Dalton, Tymber - Doggy Tales [Doggy Tales] (Siren Publishing Classic) (18 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Doggy Tales [Doggy Tales] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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The Lab caught her hand in his mouth and gently led her around to the front of the house where the cars were parked. She was having trouble focusing now, even walking was difficult. Whatever Ron had doped her with, it was strong and quick. She was afraid to pass out for fear of Ron doing something.

Ron still followed her a few paces behind. “Tessa, why don’t you let me drive you home?”

“No, I’m okay.”

Den whined, trying to move her along faster. “Okay, boy,” she whispered. “I know. I’m sorry. I should have paid attention to you. You tried to warn me.”

Ron kept up, but his voice had changed pitch, and even she recognized it. “Tessa,
will drive you home.”

They were now hidden from the other partygoers by a thick stand of trees. Den whirled and snarled, curling his lips and baring his teeth.

you will.”

She gasped. She would swear she heard Den say that through his protective growl. That had to be an effect of whatever Ron doped her with. Dogs couldn’t talk.

Ron stopped and held up his hands, but he didn’t back off. Trembling, she finally got her finger on the remote and managed to unlock the car. Den stood to the side while she carefully slid behind the wheel. There was a quick movement, and then Den was snarling and barking at Ron, who’d tried to rush the car when the dog’s back was turned.

Ron backed up, an angry look on his face. “Don’t you dare drive, Tessa. You need to be taken home. I’ll take you.”

She forced her eyes to focus on Ron. “What’d you dope me with, asshole?” Den put his front feet on her lap, and she sensed he wanted her to unclip his leash. She finally managed it.

“You’re imagining things, Tessa,” Ron lied. She heard it in his voice. He darted for the car again, and Den was on him, jumping up and bouncing off his chest, knocking the man down and growling at him.

“Stay. Away. From. My. Mate.”
Den didn’t do any damage, but ripped at Ron’s Joker outfit, forcing the man into a hasty, scrambling retreat.

She should get the car doors locked and call 911. That was definitely a hallucination. Imagining a dog talking was a really bad side effect.

“Den, come.” He wheeled around and leapt through the open driver door. She pulled it shut and slammed the lock button just as Ron ran up again and yanked on the door handle, beating on the window.

“Tessa! You’ll regret this, goddamn it!”

She fumbled the key into the ignition and managed to start it. Thank God it was an automatic transmission. Fortunately, she’d parked on the far end of the field, and there were no cars in her way. She drove down the winding driveway, out of sight of the house, and when her vision tripled she knew she had to pull over.

She sobbed, putting the car into park. “I can’t, Den. I’ve got to call someone. God, I wish I’d stayed home.” She felt close to passing out.

Her head felt too heavy to hold up on her neck. She closed her eyes, praying Ron hadn’t followed her.

It had to be an effect of the drug that as she finally passed out, she swore she heard Scudder’s voice calling her name and felt his hand caress her cheek…

* * * *

She heard sirens, barking, agitated voices. Her eyelids barely budged.

Tessa heard the door locks disengage. She tried to swipe at the button to lock them again, but felt Den’s paw on her arm.

Then a strange voice. “Ma’am? Are you okay…?”

* * * *

Lights…movement…strange voices…

What felt like days later, she finally opened her eyes and realized she was in the hospital. Her boss and a deputy stood by the side of her bed.

“Den? Where is he?”

“He’s okay, Tessa,” her boss said. “My wife has him at our house. Damndest thing, they said he unlocked your car doors when the EMTs showed up.”

She licked her lips and relaxed. “Ron doped my drink.”

“We know. One of the bartenders saw him do it, and they tried to get help, but you’d disappeared by then. Then when the 911 call came in, the responders found you in the driveway. Why did you try to drive?”

“Ron was chasing me. I wanted to get away from him, but I didn’t call 911.”

“No, some guy did. From your phone.”

That broke through the leftover haze. “What?”

The deputy nodded. “That’s right, ma’am. We don’t know who he was, because when we got there, it was just you and your dog locked in the car.”

She lay back and closed her eyes. She was too tired to figure this out now.

“What did he dope me with?”

“Ketamine. He admitted it after we searched his car and found more. You’re very lucky.”

She closed her eyes. “Den tried to warn me.”


“My dog. He tried to warn me. He kept Ron away from me when I went to the car. He protected me.”

* * * *

It was late the next afternoon when she was discharged. Her boss picked her up and took her back to his house to pick up her car and Den. The Lab happily barked and rushed out the front door, practically tackling her, vigorously licking her face, his tail wagging fast and furious.

She hugged him, burying her face in his fur. “You can’t leave me, boy. That’s twice you’ve saved me.” She cupped his head in her palms. “You’re staying with me forever, got it?”

He softly chuffed.

Her boss had bought a huge bag of dog food for the Lab and sent it home with her. When she tried to give Den some, he turned his nose up at it and stared at the remaining bag of beef jerky on the counter.

She laughed and fed him the whole bag. “You earned it. I should feed you filet mignon, you big stud.”

He softly chuffed in agreement.

She tried to call Scudder and reached his voice mail. She left a brief and hopefully not too worrisome message before curling up in bed with Den. It was still daylight out, but she was exhausted.

Wrapping her fingers in his thick fur, she held on to his collar and buried her face against his neck. “I love you. God, I should have listened to Scudder. He was right.” She gently nudged the dog. “You’re not allowed to growl at him, hear me? You’re named after him, and I love him. Got it?”

His tail thumped.

* * * *

She awoke sometime after two o’clock in the morning. Den had rolled over in bed, but she still had her fingers around his collar. She opened her eyes and realized she was face-to-face with him, his huge, golden-brown eyes staring into hers.

Just like Scudder’s
, she thought, then froze.

The dog watched her with awareness, his eyes narrowing slightly.

What she thought she heard before she passed out, that was her imagination, right?


She gasped.

Den’s eyes followed hers, locked in an intense gaze, her fingers still tangled through his jet-black fur…

She sat up. Den didn’t move, just watched her with those huge, golden-brown eyes.

“Oh. My. God.”

He slowly sat up, his eyes never leaving hers.

She ran her hands over his fur then cupped his face again. Okay, she was going to blame this on a bad side effect of what Ron had doped her with.

Den softly chuffed and gently pushed his nose against her hand.

Full moon.

She scrambled across the bed away from him, staring.

“Tess, please.”
His eyes pleaded with her.

“They said a man called 911.”

The dog nodded. She drew her knees up to her chest, hugging them to her. “So this is what it feels like when you lose your mind?”

The dog chuffed again and lay down, belly crawling across the bed to her, softly whining.

“You’re not crazy, Tess.”

“Oh my God!”

Those huge, golden-brown eyes. How could she have missed it? She’d never seen anyone or anything with eyes like that before, and then to have a dog show up with Scudder’s eyes and hair…

“If you’re really him, then change back!”

The dog jumped off the bed and went to the window, his front paws up on the sill, nosing through the blinds. Apparently satisfied, he returned to the bed and sat in front of her and nuzzled her hand. Once she had her hand on his collar, he looked her in the eye.

His face shifted, changed. Suddenly, Scudder was crouched on the bed in front of her, and she had her fingers tightly hooked through the collar around his neck.

Tessa’s eyes widened in shock. She finally sat back, releasing the collar. Then she realized he was naked.

Shock took a momentary backseat to desire, because he was extremely well endowed. Then back to shock.


He nodded, not speaking, fixing her with those sweet, golden-brown eyes. After a few minutes, he unfastened the collar and dropped it to the bed. “I’m sorry, Tess,” he whispered. “It’s not like I could just tell you.”

She stared.

After another silent minute, he carefully shifted position so he sat cross-legged on the bed and made no attempt to cover himself. “I couldn’t very well order you not to go to the party. I damn sure didn’t want you there alone with Ron,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”

None of the words she tried to form would come out as anything other than a random, jumbled series of vowels and consonants that made no sense.

* * * *

He slowly reached out and took her hand. She stared at it, but didn’t pull away. “Please, Tess,” he whispered.

After an agonizingly long time, she met his gaze again.

He leaned forward and kissed her, and as if a spell was broken, she fell into his arms, greedily kissing him back.

There was no way he could resist her now, not after what happened and what she knew. He took his time making slow, sweet love to her, enjoying her scent on his skin, making her moan with pleasure.

He’d waited so long for this, to make love to her, and he’d damn sure make it last. He worked his way down her body with his lips and tongue, pausing at her breasts and licking her nipples, gently biting at them. The responding moan he received from her made his cock throb even more, but he refused to rush.

Her fingers plunged into his hair, her nails digging into his scalp and adding a pleasant bite of pain to his pleasure. When he finally reached the juncture between her thighs she moaned even more loudly and held on tight to his head.

With his hands wrapped around her thighs, he slowly laved his tongue through her pussy lips, closing his eyes at his first sweet taste of her. He lapped at her clit, not letting her escape his grasp until he knew he’d gotten three orgasms out of her and she begged for mercy.

He stalked up her body, his cock painfully hard and dying to be embedded inside her sweet hole. “I want you to be mine. Forever.”

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Doggy Tales [Doggy Tales] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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