Cutting Loose (14 page)

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Authors: Jayson Dash

BOOK: Cutting Loose
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The taller one with a bad weave-in and
ridiculously long nails said aloud, “Can you say sell-out?”

Her friend rolled her eyes at Sabrina
and said, “I know, right? That’s so wrong.”

“You got something to say to me?” asked
Sabrina hotly.

“Yeah, I do,” said the tall girl. “You
are dead wrong for being with that white guy. He must have some good credit or something.”

“Sabrina—” Brett started to say but Sabrina
cut him off.

“No, I got this, Brett.” She faced both
of the girls and said, “First of all, you and your little friend here are dead
wrong for wearing all that damn weave. And secondly, you don’t know me and have
no right to judge me.” She glanced at the girl’s attire and added, “Shit, you
need to stop worrying about other people and worry about yourself and maybe you
won’t look so much like Rupaul’s twin.”

After a few people in the line snickered
at the comment, the two girls left the store in embarrassment without another

Every now and then it seemed like
everybody was looking in their direction or wanting to say something but never
did. Sabrina tried her hardest to be strong, and eventually Sabrina found
herself crying her eyes out when she let her guard down and let some of the
remarks she had been hearing get the best of her. Thank goodness Brett was
there to remind her that she was not alone.

Sabrina had been dreading all along
asking Brett how he felt about everything but deep down inside a part of her
didn’t want to add fuel to the fire that was trying to ruin what they had
between them.

She also wanted to ask him to go with
her to Carl’s wedding but felt it was a dumb move on her part to invite him to
her ex-boyfriend’s wedding. Not only was it disrespecting, but also it was just

She tossed and turned, thinking about
the idea so hard she couldn’t focus on anything else. It wasn’t the fact that
attending Carl’s wedding was important to her; it was the fact of the aftermath
that would occur at the wedding. And seeing Carl marry so quickly after their
breakup didn’t sit too well with Sabrina either, nor did it make her feel like
she was doing any better without him, even though she was, which in Sabrina’s
mind hardly made any sense and confused her.

She needed to make a decision and she
needed to do it quick. She needed an outlet and found it in the form of
running. She strapped up her Nike running shoes and went to the park with Brett
and they ran at least three miles. Still feeling pressured, she ran a couple
more miles without Brett.

Once she was finished with her last lap,
Brett called her over with a concerned look on his face.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, of course,” said Sabrina coolly.
“Why’d you ask?”

Brett looked up at the gray clouds that
were beginning to form in the sky above them and looked back at Sabrina. He
said, “You look worried. Like you have something on your mind that you’re not
telling me.”

Sabrina paused and contemplated what she
was going to say and how she was going to say it. She couldn’t believe how
obvious she was and how easy it was for Brett to read her like an open book.

She looked at Brett and said, “Uh,
actually, there is something I’ve been meaning to ask you. But before I tell
you what it is, promise me you won’t freak about it.”

Brett moved closer to her and replied,
“I promise I won’t.”

Sabrina ignored the cold raindrops that
were starting to fall form the sky and imagined how she thought Brett’s
reaction would play out in her mind.

She said, “I know this is going to sound
weird and if you don’t want to go its fine. But, um, remember the ex-boyfriend
I told you about?”

“Yeah,” said Brett, ignoring the fact
that the rain was beginning to fall harder. “What about him?”

“He’s getting married in a couple of
weeks and I told him I was going to go and seeing as you’re my boyfriend, I’ve
been trying to figure out a way to ask you if you want to be my plus one.”

For a moment or so, Sabrina thought
about all the negative things Brett could have said and assumed the worse.

He waited a beat and said, “‘Plus one,’

“Yeah,” said Sabrina. “As in my date, my
new beau—”

“You want to make him jealous, don’t

“Um, no. Not really. Can we talk about
this on the way home? ‘The rain is really starting come down hard and I can’t
afford to get sick.”

“Sure we can. Just answer the question
and I’ll tell you my answer that’ll be the end of it.”

Sabrina gave in and said, “Okay, yeah I want
to make him jealous just a tiny bit, but that’s not why I want you to go.”

He smiled and said, “You just want to
show me off.”

Sabrina chuckled and said, “Hell yeah I
do! You’re so damn sexy you don’t even know it.”

Brett moved her wet hair from her face
and said, “You know what’s even sexier?”

“What’s that…?”

“This,” Brett said as he pulled Sabrina
into him and began kissing her in the rain as the rain continued to fall on
them, soaking their clothes.

Sabrina didn’t give a damn about her
hair getting wet. She didn’t even give a damn about the fact that it was
pouring and she and Brett were the only two idiots kissing in the rain like a
scene straight out of some romance movie. She was so into Brett and the way he
kissed her so passionately, that nothing else mattered.

Minutes later they were back at
Sabrina’s place tearing each other’s clothes off and throwing them to the

“I want you,” Sabrina whispered softly
into Brett’s ear as they stood by the staircase leading to Sabrina’s bedroom.

“I want you too,” Brett whispered back.
“But what about your two-month rule?”

“Fuck it,” Sabrina said and pulled him
upstairs to her bedroom. Once there, she pushed Brett onto her bed and began to
undo her bra and let them fall free from the cups.

Even in the nearly dark room she could
see Brett’s green eyes staring back at her, his body still wet from his wet
clothes, glistened.

He stood up from the bed and wrapped his
arms around Sabrina, tunneled his fingers through her wet hair. He kissed the
nape of her neck, and made a trail down to her breasts. He cupped her breast
and began licking them, making her nipples hard.

Sabrina felt a sudden rush go through
her body and immediately felt wet between her legs.

Brett dropped down to his knees, slid
off Sabrina’s panties and threw them into a corner of the room. He stood up,
did the same with his boxers and said, “Feel me,” as he took her hand and
placed it on his thick flesh as it pulsated and began to grow.

She maneuvered around him where her back
was towards the bed and locked her arms behind his neck and pulled until they
both fell back onto the bed.

The feeling of his hard muscles under
his smooth skin on top of hers made her tingle inside.

 He lowered his head and began kissing
her. She eagerly accepted his tongue as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She
cried out in surprise as Brett slid into her slowly, then he thrust his hips to
go deeper. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she let out a soft
scream. He plunged into her at a slow, but rhythmic speed that sent her into a
hard climax so fast she had to grab onto the sheets to keep from screaming her
head off.

She felt as if every muscle in her body
was tensing and trembling all over. She knew it had been a long time since she
had some, but never had she felt so far gone before.

“Oh, Brett…you’re driving me crazy.”

“I know, baby. It feels so good…you’re
so wet…and tight,” Brett moaned as he sped up, giving it to her as good as she
gave it to him.

She held onto Brett’s warm body as he
sent her into climax after climax. The sensation she was getting was like no
other and she felt as if she was beyond ecstasy and was experiencing a true
outer body experience. His warm, lean body pressed against hers, their bodies
soaked in sweat; she almost forgot how good sex between two people could be.

She felt Brett’s body tense up as he
groaned as he slowed down and panted as he kissed Sabrina and rolled over onto
his back. Spent, they took a moment to rest before Brett was ready to go again.
Sabrina rode him until her body shook from ecstasy; Brett took her from behind,
slapping her ass and gripping her hips; the sheer pleasure was out of this
world. Finally, she was on her back, her legs on his shoulders, his firm,
muscled body pressed against hers. He groaned as they reached their climax simultaneously.
She held onto him when he tried to roll over. She liked him where he was,
sweaty and smelling amazing.

“Sabrina,” Brett breathed against her
naked chest.


“Thanks for making met wait. It was
totally worth it.”

Sabrina splayed her fingers over his
damp bicep. “Totally.”

Listening to Brett’s breathing lull her
to sleep, she glanced outside to the patio where it looked like the storm had
passed and all was calm again.



Chapter Thirteen:

Out With the Old


Brett Deltour was the bomb hands down
when it came down to pleasing a woman between the sheets; no matter how many
times Sabrina replayed their night of passion over and over inside her head.
The morning after was something like a dream when she woke up to the smell of
something tasty in the distance. She went to the kitchen to see that Brett had
whipped up a big breakfast for her and even made coffee, which Sabrina hardly
ever drank, but it was the thought that counted, and amazed her at the same

“You did all this for me?” Sabrina asked
as she sat down at the breakfast area and eyed the plate overflowing with
breakfast food in front of her.

Brett smiled and said, “I sure did.” He
leaned down to kiss her on the cheek and said, “I would love to sit and eat
with you but I have to head in to work early.”

Sabrina put on a sad face. “Can you
spare ten minutes?”

He considered her words for a moment and
said, “For you, I can spare twenty.” He laughed softly and added, “I’m the boss
and I call all the shots.”

Sabrina giggled. “Get your sexy ass over
here, boss man.”

After they devoured their breakfast and
dressed, they headed their separate ways, promising to call each other once
they were at their destinations. Sabrina headed off to work with a big smile on
her face and no one could take it away from her. Not even Camille and her
bitchy attitude could intervene with how amazing she was feeling.

“What’s got you in such a good mood?”
Camille asked after Sabrina stepped off of the elevator and walked towards her

“Oh, nothing,” Sabrina said coolly,
ignoring the weird look on Camille’s face as Sabrina continued to beam. “I’m
just in a really good mood today.”

“Yeah, I can see that.” She looked
Sabrina over and said, “You must be on a new diet…or maybe you’re on crack?”

Sabrina ignored the last comment. She
was not in the mood for Camille’s bullshit. “Well, like I said, I’m in a really
good mood.”

She turned onto her office, sat behind
her desk and threw her feet up on the desk as if she was royalty.

Camille just continued to stare at her
for a few minutes before walking and going to her own office.

Raquel strolled into her office, looking
cheerful as always with a gigantic folder in her hand that she placed on
Sabrina’s desk.

“Good morning, Miss Evans!” She eyed her
appearance and said, “My, my. You’re looking chipper this morning.”

 “Thanks for noticing, I guess.”

Raquel beamed. “So, you finally got laid?”

Sabrina bust out laughing. “Oh, my gosh,
Raquel! Is it that obvious?”

“Yes, it is. I haven’t since you this
happy since you started dating that guy.” She edged closer to Sabrina’s desk
and quizzed, “So, how was it?”

Sabrina giggled and waved her off. “Sorry,
but I don’t kiss and tell—you know its high school all over again around here.”

“Right. Well at least tell me some
details. You know I would never spread any kind of rumors about you—no matter
how much copying, filing and faxing I do for you on a daily basis.”

Sabrina chuckled and said, “Okay, okay.
It was with Brett Deltour, the guy I’ve been telling you about, and Raquel, it
was amazing! It was the kind of love making that makes your toes curl all the way
until the very last minute. Like, earth-shattering sex you only read about in
erotic books”

Raquel blushed and said, “Uh-oh, looks
like Boss Lady is moving on—finally!”

Sabrina exploded with laughter. “Raquel,
keep your voice down.” Sabrina laughed and added, “And I’ve been moved on, I
was taking my sweet time.”

Raquel couldn’t stop laughing. She said,
“Well, I’m not mad at that. But truthfully Sabrina, I’m so happy for you. You
deserve to have a happily ever after. Speaking of which, isn’t Carl’s wedding
coming up soon?”

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