Damned and Desired (21 page)

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Authors: Kathy Kulig

BOOK: Damned and Desired
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“You want to seek revenge for your parents?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then don’t worry about the Sha Warriors.”

He looked her up and down. The thin material of the white silk sheath did little to cover her breasts and hips. The chill in the lower chamber made her nipples hard and his gaze focused there. “Hmmm. How I will enjoy having you when we return to Prygos. Gwyllain would surely destroy you if she knew of my lust.” He slid his hands down her arms barely missing her breasts.

Living like this was insanity. If there was any way for her parents to be free from their prison in the underworld by Brad’s Navajo ways, she had to do it and do it soon.

Sakari sighed. “She is very jealous and has a temper too.”

“Hmmm. I do not wish her wrath to come down on you then. Stand beneath the crystals and I will take your offering. I will watch though.” He lifted her sheath over her head and dropped it on the floor.

She walked naked into the center of the crystals, feeling the weight of Tarik’s eyes on her. His gaze she could stand but the thought of the physical transfer of chi with him appalled her now because of her feelings for Brad. The rainbow lights flickered above her and her body became frozen in place. Like a magnetic field preventing her from making any but minor movements.

Tarik cranked up his machine and the erotic sensations rushed through her. He wasn’t even teasing her this time, with a slow build of pleasure like he usually did. As if this was punishment for not being able to make love to her, he was going to make her offering a quick, unsatisfying release.

A fluid warmth basked her nerve endings and the orgasm traveled through her in small ripples. Before the final throbbing stopped, the lights dimmed and the machine clicked off.

“You’re done,” Tarik said, his words edged with anger.

“Everything all right?” she asked. Was he angry at her? Did he suspect his feelings weren’t reciprocated? Or something else?

He looked up and met her eyes. “You better go before Gwyllain wonders why you were down here so long.”


Kathy Kulig

“Okay.” She dressed and disappeared in the recesses of the corridor.

* * * * *

The front door of the Red Rocks Bar and Grill creaked as it opened, and Sakari glanced up to see Dante stroll into the bar.

Moonlight streamed in through the entrance, gleaming on his long, black hair. As he walked across the mostly empty room, his gaze scanned the customers, apparently summing up the possible prey in the room. But gone was his usual arrogant invincibility. Instead, shoulders hunched, Dante ignored the single woman finishing her dinner. He couldn’t hide the strain and worry on his face. Taking a seat at the bar, he nodded to Sakari and ordered a beer.

With shaking hands she poured his beer and placed it in front of him. “Hello, Dante.”

He took a swig, then gave her an appraising look, his dark, almost black eyes peering into hers. Dread formed in the pit of her stomach.

He again glanced around at the half dozen customers left. “I sense a good amount of bio-essence in this room, enough that would be a satisfactory offering to the demoness.” He turned back to Sakari. “I don’t sense any of that lifeforce within you.”

“I know, Dante.” She lowered her voice. “I don’t want to collect with anyone other than Brad.” Did she dare tell him, he was trying to figure a way for her to stay?

He shrugged. “No matter. As long as Anartia receives an offering in a timely matter, it doesn’t matter where you get it from.”

Dante leaned forward and whispered, “We have one Sha Warrior in the chamber.”

“Who?” Sakari asked. “Not Leah. I was there and Tarik said—”

“It’s not Leah,” Dante interrupted. “Two more are needed before Tarik attempts to release Anartia from Earth and Valdon believes he’s found them. Be prepared to leave soon.” He got up to leave but Sakari grabbed his arm.

“Not Brad, you promised.” She glanced around the room. She couldn’t bear to think of anyone she knew making the sacrifice. “I’m afraid Tarik will destroy the Sha Warriors.”

Dante didn’t answer right away. “I don’t know. I doubt the demoness cares though.”

Sakari nodded, understanding what that meant. The demoness would do anything to return to Prygos to seek her revenge on her husband. Upon her return, she had her army of Drones and her plan set for the surprise attack and murder of Cragen, followed by a takeover.

“I’m staying behind,” she blurted out.

“What?” He glared at her. “Don’t speak of such nonsense.”


Damned and Desired

“If Brad can find a way to release my parents from the underworld, I’m staying.

You must tell me how to break free from Anartia.” She held up her nebula stone pendant. “It has to do with this, doesn’t it?”

“You can’t.” Dante stood. “You must return or the demoness will hunt you down and drain all your lifeforce.”

She grabbed his arm. “Please, help me. I love him.”

Dante sighed and hung his head.

“Don’t you believe it’s possible to love a mortal? You were mortal once. You loved your wife.”

“Yes, I did. And as a Drone, I loved a mortal woman, still love her and I almost destroyed her. She’s with another now. That was a long time ago.” He studied Sakari for a long moment. “Okay, there is a way but not until the three Sha Warriors are together.”

“I can’t allow three mortals to be sacrificed for my freedom.”

“You don’t know that for sure,” Dante argued. “If Tarik is successful, then mortals will no longer be threatened by Drones.”

“The risk is too great.”

“If the demoness discovers your plan to leave she will hunt you down and make you a slave again. Then you won’t be permitted to leave Anartia and you’ll lose your chance to escape. If she’s busy with preparations for leaving, she won’t notice you’re gone.”

Sakari nodded. As much as she didn’t like the idea of capturing Sha Warriors, she knew it was inevitable. The Sha Warriors would be found with or without her help.

Tarik would attempt to finish his project. And if the project was successful, Anartia would travel through dimensions and arrive at Prygos. “What do I have to do?”

“Hey, Sakari, it’s winding down here. Would you mind if I left early? I’m taking an early class tomorrow.” Haley walked up to the bar and gave Dante a flirty smile.

“Hello,” she said to him. “Nice to see you again.”

“What kind of class?” Dante asked returning the smile.

No, not Haley.
Sakari shot him a warning look but he ignored her.

“It’s on Tarot card reading at All Things Mystical, the New Age book store. I think I’m psychic. I’ve always had a sense about things.”

Dante leaned in closer. “Really? I find that fascinating. What do you sense about me?”

Haley rested her elbows on the bar. Dante glanced at Sakari for a split second giving her a knowing look. And Sakari returned a pleading look. Again he ignored her.

“Hmmm. Let me think.” Haley took his hand and stared at him for a few moments.

“Kind of a loner. But you come from a big family. You’ve lived here a long time, maybe grew up in this area. You love to travel. You probably think this is silly.” She stood up and poured herself a soda.


Kathy Kulig

“No, go on. I’d like to hear more.”

“Hmmm.” She stared into his eyes and gave him a sexy smile. “I bet you’re passionate about your job but wish you were the boss. You’re not easy to read. Maybe I can do your Tarot cards when I learn how.”


“What kind of work do you do?”

Dante glanced at Sakari then back at Haley. “Accounting. Business.”

“So how accurate was I?”

Dante smiled. “Pretty good.”

Haley smiled. “Yeah? See, Sakari? I told you I’m psychic.” Sakari saw her jot something on a bar napkin and hand it to Dante. “I also predict that you’ll call me sometime. I’ll see if I’m right. I need to go now. Nice talking to you.”

“Good night, Haley,” Sakari said, watching Dante with a cautious eye.

Dante stood up. “Let me walk you to your car.”

“Her car is just out back,” Sakari pointed out.

Haley gave her a weird look. “Thanks, Mom, I’ll be fine.”

Dante leaned over the bar and whispered to Sakari. “Complete your duties and return to Anartia in two days.”

“Dante, she’s my friend,” she said, her eyes pleading.

He smiled then turned away from her without another word. He walked out the back door with Haley.

Sakari caught up with Dante in the parking lot and yanked his arm so hard, he stumbled.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked.

“No, not Haley,” she demanded but quietly enough so that Haley couldn’t hear.

Dante sighed and removed her hand from his arm. Smiling, he said coolly, “Guess you’re settling into life on this planet and you thought you’d hate it. Now you have friends you want to protect. Interesting.”

She was silent for a moment. “Dante, there must be another way, please.”

“Do not worry. I’m not a threat to your friends. I’m going to warn her to stay away from Ambros and the Cathedral Rock trail for a while because I believe Valdon will be searching that area for Sha Warriors. I’ll tell her the blond man is a bit of a psycho and appeared to take an unhealthy interest in her.”

She felt a little spark of relief but Valdon was still out there.

* * * * *

“Want to take a drive out into the desert?” Dante asked Haley. “A short drive.”

“Now?” She gave him a suspicious look.


Damned and Desired

“Sure. The desert is beautiful at this time. Peaceful, natural, wild.” He sent along a few persuading thoughts, nothing too seductive. He didn’t want to scare her off.

“All right. If you’re a friend of Sakari’s, I suppose I can trust you. I’ll drive.”

“Okay.” He got into her car and she pulled out of the parking lot. “Which way?”

“Out of town.” He pointed the way. “There’s a nice place I like to go to…meditate.”

She turned and looked at him with wide eyes. “Oh, you meditate too? Nice. You should come with me to one of Ambros’ classes. He’s amazing.”

“That sounds nice.”


“Haley, do me a favor and don’t meditate by the Cathedral Rock vortex for a while.”

She slowed the car down and didn’t look at him. “Why? I go there a lot with Ambros and his class.”

“I know. Just for a while. There’s this man, Valdon. I can’t explain but you need to stay away from him. He may be spending some time around Cathedral Rock. He’s trouble. Okay?”

“Okay,” she said softly. “Should I warn Ambros?”

“I’ll let Ambros know.”

“He’s trouble? What kind?”

“Evil energy,” Dante said.

“Oh, I understand.” She seemed satisfied with that. She reached over and squeezed his arm. “Thank you.”

Dante’s hands tightened into fists. Memories of a lost love, Amy, came to mind.

There was a reason why Drones did not get emotionally involved with Kithra.
make it personal.
It was dangerous to the Kithra and dangerous to the Drone. Glancing over to Haley, he admired her soft blonde waves and delicate chin and mouth. Still wearing her waitress uniform, her breasts filled out her black tee shirt and the skirt hiked up high on her thighs.

His body stirred with arousal. He’d make a quick harvest of lifeforce energy and take her home. He wouldn’t make the same mistake with Haley as he did with Amy.

“Turn off onto that dirt road on the left.”

She did and parked the car. “Wow, this is beautiful out here.” They got out of the car and walked.

The night was cool with a slight breeze scented with earthy sandstone, dirt and sage. The horizon was silhouetted with the distant red rock monoliths.

He took her hand and he began his seduction with sensual thoughts. He heard her breathing increase and her heart rate kick up a bit. This wouldn’t take long and he could return to Anartia with an offering. He looked at Haley and she smiled at him.

Then something inside him knotted up.
Don’t get personal.


Kathy Kulig

He stopped and faced her, stroking her arms but avoiding her gaze.

“Dante,” she said his name in a throaty whisper as she slid her hands around his waist.

“Shhhh.” He leaned forward and kissed her, a teasing invitation with just his lips.

She moaned and pressed her body against him. He urged his tongue to part her lips and she complied. The kiss deepened and he closed his eyes, lost in her, wanting her in all ways.

Her lips parted and she gasped for a breath and moved his hand to her breast.

“Touch me,” she ordered.

His suggestive thoughts really had her hot and bothered. Had him hot and aroused too. His cock was hard and aching. As he massaged her breasts, she slipped her tee shirt off and dropped it on the ground. Without hesitation, Dante undid her bra and threw that on the ground too. He grabbed her breasts and kissed her mouth, her neck. He couldn’t get enough of her and wanted to feel her completely naked.

Her hands were at his jeans, unzipping and working one hand in to grasp his engorged cock. He sucked in air. Damn, she felt good.

“Oh, God, touch me,” she begged again as she directed his hand up her skirt and between her legs. Her panties were wet. He groaned. He wanted her, wanted her bad.


What was he doing? He was losing control of his Kithra. He wasn’t going to get an offering this way. In fact, he could kill her.

He pulled back.

She looked at him with a hurt look in her eyes, panting. “What’s wrong?”

He ran a hand through his hair. “Can’t do this,” he said.

“Why not?” The crushed look on her face nearly broke him.

“Not safe.” He put his hand up and sent her a strong thought so she’d forget everything.


Damned and Desired

Chapter Seventeen

The mud and log hut stuck out at the base of a steep red rock formation like a dusty boot. Tall pine trees circled the hogan, giving it shade and hiding it from the surrounding valley. The sky glowed in endless shades of red and orange as the sun disappeared behind the mountains. “This will work,” Brad whispered to Sakari as they approached the hogan, stepping with their soft-soled moccasins. He had given her a pair for the ceremony along with a thin suede shift adorned with turquoise beads. With her dark hair and bronze skin, Brad thought she looked like an Indian princess. This had to be done right the first time or he’d lose her forever.

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