Curves for Three (Quick & Sexy Wolves Book 1) (2 page)

Read Curves for Three (Quick & Sexy Wolves Book 1) Online

Authors: Zoey Thames

Tags: #billionaire, #menage, #werewolves, #erotic romance, #BBW

BOOK: Curves for Three (Quick & Sexy Wolves Book 1)
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“Thank you, Vicki,” Mr. Kenner said, and the intercom went off. She liked the man. It wasn’t simply sexual attraction, though she was burning hot enough to spontaneously combust. He was one of the richest and most powerful men in the country and he bothered to thank her and remember her name. He was clearly a gentleman, and what girl didn’t find that swoon-worthy?

She had a feeling this was going to be a very special night.


* * *



Davidson Kenner loosened the knot in his silk tie and glanced out the window at the always-impressive New York skyline. He was feeling a hundred times better than he had cooped up on his private plane. No matter how luxurious the jet, his wolf never liked to fly. Now that he was on the ground again, his blood was up and he was ready for some action. Fucking, fighting, partying, dancing. He didn’t care. He wanted to feel alive again after a week spent in Chicago in meeting after meeting with the corporate heads of the companies he owned.

He glanced at Mick, who was sitting next to him and glaring out the window as if he believed there was a chance of attack on their limo. Maybe a spontaneous riot or something. As if a werewolf couldn’t take care of himself. Oh well. Mick was an old friend long before being a lover. If his friend felt that keeping Davidson safe from non-existent threats was worthwhile, and that kept him happy, then he wasn’t going to deny Mick the pleasure.

“So…” Davidson said, straightening his tie. “What do you think?”

Mick frowned at him, an expression that always made him look as though he were ready to kill someone. “Of what? The DeVaggio account? The weather? The price of a barrel of oil? Your inability to keep a low profile in New York? What?”

Davidson grinned. “You know what you need? You need a good run, a good fight, and a good fuck.”

Mick snorted, but his mouth turned up into a smile. “Who’s going to do that? I always kick your ass.”

“You’re delusional, and
the one who makes you come until you’re down for the count,” Davidson shot back. He glanced at the pretty limo driver. He’d put the privacy shield up, and now he could see her but she couldn’t see them. “What I meant was, what do you think of our lady driver?”

Mick slid a hand over his shaved head and gave her a speculative look. “She’s hot. You always like women in uniform.”

“I’ll be damned…I never knew you’d noticed.”

“How can I not? Your dick stands up at attentions any time we’re around women cops, waitresses, flight attendants, meter maids—”

“Okay, okay. You made your point, you bastard. I don’t know why I keep you around and pay you all that money. I’m the boss around here.”

“That’s right, boss. And you pay me well because I’m great at my job and I tell you like it is. Besides, every alpha needs a good right-hand wolf.”

“Let me know where I can find one and I’ll hire him on the spot,” Davidson said with a grin. He always enjoyed the banter with Mick. The rest of the wolves in his pack were still in awe of their billionaire ultra-successful alpha. Even though he’d enjoyed the deference in his younger days, now it was getting a bit old. He was more interested in enjoying himself than in lording his status over other people. Take the limo driver, for instance. She was a human with plentiful curves, that classic beauty they called Rubenesque, with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. He’d sensed both her arousal and how he’d intimidated her, but damned if she didn’t keep a professional demeanor the entire time. He respected that.

He poured himself something from the limo’s minibar. Twenty-five year old Chivas Regal on the rocks. He glanced at Mick. “Want something?”

“Not when I’m on duty, boss.”

“You’re not on duty, though. A werewolf alpha doesn’t need a bodyguard, even in New York. So why don’t you cut loose a little?”

“Maybe later,” Mick answered and glanced out the window at the New York lights, nearly as bright as day, signaling that he didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

Davidson took a sip of his drink, loving the warm burn as it slid down his throat. Ah, well. He’d drink alone. He idly wondered if the lovely woman driving him around would be more interested in having fun than his safety-obsessed bodyguard. If he involved her, would that finally get Mick to pull the coatrack out of his ass and have some fun for once?

It was worth the risk, anyway. He glanced at Mick, then looked at Vicki again, a bunch of decadent possibilities slowly forming in his mind. He deserved some fun. They all did. It was important not to forget that life was good and getting better. It needed to be enjoyed.

His humanitarian and peace projects were finally seeing some results on the world stage. He had his best friend with him. He was in the City That Never Sleeps, horny and rich, in a limo with a gorgeous, sexy limo driver who’d had his cock half hard at the first sight of her luscious curves in that crisp and sexy uniform. Also, gloves. She was wearing some kind of gray velvet glove as part of her limo uniform, and a woman’s delicate hand wrapped in a glove always turned him the fuck on. He closed his eyes and briefly imagined her gloved hand encircling his hard cock and slowly stroking him, the cool velvet so deliciously different than what he was used to. He’d probably shoot his cum everywhere within seconds of her touching him, he wouldn’t be able to hold back. Luckily, werewolves had huge sex drives.

“So what do you want to do tonight, Mick?” he finally asked, turning to regard his friend.

Mick raised an eyebrow at him. “Is work suddenly off the docket?” His eyes narrowed and he glanced at the limo driver with speculation. “Oh, I see. You like her.”

“I might’ve noticed that she does seem my type…”

“Uniform. Curves. Female. Totally your type.”

“Guilty as charged,” he said, then glared at Mick. “Wait, that sounded as if I don’t appreciate a cultured, intelligent woman. I love strong women. It’s sexy as hell.”

Mick grunted agreement. “You think she likes wolves?”

“Who doesn’t like wolves? Except maybe deer. But women love wolves. She works for a company that specializes in driving werewolves and demi-gods and paranormal VIPs around New York for God’s sake. She’s not going to spook. I say we invite her to have some of our fun.” He scowled at Mick. “Besides, you’ve been working too damn hard recently.”

“You’re thinking threesome, aren’t you, boss?”

His bodyguard and good friend knew him too well. “I’m always up for a little romancing and a threesome if she’s game.”

“What a coincidence,” Mick replied, his stony face slowly breaking into a naughty grin as his eyes flashed with lust. “I’m always up for a threesome too. She liked the look of you. You could scent how turned on she was.”

“Ah, Mick, let’s be discreet gentlemen. The effect was mutual anyway. Also, just because part of her is fired up, doesn’t mean she’ll feel comfortable playing all our dirty games.”

“Of course. We’ve always respected a woman’s wishes. But she’d be missing out.”

Davidson laughed. Mick was much softer inside than he portrayed with his role as bodyguard to a billionaire. He wasn’t classically handsome so much as striking and powerful. Davidson had always been attracted to him, admiring the man’s fierce focus. He had to bite his tongue from telling the other man how he felt.

“Think she can keep up with us?” Davidson asked instead.

“As long as the lady has a good time, I think we’ll all come out ahead.”

“I hear you.” He stretched and began taking off his Italian suit jacket. “Wait. Was that a double entendre? From my tough-as-nails bodyguard? We’ll all come out ahead…”

“You have the sense of humor of a thirteen year old, boss.”

“And the libido of a rabbit. Anyway, let’s get the wolves settled down first, then we’ll see about some other kinds of fun.”

“Shifting? You up for a tangle?” Mick slipped out of his suit jacket and started taking off the holster where he kept his gun.

Davidson chuckled. “You ready to get your ass owned?”

“There’s something really wrong with the head of thirteen international corporations talking that way.”

Davidson unbuttoned his silk shirt and tossed it aside, then moved for his belt buckle. “Truth is truth. Hurry up and get naked. I want some air on my skin.”

Mick frowned at the attractive limo driver who was guiding them through the tight New York traffic with the skill of someone used to the worst the city could throw at her. “Think she’ll freak out at a bunch of naked shifters charging out of the limo?”

“Doubt it. This limo service comes highly recommended. They deal with VIP paranormals all the time, and that can’t be easy.”

“You’re telling me,” Mick shot back. “I have all kinds of problems dealing with my alpha.”

“All right, smart ass. When we get to Central Park, you’re going to pay for that one.” He started shucking off his slacks and boxers, enjoying the hungry lust in Mick’s eyes as the bodyguard watched. “Besides, if she likes the merchandise, she’ll be tempted to buy.”

“You’re incorrigible, boss.”

“Exactly, my good man.”

“I can’t believe you just said that.”





Vicki turned onto Fredrick Douglas Boulevard and keyed the intercom. “Sir, we’ll be arriving at Central Park in less than five minutes.” It was always best to announce over the intercom how much time the client had left before arrival. That way, if the client was getting his or her jollies off in the back, they had the chance to either tell her to take a few turns around the block or a chance to finish up the business at hand.

“Thank you for the update,” came Davidson Kenner’s smooth baritone over the intercom speaker.

A few moments later, Vicki pulled into the special VIP-only lot near Great Hill and parked the limo. The trees were dark, but the orange light from the lampposts along the path brightened the area. All around them rose the tall buildings of Manhattan, lit up like Christmas trees.

She climbed out of the limo, straightened her uniform quickly, and made her way to the rear doors. She moved into the correct position to open the door and be out of the way of both the swinging door and the exiting client. “Central Park, sir,” she announced.

Davidson Kenner stepped out of the back of the limo completely naked and bold as day. He nodded to her and flashed her a smile she thought might just melt her like butter. “Thank you, Vicki. We’re going to have a short run and burn off some energy. Care to join us?”

Her eyes widened, even though she’d put a lot of practice into never appearing surprised or flustered. She also made sure she kept her gaze on his eye-level, not on his wide, perfectly sculpted chest, or those rock-hard washboard abs, or lower to that dark patch of pubic hair and his long cock. Okay, so she’d risked a look. She couldn’t help it. How often did this kind of thing happen? A jaw-droppingly sexy man naked right in front of her and
she wasn’t dreaming

“Thank you very much for the offer, Mr. Kenner,” she said quickly. “But I’m afraid I have to stay with the car. You can page me to pick you up anywhere in the park if you’d like, whenever you’re finished.”

Part of her wanted to run with them. Even if she kept her clothes on and ran as a human, wouldn’t it be exciting? They’d quickly outrun her, but it would be fun and unforgettable. Still, there was company decorum to maintain, and she was on the clock. She didn’t want to risk it. Better to play it safe.

“That’s too bad,” the scary bodyguard Mick said in a deep voice. “There’s nothing like a good run to get the blood up.”

Davidson Kenner smiled wider. “Well maybe we can convince her to have
kind of fun with us tonight. After all, the night’s still young.”

He strode nonchalantly away from the limo deeper into the night-shrouded park. She had the most transcendent view of his tight ass cheeks flexing as he walked. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning. The sight of him naked and so close had her soaking her panties already. If she didn’t get some relief from this horniness, she was going to end up hospitalized or something.

Then Mick walked past her, and she was given a new man to ogle, as different from Mr. Kenner as night was from day. The man’s body was completely shaven, not just his head, but his chest, legs, and groin too, giving him a sleek, powerful look. He was even bigger than Mr. Kenner, his hard-trained muscles bulging and rippling as he moved. Though a quick, curious glance told her his cock was about the same size as Mr. Kenner’s, both of them with dicks she bet could command respect in any locker room. Not that she was fantasizing about the two of them stripping down in a locker room, intimidating everyone there with their raw power and sexual charisma—

God, what was wrong with her tonight? It was as if she’d taken some kind of illegal substance and couldn’t get control of her body or her thoughts.

“Feel free to watch if you want,” Mick the bodyguard said to her over his shoulder. “Not everybody gets to see this up close and in person.”

“Th-Thank you, sir,” she quickly stammered out. Her heartbeat had jumped to maximum overdrive. She was definitely interested in watching. For all kinds of reasons, not the least of which being that she could shamelessly stare at two good-looking, completely naked men.

Mick moved beside Davidson and they stood there side by side, turning their faces up to the few visible stars. The magic, when it happened, exploded in a flash of brilliant white light. The light enveloped them, and she squinted against the blinding intensity. All the hairs on her arms stood up, and her nipples tightened, poking against the fabric of the blouse beneath her gray uniform jacket. When the light dimmed, both the billionaire and his bodyguard were gone. Where they stood were now two wolves. Mr. Kenner’s wolf was large and stormy gray. Mick’s wolf had black and tan fur and was a bit bigger than Davidson Kenner’s wolf.

She wondered why, if Mick’s wolf was bigger, why wasn’t he alpha? Maybe there was more to it than raw strength. A laugh of delight escaped her lips when the two wolves took off at a dead run, sprinting along the path toward the trees and the rocks in the Great Hill clearing. Kenner, the gray wolf, was faster and quickly outran the other wolf.

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