her life.

“Steady, now,” he soothed, pushing her back against the towel.  “You will enjoy playing doctor with me.”

“I heard that billionaires were kinky, but—”

“We’re no more kinky than other men.”  He made the first careful swipe with the razor.  “We simply get to live out most, if not all, of our fantasies.”


  “You have such a pretty pussy, you shouldn’t hide it.”  Dominic spun her to the left so that she could see the newly-shaven mound in the mirror.  She won’t exactly call it pretty, but he must have seen quite a few in his time, so if he said it was pretty, then who was she to disagree. “Now keep your eyes there and watch me eat you.”

Chantelle watched as he slowly lowered his head to her suddenly plumper-looking clitoris and flicked it with his tongue.  The sight was so erotic she couldn’t tear her eyes away, even if he hadn’t instructed her to keep looking.  He placed his thumbs on either side of her nether lips and spread them softly.

“Beautiful.”  He took the nub of flesh between his and tugged gently.

“Ooooh!”  Chantelle reached downwards with both hands and grasped fistfuls of his hair as she tried to pull him away and yet she circled her hips and raised herself to offer him better access.  He was right about being more sensitive shaved—she doubted that she would be able to wear her thong home.

“Tease your nipples.” Dominic disentangled her fingers and placed her hands on her breasts.

Her nipples were already standing at attention, but Chantelle did as he requested, lifting her head and holding his gaze as he ate her.

“Oh God, I’m going to come,” she moaned as he slid a finger inside her and held it still as he worked on her clit.

“Come for me, baby.”  With that Dominic added a second finger, stretching her tightness briefly before starting to thrust them back and forth.  Chantelle’s body immediately went taut.  A moment later she found release.  Dominic replaced his tongue with thumb of his other hand as he straightened to watch her come apart.  “Yes, baby.  Come for me.”

She was dimly aware of Dominic lifting her off the towel and taking her back to his office.  He placed her facedown on his desk.  The cool surface was unforgiving against her erect nipples, abrading them so they peaked further.  She heard the sound of him quickly stripping behind her and turned her head to watch him.  His body was surprisingly hairless—she couldn’t tell if it was natural or not—and his impossibly broad shoulders narrowed to a trim waist and a six-pack she envied.  Her eyes widened at the sight of his erection as he rolled a condom onto it.

“Oh my God, did I take all of that last night?” she gasped.

“You did.”  He laughed, moving out of her line of vision as he got behind her.  He reached under her and molded her clit as he entered her slowly, withdrawing to thrust forward more deeply, and then again.  “Every inch, baby.”

“Enough.”  Chantelle moaned and raised herself slightly off the desk to escape his relentless invasion.  In this position he was going deeper than he had the night before.

“Come back here,” he commanded, using his feet against hers to widened her stance and bring her further down onto him.  Chantelle moaned as he buried himself to the hilt.  She grabbed the sides of the table and braced herself as he tilted her behind upwards and started to thrust.  “Press your sweet ass back onto me, baby.”

The desk chafed her nipples more aggressively as she moved to comply.  She moaned as Dominic came forward to meet her backward move.

“Now back it harder,”  he ordered and slapped the right cheek of her behind hard enough to sting.  Yet all she felt was an increase of the maddening sensation in her clit and deep inside her where his erection was pulverizing her passage.  He slapped her behind on what felt like the exact spot and she tilted herself even further upwards to take him impossibly deeper.  Moments later her body clenched his erection as she came again.  Instead of giving her a moment to ride the orgasm solo, Dominic held her hips firmly and pressed past her tightening muscles, pounding into her until he found his release.

Collapsing onto her, his weight crushing her into the desk, he said fiercely in her ear, “Yes, baby.  Every inch!”

He was heavy, but it was pleasant to be squashed under his bulk, she realized.  All too soon, he straightened and rolled her onto her back.  His cock had subsided somewhat after his release, but it was rapidly twitching into hardness again. She closed her eyes and waited as he went to discard the protection.

She kept them closed as he returned and slid slowly back inside her.  With her eyes closed it felt as though he took forever to reach to the hilt—he must be at least eight inches long.

He kept himself buried deep but unmoving as he took hold of her wrist and kissed her fingers.  She heard the snick of metal, but it was only as he repeated the action on the other side that she realized he had handcuffed her to the heavy chairs on either side of the desk.

“What are you doing?” she asked feeling panicked.

“Relax, baby, and let me take care of you.”

He leaned over her and sucked her left nipple into his mouth. Chantelle closed her eyes, wishing her hands were free to stroke the curls on the crown of his head.  Her vaginal walls clenched around him in response to his suckling lips.  Then without warning she felt a squeezing pressure on her nipple and thought he had bitten her.

“Aw,” she protested.

When he raised his head, the pain seemed to intensify.  Jerking her eyes downwards in surprise she discovered a diamond-studded panther with its jaws attached to her now throbbing flesh. “That hurts,” she complained, trying in vain to reach out and pull it off.

“That, my sweet...,” Dominic soothed her with a kiss and then dipped his head again to suck her right nipple and clamp it with an identical device with a slim chain connecting the two, “…is intense pleasure, not pain.  Close your eyes and experience it.”

Knowing that he wasn’t going to remove them before she did as he requested, Chantelle let her eyelids drift shut.  Without the visual image, the pain was bearable, even enjoyable.

“Actually, that’s not so bad,” she admitted.

“I told you last night, I want ‘good’, not ‘not bad’.”  He pulled himself slowly out of her and tugged the chain gently.  She felt a flow of juice seep out of her onto the desk beneath her.  “I should break you in gently, but—”

“I’m not a horse!” she said, indignantly.

“I know.”  He tongued her right nipple—first the very tip which protruded above the clamp and then he slid his tongue under it, so that her nipple elongated to accommodate it.  Chantelle clenched her fists and hissed her pleasure through her teeth.  “You’re my woman and you need to satisfy all my kinks.”

“All?”  Didn’t billionaires have several?  “I don’t like the sound of that!”

“You’re too jealous to share me, so you have to provide the pleasure I need.”  He ran a hand down the side of her waist and then inward to her smooth mound.  Separating the folds, he massaged her clit firmly between two fingers.  “There should be a clamp here as well.”

“No fucking way!”

“We’ll try that next time, perhaps,” he said, as if she hadn’t spoken.  “Hopefully in time you’ll have all three pierced for me.”

“Pierced?”  What the hell had she gotten herself into?

“Chantelle, I promise that I won’t to anything to permanently harm you.”  Once again he slid two fingers inside her and stroked her clit with his thumb as he tried to press a third digit alongside them.  “And if you ever become distressed by anything I do, I will stop immediately.  But I will take you to heights you never imagined, if you just trust me.”

“I’ll hold you to that!”

“As long as you’re willing to try.”

“Try what?”

“I will tell you when you’re ready.”  He pressed the third finger inside her and she wiggled to accommodate them. “I love that you’re so tight, and yet you’re so eager to accommodate me.  It won’t be long before I will be fisting this sweet pussy, baby.”

“Fisting?  You’re kidding, right”  Shocked, she stared up at him.  “You should be called Dominant not Dominic!”

Dominic threw back his head and laughed.  “I’m not a Dom, my sweet and it’s a good thing or we would be heading for trouble.  You’re not what I would call submissive.”

It was Chantelle’s turn to laugh.  She wouldn’t meekly submit to him, but she would allow him to take her on the sexual journey he promised…he seemed to know what he was doing.

Her laughter faded as he quickly pulled his fingers out and positioned himself, hooking her right leg over his arm as he drove himself home with a quick thrust.

Chantelle moaned as he filled her.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever get enough of your tight pussy, baby.”  The admission seemed to pain Dominic.  He started a fast rhythm that quickly brought Chantelle to her peak and over it.  Yet he kept up the pace, almost as if he wanted to punish her for making him want her so much.

Chapter Eight


“Derek’s already made some progress with the house.”

“Already?”  They were lying on the office sofa, him spooning her from behind, recovering from their latest bout of lovemaking.  She turned to and face him.  “We only spoke about it yesterday.”

“Yes, but there is a four hour time difference between here and Jamaica.  Derek went to see your contractor and it’s as your grandfather suspected.  The man has already bought everything—windows, bathroom tiles and the paint—he needs to finish the house.  It’s all packed up in his storeroom.  His original estimate of twenty thousand was more than enough, but when your uncle came up with the idea of asking you for five thousand more, he decided to go along with the plan and earn some easy money.  He gave your uncle the two and a half thousand pounds as agreed.  He wasn’t happy when your uncle decided to ask for another ten thousand.”

“I can’t believe that Uncle James would be such a complete bastard!”  Chantelle was so angry for a moment she couldn’t breathe.  Her mother could have been in Jamaica rebuilding her life for several years now if her brother hadn’t objected to having her in the house.  And now he had undermined Chantelle’s alternative solution.

“Don’t worry about him.  Derek is on the case now and the house will be ready in less than two weeks.  People like your uncle get the comeuppance one day.”

“Two weeks!”  Chantelle gasped, then kissed him swiftly on the lips and drew her head back to smile at him.  “I don’t know how to thank you!”

“I’ll show you how in a minute,” he promised.  “I need to go to Jamaica to sort out a couple of issues with my bank account there.  Your brother and sisters can all come with us and return at the end of the summer holidays.  We’ll stay for a week to see your mother and grandparents settled.”

“I haven’t been to Jamaica since I was ten!”  Chantelle’s eyes lit up at the prospect before reality stepped in.  “But I can’t go at the moment!”

“Why not?”

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