Curves 'em Right (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: Curves 'em Right (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 4)
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Her pelvic muscles contracted. Blake tapped her clit again, biting her nipple harder and she flew. Her back arched, her pussy clasped around Kane’s cock and she screamed. Blake pulled back, jerked himself over her breasts, and spurted his cum over her chest. Kane thrust deep, his dick pulsing inside her, filling her with his seed.

“You look so sexy, with his cum on your chest and mine seeping out of your pussy,” Kane said.

“Let’s take you to bed and continue this there.” Blake grinned.

She was still catching her breath. All she could do was nod and hope they helped her there. Her legs weren’t working yet. None of her muscles were.

Blake lifted her into his arms and grinned. “Come on, curvy goddess. It’s my turn to fuck you next.”







The next morning she woke up alone in her bed with no one in her home. She wasn't sure if she should be worried that they’d gone without saying a word or if she should be hurt. Neither man had made an effort to stay for the morning after. Wow. She couldn't believe that Blake and Kane would do that. It wasn’t like them. Not after all the things they had done the night before and then they left without a word. It was pretty disappointing.

She got out of bed with a heavy sigh. Her muscles ached. A reminder of the sex filled night they'd had.

Not that she was upset over the pain. She loved every single sore muscle.  A slow smile crept over her lips. The guys really knew what they were doing when it came to making a woman feel like the center of attention and special. Too bad it had only been one night. But now it was time to go back to reality and back to her day job.

A nice, long, warm shower helped her rethink her love life. Tom wanted something deeper with her but she’d pushed him away because she only saw him as a friend. Ideally, her record-breaking night of sex with Blake and Kane would have been a wonderful way to start a new relationship. She knew that neither man wanted to test the waters and possibly put their friendship with Marcos on the line. So she brushed it off as a one-night stand.

It was sad that she would probably lose her only chance with both men because of their unbending will to break any of the friendship rules with her brother.

After checking on her brother’s dogs, and maneuvering it so that the biggest one didn’t pin her to the floor and lick her for a good five minutes, she headed in to work.


When she arrived at the library her co-workers had gathered around her desk, watching her with interest.

“What's going on?” she asked.

“Nothing,” her boss replied, her voice holding a hint of anger. “Seems like you have an admirer.”

She walked into her office. There sat a gigantic mixed flower arrangement in a crystal vase so large it took up her entire desk. The flowers had been chosen in her favorite colors of pink and purple.

She dashed forward to grab the card on the bouquet hoping against hope. Realistically, she expected that they were from the only man that ever sent her flowers, which was her brother.

Her fingers shook as she tore open the envelope to glance at the tiny card inside.

This is only the beginning
. The note said.

It was signed from Kane and Blake

Her heart did a quick flip and butterflies took flight in her chest. A new wave of excitement flooded her system.

They hadn’t forgotten her. More than that, it sounded like they didn’t want things to end with just one night. From the note, she was sure that they were ready for more. Maybe they were not so worried about the friendship with Marcos getting in the way.

“Who’s it from?” her nosy boss asked, her voice pure acid.

She cleared her throat, shoved the card in her pocket and smiled. “My brother.”

Privacy was important to her. She cherished her personal life and didn’t need anyone poking around trying to figure out what she did during her free time or who she was dating. As it was, Tom had shown up a few times to offer to take her to lunch and they were already under the impression that he was her boyfriend. Denying it only made her look like she had something to hide, so she didn’t.

Her boss and co-workers had enough to say about her weight without her telling them that she might be seeing two men at the same time. All hell would break loose. It was difficult to work with judgmental people. Not that she cared about their opinions in the least. But she had to work with them and it could make her job, something she loved to do, very difficult.

Everyone moved away from her desk as if nothing had happened. She knew that things were going to be different even if it was only for a little while. Now it was only a matter of time to see how they could make things work in relationship of three. At least until her two wolves found their third.

Her phone rang and a glance at the screen showed her brother’s face.

“Hi, Marcos. How are you?”

“I'm great. How are the pups?” he asked, his voice coming in and out as if going through a massive static storm. Reception was bad so she knew that he was likely out of range and calling the moment he'd gotten a couple of bars.

“They're good.” She sighed. “I checked on them this morning and I went over there yesterday afternoon like I told you I would.” He loved to question everything. He’d been gone for all of a handful of days and she knew he was thinking she hadn’t been minding the dogs.

“You could have stayed over at my place if you’d wanted to.” His words sounded like an accusation. Yep. He really thought she didn’t know how to care for his pups. Something she did every single year.

“No, I'm okay.” She ground her teeth until her jaw ached. “I prefer to stay in my own place and your puppies like to run around a lot.” Puppies. Hah. More like evil dogs from hell. She’d been tackled to the ground yet again. Usually, she had better luck keeping them at bay. This time, they’d made it their mission to get her on the ground and keep her there like a chew toy.

“They have a doggie door, you know?” he said in that you-don’t-know-what-you’re-doing tone of voice that made her want to scream. “They come and go as they please. All you have to do is feed them and make sure that they're okay.” There was a short pause and then he added, “If it’s too much for you I can ask someone else to do it.”

“Marcos, shut up! I know what I have to do. You don't have to remind me. You act like I’m a little kid,” she snapped.

“What's your problem? I never said you were a little kid. I just wanted to make sure that you can handle the dogs.”

Right. The dogs. He’s so worried about the dogs but he was the reason Blake and Kane had never gotten more than ten feet near her. She narrowed her eyes and glared at her computer screen, her anger rising by the second. “You know you can be a real jerk. It's a wonder why I care so much about you.”

“Maybe because we only have each other,” he said, as if that explained everything in the world. “Have you seen Blake and Kane? I asked them to keep an eye on you while I was gone.”

Oh she’d seen them all right. She’d seen a whole lot more than what he probably expected her to. It was funny how for so many years she'd wanted so badly to be between both men and now that she had been, she wanted nothing more than to be there again. Every single minute of the day felt like a hardship, thinking of them being so far away, but having to work cataloguing books.

“Yes, they came by.”

There was a heartbeat of silence before Marcos spoke. The static got louder on the line. “They just came by?”

What the heck was she supposed to say?
They came by and did amazing things to my body that no man has ever done before
. “Yes, they came by and checked on me. Then they left. What do you want to hear? I didn’t invite them to stay the night if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Marcos swore. “I hope you were nice to them. They're only doing what I asked.”

She choked back a snort, took off her glasses and started cleaning them of dust. She highly doubted any of what they had done had been her brother's request. “I was very nice. You can ask them yourself.”

She didn't think for a second that they would admit to Marcos what had happened the night before between the three.  A night like that was best left to be relived in the most sacred places for fond memories of the past.

“They should be coming by again often to check on you.”

Hallelujah! That is exactly what she wanted to happen. Maybe not in the same way her brother did, but as long as Blake and Kane came back over again and again to show her how much they wanted her, in every way possible, she couldn’t care less how long it lasted.

“Look, don't worry. I'm pretty sure that everything will be fine. Besides, I've known them all my life too, you know.”

“All right, all right. If you have any problems or questions about anything, whether it's with the dogs or any issues at the house, just let them know and they'll take care of it for you until I get home. I’ve got to go, but hopefully in the next few days I'll be able to find reception again and I'll give you another call.”

And if life cared even a little bit about her, he would not find reception. She wanted to go get her freak on with two furry guys again without his knowledge.

“Have fun, Marcos,” she said, cheerfully. “Forget about me and the dogs.” Please, Lord let him forget her. “We'll still be here when you come home.”

She hung up the call feeling like she was in a better position now. Ready to engage in a sexual relationship with them. Was that wrong? Should she feel maybe a little bad about doing her brother’s friends? Nah. You only live once and all that crap.

The phone buzzed again with a new text message.

I'm hoping that you had a good time at the party last night. When you have a moment, please give me a call or come by and see me. There are some things I need to discuss with you. I'm not sure if you're aware but the men I set you up with need a person to complete their Alpha Triad. I need to give you information for your future.

How sweet. Gerri actually thought that Danielle had a chance at becoming Blake and Kane’s mate.

She sent a short reply back telling Gerri she was aware and knew exactly what needed to happen. In fact she was more than aware. It would be hard to let go of the men but she would do it because it was what was right for them.

Her boss and co-workers decided to go out for lunch to celebrate one of their birthdays. Daniella was too wrapped up in her previous night and decided to stay behind. Her body still hummed with electric charges from her time at the mercy of Kane and Blake. Besides, lunchtime at the library meant absolute quiet and she could think more about their next encounter. Okay, she could fantasize.

There were two single older gentlemen in the library. Her usual newspaper readers, sitting at the front, by the entrance. She fixed her glasses over the bridge of her nose and combed a hand through her hair. She’d just left it loose and could only have it that way while her bitchy boss was gone. Her phone buzzed again.

It was Blake. She almost hyperventilated when she saw his name pop up on her screen. She’d logged his and Kane’s numbers in from the message Marcos had emailed her in his desperate need to ensure she had backup for his pups. Crap. What if they’d changed their mind and decided they were skipping any time with her and going to find their mate? Screw it, she’d blackmail them if she had to. They were not going to give her fantasies and leave her wanting more. No way in hell. She opened the text message and grinned when she read it.

You’re the sexiest librarian ever. Are you wearing a skirt?

She pushed her glasses above her head and glanced around the massive library in hopes of seeing him. She giggled quietly, feeling completely naughty reading his text.

I sure am.

She was so bad. It took a moment before another message came through.

Lift your skirt up
. Her eyes stayed stuck on the screen and the second part popped up.
Nobody can see under your desk. I want you to touch yourself.

Was he there? She did another sweep of the room with her gaze but there was no one out of the ordinary that she could see.

Should she do it?

Well...It wasn't like there were any cameras. Plus, there was that whole you only live once deal she’d decided on. Of course, getting kicked out of the library for indecent exposure wasn’t her idea of fun. There were still people coming and going. Her heart pounded double-time in her chest. Her co-workers could catch her at any moment.

The thrill of doing something she wasn't supposed to had her giddy with excitement.

She lifted her short blue skirt up to her hips, bunching it there. Then she slowly stroked over her panties and bit back a moan. Oh, that felt good. So bad and good at the same time. Her nipples ached. She wanted so badly to reach up and squeeze her tits.

Her phone buzzed with a new message.

Push the panties to the side and feel yourself. Slide your fingers over your pussy lips and rub a little circle over your clit. Show me you like it.

Oh, mother of all things naughty she was in trouble. Her body heated instantly.  There wasn't much she could do but follow his instructions. Was it a bad idea? Absolutely, but this was a fantasy.  One of the many she wanted to make real.

She did what he asked her to. Stroking her pussy, feeling the wetness from her center drip to drench her panties. Her nipples rubbed against the normally soft cotton of her bra. Right at that moment it felt rough and painful. A new sensation to heighten her desire. Nerves and need turned her muscles tense.

Blake sent another text. She bit her lip, swallowing back the whimpers riding her throat.

I love the look on your face when you're touching yourself. Are you thinking of us? Wishing it was one of us touching you?

Lord, yes! She lifted a trembling hand from gripping her desk and replied a simple yes. Her other hand was busy between her legs.

Another buzz from Blake.

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