Daffodils in March (7 page)

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Authors: Clare Revell

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Daffodils in March
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David's phone rang. “Hello? Yeah, I'm leaving now. Give me ten minutes.” He headed to the door. “Got to go out. Don't wait up, not sure how long I'll be.”

“Do you want dinner?”

“No. Lock up when you go to bed, but don't pull the curtain over the front door. I'll do that when I get in.” He left, almost at a run, the front door slamming shut behind him.

Eden sighed and looked down at the baby. “Just you and me, kid.” She glanced across the room at the photo of Hanna and Eric taken on their wedding day. They both looked so happy. “I'll keep telling you about your mum and dad and how much they loved and wanted you. I'm a poor substitute, but I'll do my best.” She paused. “So will Uncle David.”


David looked at Liam as the AA meeting ended. “Thanks for making me come. It's been a horrid day and I just…”

Liam's hand touched his arm in an expression of sympathy. “I know; that's why I insisted you came tonight.” He glanced at his watch. “I figured we'd go back to mine, and put on a huge pot of coffee. Adam is going to meet us there.”

“Adam?” David frowned. “What's going on?”

Liam smiled. “We're going to celebrate your one hundred days like Hanna wanted. Adam's bringing the curry and I'm providing the coffee.”

David's hands dropped to his side. He'd forgotten all about that. “Where's Jacqui tonight?”

As always Liam's eyes lit up at the mention of his wife's name. “She's babysitting for Pastor Jack and Cassie. We have the house to ourselves for a bit.”

The AA meeting hall was a short walk from Liam's house and by the time they got there, Adam's car was already parked behind David's.

Adam West, his lawyer and the one person with whom he was completely honest, got out of the car to greet them, take away bags in his hands.

As always when the three of them got together, the talk centered around football and politics, before moving onto the topic of the recent plane crash and Hanna's death.

David looked at his mug. “The funeral is Friday. I still can't believe she's never coming home.”

“How's Eden doing? Is she still living at your place?” Liam asked.

“Unfortunately.” David caught his breath. “We got called into see the solicitor Hanna used this morning. It seems Hanna changed her will. She left her half of the house to Eden.”

Adam looked at him. “She did?”

“Oh, and that's not the best bit.” David looked at his lawyer. “Hanna left Eden full custody and parental rights to Marc.”

Both men sat up straight. “
” they said in unison.

David looked at Adam. “I need you to file for me. I'm contesting the will and suing Eden for full custody.”

“You can't—” Adam began.

“It's not up for debate,” David cut him off. He knew what this would do to Eden and would probably turn her against him forever, but he had no choice. It's what any man in his current work predicament would be expected to do. Therefore he had to do it.

Adam held his gaze for a long time before nodding. “OK. First thing tomorrow.”


Liam frowned over the cup. “Are you sure you can't work this out another way? Be content being Marc's uncle rather than his guardian?”

David shook his head. “I promised Hanna I'd look after Marc should anything happen to her and for that I need full custody. As it is, I have no rights to him at all. Eden can up and leave the country if she wants. And for various reasons I can't go into, I need to know where Marc is at all times.”


Dressed in black, baby in her arms, Eden walked slowly behind David as they followed the coffin into the church. Despite the short notice, the chapel was packed. Eden hadn't wanted to bring Marc at all, but David insisted. She just hoped and prayed he'd sleep through the whole service.

Of course, he didn't. He began to cry half way through David's eulogy, so she reached into her pocket for the dummy, praying it would work. Marc's cries gradually ceased, and he fell asleep once more.

Now as Eden glanced up at David, his face was impassive, even his eyes were expressionless. His voice didn't waver as he spoke. It was as if Hanna's death had stripped him of every last shred of emotion and humanity. Ice exuded from his every pore, and they'd barely spoken ten words since the trip to the solicitor's.

Eulogy over, he slid into the row beside her. As he leaned in, his aftershave wafted over her. “Stay where I can see you,” he whispered.

Eden bristled. Did he think she was going to take Marc and run? That sounded like a threat, albeit an emotionless one. The rest of the service and the committal passed in a blur as they laid Hanna to rest in the double plot with her husband.

The wake in the church hall was filled with family and friends. Eden sat at a table in the corner, with Marc sleeping in his car seat at her feet. Her plate of food and cup of tea sat untouched, as she watched David talking in an animated fashion with two elders on the other side of the room. She knew them both—DS Nate Holmes and Elliott Wallac.


Eden turned to the new voice and smiled slightly at Elliott's fiancée. Having known Elliott for years, she was thrilled that he'd finally found someone he wanted to settle down with.

“Hi, Grace. I figured you weren't going to be too far away from Elliott.”

Grace Chadwick sat beside her and winked. “He's my ride home, so I'm keeping a close eye on him.”

“Thank you for the flowers. The church looked lovely. Hanna loved daffodils and tulips.”

Grace smiled. “Not your usual funeral flowers, so it made a nice change. Although arranging them was a challenge.” She set her plate on the table. “I'm still learning the ins and outs of the floristry business.”

“You're doing great.”

“How are

Eden shrugged. “I still can't get my head around the fact that Hanna's gone. I keep expecting her to walk in, tell me I'm folding the sheets wrong, or to put my glad rags on because we're hitting the town. Anyway, how's the house coming on?”

“It's getting there. Elliott still reckons it'll be finished by May first. The outside is up, it has a roof, and it looks the same as it did before the storm. Well, from the front anyway. He's extending the back, but won't let me go and look.”

“Is that what you wanted?” She sipped her tea.

Grace nodded. “Yeah. Inside will be slightly different. El has complete control.” She lowered her voice. “I think he likes it that way.”

“Are you taking my name in vain again, Grace?” Elliott appeared next to them, and winked at Eden, before dropping into the spare chair.

Grace chuckled. “Always, my love.”

Eden put her cup down. “Hi, Elliott.”

He smiled. “How are you doing, Eden?”

“It's hard. Losing Eric was bad enough, but Hanna as well?” Her attention flicked over to David, who now seemed to be getting into a heated discussion with Nate Holmes. Her foot caught the car seat, and she bent down to straighten the blanket.

“What's going to happen to the baby?” Elliott asked.

“According to Hanna's will, I have sole custody, not that David likes that idea. Hanna also left me her half of the house.” Eden sighed.

Elliott nodded. “Yet, you and he seemed so close at one point.”

“Yeah. And then he just—” Eden broke off. “Oh well, I just hope God knows what He's doing by putting the two of us in the same house, with me in charge of raising Marc. Right now we can't even find a civil word to say to each other.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “You and David or you and God?”

“Me and David.”

Elliott finished his coffee. “I know God knows what's going to happen, Eden, and even if it doesn't seem like it right now, He'll make sure it'll work out.”

“He certainly knew what He was doing when He dropped a tree on my house,” Grace added. “Even if I didn't think so at the time.”

Eden smiled slightly at the image.

Grace winked at her and mimed dropping something from a great height and the splat it made as it hit the ground.

Eden's smile grew.

Grace touched her hand. “That's better. Just remember the good times. It helps.”

“Like you're doing with Hope,” Elliott said.

Grace nodded. “Yeah.”

“Any word on finding her yet?” Eden asked. Grace's sister, Hope, hadn't been seen for over nine years.

Grace shook her head. “No, but at least people are still looking, so maybe one day.”


David reigned in his temper. A church was no place to lose it, a funeral even less so, despite the way Nate had wound him up and angered him. He hissed out a long deep breath. “I was
a witness to that murder,” he said quietly, shooting Eden a sideways glance to make sure she and Marc were still there. “And I can't believe you'd pick my sister's funeral to ask me about it. Are you never off duty?”

Nate raised an eyebrow. “Actually, I'm working right now. Barry Grant had a family, too. It's his funeral tomorrow. And yes, I'll be going to that one as well.”

David frowned. “Nate…” He paused, changing the subject. “They don't think the loss of hydraulic pressure was an accident. What if it were a deliberate attack on Hanna's life?”

Nate rolled his eyes. “There were one hundred and twenty-six people on that plane. Blowing it up just to kill Hanna is a stretch, even for you.” He lowered his voice. “I have a witness that places your car outside the pub at the time of the murder. So, I suggest you come down to the station tomorrow with your brief.”

Shock cut through him like a knife through cheese. “My sister just died.”

“I could simply arrest you right here, right now, in front of everyone if you want,” Nate hissed. He undid his jacket, giving David a glimpse of the cuffs on his belt.

David scowled. He was tempted to say ‘don't you dare,' but knew Nate would do it. “Not at my sister's funeral.”

“Or you can voluntarily attend tomorrow morning.”

He sucked in a deep breath. “Eleven o'clock all right with you? Assuming I can get ahold of my brief.”

“He's right over there. Ask him now. See you tomorrow.”

David turned away and crossed the room to where Eden sat. He dropped into the seat beside her, making hand signals to Adam who stood on the other side of the church hall.

“Are you all right?” Eden asked.

“No,” he said. He rubbed the back of his neck, hoping the stiffness was down to a rough night and nothing worse.

“Do you want to talk?”

“Not really.” He turned his attention to the sleeping baby. “What time's he due a feed?”

“I fed him an hour ago, so he's good for a while yet.”

David jerked his head in response. Being around Eden was too hard. He needed a break from her. “Take the afternoon off. In fact, take rest of the day off. Spend the time with your parents or something.” He glanced at her, seeing the hurt in her eyes, but not letting up. “Actually, why don't you and Marc stay at your parents' tonight? I need some time alone. I have to leave at ten tomorrow, so just make sure you're back before then. I'll get a key made for you.”

“I already have a key. Hanna gave me one when I moved in, but thanks for the offer.”

Of course she had a key. How could he forget? “You can leave now.”

Eden's eyes glistened as she stood. “If that's what you want, then I'll go. Only Mum and Dad have already left. Mum's taking this badly. But don't you worry about me, I'll get a taxi.”

Elliott shook his head. “No, you won't. I'll take you. Go wait by the car, and I'll be there directly.”

“Thanks.” Eden managed half a smile, her eyes brimming with tears.

David watched her walk stiffly across the room, closely followed by Grace. He looked down, despising himself for what he'd become.
Forgive me, Lord, but I have no choice. This is destroying me inside, little by little, especially when I see myself hurting her. But if Hanna's plane was deliberately brought down somehow, then Eden and Marc just aren't safe around me right now. I can't be responsible for their deaths' too. I'll arrange for someone to watch the Jameson's house for now.

“That's a little harsh,” Elliott said sharply from beside him. “She's grieving, too. I thought I knew you, David. I guess I was wrong.” Elliott pushed to his feet and left.

David sighed. “No, you don't,” he whispered. “No one does, not anymore.” He leaned forward, propped his elbows on his knees, and buried his face in his hands. He deserved that and every horrid thought Elliott had about him right now.

“Is this all worth it?”

David glanced up at the tall blond man standing there. “Adam.”

Adam eased into the chair beside him. “Well, is it?”

David shrugged. “I don't know anymore. I know it's Saturday tomorrow, but I'm going to need you in the morning. Sgt. Holmes wants me down the station at eleven or he's going to arrest me. He threatened to do it here in front of everyone otherwise.”

“In connection with what?”

“Murder this time. And before you ask, no, I didn't do it. But apparently he has a witness who can put my car there at the time.”

Adam rolled his eyes. “You're in too deep, David.”

“I have no choice. Not anymore. I have to see this through.”

“At what cost?”

“I've already lost everything I ever cared about. Family, friends…Marc, Eden.”

“Not quite everyone,” Adam told him. “But you're doing a pretty good job, there. Just be careful you don't end up losing your faith or your life.”


Eden dished up dinner, just as the football results finished. David had been gone all day, and was late back again. She took her plate into the lounge. Marc lay on the floor, playing happily and doing his best to roll over again. The vase of fresh daffodils sat on the table. David had put them on the window sill as usual, but she'd moved them to where she could see them.

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