Curtains (2 page)

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Authors: Angelica Chase

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Suspense, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Curtains
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Was Jil
s outburst guilting me into wanting something more?

This had to be guilt, pure and simple.

I shook my head in dismissal, drained my tumbler then nodded a thank you to the waitress as she replaced my empty glass.

I texted Heidi to let her know that I was at the bar, but got a verbal reply.

I see you, bonehead
She laughed as she joined me. Fresh martini in hand, she scrutinized me as she took her first sip.

You look guilty. Whose heart did you break today
she asked as she set her glass on the table. I studied my sister, whose eyes matched mine. One could easily tell we were family. She smiled at me, but I did
t let her question go unanswered.

Another failed attempt at casual dating
I said dryly
m not sharing
Noticing the slight redness around her eyes, I realized the reason for her late arrival
Heidi, why do you insist on en
ertaining every man tha
gives you a minute of attention? I told you this one was a total waste of time. I believe my words were
If in the first few months you have to fight for his attention in any way, he is not interested
Not in the way you want him to be

I know, I jus
She sipped her martini again, averting her eyes before meeting mine as she found her words
t you ever get tired of being alone, Rhys
I opened my mouth to give my usual answer, the one I was forced to give at every family gathering for the last ten years, but the words would
t come. Twenty minutes ago, my answer would have been a definite no. Twenty minutes ago, I had no issue stating that I would never settle down. When I did
t give her an answer, she smirked
There is hope for you yet, brother

m rarely alone. I have girlfriends
I reminded her.

You have dogs that bark and beg disguised as women. Really, Rhys, who the hell are you to give relationship advice
She popped an olive into her mouth, her resentful stare showcasing her contempt for the harsh truth I just delivered. She did
t know about my lifestyle, but she had met a few of my subs and had realized quickly my relationship dynamics were different from others. Though I always treated my dates with nothing but the utmost care, it was easy to tell the relationship was purely sexual. Heidi was the only one I trusted to be social with that part of my life. I sipped my whiskey.

m not in any position to give you advice, but since you decided to run to me with your issues instead of a more qualified girlfriend,
ll give you this.
m honest. I tell them exactly what I want up front. Instead of planning your life around a kiss or a rare soft look they may gift you, why do
t you try listening to them first?
m pretty sure he was passive about dating. If he was more aggressive, we would
t be having this conversation

Rhys, jus
let it go. I came for dinner not a lecture from my brother who has
t had a steady girlfriend since grade school
She swallowed the contents of her glass, looking as if she would rather be anywhere but at a table with me.

m sorry yo
re upset
I said, knowing I was being a dick
Listen to me, you are worth it
I said, catching her eyes, hoping she would hear me
You are. A ma
s needs are simple and yours will always be complex. Wait for your aggressor

Her eyes were now full of tears as she looked at me, a picture of fresh pain with a ghost of a smile haunting her face
How can you not want to experience
Rhys? Does
t it look like fun
She laughed and I laughed with her as I ordered her a fresh drink for each hand.

After dinner, I watched my sister drive away, furious she had
t let me call a cab or drive her home myself.

I was sure she was on her way to try and convince the object of her affection to reconsider.

Restless from the da
s events, I made my way back to The Barracks, and gave pause when a pair of startling blue eyes greeted me at the bar. I sat next to her with a grin


Christmas sucks.

Violet, come hang your ornament
my mother called to me from the living room as I stood in the kitchen staring at my phone
Can you just do it, Mom
I asked, pouring my fourth cup of bourbon with a splash of eggnog.

No, m
am. Thirty-three years, i
s tradition
she said to me as I rolled my eyes
t you roll your eyes at me
I shook my head, my cup halfway to my mouth, knowing she had
t seen it. She was a damn freak of nature.

Call Rhys and have him come over and bring the baby
she said, walking into the kitchen and grabbing my eggnog out of my hand and capping the bourbon
s the matter with you

I said, eyeing my father who was tinkering with a train piece from the set that toured the bottom floor of the house every Christmas.

My mother eyed me as I avoided answering her
ll assume Rhys has plan
. Come hang your ornament and stay out of your fathe
s bourbon
she scolded.

Here, here
my father replied, looking up at me through his glasses as he inspected his project closely.

Hmph, men and their toys.

Fine, no booze, no boys. Le
s party
I said dryly as my mother whisked me away to the tree. The house, as usual, looked incredible. My mother had always made it so during the holidays. But this year, I wanted no part of it.

You want to tell me what stick has crawled up your butt? You usually love Christmas
she said, handing me my ornament. I stuck it on the nearest branch, my mother immediately catching it as it popped off.

I said under her heavy eye, hurt in her stare as she re-hung it carefully.

What happened, damn it
she asked in a harsh whisper, her hand on her hip.

happened, Mom.
I happened

He happened.

She happened.

They happened.

I felt sick. Collapsing on the couch, I threw a pillow on my head to cover my face, feeling the burn move through me from the bourbon. I hiccupped as she pulled the pillow away.

This is not how you act on a holiday, madam
she scorned, pushing me so I was forced to sit up then plopped down next to me.

m thirty-three. I should have my own family now, not be bothering you two on Christmas Eve

s the dumbest damn thing I have ever heard in my life
she huffed
Even if you had a family of your own they would all be here.
d make sure of it

Fine. True. Whatever. I sure hope
m enough
I said, throwing my own personal pity party. I knew for a fact my mother would
t put up with it for long. So much so, that when her back was turned, I carried my bourbnogup to my paren
s guestroo
my old bedroo
and drank it until I felt comfortably numb. I stared at my phone, but I could
t do it. I could
t call Rhys when he was probably surrounded by family. What would I even say? What else was there to say? Tears fell heavy as I tossed and turned, thinking of how it had all played out.

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