Damaged and the Cobra (4 page)

Read Damaged and the Cobra Online

Authors: Bijou Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Damaged and the Cobra
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Chapter Six - Aaron

For most of my teens, the Johanssons were like a
second family. I spent most weekends at their place where we fished, hunted,
played sports, and acted like two unsupervised pubescent boys. Cooper was the
brother I never had, but brothers grew apart over time.

The Johansson family business was something I kept at
a distance as we grew up. Years earlier, Cooper asked me to join the club and
get my hands dirty. While I was his friend and would keep his secrets, the life
his family led wasn’t for me. For one thing, I was just a natural born outsider.
I got along with everyone, but I liked being my own man. This was something
Cooper would never enjoy. He wasn’t merely a husband, friend, or college
student. He was the heir to a business built in blood.

Normally, I didn’t think about Cooper as anything
more than the showoff smartass man I knew since he was a showoff smartass kid.
Today, he seemed bothered in a way that wasn’t about college or marriage. Farah
giggled nearby with Tawny as they struggled to make pigtails in seven year old
Sawyer’s long wavy hair. Laughing at their attempts, Jodi Johansson smiled at
Bailey who rested against her mother’s shoulder. The family appeared relaxed,
but I noticed Cooper wasn’t the only grumpy one. As Kirk worked the grill, his
jaw was tight and eyes unfocused.

“What’s up?” I finally asked Cooper as we walked
over to the corner of the deck.

“Business shit.”

“Don’t get pouty. Just fucking tell me.”

Cooper grinned. “You’re an asshole. How’s your love
life, Romeo?”

“Don’t change the subject. What’s making you grumpy?
Marriage problems?”

“Fuck you,” Cooper growled, really trying to out
alpha me and everyone in a ten mile radius.


Exhaling hard, Cooper glared at the sky. “The
Devils hit another of our suppliers.”

“I thought you got the mole.”

“We did. The people they hit were out in the open.
In a way, it’s worse. They’re mocking us,” Cooper said then glanced at Vaughn.
“They want Harlow now too.”


“It’s a bargaining chip. They really just want
Vaughn, but having him know they’re after the girl will make him edgier. A
tense Outlaw makes mistakes.”

“They won’t come here though.”

“No. I don’t think so. It’s hard to know why
they’re pushing so hard on this, but I think it’s ego. They couldn’t have cared
about Playboy that fucking much. It’s about Vaughn making them look weak or
maybe they’re fucking nuts. Who knows, but they said they want the girl now. If
we give her and Vaughn to them, they’ll back off. Oh, and they promise to kill
her quick. Vaughn needs to bleed though.”


“Those fuckers wouldn’t kill her either. She’s a
pretty girl and they’d make her work. Sick bastards can’t be trusted. Even if I
was willing to hand over the girl and let Vaughn die, I can’t give into the
Devils without looking weak.”

“What can do you?”

“I need to hit them back,” Cooper said, his voice
dropping. “I think it’s what Pop would do. He’s keeping quiet on the issues. If
I can’t get it handled, he’ll take over and that shit can’t happen. I will
never get respect if I need him to fix my problems.”

“Hit them back how?”

“Two ways. I could send my top guys, but I don’t
want to rely on Pop’s guys. The old timers aren’t loyal to me like Judd and
Vaughn. Of course, I can’t send my guys because Vaughn can’t be trusted to go
without losing his shit. I also can’t send Judd.”

We both looked at where the enforcer stared out at
the woods. Whatever he was thinking about had put him in a dark mood. However,
Tawny laughed at Sawyer’s hair and the sound brought Judd out from his gloom.

“If he died,” Cooper said in nearly a whisper, “it
would end Tawny. She’s a tough broad, but she wouldn’t survive without her man.
As the boss, I shouldn’t care. I should focus on what’s good for the business
and club, but…”

Cooper didn’t finish and he didn’t need to. We both
understood how his heart belonged to Farah. Like a domino effect, Judd’s death
would destroy Tawny which would destroy Farah which would weaken Cooper. Losing
Judd wasn’t an option.

“The only other choice is calling in help from Memphis,” Cooper said, glancing at Farah who was watching him in that weird mating way
they looked at each other lately.
It was obnoxious.
“I can get a big gun
to take care of my problem, but it also might make me look like I can’t handle
things on my own.”

“What’s Kirk saying about any of this?”

“Fucking nothing. He’s leaving it to me. When I
make a suggestion, he acts like I’m an idiot. I know he’s testing me and I get
that shit, but people are dying. Not just fucking loser druggies and dealers
either. Kids and average folks are getting caught in the crosshair. The Devils
don’t care, but I do. I’m not turning into a monster to do this job.”

“Have you asked Farah for advice?” I said when I
saw her moving closer like a predator leisurely making its way towards its

“She’s not…”

“Ask your woman. She might say something that helps
things click for you. Trust me that Farah brings out the best in you, so maybe
she can get your big fat brain to work.”

Laughing, Cooper slugged me in the arm. “Asshole.”

“Maybe, but I’m right. Oh, hell, here she comes and
I sense you two will be sneaking off for a quickie.”

“Fuck sneak off,” Cooper said, still grinning.
“We’re married. We just announce we’re going to fuck then go fuck. We’re in a
committed relationship, so we can act mature like that.”

Now, I was the one laughing and I didn’t stop once
Farah cuddled up with her beast.

“I heard you’re having dinner with Lark,” she said,
wiggling her eyebrows. “Hurry up and marry her, so we can double date and annoy

“Can’t you double date with Tawny and Judd?”

Cooper and Farah laughed. “Yeah, right,” they said
in unison, causing me to wonder if their brains had merged from too much sex.

“If I have my way, Lark will be mine.”

“He’s stalking her,” Cooper told Farah. “Draws
pictures of her naked too.”

Farah laughed and pated my cheek. “Romantic.”

“Clearly, I’ve fucked her brains out,” Cooper said
and she gave him the pissed wife look. Sighing, he lowered his gaze and
mumbled, “Yes, ma’am.”

Watching them do their obnoxious married thing, I
tried my hardest not to be a jealous bastard wishing I had what they did.
Despite my best efforts, I failed.

Chapter Seven - Lark

As a bad liar, I struggled to act casual as Dylan
dropped me off at the Hampton library. Instead of just telling me what time to
wait for him, he turned off his Harley and joined me on the sidewalk.

“What are you doing?” I asked, hiding my horror.

“You seem weird. I just got a feeling I should
stick around.”

“You want to come into the library while I study
for a few hours?”



“I got a feeling. I told you.”

Panicking, I glanced around. “You can’t come in.”

“Why?” he growled, fully suspicious now.

“It’s embarrassing to have my brother sitting there
while I study with my friends.”

“I’m not your brother.”

“That’s how they see you,” I said then added, “It’s
how I see you.”

Dylan’s frown darkened. “I was nineteen when our
parents married. You’re not my sister.”

Staring up into his angry dark eyes, I wished he
was angry enough to storm off. “If you’re not my brother, why are you treating
me like your little sister who needs babying?”

“I’m protecting you.”

“I don’t need protecting. I need to study with my
friends without you watching us like my warden.”

Grumpy now, Dylan glanced around then stepped
closer. “I’m keeping you safe. Now, you said you needed to study, so let’s go.”

Walking with Dylan, I felt depression rising up
inside me. I had dreamed of spending time alone with Aaron. Did the handsome
artist feel like I did? Could we be something special together? Now, I wouldn’t
know because Aaron wouldn’t forgive me for standing him up.

Inside the library, my study buddies waited. Nick
and Selena frowned when Dylan appeared.

“He’s keeping me safe,” I said, answering their
questioning looks.

Dylan grunted, clearly irritated to see me studying
with a guy. His jealousy gave me an idea.

“Nick, you need a haircut,” I said, pushing his
long dark bangs out of his green eyes. “You look like a cute little puppy.”

Staring at me, Nick took a moment to figure out my
sudden flirty interest in him. He smiled and reached for my bangs.

“I like how you’re growing your hair out.”

Selena ignored us both, but I saw her grin as if in
on the joke.

“This is what you call studying?” Dylan muttered,
sitting closer now.

Nick and I smiled then I stood up. “I want to get
cleaned up. You know, before we study,” I said, grinning at Nick again.

Dylan focused his glare on Nick who only smiled.
“Your sister is hot, but I’m sure you’re used to guys saying that.”

“She’s not my sister,” Dylan growled.

Leaving the men to eye one another, I hurried to
the bathroom. Dylan never followed, just like I hoped. As he focused his
jealous attention on Nick who was likely ignoring him now, I slipped out a
backdoor and ran for the bus. If I missed it, I’d need to walk three miles. No
way could I reach Denny’s before Aaron left.

Even running full speed, I reached the bus stop in
time to see it disappearing around a corner. Panic and depression ate at me,
but I started walking towards the restaurant. I was going to see Aaron tonight
and I wasn’t letting Dylan or fate stop me.

Chapter Eight - Aaron

I’d been stood up once in my life and it was a girl
I didn’t really like. We’d both been pretty drunk when we agreed to meet the
next day for lunch. I hadn’t wanted to see her again once the beer goggles wore
off, but didn’t have the heart to stand her up. She hadn’t suffered from the
same weakness and never showed.

Getting stood up that day was a relief. Having Lark
not show was like someone kicking me in the balls while tearing out my heart
and crapping on it.

My muse might have a million great reasons to stay
away. I focused on the one reason I couldn’t bear. She hadn’t wanted me.
Despite all the smiles when Jade set up this dinner, Lark might only be playing
along. Maybe she knew I wanted her and she simply wanted a finished tattoo. Was
this her not so subtle way of making a point?

As I waited for nearly an hour, the waitress must
have asked me thirty times if I wanted something or if my friend was coming.
The place was dead, but she clearly wanted me to put up or get out. I just smiled
and played on my phone. Anyone would think I was content getting stood up.
Inside, I was pissed and hurt and pissed some more. Not even pissed at Lark,
but at myself for pining for a girl I didn’t know. Over the last few weeks, I’d
affixed so many qualities onto her face and name. Lark could be anyone, but I’d
made her my muse. My ideal girl who won my heart before our first kiss.

I was pissed at myself for being a fool. A weird
obsessive fool to boot. No wonder the girl played it safe and stayed away.

A part of me wanted to go home and trash all of the
paintings I’d made of her, but I knew I wouldn’t. Even if I couldn’t win her
heart, she still inspired me. Despite her disinterest, Lark was still my
fucking muse and I wasn’t trashing anything with her lovely face on it.

Eventually, I gave my waitress what she wanted and
left. My Harley was the only vehicle in the main parking lot and it looked as
lonely as I felt. Hell, I’d really hoped Lark was the one.

If any night was a good time to speed, it was this one
and I raced out of the parking lot and towards Whiskey Kirk’s. I need a few
beers and time alone in a booth while working Lark out of my system. While I
considered calling Cooper to have him meet me and listen to me bitch, I knew he
was home with Farah. The guy loved playing family man in his big suburban
house. I suspected the playing part involved the couple running around naked
most of the time.

Something was clearly wrong with the world when
guys like Cooper and Judd were settled, or whipped as Vaughn like to put it,
while I was alone. No one liked the idea of existing as half of a couple as
much as me. My parents were still in love after decades together. Even now,
their bickering possessed a gooey romantic vibe.

Despite only seeing Lark on a few occasions, I knew
her face. Hell, I dreamed of that face. So when I raced past as she walked
towards the restaurant, I only needed a glimpse to know it was her.

Turning the Harley around at the next light, I
hurried back to where I’d seen her. Lark was making great time, but it would be
another fifteen minutes before she reached Denny’s. I stopped the bike next to
the spot where she was waiting for me. Clearly, she’d been walking for a while and
was soaked with sweat.

“Hey,” I said, frowning at the sight of her flushed

“I missed the bus.”

Turning off the Harley, I sighed. “We should have
exchanged numbers so I could pick you up.” Noticing her backpack looking heavy
with books, I frowned again. “Did you just get out of school?”

“I’m supposed to be studying. My brother was
hanging around and I had to sneak off and I missed the bus.”

Lark was hot and tired and her hair was a mess from
the long trek. She looked lovely though. Those pink cheeks made me wonder
things. Mainly if they’d be so pink after hours of making love with me.

“I thought you were nineteen,” I said once my mind
left the idea of us in bed.

“I am.”

“So why does your brother care where you go?”

Lark stared at me with those bright green eyes and
waited to be scolded. I hated the look on her face and why it was there.
Imagining the countless times she must have been beaten down over the years, I refused
to be another disappointment.

“Wanna get some pulled pork over at Stucky’s?” I
asked, climbing off the Harley.

Lark blinked hard like she was about to say no, but
wasn’t sure how.

“Do you not like barbecue?” I asked.

“I do, but it’s been really slow at the restaurant
and I don’t really have money to spend and…”

Lark was sweaty and a hint of her eyeliner had
smudged on the right side. Yet, she never looked more beautiful than when I
realized she wanted me.
No, she fucking needed me..

“Let’s stop playing games,” I said, reaching to
wipe the smudge from her face. “This is a date and I’m paying.”

Before she might protest, I leaned down and kissed
those lips I had craved since the reception. Lark lifted them to me, needing
what I needed. The kiss was soft. Even wanting more, my lips left hers. They
returned to suck softly at her bottom lip once more before relenting.

When I stepped back, Lark shivered and gave me a
little relieved smile. I knew how she felt. I’d been waiting to do that for

“Let’s go,” I said, holding out my hand.

Lark’s smile grew and I nearly kissed her again.
She looked lovely like a child on Christmas and I was what Santa left.
A guy
could get used to that look.

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